امتيازات GOD of WAR III


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همين الان تو vg ديدم كه GOW تو اولين نقدش از opm UK نمره 9 گرفته.
God of War III gets 9 in world-first review in OPM UK

و اما چرا 10 نگرفته,
Nathan Ditum (از اعضا مجله)
"بازي چند اينچي از گرفتن 10 از 10 دوره , و تنها دليلشم اينه كه هسته گيم پلي دقيقا مثل بازي هايه قبليه و تنها چيزي هست كه باعث ميشه كه بهترينِ بهترين نباشه" (چه دليلي !!!)

امتیازات بازی تا این لحظه :
PSM3 : 10/10
+ Consoles : 19/20
OPM French : 20/20
OPM US : 5/5
GameInformer : 10/10
Last edited by a moderator:
Daily Informer امتیاز 10/10 داد.

The largest improvement the game has seen since the release of the demo has been the visuals, as Digital Foundry demonstrated earlier this week. The game runs at 720p with the ability to upscale to 1080p, and offers a framerate that fluctuates between 30 and 60 frames per second – not bad for a game that definitely lives up to its CG teaser trailer. Without a doubt these are some of the best visuals available on a console right now and that’s due to two key things: Scale and Detail. I haven’t seen a game to date that can render environments in real-time on a scale this large whilst still maintaining a solid framerate, immense character / surrounding detail and beautiful particle effects. Not only is this a new benchmark for console visuals, it’s also a technical marvel that I’m sure will be widely appreciated by the gaming industry
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

امتیاز 19/20 داد.

Directed masterly +
Soundscape divine +
Gameplay variety and enjoyment +
The Titans +
The cruelty of killing +

Life a bit short -
Basic Script -
The latest installment of the saga -
full review
آخرین ویرایش:
PS3Blog - 99% or 9.9/10
Full Review
داستان: راهی کامل برای مقید کردن داستان و دنیای کراتوس و پایان دادن به این سه گانه, 9/10
گیم پلی: اضاف تغییراتی در گیم پلی پیشین و همچنان هسته گیم پلی حماسی, 10/10
گرافیک: بهترین گرافیک مشاهده شده تاکنون در هر پلتفرم, 10/10
صداگذاری: صداها و موسیقی عالی در بازی شما را در سفری حماسی یاری میدهند, 10/10
اون یک دهم فقط زیادی بوده...:laughing:
TotallyGN - 100% or 10/10

GamingExcllence - 95% or 9.5/10

JeuxVideo - 95% or 9.5/10

VideoGame UK - 95% or 9.5/10

BoomTown - 90% or 9/10

شاید ربطی به تاپیک نداشته باشه ولی میانگین امتیاز های کدوم بازی تا حالا بیشترین بوده؟
Legend of The zelda: Ocarina of Time
GameShark - 100%
Full Review

What's Hot: Relentless, brutal combat, excellent puzzles and the best boss battles ever; absolutely killer visuals; great twists on perspective; surprising amount of emotional heft

What's Not: The ending is abrupt and kind of vague; the odd cheap death is annoying
Games2C - 100% or 5/5
Full Review

Visually – we consider this game to be the best looking action game on the PS3 – if not the best looking PS3 game, period. Playing is believing and for anyone who fancies a completely extravagant fighting experience, it simply doesn‘t get any better than this. God of War III is a testament to the technical muscle of the PS3 and a tribute to one of the most highly skilled development teams in the business. But not least, it‘s a fitting finale to a much loved trilogy. Prepare to be blown away.

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