The Battletoads are back from the dead. With an all-new graphics scheme and cool new features the brawler lets you take the role of Zitz, Pimple, and Rash once again. The game offers over the top chaotic fights for up to three players. Next to that Battletoads honors, it's rooted by bringing in elements from other genres, like platformers and shmups. The humor is hilarious, but unfortunately, there are also a few weaker elements in the game that cramp its style.
Battletoads isn’t perfect, but it sure is a lot of fun. Despite some of its shortcomings, notably in its excessive use of mini-games and short overall length, the story is entertaining and combat is surprisingly deep. Some of the artistic design choices may not be for everyone, but those who are able to look past that will find developer Dlala Studios has done a solid job in reviving this dormant franchise.
Battletoads in general is just a fun, silly and all around interesting game, even if you don’t know what's going on or are up for a challenge. If you ask me, anyone and everyone should jump at the opportunity to give this classic reborn a go.
New Game Network:50
Battletoads is a strange collection of levels with different gameplay mechanics, and almost none of them are worth playing. Like an episode of a kids TV show, it looks nice and you might get something out of it - but it's quickly forgotten.
متا از 54 نقد 73
EDGE 4/10
قابل پیش بینی بود وقتی به ori امتیاز 7 دادن معلوم‌بود چه امتیازی به battletoads میدن.
Edge نقدای خوب و بد زیاد داره مخصوصا بازی ها rpg رو خوب نقد میکنه ولی بعضی وقتها این حس خودخفن پنداری که دارن رو اعصابه هنوز بابت امتیاز 8 که به bioshock 1 دادن من در تعجبم.
A fun and solid beat ‘em up with some awesome speeder bike levels tossed in. Unfortunately, the game tries too hard to be funny and the character voices can get quite irritating.
Gamers' Temple:50
The game clocks in at around 4-5 hours long total. It has a total of 4 acts with many stages in each act. The game can be played locally with up to 3 others players. I didn’t get a chance to try it with another player, but it definitely looks more fun with a partner. Sadly, there is no online co-op option. The game can rarely be fun, but overall I found it quite dull for the most part. The game is a mixture of dull and frustration. I really wanted to like this game, but at the end of the day, I just don’t.

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