آخرین ویرایش:
درود به تو ای هم وطن
خسته نباشی دلاور خدا قوت پهلوان ادامه بده دعای خیر ما پشت و پناهته باشد که همیشه اخبار خوبت دلمونو شاد کنی
و ای سونی همانا بترس از آن روزی که گیمر ها رو از خدت برنجانی باشد که همانا عذابی سخت گریبانت را بگیرد
سوره گیم آیه 23![]()
درود به تو ای هم وطن
خسته نباشی دلاور خدا قوت پهلوان ادامه بده دعای خیر ما پشت و پناهته باشد که همیشه اخبار خوبت دلمونو شاد کنی
و ای سونی همانا بترس از آن روزی که گیمر ها رو از خدت برنجانی باشد که همانا عذابی سخت گریبانت را بگیرد
سوره گیم آیه 23![]()
یعنی لذتی بالاتر از هک مگه داریم؟؟؟؟Sonic The Hedgehog Emulator Test Demo on Retail PS4 Version 4.05
This is a random video from YouTube user Paradox (not the scene group :stickouttonguexf2demonstrating what appears to be a Sonic The Hedgehog emulator test on retail PS4 Firmware version 4.05.
He notes that this is NOT a PlayStation 4 jailbreak in the video's title for what it's worth. :unsurexf2:
Thanks to @UmarDaBest559 for sharing the video in the PSXHAX Shoutbox, and according to @Nesterwork the user may be redirecting via PSProxy perhaps... feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! :laughxf2:
پیش از این روی فریمور 4.01 دو چینی تونسته بودند که قارچ خور روی این فریمور اجرا کنند
که سونی در اپدیت 4.05 اون روزنه رو بست تا کسی نتونه بهش نفوز کنه
باز یکی پیدا شد بازی سونیک رو روی 4.05 اجرا کنه باز سونی اپدیت 4.06 رو از ترسش بیرون داد
این ازوم متن هاس که یه بوی خوبی رو به مشام ادم میزنه این سحره کمکم داره میاد هاPS4 Pro Pwnd by PlayStation 4 Devs via 0Day Exploit, Don't Update
If you're standing outside in some long and cold Black Friday line today this is just for you- following the earlier news, today @harryoke confirmed on Twitter that PlayStation 4 developers have pwnd the PS4 Pro which currently ships sporting PS4 3.70 OFW with a 0day exploit! :tree::santa:
He also mentioned if you're getting a PS4 Pro for the holidays NOT to update it past the stock 3.70 version Firmware it comes with, which makes sense as @flatz recently confirmed the 4.01 PS4 Jailbreak vulnerability by Chaitin Tech was patched... and Rebug developer @evilsperm tweeted he's looking to unload some of his PS3 and PS Vita stuff and get a PS4 Pro. (-8
Should scene developers release anything that makes use of the exploit now that it's been patched, you'll definitely want to stay under 4.06, and snarfing a PlayStation 4 Pro on 3.70 is an easy shot at the chance of PS4 homebrew and backup game loaders including PS4 Rebug CFW / multiMAN if / when they surface. :thumbup:
این ازوم متن هاس که یه بوی خوبی رو به مشام ادم میزنه این سحره کمکم داره میاد ها![]()
PS4 Pro Pwnd by PlayStation 4 Devs via 0Day Exploit, Don't Update
If you're standing outside in some long and cold Black Friday line today this is just for you- following the earlier news, today @harryoke confirmed on Twitter that PlayStation 4 developers have pwnd the PS4 Pro which currently ships sporting PS4 3.70 OFW with a 0day exploit! :tree::santa:
He also mentioned if you're getting a PS4 Pro for the holidays NOT to update it past the stock 3.70 version Firmware it comes with, which makes sense as @flatz recently confirmed the 4.01 PS4 Jailbreak vulnerability by Chaitin Tech was patched... and Rebug developer @evilsperm tweeted he's looking to unload some of his PS3 and PS Vita stuff and get a PS4 Pro. (-8
Should scene developers release anything that makes use of the exploit now that it's been patched, you'll definitely want to stay under 4.06, and snarfing a PlayStation 4 Pro on 3.70 is an easy shot at the chance of PS4 homebrew and backup game loaders including PS4 Rebug CFW / multiMAN if / when they surface. :thumbup:
داداش این عملی شده منبعشو که همه میشناسن
نمیدونم چرا بعضیها از هک شدن کنسول انقدر عضاب میبینن !!!!
بابا با اسلحه که نمیان بالا سرتون بگن که باید حتما حتما کپی خورش کنی
حتی خودم جز اون افرادی هستم که احتمال 1% کپی خورش کنم