Silent Hill : Downpour | Xbox 360

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من بازی رو تموم کردم اینم رمزای بازی
Enter "171678" as a combination at a green locker to get the Double Axe and Nail Gun
Devil’s Pitstop
Following are the puzzles you can solve in this area:
Diner Safe
Regardless of the difficulty, you choose to solve this puzzle on; code (26381) and dial position (42416) will remain same.
• Turn dial #2 one click to the left.
• Turn dial #4 two clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #2 three clicks to the left. Now, Dial #2 and #4 are in position.
• Turn dial #1 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #3 one click to the right.
• Turn dial #5 three clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #2 one click to the right.
• Turn dial #3 two clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #4 two clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #2 three clicks to the right. Trick dials are now in position.
• Turn dial #1 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #5 three clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #2 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #3 three clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #2 three clicks to the right. Now, Dial #2 and #3 are in position.
• Turn dial #4 one click to the right.
• Turn dial #5 five clicks to the right. Now, Dial #4 and #5 are in position.
• Turn dial #1 three clicks to the left.
Ticket Machine
Solve this puzzle to get free ticket required for the main-story progression.
To earn your free ticket, you need to beat the Jailbreak game. Place three colored balls into the corresponding holes at the top of the machine. Now, when you release the ball, the chamber will fill with water.
When it does, steer the floating ball around the obstacles and into the machine hole while avoiding the traps.
If it falls in the the trap, you will have to start again. Objective is to drop the ball into the machine hole. Increasing the difficulty increases the number of traps.
Devil’s Pit
Following are the puzzles you can solve in this area:
Water Wheels
Solve this puzzle to get access to the previously flooded upper cavern to find first aid and pistol ammo. It will also unlock the elevator that you can use for the main story progression.
Turn the valve to the left three times to move the first trough forward.
Use the valve in the center (turn it to the left twice) to lower the second trough into the position. Use the valve on the right (turn it to the left once) to move the third trough far enough to catch the water.
When pumps are active, get the first-aid kit and pistol ammo from the flooded area. Return to the water wheels. Use the valve on the right to drive the water on to the wheel directly in front of you (turn the valve to the left) to activate the lift.
You solve the puzzle pretty much the same way but when you shift the water away from the first wheel, large door drops and block your way downstairs.
To avoid that, look for crate on your way to valves. Slide it between the large wooden doorway to prevent the door from blocking the stairs when you are adjusting valves.
Move to the top of the stairs but before getting to the valves, slide the crate into the position under the wooden door.
Use the valve (turn it left twice) in the center to lower the second trough into the position. Use the valve (turn it left thrice) on the left to move the first trough forward.
Use the valve (turn it once to the left) on the right to move the third trough far enough to catch the water.
When pumps are active, get the first-aid kit and ammo from the flooded cave. Come back to the valves and use the one on the right (turn the left wall to the left again) to drive the water to the wheel directly in front of you to activate the lift.
Train Station Controls
Solving this puzzle will unlock the train which is required for the main-story progression. To solve it, you need to press the buttons in the following order:
• Press the Red button marked E.
• Press the Blue button marked A.
• Press the Orange button marked C.
• Press the Blue button marked A.
• Press the Green button marked B.
• Press the Grey button marked D.
• Press the Orange button marked C.
• Press the Grey button marked D.
• Press the Red button marked E.
• Press the Green button marked B.
• Press the Blue button marked A.
Following is the puzzle you can solve in this area:
Dispatchers Radio
It’s part of the side-quest ‘All-Points Bulletin’ Points Bulletin’ and requires you to input four codes to dispatch police cars.
To trigger the side-quest you need to come across a patrolling police car and stand in front. It will start a cut-scene. Go to the police station and find the dispatchers office. Active the dispatch radio and input the following codes:
• D375
• C466
• B557
• A648
On this page you will find solutions to the puzzles in Pearl Creek, Centennial Building, Chastain Heights, St. Marias Monastery and Pleasant River.
Pearl Creek
Following are the puzzles you can solve in this area:
Stolen Goods
It is linked to ‘Stolen Goods’ side-quest and asks you to deliver the stolen goods to their right-full owners.
The Locket and Gold watch was stolen from the third floor, across the hall from the apartment with the stolen goods. Find the table near the kitchen and place the locket in the case. Look for a desk in the bedroom and place the Gold watch on the display hand.
The Money Box was stolen from the second floor, from the apartment across the hall from the Hillside transition. Place the box in the child’s bedroom next to the scattered coins on the nightstand.
The War Medal was stolen from the ground-floor apartment, from the case on the bedroom nightstand.
After you have placed these stolen goods from where they were stolen, side-quest will end. After that you can go back to the stolen goods apartment to find more swag.
Storage Unit Keypad
You will come across this storage unit in narrow alley north of Pearl Creek underground entrance. Code to open the storage unit is 827.
Centennial Building
Following are the puzzles you can solve in this area:
Office Envelopes
Get the ID card from room 104 to enter Room 105. Arrange six envelopes on the desk to reveal a number.
Three envelopes are already in position.
Only one envelope is in position.
You will have to arrange all envelopes.
The number will always come out to be 851136. You can use this code to unlock the door blocking the second-floor offices.
Vault Door
You will find this door in the beginning area on the second floor. To unlock this door, collect the projector slides from the mayor’s desk in room 200.
Play them on the projector in the video archive room on the second floor and figure out the combination to the vault. Combination for all difficulties is IX-VI-I.
Chastain Heights
Following is the puzzle you can solve in this area:
Projection Room Keypad
You can find this projection room in the theater room. You need it to access the last film reel. It is part of the ‘Cinema Virte’ side-quest.
Locate the three film reels to figure out the code. The code is 9241.
St. Marias Monastery
Following are the puzzles you can solve in this area:
Cue Lights
You will find these in theater. Number of tags and contents of the technicians notes are subjected to the level of difficulty you choose to play this puzzle at. However, the action indicated by the cue lights is same for all three difficulties.
1. Turn off the house lights by flipping the switch near the ladder.
2. To play the opening music, turn the gramophone’s crank.
3. Aim the beam at the center of the stage by activating the spotlight.
4. Drop the first set in the position by activating the winch left of the spotlight.
5. Drop the second set in the position by activating the winch right of the spotlight.
6. To produce a rain effect, spin the wooden cylinder.
7. To produce a thunder effect, strike the hanging sheet metal.
X-Ray Machine
You will find it in Hospice. You need to scan the screamers to find out which of them has the items you need. To start the scan, roll a Gurney into position and then activate the control panel.
If you see clean x-ray on the monitor, move to next screamer. Continue until you find objects in the body of the screamer. When you find them on the monitor, pull that screamer out and inspect it.
Follow the instructions on the screen to search the chest cavity. If the screamer becomes agitated by your actions, it’s a hint that you are closer to the object you want to retrieve.
Locate these items, retrieve them, and it will trigger a cut-scene. If you succeed, you receive a key and Rhyme page #3.
Pleasant River
Following is the puzzle you can solve in this area:
Pleasant River Safe
Look for this safe in the two-story house near the docks. Unlock it to retrieve a colt handgun. Whatever difficulty you choose to play this puzzle on; code (16814) and dial position (42416)will remain same.
• Turn dial #1 three clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #2 four clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #3 four clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #4 two clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #5 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #1 three clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #2 four clicks to the left, making dial #3 spin into relative position.
• Turn dial #4 two clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #5 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #2 four clicks to the left.
• Turn dial #5 two clicks to the right.
• Turn dial #3 one click to the right.
• Turn dial #1 one click to the right.
فقط جایی که رمزشو نفهمیدم
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---------- نوشته در 01:42 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 01:38 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

اینم تمام مراحل مخفی بازی .............
Silent Hill Downpour Side Quests Guide | SegmentNext
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سلام منم تموم کردم یک سوال
الان این آخر بازی چه معنی داشت
چیزی که من فهمیدم این بود که ما در نقش دختره بودیم و داشتیم قاتل ÷درمون را زجر میدادیم آیا همین بود ؟ اگر این باشه به نظرم واقعا داستان بی معنی داشت
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سلام منم تموم کردم یک سوال

پایان بازی 5 گانه هست شما کدوم را دیدید


As you play through the story, some of your actions and choices affect a secret score. Although you cant see the score, choosing the appropriate actions will ensure that you receive the desired result.
You start of with a score of 0. The choices you make during combat and special cut scenes will raise or lower this number:

- Sparing incapacitated enemies raises your score
- Killing incapacitated enemies lowers your score
- Attempting to save Cunningham at the ravine raises your score
- Leaving Cunningham at the ravine lowers your score
- Attempting to console JP Sater in Devils Pit raises your score
- Taunting JP will lower your score

Once you complete the finale, your total score determines which ending you get. There are a total of six endings, five for achievements; four regular and one special. The regular ones are:

To get this ending, spare Cunningham with a total score above 0 (make all good choices)

"Truth and Justice"
To get this ending, spare Cunningham with a total score below 0 (make all bad choices)

"Full Circle"
To get this ending, kill Cunningham with a total score above 0 (make all good choices)

To get this ending, kill Cunningham with a total score below 0 (make all bad choices)

The two special ones are:

"Reversal" (not for an achievement)
To get this ending, you must die during the final fight

To get this ending, you will have to have already beaten the game once. On your second playthrough, finish the side quest "Digging up the Past" and then beat the game
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چنتا گاو صندوق بود کدومش میگی؟ یکیش شماره زندان پشت لباشت یکی دیگش با بخار کردن شیشه معلوم میشه 4 تا گاو صندوق داشت 3تاش باز کردم
همه آیتم هایی بازی + محل قرار گیری+ راهنمای.....


Mystery name - area - location

Devils Pit Flyer - Devils Pitstop - In the diners service area on a table near the kitchen door

Voyeurs Notes - Devils Pitstop - In the diners basement, on a coffee table

Newspaper Article (Accident) - Devils Pit - In the deep mines, posted on the storage room door

Poem - Devils Pit - In the train station, posted on a hanging body

Police Report - Hillside - In the police station, on the floor east of the entrance

Crime Survey - Hillside - In the police station, on the floor past the barricade door

Crime Scene Photo (2) - Hillside - In the southeast corner of the police station yard

Missing Poster - Hillside - Outside of the basement, on the ground near the sandbox

Crime Scene Photo (1) -Hillside - On the balcony leading to pearl creek, attached to a barrel

Threatening Letter - Pearl Creek - In the apartment building, posted on a third floor door

Mothers Note - Pearl Creek - At the northwest corner of Lansdale Ave and Brite St (requires the "Ribbons" side quest)

Newspaper Article (Riot) - Pearl Creek - Near the east end of Brite St, on the southern sidewalk

Addressed Envelope - Pearl Creek - Outside of the storage unit, at the north edge of Laymond Ave

Gallery Letter (1) - Pearl Creek - In the art gallery, on the office sofa

Gallery Owners Note - Pearl Creek - In the art gallery, on the office desk

Gallery Letter (2) - Pearl Creek - In the art gallery, on the counter in the exhibit room

Memorandum - Centennial Building - In the Centennial Buildings garage entrance, posted on the door

Internal Memorandum - Centennial Building - In the Centennial Buildings garage, in the police cars passenger seat

Incident Report - Centennial Building - In the library, on a desk hidden between the first floor stacks
Envelope Sketch - Centennial Building - Awarded for properly arranging the envelopes in room 105

Psychologists Flyer - Centennial Building - In room 204, on the desk near the transition room to room 305

Psychologists Report - Centennial Building - In room 200, in a drawer near the north wall

Employee Review - Centennial Building - In the vault, hidden in the pages of one the books

Film Splicing Guidlines - Chastain Heights - In the movie theater, posted on the projector rooms wall

Newspaper Article (Abductions) - Chastain Heights - In the small park west of the movie theater, just north of a dig spot

Newspaper Article (Napier) - Chastain Heights - In the monasterys yard, on the ground near the fountain

Mothers Confession - Chastain Heights - In the locked apartment on Lamon St. (at the end of the "Ribbons" sidequest)

Poem Fragment 1- St. Marias Monastery - In the monastery chapel, on the altar

Letter Home - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage, on the teachers desk in the first floor classroom

Technicians Notes - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage, on a small desk in the theaters control room

Poem Fragment 2 - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage theater, in the trunk within the cottage

Fathers Day Card - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage second floor, on an end table in the dormitory

Psychologists Evaluation (1) - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage, on a library table west of the second floor classroom

Psychologists Evalutation (2) - St. Marias Monastery - In the orphanage, in the drawers in the office just north of the playroom

Condolence Letter - St. Marias Monastery - In the hospice, on a table in the recreational area

Internal Memo - St. Marias Monastery - In the hospice, on a small table just inside the x-ray room

Psychologists Evaluation (3) - St. Marias Monastery - In the hospice, inside the drawers in the small office near the x-ray room

Poem Fragment 3 - St. Marias Monastery - In the hospice, inside one of the x-ray room Screamers

Newspaper Article (Corruption) - Pleasant River - Along the north edge of Rice st, on a wooden porch near the parked van

Inscribed Snapshot - Pleasant River - In the house north of Rice st, on a table in the first floor room

Funeral Announcement - Pleasant River - In the house north of Rice st, on the bed in the mater bedroom

Suicide Note - Port District - In the house west of the drawbridge, on the floor near the broken mirror (after completing the "Mirror Mirror" side quest)

Handwritten Note - Overlook Penitentiary - Appears on level A4, near the Northwest stairwell

Psychological Evaluation (Overlook) - Overlook Penitentiary - In the A2 level of the guard tower, on the desk near the safe

Prisoners Letter (1) - Overlook Penitentiary - In a cell along the east edge of level A2, behind a shelf unit

Angry Letter - Overlook Penitentiary - Through a cell along the west edge of level A2, at the end of the leveled corridor

BOLO Alert - Overlook Penitentiary - On level A3, in a drawer in the security room

Magazine Article - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, in a checkout room locker

Prisoners Letter (2) - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, in a cell on the south side of the main hall

Prisoners Letter (3) - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, in a small room north of the workshops

Work Release Program Application - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, on the drill press in the northern workshop

Newspaper Headline - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, at the edge of a table in the day rooms upper level

Whistleblowers Letter - Overlook Penitentiary - In block B, near the lockers in the day rooms upper level

---------- نوشته در 04:28 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 04:23 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

Pre-Order Codes

There are several pre order locker codes that can be used in the game:
911977 - Gives you rifle and golf club
353479 - Gives you a Pistol 45 and a baseball bat.
171678 - Gives you nail gun and a special axe.

---------- نوشته در 04:30 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 04:28 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

I will be doing this by area and see how it goes with that format. If your stuck on main story progression or have any questions, post here
All videos and pictures are made and uploaded by me

Devils Pitstop

Diner Safe
(Contents: Loaded Colt handgun)

While your chosen puzzle difficulty affects the behavior of the safes dials, all difficulties share the same code (26381) and starting dial position (42416)

Turn dial 2 left one click
Turn dial 4 left two clicks
Turn dial 2 left three clicks. Dials 2 and 4 are now in position
Turn dial 1 right two clicks
Turn dial 3 right one click
Turn dial 5 left three clicks

Turn dial 2 right one click
Turn dial 3 left two clicks
Turn dial 4 left two clicks
Turn dial 2 right three clicks. All trick dials are now in position
Turn dial 1 right two clicks
Turn dial 5 left three clicks

Turn dial 2 right two clicks
Turn dial 3 left three clicks
Turn dial 2 right three clicks. Dials 2 and 3 are now in position
Turn dial 4 right one click
Turn dial 5 right five clicks. Dials 4 and 5 are now in position
Turn dial 1 left three clicks

Ticket Machine
(Prize: Free ticket, which is needed for main story progression)

To beat the Jail Break game, you must place three colored balls into the corresponding holes at the top of the machine. Each time you release a ball, the chamber fills with water. As it does, steer the floating ball around the obstacles and into the machine hole. If the ball falls into a trap, it returns to its starting position. Simply release the ball to make another attempt. The number of traps varies from between puzzle difficulties, but the objective is always the same
**the audio on my videos always becomes unsnycd when I upload them to youtube so just turn the volume off**
Silent Hill Downpour Jail Break game - YouTube
[TABLE="width: 600, align: center"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Silent Hill Downpour Jail Break game - YouTube

Devils Pit

Water Wheels
(Upper Caverns)
(Allows you to access previously flooded cavern to find first aid + pistol ammo)
(Allows elevator to be used for main story progression)
-Use the valve on the left to move the first trough forward (turn the valve left three times)
-Use the valve in the center to lower the second trough into position (turn the valve left two times)
-Use the valve on the right to move the third trough just far enough to catch the water (turn the valve once to the left)

While the pumps are active, retrieve the first aid kit and pistol bullets from the flooded cave
Return to the water wheels. Use the valve on the right to divert the water onto the wheel directly in front of you (turn the valve once more to the left). The lift is now active

The normal solution is pretty much the same as the easy solution, except that when you shift the water away from the first wheel, a large door slams behind you, blocking your way back downstairs. So to save you trouble:
-BEFORE TOUCHING THE VALVES, on your way to the valves, at the top of the stairs youll see a wooden crate. Slide that crate in between the large wooden doorway. This will prevent the door from completely closing shut when you adjust the valves

- Move to the top of the stairs, before getting to the valves, and drag the crate into position under the wooden door
- Use the valve in the center center to lower the second trough into position (turn the valve left two times)
- Use the valve on the left to move the first trough forward (turn the valve left three times)
- Use the valve on the right to move the third trough just far enough to catch the water (turn the valve once to the left)
- While the pumped are active, retrieve the first aid kid and bullets from the flooded cave
- Return to the valves. Use the valve on the right to divert the water to the wheel directly in front of you (turn the left valve once more to the left). The lift is now active

**the audio on my videos always becomes unsnycd when I upload them to youtube so just turn the volume off**
Silent Hill Downpour Water Wheels puzzle solution - YouTube
[TABLE="width: 600, align: center"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Silent Hill Downpour Water Wheels puzzle solution - YouTube

Devils Pit Train Station Controls
(Allows the train to be used; needed for main story progression)

Press the buttons in the corresponding order:

Press the red button (marked E)
Press the blue button (marked A)
Press the orange button (marked C)

Press the blue button ( marked A)
Press the green button (marked B)
Press the gray button (marked D)
Press the orange button (marked C)

Press the gray button (marked D)
Press the red button (marked E)
Press the green button (marked B)
Press the blue button (marked A)
Silent Hill Downpour Devils Pit train station controls - YouTube
[TABLE="width: 600, align: center"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Silent Hill Downpour Devils Pit train station controls - YouTube


Dispatchers Radio
(Hillside Police Station)
(Part of side quest "All Points Bulletin")

In order for this side quest to appear in your journal, youll need to walk around the streets until a patrol car "runs" into you. After that, approach the police station from the north (from McCammon St) and squeeze through the hole in the wall. Proceed to cross the beam and go into the dispatchers office. Activate the dispatch radio and input the following:


Pearl Creek

Stolen Goods
(Pearls Creek apartments)
(Associated with "Stolen Goods" side quest)

Solution the same for all difficulties:
  1. The Locket and Gold watch both belong on the third floor, across the hall from the apartment with the stolen goods. Find the table near the kitchen appliances and place the Locket in the case. Find the desk in the bedroom and place the Gold watch on the display hand
  2. The Money Box belongs on the second floor, in the apartment across the hall from the Hillside transition. Place the box in the childs bedroom next to the scattered coins on the nightstand
  3. The War Medal goes in the ground floor apartment, in the case on the bedroom nightstand.
Once youve placed the last item, the quest is complete. If you choose to, return to the original apartment with the goods to find some new clothes.
Silent Hill Downpour Stolen Goods guide - YouTube
[TABLE="width: 600, align: center"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Silent Hill Downpour Stolen Goods guide - YouTube

The Bank
(Pearl Creek Bank)
(Associated with "The Bank" side quest)

Not so much a puzzle as it is surviving waves of enemies. Each time you clear out a group of enemies, one the of the banks deposit boxes will open. When this happens, you only have a short amount of time to claim your reward and then return to the ground floor before the next wave arrives.

Waves: (same for all difficulties)
  • Defeat one screamer to open a safety deposit box containing a first aide
  • Defeat two screamers to open a safety deposit box containing pistol bullets
  • Defeat one screamer and one brawler to open a safety box containing a Colt hand gun
  • Defeat two brawlers to open a safety deposit box containing pistol bullets
  • Defeat one screamer, one stabber, and one brawler to open a deposit box containing three first aide kits.
After the last one, the alarm stops and the quest is complete. Make your way back to the safety deposit boxes to get the rest of the items

Storage Unit Keypad
(Narrow alley north of the Pearl Creek underground entrance)

The code is 827
Inside you will find various items including a painting to pick up (discussed further in side quest section)

Centennial Building

Office Envelopes
(Room 105; must have ID card from room 104 to enter)

You must arrange the six envelopes on the desk to reveal a number.
Easy : Three of the envelopes are already in place
Normal : One of the envelopes are already in place
Hard : None of the envelopes are in place

The final code will always be 851136
Use this code to unlock the door blocking the second floor offices

Vault Door
(2nd floor in the beginning area)

In order to unlock the vault door, you need to collect the projector slides from the mayors desk, in room 200. Then you must play them on the projector in the video archive room on the 2nd floor and figure out the combination to the vault.

The combination for all difficulties is IX-VI-I

Chastain Heights

Projection Room Keypad
(Theater room; needed to access the last film reel)
(Associated with "Cinema Virte" side quest)

After you locate the three film reels, you need to figure out the code.

The code is 9241

St. Marias Monastery

Cue Lights

Your chosen puzzle difficulty affects the number of legible tags and the content of the technicians notes. The action indicated by the cue light, however, is the same for all three puzzles:
  1. Flip the switch near the ladder to turn off the house lights
  2. Turn the gramophones crank to play the opening music
  3. Activate the spotlight and aim the beam at the center of the stage
  4. Activate the winch left of the spotlight to drop the first set into place
  5. Activate the winch right of the spotlight to drop the second set into place
  6. Spin the wooden cylinder to produce a rain effect
  7. Strike the hanging sheet metal to produce a thunder effect
X-Ray Machine

To determine which of the screamers has the items you need, use the x-ray machine to scan each of the bodies. Roll a gurney into position, then activate the control panel to begin the scan. If the monitor indicate a clean x-ray, move the next screamer into the machine and repeat. When the monitor display a foreign object, when that screamer out and inspect it. Follow the on screen instructions to search the chest cavity. The closer you are to the objects, the more agitated the screamer becomes. Once youve located the item, grab it to trigger a cut scene. If youve succeeded, you automatically receive a key and poem fragment 3 (if youve collected the other two poem fragments, an achievement should unlock)

Pleasant River

Pleasant River Safe
(Two story house near the docks)
(Contains a Colt handgun)

While your chosen puzzle difficulty affects the behavior of the safes dials, all difficulties share the same code (16814) and starting dial position (42416)

Turn dial 1 right three clicks
Turn dial 2 left four clicks
Turn dial 3 left four clicks
Turn dial 4 left two clicks
Turn dial 5 right two clicks

Turn dial 1 right three clicks
Turn dial 2 left four clicks. This also spins dial 3 into position
Turn dial 4 left two clicks
Turn dial 5 right two clicks

Turn dial 2 left four clicks
Turn dial 5 right two clicks
Turn dial 3 right one click
Turn dial 1 right one click

Puzzle Solutions

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کسی سیمی چیزی داره کمکم کنه؟شهرستان هستم و دیگه کاری ازم ساخته نیست و باید بمونم بعد عید:(
یکی میتونه بازی رو یکم انجام بده و بعد سیوش کنه برام بزاره منم بازی کنم
راستی من سیوی از این بازی نمیتونم داشته باشم سیو شما رو میشه استفاده کرد؟اگه مسیم تبریز هست یک خوبی کنه و بهم پ خ بده
برام بفرسته شهرستان
سلام دوستان من یه جای بازی رو گیر کردم
که اون نوره دونبالم میکنه و بعد من وارد یه راهپله رو به بالا میشم ولی هرچی میرم به اخرش نمیرسم !!!
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سلام دوستان من یه جای بازی رو گیر کردم که اون نوره دونبالم میکنه و بعد من وارد یه راهپله رو به بالا میشم ولی هرچی میرم به اخرش نمیرسم !!!
نمیخواد به سمت بالا برید
باید برگردید وارد در بشین

---------- نوشته در 08:07 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 08:06 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

من یه جای بازی رو گیر کردم
اون قصمتی که یه ترن روبرونه و جلوت پنچ تا دکمه داره که باید اونارو بزنی تا ترنه روشن بشه
باید اونجا چیکار کنم و دکمهارو به چه ترتیبی بزنمش
Press the red button (marked E)
Press the blue button (marked A)
Press the orange button (marked C)

Press the blue button ( marked A)
Press the green button (marked B)
Press the gray button (marked D)
Press the orange button (marked C)

Press the gray button (marked D)
Press the red button (marked E)
Press the green button (marked B)
Press the blue button (marked A)
من اونجایی كه
تو اون مركز تفريحیه كه تله كابين داره بعد اولين بار ديدن اون مرده كه سكه پرت می كنه پايين رسيدم به يه پل كه پله ريخت. بعدش رسيدم به يه آسانسور غيرفعال و يه معدن آب گرفته، رفتم بالا سه تا اهرم بود كه باهاشون می شد آسانسور رو راه انداخت و آب توی معدن رو با پمپ بيرون كشيد ولی هر وقت يكی از اين دو كار رو می كردم راه پشت سرم بسته می شد و نمی تونستم بيام پايين به آسانسور و معدن برسم
چی كار بايد كنم؟
من اونجایی كه
تو اون مركز تفريحیه كه تله كابين داره بعد اولين بار ديدن اون مرده كه سكه پرت می كنه پايين رسيدم به يه پل كه پله ريخت. بعدش رسيدم به يه آسانسور غيرفعال و يه معدن آب گرفته، رفتم بالا سه تا اهرم بود كه باهاشون می شد آسانسور رو راه انداخت و آب توی معدن رو با پمپ بيرون كشيد ولی هر وقت يكی از اين دو كار رو می كردم راه پشت سرم بسته می شد و نمی تونستم بيام پايين به آسانسور و معدن برسم
چی كار بايد كنم؟
اصلا به راه پشت سر شما ربطی نداره
یه بار اب رو خالی میکنین
یه بار هم برای اسانسور
شما فقط اب رو جابهجا میکنین،به مسیر کاری ندارید
من اونجایی كه
تو اون مركز تفريحیه كه تله كابين داره بعد اولين بار ديدن اون مرده كه سكه پرت می كنه پايين رسيدم به يه پل كه پله ريخت. بعدش رسيدم به يه آسانسور غيرفعال و يه معدن آب گرفته، رفتم بالا سه تا اهرم بود كه باهاشون می شد آسانسور رو راه انداخت و آب توی معدن رو با پمپ بيرون كشيد ولی هر وقت يكی از اين دو كار رو می كردم راه پشت سرم بسته می شد و نمی تونستم بيام پايين به آسانسور و معدن برسم
چی كار بايد كنم؟
وقتی از پله ها میری به سمت فلکه ها وقتی به بالای پله ها رسیدی یه جعبه سمت چپت هست اونو بکش بیار زیر در تا وقتی مسیر آب رو تغییر میدی در بسته نشه. حالا برو یه بار پمپ رو فعال کن بعدش هم برو آسانسور رو فعال کن و برگرد و از در خارج شو و برو سوار آسانسور شو

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن