امتیازات بازی Halo 5: Guardians

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Righteous Armors Me
کاربر سایت

ThisGenGaming- 9.5*
+Fireteams are a great addition
+The story is magnificent
+Audio and vIsuals are outstanding
+343 shook the pillars and were rewarded
-A few encounters were a little repetitive
-I have to wait for the next game!
Nextgengamingblog- 9*
(If I was to score the campaign alone I would give it 9/10)
*فقط کمپین بررسی شده
GamingTrend : 100
Gaming Age : 100
Gamereactor : 100
We Got This Covered : 95
Arcade Sushi : 95
Multiplayer.it : 95
Game Over Online : 95
MondoXbox : 94
Vandal Online : 92
Hobby Consolas : 92
XET : 90
Meristation : 90
Attack of the Fanboy : 90
Gamer.no : 90
gamerevolution : 90
escapis : 90
Game Rant : 90
Gadgets 360 : 90
Polygon : 90
USgamer : 90
wegotthiscovered : 90
Everyeye.it : 88
Gaming Nexus : 88
Gamer.nl : 85
Level7.nu : 80
Gameblog.fr : 80
Hardcore Gamer : 80
CGMagazine :80
COGconnected : 80
Rocket Chainsaw : 80
Giant Bomb: 80
Daily Dot : 80
progressbar : 80
Press Start : 80
Lazygamer : 79
Destructoid : 70
Paste Magazine : 60
Eurogamer – no score
IGN – review in progress
TIME – 3.5/5
GameSpot – “where’s our review?”
Ars Technica – “Come for the multiplayer”
Hardcore Gamer – 4/5
US Gamer – 4/5
AR12 Gaming – 9/10
Pixel Vulture – 94/100
Pennyworth Reviews – 3.8/5
InsideGamer.nl - 85/100
Metro GameCentral - 90/10
3DJuegos - 95/100
TorontoSun 7.0/10
OXM UK 8.0/10
GameOver.gr 9.0/10
CheatCodeCentral 9.6/10
آخرین ویرایش:
Halo 5 Guardians hits all the right notes in a campaign that is thrilling from end to end and delivers a multiplayer suite full of many delights that play impeccably

God is a Geek
The best Halo campaign since Reach, Guardians is a return to form - but more Chief next time, please, and less microtransactions

The saving grace of this game is multiplayer

It’s not the best Halo game I’ve ever played, but it is good, delivering most of the Halo essentials without compromise

Pure Xbox
While the multiplayer components are the best since Halo 3, the campaign disappoints in a few key areas. It's still enjoyable and exciting on the whole, but it lacks the narrative concentration and the memorable gameplay scenarios to stand neck and neck with the best entries in the series. Halo 5: Guardians still gets a massive recommendation from us for many reasons, though there's certainly room for 343 Industries to improve and evolve the campaign formula next time around

For the most part, Bungie achieved this lofty balance with its Halo games, but after an impressive first shot at the sci-fi series with Halo 4, 343 Industries has fumbled with one of the most important parts of a Halo experience: the solo campaign
آخرین ویرایش:
امروز Halo 5 رو خودم بازی کردم (heroic) تنها چیزی که میتونم بگم اینه که به نظر من اونایی که زیر 9 دادن حق کشی کردن.
داستان بازی به نظر من جالب بود زیاد صحبت نمیکنم که اسپویل نشه ولی به نظر من میخواستن عمر Halo رو با این داستان طوری طولانی کنن که ....
گرافیک in game بازی چندتا ایراد داره مثل لود شدن سایه ها تو فاصله نزدیک و... ولی وقتی به این فکر میکنی که 60 فریم اجرا میشه اونم 60 فریم فیکس، واقعا تحسین برانگیزه اکثر سایتها رو هم دیدم خیلی از گرافیک بازی تعریف کرده بودن.
گرافیک کات سینها که :-$ بعضی جاها خارق العادس اگه بازی رو 30 فریم میساختن و میتونستن همین سطح گرافیک یا حتی نزدیکش رو به گیم پلی منتقل کنن خیلی خوب میشد.
گیم پلی به نظر من سنگ تموم گذاشتن برای این شماره به من که خیلی حال داد.
پیشنهاد من اینه که برای بازی کردن Halo 5 احتیاج نیست فن این بازی باشید اگر فن سبک fps هستین حتما این بازی رو از دست ندین که عمرتون به فنا رفته :d
Halo 5 has a short, albeit dramatic campaign, full of action and huge, visually striking environments that will leave you wanting for more, literally, because its ending is a little bit anticlimactic too. But, despite all of this, fans of the Halo Universe will have a great time playing through it, especially if they've got a team of friends at hand. And the multiplayer component might well be the best we've seen in all the series. Warzone will soon place itself among the most memorable and beloved game modes in the story of Halo

IGN Italia
Halo 5: Guardians is one of the most fun shooters of this generation. It has some problems in the single-player, but emerges and petrifies its competitors in multiplayer

Xbox Achievements
Halo 5: Guardians is an exciting Halo package, marred only by some questionable design decisions, like microtransactions and some shoddy friendly-AI in the campaign. It’s not a classic Halo, but 343 is moving in a good direction with the franchise

(Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey
It's a difficult verdict: For the first time, Halo has left its own roots and tried something different. The Campaign mode is below expectations but multiplayer modes and features are shining. Welcome back John-117
A superb campaign, particularly in its level design, coupled with the all-new Warzone mode and the return of arena multiplayer makes Halo 5 the best FPS game of this generation and possibly the best Halo title ever

متا فعلا برگشتـ رو 86 !

Halo games have always been epic , but the fifth core release and the first built for the Xbox One hits new heights of sweeping bombast
It looks incredible , featuring some amazingly detailed alien environments
and perhaps more importantly , counters past criticisms that it tends towards the formulaic
Another masterpiece by 343 Industries that retains and advances all those elements for which Halo became a beloved FPS series. While the perfunctory character of Locke could be described as a mishap the campaign nevertheless opens up exciting new prospects for the next installment of Halo. Moreover, the multiplayer remains as fresh as ever, especially due to the addition of the utterly enjoyable and hectic Warzone mode

Halo 5's campaign will not be the groundbreaking adventure that sends players flocking to the Xbox One, but Warzone's sprawling battles twinned with the precision of Arena just might tempt competitive shooter fans to take the plunge. Work to be done for both 343 and the Xbox One, then, but this is a formidable start

متا دوباره 85 :دی :| ....
There are some changes to the Halo franchise in terms of gameplay but overall 343 Industries have done a decent job to the series through its slight tweaks to gameplay. Sure, the campaign mode is a little dry but nonetheless I still enjoyed it and really wanted more Master Chief areas
متای بازی در حین آفتاب بالانس زدن بین 85 و 86، دوباره اومد رو 86 :دی هر امتیاز جدیدی که ثبت میشه متا هم 1 نمره کم و زیاد میشه :دی
این بازی یه رکورد امسال زد واونم سریعترین نقدها براش اومد زود به 75 رسیدن تعدادنقدها!!!
تام چیک رفته عوضش یکسری سایت مثل DIGITAL SPY اومدن کار خراب کنن!:|
Digital Chumps
Guardians is a very good game. Campaign is very strong while adding a few items here and there that make it an independent experience. Multiplayer stands tall along side the best in series history, and time will tell where it ultimately ranks among H2 and H3
متای بازی در حین آفتاب بالانس زدن بین 85 و 86، دوباره اومد رو 86 :دی هر امتیاز جدیدی که ثبت میشه متا هم 1 نمره کم و زیاد میشه :دی

تو همچین وضعیتی گزارش کردن متا کار اشتباهی هست، مشکل از سایتها نیست. خیلی اهمیتی نداره نمره بازی 85.40 باشه یا 85.60 در هر صورت همون دور و برا هست. میانگین نمرات بازی از 124 نقد در N4G روی 8.7/10 هست که خیلی هم با میانگین امتیاز هیلو 4 (8.8/10) تو همین سایت تفاوتی نداره. خوبی این امتیاز هم اینه که دیگه اسم سایت مهم نیست. میانگین گیری روی مجموع نظرات/نمرات/نقدها بدون در نظر گرفتن وزن و ... در نهایت میانگین کلی رو نتیجه میده.

Halo 5: Guardians Reviews | N4G
Halo 5: Guardians is Halo evolved. The campaign ends with a whimper but is great until that point, and Warzone ably expands the series' peerless multiplayer

The saving grace of this game is multiplayer

Digitally Downloaded
Halo 5: Guardians deserves credit for taking chances and trying some new things. It would be safest and easiest to simply modify what has worked in the past and gloss it up and send it out, but modes like Warzone in multiplayer and the shift to a party structure in the campaign are chances that mostly work out well

The Daily Dot
I’d worry I was being too harsh on Halo 5’s story if I didn’t know so well that the Halo universe is capable of supporting some great storytelling. It’s impossible for me not to reflect on games like Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach when I play the Halo 5 campaign. It feels like pastiche of earlier days that I hope Halo eventually returns to
Halo 5 has come through addressing a lot of the concerns that fans had leading up to its launch. The online multiplayer is stable, delivers classic Halo multiplayer, and freshens it up all at the same time. The single player campaign is enjoyable enough for those looking for a classic FPS experience, but not all too bothered about a strong story

The multiplayer is worth the ticket price

Worth Playing
Halo 5's single-player campaign is fun, but the game is at its best when you're coordinating with others and attacking objectives as a team
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