امتیازات ANTHEM

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K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

Initial release date: February 22, 2019
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developers: BioWare, Motive Studios
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows


Gamer.nl 60
Seldom do we play games that are so fun to play, while also being super disappointing. There are so many problems, but underneath there is a very good game that can't even come through wearing a powerful exosuit.

3DJuegos 70
Anthem could be a great game and sometimes it can be an enjoyable ride, but as a loot shooter it's a flawed experience, dragged down with many problems and leaving you with a sense of hunger.

Everyeye.it 76
A rich narrative composition, multifaceted and enveloping, is the setting for a frenetic and amusing gameplay, which draws strength from a surprisingly effective movement system, able to offer a unique flavor both to combat and exploration.

Guardian 40
Even where it is strongest, Anthem rarely stretches beyond the derivative. The combat, while well-designed, is little more than Gears of War with jetpacks, and narratively it veers between inconsequential and downright irritating. This anthem is, sadly, a tedious and conservative dirge that we’ve all heard before

Metro GameCentral 60
There are flashes of brilliance, especially when it comes to the flying, but confused storytelling, boring loot, and unsatisfying missions don’t justify the game’s massive time investment.

PC Invasion 50
Anthem offers near unlimited potential, with certain features, taken separately, representing a marvel in design. Combined together and it proves to have a lot of style but very little substance.

IGN 65
Anthem has energetic combat but it saves too much of what precious little content it has for the endgame, making playing through its mismatched story a tediously repetitive grind.

What disappoints so much about Anthem is that there are sparks of potential in there. Flying around in your Javelin and queuing up combo attacks with other players can be a blast. But then you discover that you’ll have to back out to Fort Tarsis during Freeplay every so often in order to continue earning experience points. Or you’ll be killed and stuck staring at a red screen waiting until a player feels like reviving you. Or you’ll want to customise your Javelin and find there are no interesting cosmetic options that aren’t behind a paywall.

GameStar 67
Eternally repetitive missions, outrageously long loading times and a completely irrelevant story. That could not be everything. But after the credits, I was disappointed again: that was actually everything.

PC Gamer 55
Anthem's disjointed story, boring loot, repetitive missions, and shallow endgame are all disappointing. At least it's pretty.

Windows Central 60
Anthem offers amazing combat, astounding visuals, and excellent all-around production value, but suffers from baffling design choices and awful writing that hold it back from being something truly special.

Jeuxvideo.com 65
A good breeding ground for a good future game, but still has to mature to win the support of the players.

The Digital Fix 70
Anthem's technical shortcomings, dull combat and pretty but messy environments combine poorly with a narrative that uses pointless binary conversation choices, a thoroughly typical, snarky protagonist and worn out tropes to fuel it's characterization and plot. These elements come together to make Anthem a chore of a game that's highly unlikely to satisfy anyone but the most desperate groups of loot motivated gamers in it's current state.

GameSpot 60
Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

Destructoid 70
BioWare will need to build quickly on top of its shimmering jet-fueled foundation to hold people's interest, but folks looking for a new neighborhood to move into might want to give Anthem a try -- either now or after fixes and updates.

CGMagazine 70
Despite its myriad of issues, I still enjoyed the fun gameplay of Anthem and plan to revisit the game after it has developed a larger suite of content and events for me to experience.

Gamersky 70
Wearing armor and fighting like the Iron Man is really amazing, but this game at this time is also full of flaws. The story is dull. The gameplay is repetitive and boring. What's worse, there are too many bugs and network issues. Maybe it will be a great game when its DLCs come out.

JeuxActu 70
Anthem feels a bit award as a Bioware studio game because the narrative is clearly something that wasn't given priority, to the benefit of combat and exploration. The game still needs more content to live up to the promise made by a publisher as big as EA.
آخرین ویرایش:
Post Arcade (National Post) 60
BioWare has created a sufficient foundation of story and play mechanics. Now it just needs to figure out a way to properly meld and symbiotically grow both elements

VideoGamer 50
Anthem is gorgeous to look at and can be fun in places, but for now it feels decidedly half-baked.

TrueAchievements 60
It's not all bad. The combat and the flying are legitimately amazing in Anthem. They're so good that, despite everything else about the game being quite bad, I still thought about playing the game during my hours away from it. In a few years, Anthem might be a good experience. Today, it's hard to recommend.
Easy Allias 60
With all its design hiccups and elaborate but exhausting missions, Anthem is tiring to play, and that’s too bad. You can tell the game is capable of incredible things when you first try on a javelin and see the massive, beautiful world waiting to be explored. But it’s safe to say Anthem’s launch has not been very inspiring, despite the freedom of its excellent combat and a surprisingly broad story told by a devoted and expressive cast. We could see ourselves one day returning to this fascinating place, but we have no problem leaving our javelins in the forge for now.
آخرین ویرایش:
GameWatcher: 6.5/10
Anthem is a tremendously fun base for a game, but is significantly lacking as a game right now. We know for sure that BioWare is making that game and it's coming soon, but it sure as heck didn't launch with it. The Anthem gameplay is incredible as an Iron Man simulator, with some great abilities, and the sense of flight is wonderful. The world and story is potentially interesting too.

Slant Magazine: 5/10
The game's bland mélange of competence feels like the deliberate, calculated, focus-tested murder of ideas.

GameMAG: 5/10
For many of us, BioWare RPGs became very special. Now we have Anthem, a product created by the hollow shell of the once great studio in the miserable attempts to jump onto the leaving Destiny train. It is difficult to say what lies ahead for this game and the company that created it, but we have serious concerns.

Wccftech: 6.5/10
It is frustrating to rate Anthem. The game looks great, plays even better and has an intriguing setting to boot. However, the fragmented world design, overabundance of loading screens and severe lack of content considerably drag down the experience, at least for the time being. Still, this is a live service game after all and the folks at BioWare have the chance to right this ship by adding enough content in the upcoming months, though it won't be easy.
آخرین ویرایش:
GameSpace 70
Currently, if you play with the mindset of just wanting experience the game and take your time with it, it’ll likely be a fun experience. However, if you tend to have the mindset of needing to be max level NOW and have all the best gear NOW it will probably not be fun.

TheXboxHub 80
All in all though and Anthem is a great deal of fun. The in-depth story, believable characters and masses of content promise to keep you busy for a good long time.

Generación Xbox 77
Anthem is stunning like a firework, a technical achievement and a very fun game, but right now it is also unfinished.

DualShockers 55
BioWare's Anthem is as disappointing as it is boring, with the game's biggest fault being that it just gets in the way of its own self.
Worth Playing 67
As it stands now, the game involves a lot of repetition, and what little plot exists unfolds at a snail's pace, is poorly explained, and lacks the necessary context to make sense of it. It's capable of being a very fun shooter, especially when friends comprise the rest of your squad. It's just that the rest of the game feels far from the polished content for which Bioware is known.

RPG Fan 68
Anthem is a painfully average RPG from a developer that is capable of so much more.

Impulsegamer 60
Anthem offers a solid multiplayer PvE action-shooter experience and exo suit power fantasy dampened by fundamental design problems and loot system inconsistencies.

Cubed3 60
First and foremost, Anthem is not a bad game; it's just forgettable. The constant comparisons to Destiny are utterly fitting, and in more than one way. Anthem may get better; it has a roadmap and since it's another of the… "Games as a Service" style releases, it is planned to develop over an extended period. The problem is, though, that the game has to be looked at now; at how it plays right now… and, right now, it feels unfinished - unpolished; buggy; something that deserved another round of beta testing and another six months. Perhaps it will get better, but whether the audience is still there when it does is questionable. Cool flying mechanics can only keep the interest of the masses for so long.

The Escapist 40
Anthem always left me wanting. There is solid combat, cool wildlife, some awe inspiring visuals, and superb flight, but I was always aware that I desired more than what was here. Nothing in this game felt alive; not the story, the world, the characters, or even my interactions with other players.

Forbes 73
Anthem may thrive. Anthem may fail. It has the bones to be something great but I am tired of saying that about so many games in this genre and five years after Destiny 1, I can’t believe we’re here yet again. Get it right the first time, because everyone is losing patience.

یـ نفر اینو ساب رددیت بازی پست کرده تعدادی از قابلیت هایی که از نمایش E3 2018 نه 2017 تو بازی اصلی وجود ندارن بعد یکی از سازندگان بازی اومده در جوابش گفته :


transparency اون چیزی که نیای راست راست دروغات رو به عنوان Game Footage بکنی تو حلق مخاطبت و بگی اینا تو بازی اصلی هم وجود دارن همه میدونن بازی سازی موقع تولید خیلی پیچدست ولی اینکه بیای اول به عنوان محصول نهایی یـ چیزی رو نشون بدی و اصلا هم حرفی نزنی که ممکنه بعدا این چیزا تو بازی اصلی حذف بشن بعدا بیای کلی ازشون بزنی مثلا واسه دیزاین چویس و محدودیت اند خر فرض کردن مخاطبه بعدشم حالا اگه یکی دو مورد بود مشکلی نداشت اگه فیچر های بدرد بخوری نبودن مشکل نداشتن ولی وقتی کلی فیچر کاربردی رو حذف کردین ینی عملا زیرش زاییدین پس به جای این بهونه ها بهتره بیاین قبول کنین که تبلیغ غلط داشتین میکردین CDP سر ویچر 3 اومد خیلی راحت عذر خواهی کرد تموم شد رفت بازیش هم اینقدر تو همه ضمینه ها قوی بود که کسی صداش در نیاد ولی شما بازی ناقص بیرون دادین و تاره ادعای transparency هم میکنید به خدا نوبر ـه !
آخرین ویرایش:

یـ نفر اینو صفحه رددیت بازی پست کرده تعدادی از قابلیت هایی که از نمایش E3 2018 نه 2017 تو بازی اصلی وجود ندارن بعد یکی از سانزدگان بازی اومده در جوابش گفته :

View attachment 102507

transparency اون چیزی که نیای راست راست دروغات رو به عنوان Game Footage بکنی تو حلق مخاطبت و بگی اینا تو بازی اصلی هم وجود دارن همه میدونن بازی سازی موقع تولید خیلی پیچدست ولی اینکه بیای اول به عنوان محصول نهایی یـ چیزی رو نشون بدی و اصلا هم حرفی نزنی که ممکنه بعدا این چیزا تو بازی اصلی حذف بشن بعدا بیای کلی ازشون بزنی مثلا واسه دیزاین چویس و محدودیت اند خر فرض کردن مخاطبه و بس بعدشم حالا اگه یکی دو مورد بود مشکلی نداشت اگه فیچر های بدرد بخوری نبودن مشکل نداشتن ولی وقتی کلی فیچر کاربردی رو حذف کردین ینی عملا زیرش زاییدین پس به جای این بهونه ها بهتره بیاین قبول کنین که تبلیغ غلط داشتین میکردین CDP سر ویچر 3 اومد خیلی راحت عذر خواهی کرد تموم شد رفت بازیش هم اینقدر تو همه ضمینه ها قوی بود که کسی صداش در نیومد به صورت کلی ولی شما بازی ناقص بیرون دادین و تاره ادعای transparency هم میکنید به خدا نبره !

به نظر من خیلی دروغ نگفتن سر ساخت، یعنی دروغشون این هست که ورژن نسل بعدی رو معرفی کردن و اضافه نکردن تو ورژن این نسلی خبری از هیچ کدوم اینها نیست. anthem قاعدتا یکی از بازی هایی میشه که از لانچ کنسول های بعدی در دست رسه و یحتمل این چیزهارو اونجا واقعا ببینیم. وگرنه یه استدیو مرض نداره این همه بسازه و بعد حذف کنه! مسلما اینجوری هم نیست که اول بسازن بعد بگن شت، این که رو این کنسول ها اجرا نمیشه! پس بریزیمشون دور!! در کل اگه تو کنفرانس آینده سونی anthem رو به عنوان یکی از عناوین لانچ PS5 دیدیم نباید تعجب بکنیم.
به نظر من خیلی دروغ نگفتن سر ساخت، یعنی دروغشون این هست که ورژن نسل بعدی رو معرفی کردن و اضافه نکردن تو ورژن این نسلی خبری از هیچ کدوم اینها نیست. anthem قاعدتا یکی از بازی هایی میشه که از لانچ کنسول های بعدی در دست رسه و یحتمل این چیزهارو اونجا واقعا ببینیم. وگرنه یه استدیو مرض نداره این همه بسازه و بعد حذف کنه! مسلما اینجوری هم نیست که اول بسازن بعد بگن شت، این که رو این کنسول ها اجرا نمیشه! پس بریزیمشون دور!! در کل اگه تو کنفرانس آینده سونی anthem رو به عنوان یکی از عناوین لانچ PS5 دیدیم نباید تعجب بکنیم.
خوب منم گفتم اینا با علم اینکه میدونستن فراست بایت موتور گهی هست واسه Open World اونوجوری نمایش دادن بازی رو بعدم من بعید میدونم بتونن مشکل لودینگ رو حتی رو نسل بعدی حل کنن اگه به حذف لودینگ بود باید خیلی بازیا نسل قبل که ریمستر شدن واسه این نسل هم لودینگ نمیداشتن با این حساب بعد شما نگاه کن حالا این فیچر ها به جهنم کلا بازی از نظر وسعت داونگرید شده نمایش E3 سال 2017 فقط یـ دقیقه طول کشید تا از بالای اون سکو برسه به پایین سکو تو نسخه نهایی تو یـ چشم به هم زدن میرسی رو زمین ! بازی اصلا اون اکتیویتی های که تو نمایش ها نشون دادن رو نداره بازی قرار بود یـ Open World کامل باشه ولی پر لودینگه مطمعن باش اگه Anthem 2 در کار باشه به این قول هاشون عمل خواهند کرد وگرنه الان که دیگه هسته بازی رو پیاده کردن تا حالا سابقه نداشته استدیویی بخواد بیاد با تغییر نسل این همه قابلیت که حذف کرده رو بیاره دوباره تو بازیش اینا هم مطمئن باش با همه علمی که از موتور بازی داشتن دست به تبلیغ دروغ زدن استدیوی که هنوز ندونه بعد چند سال موتورش یـ سری ضعف های آشکار داره باید بهش شک کرد همین دایس رو فقط نگاه کنید محصولی که نمایش میده با چیزی که منتشر میکنه مو نمیزنه از نظر گرافیکی بعد اینا با همین موتور میان دست بالا رو میگیرن اول که ملت رو گول بزنن بعد بگن ای وای حالا که از پسش بر نمیایم بزنیم داونگرید کنیمش به همین راحتی یوبی سافت اول نسل دوبار این کار رو کرد چوبش رو خورد اینا سر اندرومدا بعد چند سال این کار رو کردن بعد تو سطح وسیع ترش توی این بازی هم دوباره تکرارش کردن به نظرت عمدی در کار نبوده ؟ به نظر من که صد در صد عمدی بوده طوری که یکی از گیم دیزاینر های بازی بعد نمایش E3 2017 گفته بوده همین محصول نهاییه بعد ملت همه زیرش کامنت گذاشتن یوبی سافت هم یـ زمانی از همین شکرا میخورد حالا این یکی اومده داونگرید بازی رو توجیه میکنه ؟ خوب مثل بچه آدم بیا عذر خواهی کن به جای بهونه اوردن
آخرین ویرایش:
دوستان کسی میدونه مراحل Refund چجوری هست ؟
اگه کسی میدونه چجوری هست و چقدر احتمالش هست که پولم رو برگردونن یه توضیح بده
حدودا یه ۱۰۰ بار بازی برام کرش کرده در همه نقاط بازی ، ۱۰۰ بار هم خودم کلوز اپ کردم , با این شرایط فک کنم علاوه بر Refund بهم پناهندگی هم بدن .
دوستان کسی میدونه مراحل Refund چجوری هست ؟
اگه کسی میدونه چجوری هست و چقدر احتمالش هست که پولم رو برگردونن یه توضیح بده
حدودا یه ۱۰۰ بار بازی برام کرش کرده در همه نقاط بازی ، ۱۰۰ بار هم خودم کلوز اپ کردم , با این شرایط فک کنم علاوه بر Refund بهم پناهندگی هم بدن .
به نظرم تو که از بازی خوشت میاد نگهش دار رو PS5 بازی کن اصل بازی رو PS5

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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