چند وقته چیزی خوبی گیر نیاوردم!!
Open link in...
Adds context menu items for opening links and images in a new background tab (or foreground tab if your tabs normally open in the background), in a new background or foreground window, and in the current tab. Includes an option to gather menu items into a submenu.
Dappad notebook sidebar
Dappad notebook lets you write and read notes in the Firefox sidebar.
You have both public and private notes in one place. Your public notes can be shared with friends.
Notes are written in rich format, you can copy and paste content from web pages, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
Your notes are saved in folders, and can be tagged for quick browsing
Open link in...
Adds context menu items for opening links and images in a new background tab (or foreground tab if your tabs normally open in the background), in a new background or foreground window, and in the current tab. Includes an option to gather menu items into a submenu.
Dappad notebook sidebar
Dappad notebook lets you write and read notes in the Firefox sidebar.
You have both public and private notes in one place. Your public notes can be shared with friends.
Notes are written in rich format, you can copy and paste content from web pages, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
Your notes are saved in folders, and can be tagged for quick browsing