امتيازات Kingdom Hearts III

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  • كمتر از 76

    رای‌ها: 0 0.0%
  • 76تا80

    رای‌ها: 1 2.4%
  • 80تا84

    رای‌ها: 2 4.8%
  • 84تا88

    رای‌ها: 14 33.3%
  • 88تا92

    رای‌ها: 14 33.3%
  • 92تا96

    رای‌ها: 10 23.8%
  • 96تا100

    رای‌ها: 1 2.4%

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
  • نظرسنجی بسته شده است .


کاربر سایت
587F6595-993D-440D-A911-24E26BA8B06C.jpeg B67F3F57-5135-4D0E-BEA9-BEA3807E2550.jpeg Developer:Square Enix business division3

Publisher:Square Enix

Director:Tetsuya Nomura,Tai Yasue

Release:25 January in jp/29 January WW

Genre:Action RPG

GameReactor 100
PlayStation lifestyle 100
Easy allies 95
IGN 87
Implusgamer 98
XGN 98
Gamesbeat 90
Multiplayer.it 90
Doulshockers 90
Xbox achievement 90
Generation xbox 92
Game crate 85
Cheat code central 80
CoGconnected 90
Worth playing 90
Meristation 91
4players.de 88
Power unlimited 90
Screen rant 80
Hardcore gamer 90
Gameblog.fr 90
IGN spain 90
Shacknews 90
Trusted reviews 90
PlayStation universe 80
CGMagazine 80
Game revolution 90
Destructiod 80
Fandom 80
Eurogamer italy 80
Gameinformer 95
The Games machine 95
Games radar+ 80
Press start Australia 90
IGN italia 90
Gamepro germany 90
3D juegos 90
Game rant 80
Vandal 90
USgamer 90
Power unlimited 90
Hobby consolas 95
Digital trend 90
LevelUP 88
Spaziogame 80
Atomix 90
Gamespot 80
Washington Post 70
Metro Game central 60
آخرین ویرایش:
Gamers Heroes 80
Newcomers to the series will be baffled by the complexity and bizarre nature of Kingdom Hearts III’s story. Despite this, if you like good combat and want to visit Disney World, you can do far worse than this title.

Push Square 90
The fact that Kingdom Hearts III even managed to release could be considered a miracle in of itself, but what’s perhaps even more surprising is that the finished product defies all expectations. As an unforgettable experience, Kingdom Hearts III is exceptional, essential, and most of all, undeniably special.

Jeuxvideo.com 80
As a pretext for a trip to the worlds of Disney, it is mesmerizing from start to finish, thanks to an exemplary artistic direction that adapts constantly to the subject. It offers a surprising variety of gameplay and constantly draws the eye, thanks to its dynamic fights. However, the redundancy of the confrontations and its ultra condensed scenario which is lost in uninvited dialogues will sometimes tend to annoy or tire.

App Trigger 85
Kingdom Hearts III is a welcome return of the Disney action-RPG epic and the best game in the series to date, making you really want to see the next chapter in the series as soon as possible.

Gamer.nl 85
The last part of this special cross-over between Disney and Square-Enix seems to collapse under its own weight, but yet it stays on both feet. It is taking you to the end in the loveliest way. Worth the wait.

God is a Geek 75
The final game in the series goes out with more of a whimper than a bang, but there's still plenty of heart, and the combat never fails to entertain. There're some wonderful visuals and plenty of Disney surprises, and although the story is a mess when it strays into the series' lore, it's still fun.

Twinfinite 90
It’s an unerring tribute to everything Disney and what the Kingdom Hearts series has become, and despite its few flaws creates an interesting blueprint for where the series could go next with gameplay and story.

EGM 75
Can any game live up to a decade of hype? Kingdom Hearts III tries, and its meticulously-recreated Disney worlds, jam-packed combat system, and wealth of minigames offer a ton for players to explore. However, the game’s bizarre pacing, an abundance of cutscenes, and an unrewarding story may leave players more bewildered than satisfied by the end.
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VideoGamer 40
Kingdom Hearts III is overflowing with heart, and mostly unconcerned with the head; as such, it’s in dire want of wickedness.

GameSpace 80
There’s nothing quite like Kingdom Hearts. It’s like the most elaborate fan fiction of the Disney universe – a digital walkthrough of the movies with a loosely connective narrative tissue that just doesn’t matter much when all is said and done. If you embrace that it’s all nonsense to serve you up a delightful nostalgic romp through some of the greatest and most beloved family films, you’re not going to be disappointed.

GameCrate 85
Kingdom Hearts 3 was a good game and an enjoyable experience, but it’s not the best Kingdom Hearts game in the franchise. There is plenty of room for improvement, and hopefully we will see that room explored if KH3 ever gets a final mix release.

PlayStation Universe 80
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a lot to take in, from the intricate narrative to all the nods to Disney. As a whole, the game has some shortcomings, but its charms and heart have something immersive enough for everyone.

Easy Allies 95
Kingdom Hearts III brings the entire series to a climax and serves as a satisfying conclusion to the Dark Seeker saga. New additions to combat like attractions and Keyblade transformations are wonderful spectacles, and the worlds you venture to are some of the best ever in the franchise. Though some of its story may be lost on those who haven’t kept up, it rewards those who have stuck with it over the years. It may have a been a long time coming, but Kingdom Hearts III delivers on its promises, and it’s easily the best game in the series.

CGMagazine 80
Kingdom Hearts III is the biggest, boldest, flashiest entry in the saga—one that builds upon the gameplay systems of its forebears in a kaleidoscopic carnival of action RPG jubilance.

Xbox Tavern 75
The combat and traversal in Kingdom Hearts III is simply outstanding, with each massively in-depth system intertwining perfectly to produce a widely compelling basis that constantly excites. There’s a fantastic amount of variation as far as the game’s worlds, its enemies, and its activities are concerned, bolstering its already impressive value. Unfortunately, some sloppy development choices and a convoluted plot hold it back from greatness.

Jeuxvideo.com 80
As a pretext for a trip to the worlds of Disney, it is mesmerizing from start to finish, thanks to an exemplary artistic direction that adapts constantly to the subject. It offers a surprising variety of gameplay and constantly draws the eye, thanks to its dynamic fights. However, the redundancy of the confrontations and its ultra condensed scenario which is lost in uninvited dialogues will sometimes tend to annoy or tire.

Slant Magazine 50
The game pitches itself as the finale to a series so many have grown up with, but it hasn’t matured with its audience or video games as a medium.

SomosXbox 95
Kingdom Hearts III is the game fans were waiting for. Thanks to its addictive gameplay, a beautiful graphic design and a spectacular soundtrack, the game puts a finishing touch to the Xehanort saga with a plot not suitable for beginners.

MondoXbox 85
Kingdom Hearts III manages to answer many of the series pending questions, entertaining us with an immediate and maybe a bit too easy but very funny gameplay and wowing us with awesome graphics. Story and gameplay might have been better paced and we feel something more could have been made on the many series' pending plots, but this definitely is a game every lover of the series needs to play.

Washington Post 70
However eye-glazing Kingdom Hearts 3’s overarching narrative may be, it’s worth stressing how easy it is to get swept up in the broad strokes of its gameplay and the more isolated story beats in the game.

بابا این یارو طنز کار میکنه . اصلا نقد نمیکنه :)) چنل کمدیه . چقدر جدی میگیرین شما:))

Whatever... :دی
دانکی که ثبت نمیشه... ولی منی که تقریباً نزدیک یک و نیم ساله درگیر چنل شم خوب میدونم جدا از کمدی، جلوی ویدیویی که خورده Dunkview (:))) نقد جدی به طور حتمی هست.

2/10 رو هم از قصد گذاشتم که یه سری Trigger شن :دی

وگرنه معیار امتیازای دانکی این قدر شخصی اند که من همیشه خدا رو شکر می کنم نمراتش ثبت نمیشه و کلاً از بیرون ملّت همون چنل طنز می بیننش. ;))
وگرنه کانتنت نقدهاش و مواردی که میرسونه اکثراً On Point و دقیق اند.
اگه دقیق نبود حداقل بیشتر از "دانکی باهات مخالفم" تو کامنتاش می دیدم(هر چند اونم تا حدودی نمیشه دید :دی)

خلاصه که از خر شیطون بیایید پایین نقدشو ببینید... نقد Yong Yea هم بعدش ببینید. هیچ کدومشون ثبت نمیشه نقداشون...ولی یکیشون خیلی تمیز درمیاره چرا بازی نفرت برانگیزه و یکی هم در میاره چرا این قدر قشنگ میشه عاشق بازی شد.
و آره Yong Yea هم چنل خبری ـه و کلاً به ندرت توش بازی نقد میشه...میبینید تضاد رو :دی

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