اضافات مرورگر

کارچش چیه ؟:confused:
کارش اینه که یه دکمه پایین مرورگرت میاره که باز زدن اون میتونی firefox رو به ie تبدیل کنی!
یعنی محطی فایرفاکس ولی خب همون ie هست و میتونی از قابلبتهای فایرفاکس مثل tab و ... استفاده کنی
من فقط باید اینجا رو اپدیت کنم:confused:


Google(R) Utilities in your Firefox Menu and Toolbar




Easily select, tag, title and upload pictures from your computer to an online photo album. Works with Flickr, Tabblo, 23hq, Smugmug, and Marela.


Print Hint

This extension helps you to quickly find printer-friendly versions of webpages.

A green icon indicates the presence of a 'print stylesheet'. Webpages with a print stylesheet have been specifically formatted for printing. Click on the green icon to print.


OneWebLogin.com Toolbar

Log into a website in just one click.
If you want to log into a website, while you are browsing the internet on Firefox, then all you have to do is click the 'Login' button on the toolbar.


باید اکتنشن خوبی باشه ولی هنوز تست نکردم!!

GamesForum Menu

The GamesForum Menu Button Add-On adds a new button in the Menu Bar to allow the navigation in the different subforums of the Gamesforum.it community.



کسی نظری نداره؟؟
این همه ذوق کردم

آخه عکساش نمیاد ! :)
حالا من دانلود کنم ببینم چیه که دلت نشکنه ! :) (هم دانلود میکنم و استفاده میکنم، هم منت میذارم! ) :cheesygri

امین منم یه اکستنشن میخوام . . .
ببین گزینه ی BookMark all Tabs رو دیدی ؟ که همه ی تب هایی که توی پنجره بازی رو توی یک فولدر بوکمارک میکنه ؟
مشابه اون میخوام برای سیو . یعنی مثلا Save all Tabs .
این واسه وحید گلم:love:


Magpie is a set of tools that makes saving media from web pages easier - you can save all media of a specific type linked from a web page, save all tabs following the current tab, etc to time stamped folders. Magpie also includes basic Bukster protocol su


اینم چیز خوبیه وحید:

Toolbar Buttons

his Extention add buttons to the Customise Toolbar Window. To move them from there to the Toolbar you must right click the toolbar and press customise.

Some of the button for FireFox include

Bookmark This Page,Save Page As,View Page Source,Close Tab,Google,Extension Manager,Theme Manager,Options,Wikipedia,Exit FireFox,Work Offline,Save Frame As,Send Link,Open File,Import,Page Preview,Page Setup,Undo,Redo,Delete,Find,Select All,Toggle Status Bar,Customize Toolbar,Enlarge Text,Text Decrease,Text Size Reset,Bookmark All Tabs,Web Search,New Message,Read Mail,Java Script Console,DOM Inspector,Open Help,Report Broken Page - does not work in Flock,About FireFox,Open about:config,Open about:plugins,Open about:cache,Open about:cache Memory,Open about:cache Disk,Get More FireFox extensions,Get More FireFox Themes,Get More ThunderBird extensions,Get More ThunderBird Themes,Print,Check For Update,Toggle Toolbars,Restart,Clear Private Data,Close All Tabs,Gmail,Hotmai,Yahoo



Adds Muslim prayer times for your area in the Firefox


Inline blocked image view

فکر کنم این خیلی بدرد میخوره!!

Add right click option to load blocked image inline, where should it be if image was not blocked (without opened it at the new tab or window)


All Customized Links

Right-click menu is one of the quickest and most useful ways of web navigation, especially for tabbed support Firefox browser. This extension enables you to add unlimitted customized URLs to your right-click menu. Each link can be set individually to open in: Current Tab, New Tab, New Foreground Window or New Background Window. You can also flag the status of each link to either as active or inactive.

Well, someone might ask "all these can be done via bookmarks"; however, this extension helps cut down the number of clicks we need to go through to open a bookmarked link in the desire fashion and also make link management faster and more efficient.

Having said that, the best use of this is using in combination with bookmarking where bookmarking is for general purpose links whereas customized links are for more important and frequently used links.



Radio Eksen

Radio Eksen "Now Playing" ticker shows the song being played right now on Radio Eksen, which is the best rock station of Turkey.


کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن