امتیازات ANTHEM

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K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

Initial release date: February 22, 2019
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developers: BioWare, Motive Studios
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows


Gamer.nl 60
Seldom do we play games that are so fun to play, while also being super disappointing. There are so many problems, but underneath there is a very good game that can't even come through wearing a powerful exosuit.

3DJuegos 70
Anthem could be a great game and sometimes it can be an enjoyable ride, but as a loot shooter it's a flawed experience, dragged down with many problems and leaving you with a sense of hunger.

Everyeye.it 76
A rich narrative composition, multifaceted and enveloping, is the setting for a frenetic and amusing gameplay, which draws strength from a surprisingly effective movement system, able to offer a unique flavor both to combat and exploration.

Guardian 40
Even where it is strongest, Anthem rarely stretches beyond the derivative. The combat, while well-designed, is little more than Gears of War with jetpacks, and narratively it veers between inconsequential and downright irritating. This anthem is, sadly, a tedious and conservative dirge that we’ve all heard before

Metro GameCentral 60
There are flashes of brilliance, especially when it comes to the flying, but confused storytelling, boring loot, and unsatisfying missions don’t justify the game’s massive time investment.

PC Invasion 50
Anthem offers near unlimited potential, with certain features, taken separately, representing a marvel in design. Combined together and it proves to have a lot of style but very little substance.

IGN 65
Anthem has energetic combat but it saves too much of what precious little content it has for the endgame, making playing through its mismatched story a tediously repetitive grind.

What disappoints so much about Anthem is that there are sparks of potential in there. Flying around in your Javelin and queuing up combo attacks with other players can be a blast. But then you discover that you’ll have to back out to Fort Tarsis during Freeplay every so often in order to continue earning experience points. Or you’ll be killed and stuck staring at a red screen waiting until a player feels like reviving you. Or you’ll want to customise your Javelin and find there are no interesting cosmetic options that aren’t behind a paywall.

GameStar 67
Eternally repetitive missions, outrageously long loading times and a completely irrelevant story. That could not be everything. But after the credits, I was disappointed again: that was actually everything.

PC Gamer 55
Anthem's disjointed story, boring loot, repetitive missions, and shallow endgame are all disappointing. At least it's pretty.

Windows Central 60
Anthem offers amazing combat, astounding visuals, and excellent all-around production value, but suffers from baffling design choices and awful writing that hold it back from being something truly special.

Jeuxvideo.com 65
A good breeding ground for a good future game, but still has to mature to win the support of the players.

The Digital Fix 70
Anthem's technical shortcomings, dull combat and pretty but messy environments combine poorly with a narrative that uses pointless binary conversation choices, a thoroughly typical, snarky protagonist and worn out tropes to fuel it's characterization and plot. These elements come together to make Anthem a chore of a game that's highly unlikely to satisfy anyone but the most desperate groups of loot motivated gamers in it's current state.

GameSpot 60
Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

Destructoid 70
BioWare will need to build quickly on top of its shimmering jet-fueled foundation to hold people's interest, but folks looking for a new neighborhood to move into might want to give Anthem a try -- either now or after fixes and updates.

CGMagazine 70
Despite its myriad of issues, I still enjoyed the fun gameplay of Anthem and plan to revisit the game after it has developed a larger suite of content and events for me to experience.

Gamersky 70
Wearing armor and fighting like the Iron Man is really amazing, but this game at this time is also full of flaws. The story is dull. The gameplay is repetitive and boring. What's worse, there are too many bugs and network issues. Maybe it will be a great game when its DLCs come out.

JeuxActu 70
Anthem feels a bit award as a Bioware studio game because the narrative is clearly something that wasn't given priority, to the benefit of combat and exploration. The game still needs more content to live up to the promise made by a publisher as big as EA.
آخرین ویرایش:
GamePro Germany 65
Anthem annoys me in particular, because it leaves so much potential left. The Shared World Shooter has an incredibly cool unique selling proposition with the Javelins, but BioWare does not make much of it.

PlayStation Universe 70
Anthem may never get the chance to live up to its potential due to a series of unfortunate game design decisions and issues. The first IP from BioWare in over ten years displays moments of grandeur with fun and unique gameplay that unfortunately is undermined by the game's current condition.

Xbox Tavern 85
Anthem is one hell of a decent loot-shooter that boasts some ambitious mechanics. Its massively engaging combat and its flow of movement takes center stage, with its several activities, its deep lore, and its diverse and interesting world following closely behind. That said, Anthem isn’t without fault, and BioWare will need to carefully address the game’s issues alongside its community feedback to ensure they maintain player interest.

Attack of the Fanboy 70
Anthem impresses on the presentation front and the javelin suits are a blast to play with, but a lack of diversity in the game and uninspired loot-driven progression system make it feel like Anthem could be a much better game than it currently is with a few updates.

Game Informer 70
Whenever the guns are pumping, it's a legitimately blast to play. That’s where the experience shines, and everything else around it holds it back from being truly engrossing. This is one of those games that frustrates because you can see the greatness within it, but it's always just out of reach.

The Daily Dot 60
Anthem wants to be the kind of game you and your friends log in to every day. The foundation is laid in a way to track weekly objectives, discover new sights, and build toward significant unlocks. The problem is, despite the undeniably beautiful vistas it offers, almost nothing in Anthem is exciting. The flight mechanics and character mobility are a joy to control, but so is Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Xbox Achievements 65
Anthem is a game that despite poor optimisation, agonising load times, bizarre design decisions and unbalanced loot system can actually be a lot of fun to play. The open-world, story, characters and combat are all solid, the rest, not so much. Anthem has potential to be a good game, it just isn’t right now. It could be one day though.

Cultured Vultures 50
It’s encouraging to know that the majority of the issues with Anthem will be addressed in due time, but reviews aren’t about potential, and games themselves shouldn’t be either. It’s all about the “finished product”, and right now Anthem’s feels anemic by comparison.


آخرین ویرایش:

برای حرفا کیسی هادسون ارزش زیادی قائلم ولی انصافا بازی با اون چیزی که وعده داده بود خیلی فرق داره نه خبری از محیط seamless هستش نه خبری از اینکه هر کاری بخوایم تو دنیا بازی انجام بدیم نه کار های جانبی و و محیط زنده متاسفانه همش واسه بازار یابی بود و بس
آخرین ویرایش:
والا کل عمرمون رو با نت های خیلی ضعیف تر از این MMO بازی کردیم ، اونم از نوع PVP دارش که صدم ثانیه هم سرنوشت ساز هست ، هیچکدوم دیگه انقدر مشکل نداشت ، یعنی مساله ای که خیلی خیلی خیلی خیلی رو مخه اینه که تو شروع میشن تورو میندازه بیرون ، ۴ ساعت باید منتظر بمونی تو صفحه لودینگ تا آقا بهت بگه Lost connection , خب برادر از همون اول شوتمون کن تو صفحه لودینگ چرا آنقدر عذابمون میدی .
@LiFE iS 5TrAnG3
والا من از خدامه بازی همین الان یه اپدیت بده ، تنوع میشن هاش رو بالا ببره ، یه چندتا هم Enemy متفاوت بندازه تو بازی ، خدایی آنقدر عنکبوت و دومنیون کشتیم خسته شدیم ، باس هم که یه ورژن خیلی داونگرید شده تریلر E3 2017 رو داره ( همون که تو شروعش میبینم ) همونه با یدونه دیگه ، همش داریم اینارو تو میشن های مختلف میکشیم . واقعا بازی هیچی نداره ، کمر به نابودی خیلی اشتباهه هرکی بگه ، اره شاید چند نفر با دوستاشون باهمدیگه کواپ میرن بگو بخند میکنن فکر میکنن بازی خیلی خوبه ، این دلیل بر این نمیشه بگیم عالیه ، بازی خیلی ضعیفه و کم محتواس تو گیم پلی اش . با این وضعیت فروشش باید ببینیم واکنششون چیه ، بخصوص که بازی Update هاش رایگانه ، آیا EA شروع میکنه به بهتر کردن بازی و جذب مخاطب در طولانی مدت یا نه میگه یه چندتا اپدیت الکی بدید ، ببندیمش بره پی کارش ، شما هم یا بشین دراگون ایج کار کن یا هم تعطیل شین برین پی کارتون .
فقط هم من نیستم ، بازی تو شروعش کلی استریمر مشهور و کاربلد داشتن که بازی میکردن الان همشون رفتن واسه خودشون .
در حالت کلی ای کاش اینو الان عرضه نمیکردند ، بازی خیلی ناقصه از هر جهت بخصوص تو گیم پلی اش .
من خودم هم یکی دوتا فرند دارم که میشینن هنگام بازی منتقدارو فحش میدن ، فلان فلان شده چرا این نمره هارو دادید ، بازی شاهکارو و فلان ، خب اینم نظر ایشون هست و از همون یدونه پرواز کردن و کشتن چندتا عنکبوت با مشت کلوسوس داره لذت میبره . این دلیل نمیشه اون کسایی که عذاب میکشن نظرشون رو نگن .
در مورد تعطیل شدنشون که پرسیده بودن، تو توییتر جواب داده بودن یه ذره هم همچین اتفاقی امکان نداره بیافته ولی اینکه پشتیبانی بشه احتمالش خیلی بیشتره تا اینکه ولش کنن، اصلا کاری با اینکه احتمالا بازی عملا با در نظر داشتن نسل بعد ساخته شده ندارم چون همه اینا احتمالاته ولی شما در نظر بگیر که الان بازی ساخته شده و همه چی آماده است و اضافه کردن محتوای جدید کار سختی نیست پس از نظر اقتصادی هم به صرفه هست که بازی رو گسترش و بهبود بدن تا در دراز مدت به سوددهی خوبی برسه، بالاخره این همه سال وقت و هزینه گذاشته شده براش، مخصوصا که پایه بازی خوب دراومده
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در مورد تعطیل شدنشون که پرسیده بودن، تو توییتر جواب داده بودن یه ذره هم همچین اتفاقی امکان نداره بیافته ولی اینکه پشتیبانی بشه احتمالش خیلی بیشتره تا اینکه ولش کنن، اصلا کاری با اینکه احتمالا بازی عملا با در نظر داشتن نسل بعد ساخته شده ندارم چون همه اینا احتمالاته ولی شما در نظر بگیر که الان بازی ساخته شده و همه چی آماده است و اضافه کردن محتوای جدید کار سختی نیست پس از نظر اقتصادی هم به صرفه هست که بازی رو گسترش و بهبود بدن تا در دراز مدت به سوددهی خوبی برسه، بالاخره این همه سال وقت و هزینه گذاشته شده براش، مخصوصا که پایه بازی خوب دراومده
خود CEO ـش هم که بگه نمیشه با اطمینان حرف زد از EA هیچ چیزی بعید نیست فعلا وضعیت به تعطیلیشون میره تا تعطیل نکردنشون باید واستیم و ببینیم
این پایه رو می شه توضیح بدی دقیقا؟!!!
چون بازی دقیقا از پایه مشکل داره!!!
منظور من اینه که هسته گیم پلی درست طراحی شده، اکشن زیاد، پرواز و اینکه شما با یه جاولین میتونی چند نوع مختلف بازی کنی بسته به نوع آیتم هایی که برداری (مثلا تمرکزت رو بزاری رو اسلحه (چه نوع اسلحه ای هم بماند) یا gear یا اولتیمیت) بعلاوه که 4 تا جاولین رو میتونی با هم بازی کنی (با یه شخصیت تو بازی) بنابراین تنوع از این لحاظ خوبه
میمونه رفع باگ ها، اضافه کردن event و stronghold و ماموریت های جدید و این چیزا که با آپدیت میخوان انجام بدن
در مورد تعطیل شدنشون که پرسیده بودن، تو توییتر جواب داده بودن یه ذره هم همچین اتفاقی امکان نداره بیافته ولی اینکه پشتیبانی بشه احتمالش خیلی بیشتره تا اینکه ولش کنن، اصلا کاری با اینکه احتمالا بازی عملا با در نظر داشتن نسل بعد ساخته شده ندارم چون همه اینا احتمالاته ولی شما در نظر بگیر که الان بازی ساخته شده و همه چی آماده است و اضافه کردن محتوای جدید کار سختی نیست پس از نظر اقتصادی هم به صرفه هست که بازی رو گسترش و بهبود بدن تا در دراز مدت به سوددهی خوبی برسه، بالاخره این همه سال وقت و هزینه گذاشته شده براش، مخصوصا که پایه بازی خوب دراومده
بازی آنلاین اونم از ea که سیرن پس درست حسابی نداشته باشه طول عمر زیادی نداره . این بازی یه اکسپنشن درست حسابی مثل فورسیکن یا تیکن کینگ میخواد که کل بازیو عوض کنه. آپدیت های مجانی این وسط چیزای زیادی رو بهبود نمیدن
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Eurogamer Italy: 7/10
Anthem is certainly not a perfect production, considering the bad AI, the disappointing netcode and the way the online works. However, it has few (and not negligible) qualities, like a well-defined narrative universe, an excellent gameplay able to take advantage of the diversity of the javelins, undisputed protagonists, and a top-quality artistic component. Despite the few endgame activities present at the launch, Anthem still manages to adequately stimulate the development of the character, thanks to a good distribution of rewards.

InsideGamer.nl: 6.5/10
BioWare is good at making complete worlds, like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. We wonder why it chose to offer us only half a world with Anthem. It looks amazing, but it needs a lot of work if we want to enjoy it for the next couple of years.

Meristation: 6/10
Lots of potential and visually arresting, but lacking and flawed in execution. It needs more baking.

Gamer.no: 6/10
Flying, fighting and exploring while in one of the four javelins feels great in Anthem. The combat is varied and fun, the world is gorgeous and ripe for discovery, but too much hassle with various menus, loading screens and poor design keeps me away from the fun. The story and characters are good, the second half of the story it even better, but the characters and nuances that Bioware does so well is hidden in texts and journals, and not given enough screen time to really shine. Fort Tarsis slows down the pace too much, and repetitive quest-design doesn't help. Endgame-content is lacking, with parts of it broken, other parts not working, or just not enough variety as the game stands right now. But I still love the feel of playing Anthem, which makes it a good foundation to be built upon.
Gaming Age: 4.2/10
With all of that, I cannot recommend Anthem to anyone at launch. There is simply way too much bad to allow for the good to truly shine through. The endgame content is really good, but the boring grind and unbelievably shallow story on the way there do not justify a $60 purchase.

Softpedia: 7/10
I will review the game again after a year of new content and patches, with the hope that Bioware still exists. And I can only hope that they return to do what they know best, and that is adventures with great characters and engaging stories.
نقد بازی سنتر کی منتشر میشه؟
Washington Post 60
If ever there was a game in recent memory that seemed unconsciously engineered to ferret out if someone leans toward a glass half-empty or a glass half-full disposition, it’s this one. Anthem is nothing if not a mixed bag.

PlayStation LifeStyle 65
As much as I personally wanted Anthem to be a runaway success, it ends up delivering an inconsistent experience that constantly waivers between mediocre and excellent.

PSX-Sense.nl 45

EGM 75
Anthem is a beautiful car that is an absolute joy to drive, but so far, it only has enough gas to get you a couple miles. Also, the wheels will periodically fall off. Sold as a live-service game, fans of Anthem’s exhilarating gameplay have to hold out hope that things will improve, but there’s no denying the initial expedition was rough.

IGN Italia 76
Anthem is an imperfect and evolving game, but if you are looking for a rewarding experience in terms of gunplay, fighting and settings, you will hardly be disappointed.
Giant Bomb 40
Anthem needs more than just new content. A lot of work needs to be done on a wide variety of the game's fundamental elements before it can join the ranks of other redeemed loot games like Diablo III, Destiny, and The Division. Whether EA will give BioWare the latitude to overhaul the parts of the game that need it--and whether it's even technically feasible for them to do that in the first place--are questions with uncertain answers.
آخرین ویرایش:
Gaming Age: 4.2/10
With all of that, I cannot recommend Anthem to anyone at launch. There is simply way too much bad to allow for the good to truly shine through. The endgame content is really good, but the boring grind and unbelievably shallow story on the way there do not justify a $60 purchase.

Softpedia: 7/10
I will review the game again after a year of new content and patches, with the hope that Bioware still exists. And I can only hope that they return to do what they know best, and that is adventures with great characters and engaging stories.
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