اسمهاشون اینه:
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
باور کنید!!
اینم متن اصلیشون:
Name: Player One
Occupation: Gamer
The Players are a particularly violent group of gamers. They solve all of their problems via bloody bouts with eachother, and they live happier lives for it.
Player One is blue, and a bit of an asshole.
Name: Player Two
Occupation: Gamer
The Players are a particularly violent group of gamers. They solve all of their problems via bloody bouts with eachother, and they live happier lives for it.
Player Two is red. He's a quiet sort of lunatic. The type everyone always says "was such a nice kid" after they find like, twenty human faces in his freezer.
Name: Player Three
Occupation: Gamer
The Players are a particularly violent group of gamers. They solve all of their problems via bloody bouts with eachother, and they live happier lives for it.
Player Three is more shy than the other players. Of any of them, he's the closest resemblance to a normal, whole, mentally well person. As such he is often the target of gruesome acts of violence by the other players.
Name: Player Four
Occupation: ??
The Players are a particularly violent group of gamers. They solve all of their problems via bloody bouts with eachother, and they live happier lives for it.
Player Four has not been unlocked yet.
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