امتيازات Kingdom Hearts III

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  • كمتر از 76

    رای‌ها: 0 0.0%
  • 76تا80

    رای‌ها: 1 2.4%
  • 80تا84

    رای‌ها: 2 4.8%
  • 84تا88

    رای‌ها: 14 33.3%
  • 88تا92

    رای‌ها: 14 33.3%
  • 92تا96

    رای‌ها: 10 23.8%
  • 96تا100

    رای‌ها: 1 2.4%

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
  • نظرسنجی بسته شده است .


کاربر سایت
587F6595-993D-440D-A911-24E26BA8B06C.jpeg B67F3F57-5135-4D0E-BEA9-BEA3807E2550.jpeg Developer:Square Enix business division3

Publisher:Square Enix

Director:Tetsuya Nomura,Tai Yasue

Release:25 January in jp/29 January WW

Genre:Action RPG

GameReactor 100
PlayStation lifestyle 100
Easy allies 95
IGN 87
Implusgamer 98
XGN 98
Gamesbeat 90
Multiplayer.it 90
Doulshockers 90
Xbox achievement 90
Generation xbox 92
Game crate 85
Cheat code central 80
CoGconnected 90
Worth playing 90
Meristation 91
4players.de 88
Power unlimited 90
Screen rant 80
Hardcore gamer 90
Gameblog.fr 90
IGN spain 90
Shacknews 90
Trusted reviews 90
PlayStation universe 80
CGMagazine 80
Game revolution 90
Destructiod 80
Fandom 80
Eurogamer italy 80
Gameinformer 95
The Games machine 95
Games radar+ 80
Press start Australia 90
IGN italia 90
Gamepro germany 90
3D juegos 90
Game rant 80
Vandal 90
USgamer 90
Power unlimited 90
Hobby consolas 95
Digital trend 90
LevelUP 88
Spaziogame 80
Atomix 90
Gamespot 80
Washington Post 70
Metro Game central 60
آخرین ویرایش:
Screen Rant: 80
Newcomers will find it incredibly bizarre, and sometimes certain worlds or gameplay methods are more successful than others, but overall it's what fans will have been hoping for. A sprawling, varied game that is all the better for its wild, confusing moments.

Destructoid: 80
Kingdom Hearts III might not be the best final entry possible, but I'll dearly miss Sor کجa and his friends

Trusted Reviews: 90
The closing act left me in tears as revelations I’ve been waiting over 13 years for finally came to fruition. I’ve grown up with these characters and the myriad worlds they inhabit, and knowing this could be their final adventure is a bittersweet pill to swallow. Whether you’re a hardcore fan or a hesitant newcomer, there is an undeniable charm to Kingdom Hearts 3 that’s easy to fall in love with. And remember, may your heart be your guiding key
آخرین ویرایش:
Hardcore Gamer

It’s the type of ending so few stories get these days, and it’s told with strong performances from talented actors and gorgeous graphics that capture all the spectacle.

Game Rant

The lore may make the game seem too intimidating to jump into, but Kingdom Hearts 3 offers an exciting and over-the-top adventure that any light-hearted gamer could enjoy. You may find yourself googling character names and plot details from 15 years ago, but all of that confusion fades away when you get lost in the moment summoning tea cups or a giant rollercoaster to help attack a big boss with your best friends.

Game Revolution

The game’s breakneck finale—when it eventually does get there—makes up for everything: It makes up for the series’ confusing plot; it makes up for the fact that it takes nearly a whole day’s worth of playtime to reach that moment; it makes up for the hokey stuff about believing in your friends and, golly gosh, light will save the day.

Digital Trends

Kingdom Hearts III plays similarly to its PS2 predecessors while bringing new elements to the gameplay that make it feel incredibly modern. Each of the seven Disney worlds bring a truly magical experience, and the combat underlines this thanks to the addition of some new, truly spectacular moves. The convoluted overarching story sometimes gets in the way of the wonder and charm, but ultimately, KH3 has enough heart to keep you coming back for more.


A true tribute to the fans of the saga, this episode traces the end of Sora's journey through the exploration of new worlds, more beautiful and vast than in the past, with a strong respect for the Disney worlds from which it is inspired. In short, Kingdom Hearts III is an imperfect work but overflowing with
Harcore gamer 90
After seventeen years, the Dark Seeker saga finally comes to its emotional conclusion. Kingdom Hearts III wraps up Sora and Xehanort’s story in a satisfying way that still leaves just enough plot threads open for a new saga to begin. It’s the type of ending so few stories get these days, and it’s told with strong performances from talented actors and gorgeous graphics that capture all the spectacle. It also helps that Kingdom Hearts III is a fantastic game to play with high-flying acrobatics and a series of Disney worlds that show off the game’s mechanics. It’s not the perfect conclusion thanks to some pacing issues, uneven world selection and the Gummi Ship, but they do little to detract from what Kingdom Hearts III does well. From combat to story to graphics, Kingdom Hearts III delivers the magic, gut-punches and grandeur the series is known for. After nearly a decade of waiting, Kingdom Hearts III is the conclusion we’ve wanted and was well worth the wait.
View attachment 100641
واقعا وقتش نيست روي سايتايي كه تو متا نمره ثبت ميكنن يه تجديد نظري بشه؟:|:|
این یکی دیگه نمره نمی‌ده ، پس اهمیتی نداره چی میگه ! یادمه سر د است گاردین خواننده هاش رسواش کردن ، تمام ایراداتش مهمل بود
View attachment 100641
واقعا وقتش نيست روي سايتايي كه تو متا نمره ثبت ميكنن يه تجديد نظري بشه؟:|:|

من بودم ویدیوش رو میدیدم حتماً بعد شروع میکردم چشم بسته فحش دادن...
به هر حال زلزله هم بیاد جای جیم استرلینگ مطمئنم از لیست منتقدها تکون نمیخوره...خوبیش اینه با سلیقه عجیب غریب اش دیگه نمره نمیده و صرفاً نظر میده و نقد می کنه
من بودم ویدیوش رو میدیدم حتماً بعد شروع میکردم چشم بسته فحش دادن...
به هر حال زلزله هم بیاد جای جیم استرلینگ مطمئنم از لیست منتقدها تکون نمیخوره...خوبیش اینه با سلیقه عجیب غریب اش دیگه نمره نمیده و صرفاً نظر میده و نقد می کنه
من فحش ندادم البته...به نظر من يه نفر با سليقه عجيب و غريب جاش تو منبعي كه قراره ارزش بازيو مشخص كنه جايي نبايد داشته باشه(من وقتي اون كامنتو دادم نميدونستم ايشون ديگه نمره نميدن اخرين خاطرم باهاشون برميگشت به زلدا:Dفك كردم بازم ميخواد شيرين كاري كنه)اصن به نظرم نيازي نيست يه شخص كه قراره بر اساس سليقش نقد كنه بره سمت بازيايي كه با سليقش جور درنمياد.اول با بازي كنار بياد بعد بگه اين بازي خوبه يا بد از يه ديده منطقي نقدش كنه مگه نه اين از اين جنس نقداي سليقه اي كه از كامنتاي اينستاگرام تا فروم هاي مختلف و كامنتاي تو سايتاي مرتبط با گيمم پيدا ميشه...
Fans who have stuck with this series for a significant part of their lives will find a worthy conclusion that touches on each character equally and offers some satisfying closure.

PlayStation LifeStyle: 100
The developer has refined and perfected the combat. It kept its silliness in tact. It kept in the darker themes and deep moments of self-reflection that we all need every once in awhile. It’s, quite frankly, the best Kingdom Hearts game Square Enix has ever created.

Meristation: 91
Basically, the best and more polished entry in the franchise and the perfect closure of the saga.

Worth Playing: 90
Kingdom Hearts III is exactly the sequel it should be. Despite the absurdly long production time, it manages to hit all the right notes and feel like a satisfying and enjoyable conclusion to Square Enix's most confusing story. It's charming, it's funny, it's emotional, and it's a boatload of fun to play. It has its flaws, including a low difficulty level and a borderline incoherent story, but they're not enough to detract from the enjoyment of Sora's big adventure with Donald and Goofy.

Impulsegame: 98
Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that has a lot to offer but how much you get out of it will depend on how much you put in. There is of course the main quest which in and of itself will give you hours upon hours of joy and no doubt a touch of nostalgia for some of us here and there. But then there are all the mini games and collectable elements… or just the fun of taking a selfie with Goofy or Donald in the middle of one of the familiar movie landscapes. It’s a great use of the Disney characters and imagining of the locations that should entertain young and old… it does in our house.

IGN Spain: 90
Kingdom Hearts III has the magic you've been waiting for. Square Enix has achieved the best episode of the series. Sora, Donald and Goofy are now very fast and take you through an array of endearing experiences and characters. The script continues to have problems but everything else is a memory that will stick with you forever.

بازی ترکونده ، بالاخره سالها زحمت نومورا هم بهترین ثمر رو داد!
من بودم ویدیوش رو میدیدم حتماً بعد شروع میکردم چشم بسته فحش دادن...
به هر حال زلزله هم بیاد جای جیم استرلینگ مطمئنم از لیست منتقدها تکون نمیخوره...خوبیش اینه با سلیقه عجیب غریب اش دیگه نمره نمیده و صرفاً نظر میده و نقد می کنه

اتفاقا ویدئوش رو ببینی بیشتر فحش میدی. 15 دیقه تمام شر و ور میگه، منطق و استدلالش هم مفت نمی ارزه. و کلا تنها باعث میشه این سوال تو ذهنت ایجاد بشه که خوب یه نفر که اصلا نمیدونه این بازی چیه و گیم پلیش چیه چرا باید اصلا بیاد نقد کنه؟ صرفا به این دلیل که شر و ور بگه ویوش بره بالا. همین.

بهتون تضمین میدم تک تک کلمات و گفته هاش مزخرف محضه.
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Reactions: Capitan_shepard
اتفاقا ویدئوش رو ببینی بیشتر فحش میدی. 15 دیقه تمام شر و ور میگه، منطق و استدلالش هم مفت نمی ارزه. و کلا تنها باعث میشه این سوال تو ذهنت ایجاد بشه که خوب یه نفر که اصلا نمیدونه این بازی چیه و گیم پلیش چیه چرا باید اصلا بیاد نقد کنه؟ صرفا به این دلیل که شر و ور بگه ویوش بره بالا. همین.

بهتون تضمین میدم تک تک کلمات و گفته هاش مزخرف محضه.

ممنون که تضمین میدی از جهت خودت که نمیدونم همه نسخه ها و ... اش رو رفتی... و منطق ات فوق العاده دقیقت که حرف هاش رو نقض میکنه

کل اون ویدیو با یه کمدی سارکازم داری به ساختار روایی KH گیر میده... لپّ مطلب اش به نظرم کاملاً منطقیه...
بعداً هم خود همین جیم از گیم پلی و گرافیک بازی تعریف می کنه
این که داستان بازی از لحاظ روایی گیج کننده است و یکی این جوری مطرح اش می کنه براتون گیج کننده است دیگه نمیدونم از چی میشه انتقاد کرد...

انتقاد پذیر باشیم :)
من نمیگم صد در صد حرفاش درسته...یه تیکه حرفاش میگه KH جادوی تازگی اش به خاطر کراس اور بودن با دیزنی رو از دست داده که به نظر شرّ محضه ولی نکته اصلی کار که روایت داستانه رو با زبون تیز و زننده (~X() خودش گرفته کوبیده تو صورت فن هاش... از ری اکشن ها هم به نظر میاد تا یه حدودی مخاطباش باهاش به توافق رسیدن...
منم با فن هایی که میشناسم صحبت کردم روراست گفتن روایت داستان رو مخه و اذیت می کنه...
خودم هم از KH اول به بعد (سالیان دور) دیگه دستم به سری نرسید.
ویدیو هم در مورد کل KH قبل از KH3 است...ویدیو اخیرش درمورد خود KH3 رو ندیدم
آخرین ویرایش:
اتفاقا ویدئوش رو ببینی بیشتر فحش میدی. 15 دیقه تمام شر و ور میگه، منطق و استدلالش هم مفت نمی ارزه. و کلا تنها باعث میشه این سوال تو ذهنت ایجاد بشه که خوب یه نفر که اصلا نمیدونه این بازی چیه و گیم پلیش چیه چرا باید اصلا بیاد نقد کنه؟ صرفا به این دلیل که شر و ور بگه ویوش بره بالا. همین.

بهتون تضمین میدم تک تک کلمات و گفته هاش مزخرف محضه.
در مورد نسخه های منتشر شده ترتیبشون تو ویدیو کاملا راست میگه دیگه. ترتیبشون و نام گذاری اسکوئر واقعا فاجعه اس. در مورد خود بازی هم از گیم پلی گرفته تا همه چیزش تعریف کرده دیگه تو ویدیو آخری. فقط به اسم نسخه ها و روایت داستانیشون تو جیم کوئیزشن گیر داده که منطقیه به نظرم
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Reactions: Z-fan
Cheat Code Central 80
There is so much game here in Kingdom Hearts 3, and it’s all coming from the mind of an auteur with far too much power. But if you dare to take that plunge, as much of an investment as it is, there is a great adventure to be had here. So much adventure. Probably too much. After all, this isn’t really Kingdom Hearts 3. It’s more like, seven, or ten, or something.

Generación Xbox 92
Kingdom Hearts III is the reunion with our heroes. It is the end of the road. It is the return of magic.

Metro GameCentral 60
A confused and confusing mess of terrible storytelling, simple action, and endless fan service that will delight existing players but baffle new ones.

Xbox Achievements 90
The final chapter of Sora’s story is full of surprises, but it absolutely delivers something that fans have been waiting years for and Square Enix certainly know how to bring a person to tears in a very beautiful way. But the studio has gone above and beyond by giving players so much more to do then just the core story, with a variety of extras to jump back in to. Kingdom Hearts 3 is a thoroughly enjoyable experience that you’ll find yourself wanting to come back to for more.

DualShockers 90
Kingdom Hearts III is a dazzling display from Square Enix; the best game in the universe, and among the best from the legendary studio.

COGconnected 90
There’s a sense of finality to it – from the very start, it feels like the end of something epic and carries that feeling throughout the entire game. Superfans are going to be thrilled at every turn and newcomers will appreciate the bizarre, unmatched genre-blend of Disney and anime culture. Kingdom Hearts 3 is still some of the most genuine and wholesome fun I’ve had in thirteen years, and even though to some degree it is more of the same that we’ve seen from past titles with more polish, finesse, and technological magic, but in a way, that’s what makes it feel like home.


Video gamer 40
Kingdom Hearts III is a beautiful hunk of sugary writing, convoluted plotting, and repetitive combat that’s reliance on beloved IP exposes it’s shallow core.
متاي بازي ٨٦
حتي اگه تمام ايرادايي كه سايتاي مختلف بيان كردن بزاريم كنار هم از تجربه خودمونم دو تا ايراد بزاريم روش يه نمرم محض تنوع كم كنيم بازم حق بازي چنين نمراتي نيست!
تو سر درِ اون خراب شده...
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