
Developer : Comcept; Armature Studio
Publisher : Microsoft Studios
Platforms : Xbox One
Genre : ‎Action-Adventure
Release Date : 2016

عنوان ReCore جدیدترین ساخته Mark Pacini کارگردان سه گانه Metroid Prime و Keiji Inafune سازنده Mega Man میباشد که در طی کنفرانس مایکروسافت در E3 2015 معرفی و قرار است بصورت انحصاری برروی Xbox One عرضه گردد. در تریلر معرفی این عنوان دختری که در صحرا بزرگ شده و همراه با سگ رباتیک که از هسته آبی رنگ نیرو می گیرد مشاهده میکنیم .

تصاویر بازی:

توضیح در ارتباط با سازندگان بازی:

بازی توسط Mark Pacini کارگردان سه گانه Metroid Prime ساخته میشه که در اپریل 2008 از Retro Studios جدا و سپتامبر 2008 با Todd Keller و Jack Mathews استدیو Armature Studio تاسیس می کنند.
تنها بازی مستقلی که طی این سال ها این استدیو ساخته Batman: Arkham Origins - Blackgate بوده که اتفاقا شخص Mark Pacini کارگردانی کرده که چندان با بازخورد مثبت منتقدان رو به رو نشده بود.
Keiji Inafune که تهیه کننده بازی است و با استدیو خودش یعنی Comcept Inc به ساخت بازی کمک میکنه مثل بخش طراحی و غیره ...
آهنگساز بازی هم Chad Seiter میباشد که شاید مهم ترین قسمت کارنامش ساخت موسیقی 19 قسمت سریال Fringe باشه و در ساخت موسیقی Pokemon: Symphonic Evolutions و Symphony of the Goddesses هم همکاری داشته و از عناوین دیگر کار کرده میشه به STAR TREK و LEGO Jurassic World اشاره کرد.
تصویر مشترک Mark Pacini و Keiji Inafune در E3 :

با آمدن اطلاعات بیشتر پست اول آپدیت می‌شود ....
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کاربر سایت
Dec 19, 2011
Armature Studio (the makers behind the critically acclaimed “Metroid Prime” franchise)

همین جلمه منو نابود میکنه !!! خخخخ
کافیه به امضای فعلی بنده رجوع شود !

منتظر نمایش گیم پلی بازی هستم و حداقل یک اسکرین شاتی و ...


کاربر سایت
Oct 7, 2013
ی مصاحبه با اینوفونه انجام شده که ترجمش با اطلاعات کمی که از بازی درز کرده خالی از لطف نیستYesterday, Microsoft revealed that Keiji Inafune and Armature Studio—founded by developers that created Metroid Prime—are working on an Xbox One action-adventure game titled ReCore. Now, Inafune and Armature’s Mark Pacini have posted a note to fans on the game’s official website.

Keiji Inafune: I’m extremely pleased to be able to announce ReCore today, which is a game about my favorite kind of robots. Sometimes they’re brave heroes, other times they can be humorous companions. In fact, they can be even your most loyal friends.

As you adventure through the mysterious world of ReCore, you’ll learn what makes these robots uniquely charming and powerful. I’m eager to know how all of you will feel after interacting with these robots. And I hope the game will be a fun and endearing experience for you.

Mark Pacini: Everyone at Armature Studio is really happy to invite all of you into the world of ReCore and hope we’ve created characters you’ll love to spend time with.

In the months ahead, we’ll be sharing a lot more about ReCore’s gameplay and other features. We hope you’ll agree that ReCore is an innovative take on the classic action-adventure—a genre that is dear to our gaming hearts. So please stay tuned to this community site and ReCore’s other social channels.

- - -ویرایش - - -

اینم ی مصاحبه دیگه
LOS ANGELES — Keiji Inafune is best known as a game designer who created hit Japanese games such as Mega Man, Onimusha, and Dead Rising. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo this week, he showed off his newest titles, Mighty No. 9, an indie that fans backed on Kickstarter.

He also surprised everyone during the Microsoft press briefing by coming out to talk about ReCore, an exclusive coming next year for Microsoft’s Xbox One. In this game, Inafune’s Comcept USA and Aramture are collaborating to create a new world and intellectual property.

The demo video showed a female lead character, Jewel, on a desert landscape with a robot dog. Enemies attack, and the dog sacrifices itself to save Jewel. She saves the “core” of the dog, and the question becomes whether she can restore that faithful dog to another machine.

I had a translated conversation with Inafune as well as Mark Pacini, development director at Armature, which is building the game with Inafune. It’s expected to come out in 2016.

Here’s an edited transcript of our interview.

Recore E3 2015 01
Above: ReCore is one of E3’s biggest surprises.
Image Credit: Microsoft
GamesBeat: Can you tell us what the game is about? How did this get started?

Keiji Inafune: Prior to forming Comcept, back in my Capcom days, we worked on a project with Armature. Even at that time, I knew there was something special about this relationship. We were very much in sync in terms of the ideas being there, being able to collaborate and exchange ideas. We weren’t able to fully realize that project, but since forming Comcept, we’ve been talking to Armature about what we can do next and how we can work out this partnership.

We came to Armature with the initial idea of what is today ReCore. At the same time, Armature was looking to work on some projects with Microsoft. We got together and presented the idea to Microsoft. There was a great reaction from the Microsoft team.

Typically we hear about the challenges that naturally come with eastern and western developers partnering. But in that sense we feel like we’ve already built a great trust and foundation from when we were working with them before Recore. It’s been a true collaborative process in the best possible way. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We know where to pick and choose which idea should work in this project. It’s a true collaboration between parties on this project.

GamesBeat: What’s the backstory for the game itself?

Inafune: At a very high level, the image or illustration of the story background—this main character, Jewel, as far as she’s concerned she finds out that she may be one of the last remaining survivors in this world. At the same time, it’s ruled by these robots. She doesn’t know why or how these things happened, but she quickly figures out that this dog, this robotic companion, is someone she can partner with.

Throughout the progression of the game, a lot of the mysteries of the world—If I’m the last remaining human survivor, how is this world going to continue to live on? What’s my purpose here? All that will be unraveled as you progress through the game.

Recore E3 2015 01
Above: ReCore at E3 2015
Image Credit: Microsoft
GamesBeat: It’s interesting to see a woman as the main character. That seems like a big trend at E3 this year.

Mark Pacini: Jewel just fit the story we were trying to tell. There wasn’t anything more intentional than that. She fit in the world that we were trying to create and the story we wanted to tell, that struggle for humanity. It made sense for us very early in development to have a woman as the protagonist.
ممنون میشم اگه دوستان حدالقل زحمت بکشن اگه اطلاعاتی هرچند مختصری رو میده رو ترجمه کنن


کاربر سایت
Oct 7, 2013
ReCore یکی از بازی‌های هیجان‌انگیزی بود که در کنفرانس E3 مایکروسافت به صورت انحصاری برای ایکس‌باکس وان معرفی شد. کیجی اینافونه سازنده‌ی صاحب‌نام بازی در مصاحبه‌ای کمی بیشتر در مورد این بازی و اینکه باید انتظار چه چیزی را بکشیم، صحبت می‌کند.

مارک پاچینی، کارگردان بازی و کیجی اینافونه درباره‌ی اولین تریلر بازی که در کنفرانس مایکروسافت پخش شد صحبت می‌کنند و در مورد نکاتی چون محیط بازی و وضعیت آن، تمرکز بازی روی المان‌های نجات و بقا و طرز استفاده از روبات‌ها برای حل معماها در بازی صحبت می‌کنند.

اینافونه بار دیگر با استودیوی آرماچور همکاری کرده است و این بازی را تجربه‌ای هیجان‌انگیز می‌داند. مارک پاچینی، کارگردان بازی رابطه‌ی شخصیت اصلی با یکی از روبات‌های بازی را که در ابتدای تریلر می‌بینیم، رابطه‌ای نزدیک توصیف می‌کند. این روبات که شبیه یک سگ طراحی شده، مَک نام دارد و او و صاحبش قصد دارند انسانیت را دوباره به سیاره بازگردانند و البته خیل عظیمی از روبات‌های دیگر وجود دارند که نمی‌خواهند این اتفاق بیفتد. در ابتدای تریلر، طوفانی از شن را دیدیم که محیط بازی را تغییر داد تخته‌سنگ‌ها و غارهای پنهان را آشکار کرد، این موارد روی نقشه‌ی بازی و گیم‌پلی هم تأثیر مستقیم می‌گذارند.

در این دنیا تعداد بسیار کمی انسان وجود و دارند و دختری که شخصیت اصلی بازی است، در میان روبات‌ها تنها است. با پیشروی در بازی روبات‌های جدیدی پیدا می‌کنید که بعضی‌ها دوست و برخی دیگر دشمن شما می‌شوند. به گفته‌ی اینافونه تمرکز اصلی این بازی روی نحوه‌ی زندگی و بقای شخصیت اصلی در این دنیا است. هرچه بیشتر به زیر زمین بروید و در غارها جستجو کنید،‌ دشمنانی را خواهید یافت که قوی‌تر و پیشرفته‌تر هستند.

در درگیری با روبات‌های دشمن دیدیم که مک خودش را برای نجات جان صاحبش فدا کرد اما هسته‌ی آبی‌رنگ او باقی‌ ماند. ضمیر ناخودآگاه او در این هسته وجود دارد و با قرار دادن آن در روبات دیگری، مک می‌تواند در شکل دیگری دوباره زنده شود. همانطور که از اسم بازی‌ هم برمی‌آید، این هسته‌ها نقشی اساسی در گیم‌پلی ایفا می‌کنند. می‌توانید هسته‌ی روبات‌ها از آن‌ها خارج کنید و کارهای متفاوتی با آن انجام دهید، مثلاً به وسیله‌ی آن هسته‌های دیگر را تقویت کنید یا روبات دیگری را زنده کنید.

داستان بازی یک داستان حماسی و سرشار از رمز و رازها و ماجراجویی‌ها است. روبات‌ها نقشی اساسی در این ماجراجویی بازی می‌کنند و تعدد آن‌ها و گوناگونی‌شان، منجر به یک تجربه‌ی غنی و کامل می‌شود. روبات‌های مختلفی می‌توانند همراه شخصیت اصلی شوند که هرکدام با ویژگی‌های خاص خودشان، تجربه‌ای متفاوت ارائه می‌کنند.

اینافونه در این بازی، آینده‌ی محتمل انسان‌ها را ترسیم کرده است و به گفته‌ی خودش می‌خواهد اثری بسازد که نشان دهد انسان‌ها چه مسیری را طی می‌کنند و انسانیت، چطور پایان می‌یابد.

ReCore در سال ۲۰۱۶ انحصاراً برای ایکس‌باکس وان عرضه می‌شود.
منبع زومجی


کاربر سایت
Oct 7, 2013
New Details on Mega Man Creator's Xbox One Exclusive ReCore

New details have emerged online regarding ReCore, the new game from Mega Man, Onimusha, and Dead Rising creator Keiji Inafune, which was one of the big surprises during Microsoft's E3 press conference.

Beyond the reveal trailer, little is known about the game. As revealed in GameSpot's stage interview with Keiji Inafune, ReCore has been in development for 14 months, so it is still in the early stages.

A new video interview published by Xbox, however, has provided some insight into the characters at the heart of the story, and the world which it is set in.

Armature Studio's game director, Mark Pacini (whose studio is working with Inafune), reveals the main character of ReCore is called Jewel, while the robot companion--who starts off as a dog--is called Mack.

The two have a special relationship as Mack finds Jewel at the start of the game, and is part of a faction trying to help you bring back humanity to the planet. A separate faction of robots, meanwhile, is trying to stop Jewel and Mack from making this happen.

"One of the big features of this game is that the scenery completely changes after a sandstorm," Inafune adds. "[This] actually affects the maps in the gameplay."

Continuing, Inafune reveals that ReCore takes place in a world populated by very few humans, which means Jewel has mostly been by herself throughout her life, with the exception of her robot companion.

"As you continue on this adventure you are going to meet other companions, as well as enemies. The game's main theme focuses on how she is going to survive in this world," adds Pacini.

He continues: "The relationship between the friendly robots in the game and the enemy robots in the game, they get more volatile and deadlier as you go underground and find these areas. That's where all the good stuff is, and that's what you're trying to explore."

Central to ReCore is the ability to remove Mack's core and transfer his consciousness to another robot.

Inafune explains: "During the fight with the robots [in the trailer] Mack was defeated, but his core remained. Mack's consciousness still remains in the core and by implanting the core into another robot ... Mack will live on in another form.

"This is a very epic story full of mystery and adventure. As I said, robots play a very important role in this adventure, and there will be many more robots that will lead to a rich experience. There will also be many other companion robots you can partner with, and each of the different robots will lead to unique adventures."
آخرین ویرایش:


Loyal Member
Jun 6, 2007
Creating the Music of ReCore


Creating the Music of ReCore

اینم کارنامه آهنگ ساز بازی :D
RECORE (2015) (Microsoft Studios/Comcept/Armature Studios)
LEGO JURASSIC WORLD (2015) (TT Games/WB Games)
STAR TREK (2013) (Paramount Pictures/Digital Extremes/Bad Robot)
POKÉMON: SYMPHONIC EVOLUTIONS (2014 – ) (The Pokémon Company, Intl.)
Composer, Arranger, Orchestrator, Associate Executive Producer, Music Director
Composer, Arranger, Orchestrator, and Music Director
THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: E3 (2011) (Nintendo Corporation, Ltd.)
REVENGE (Season 1) (ABC Television 2012) – Additional Music
FRINGE (Season 1) (Bad Robot/Warner Bros./FOX Television, 2008 – 2009)
LOST (2004 – 2011) (Bad Robot/ABC) – Additional Music & Arrangements
FRACTURE (2008 LucasArts)
LOST: VIA DOMUS (2007 Ubisoft Montreal)
GARDEN OF HEDON (2012, Feature Film)
WORLDS APART (2011, Short Film)
BREAKING IN (Fox, 2011) – Additional Music
THE QUEST FOR ZHU (Black Lantern Studios, Nintendo, 2011)
STATE OF SECURITY (2009, Documentary)
UP (2009 Video Game, THQ)
DISNEY’S PREP AND LANDING (2009 TV Special) – Arranger – “Carol of the Bells”
THE STORY OF WALLS (2009 Short Film)
TYPE A (2009 Short Film)
MY SOUL (2008 Short Film)
TURNING POINT: FALL OF LIBERTY (2007 Spark Entertainment Video Game)
RATATOUILLE (2007 THQ Video Game)
BALLS OF FURY (2007, Nintendo of America, Black Lantern Studios)
FEAR OF CLOWNS 2 (2007 Feature Film)
EPICAC (2007 Short Film)
GOT YOUR NOSE (2006 Disney Animation)
UNO & UNO 52 (2006, Nintendo of America, Black Lantern Studios)
LIGHTS OUT (2006 Short Film)
HASBRO BOARD GAMES (2006 Video Game)
HIJACKED (2006 Sea-Doo Short Film)
FEAR OF CLOWNS (2004 Feature Film)
TABLOID TYCOON (2004 Video Game)

LEGO JURASSIC WORLD (2015, TT Games/WB Games) – Orchestrator
JURASSIC WORLD (2015, Universal Pictures) – Orchestrator
CABIN FEVER (2015, Contend/Armory Films/Pelican Point Media) – Orchestrator
ASCEND: NEW GODS (2013, Microsoft Studios) – Orchestrator
ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES (2013, Gearbox) – Orchestrator
THE HAUNTING IN GEORGIA (2013, Feature Film) – Orchestration & Arrangement
PIRANHA 3D (2010 Feature Film, Weinstein Co.) – Orchestration
STAR TREK (2009 Feature Film, Paramount) – Arrangement, Orchestration
STAR TREK D.A.C. (2009 Video Game, Naked Sky) – Arranger and Orchestrator
PRIMAL SYMPHONY – (2009, Mateo Messina) – Arranger and Orchestrator
FRINGE (Season 1) (FOX Television, 2008 – 2009) – Orchestrator
DISNEY’S PREP AND LANDING (2009 TV Special) – Orchestrator – “Carol of the Bells”
LOST (ABC Television, 2004 – Present) – Orchestration
LAND OF THE LOST (2009 Feature Film, Universal) – Orchestration
EARTH DAYS (2009) – Arranger & Orchestrator
UP (2009 Video Game, THQ) – Orchestrator
81st ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS (2009) – Arranger/Orchestrator
AFTERMATH (2009) – Copyist
MEDAL OF HONOR: Suite For Orchestra (2009 Concert Piece) – Arranger/Orchestrator
CLOVERFIELD (2008 Feature Film) – Orchestrator (“ROAR!” Cloverfield Overture)
FRACTURE (2008 Video Game) – Orchestrator
PASSENGERS (2008 Feature Film) – Orchestration
ALIAS (ABC Television, 2004 – 2006) – Score Preparation & Additional Orchestration (2 Seasons)
SPEED RACER (2008 Feature Film) – Orchestration
TURNING POINT: FALL OF LIBERTY (2007 Video Game) – Orchestration
MEDAL OF HONOR: AIRBORNE (2007 Video Game) – Orchestration
RATATOUILLE (2007 Video Game) – Orchestration
HOW TO HOOK UP YOUR HOME THEATRE (2007 Disney Animation) – Score Preparation
RATATOUILLE (2007 Feature Film) – Score Preparation & Score Prep. Supervision
LOST: VIA DOMUS (2007 Video Game) – Arranger, Orchestrator & Copyist
SIX DEGREES (ABC Television, 2006 – 2007) – Orchestration & Score Preparation
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (2006 Feature Film) – Score Preparation
LIFTED (2006 Pixar Short Film) – Score Preparation
SPACE MOUNTAIN: MISSION II (2006 Disneyland Ride) – Score Preparation & Ride Implementation
GEARS OF WAR (2006 Video Game, Epic Megagames) – Score Preparation & Score Prep. Supervision
WHAT ABOUT BRIAN (ABC Television, 2006) – Orchestration & Score Preparation
BLACK (2006 Video Game) – Score Preparation
LOOKING FOR COMEDY IN THE MUSLIM WORLD (2005 Feature Film) – Score Preparation
THE FAMILY STONE (2005 Feature Film) – Score Preparation
ONE MAN BAND (2005 Pixar Short Film) – Score Assistant
SKY HIGH (2005 Feature Film) – Score Preparation
MERCENARIES (2005 Video Game) – Score Preparation
THE MUPPETS: WIZARD OF OZ (2005) – Score Preparation
THE KARATEGUARD (2005 Warner Bros. Cartoon) – Score Assistant
THE INCREDIBLES (2004) – Score Assistant
CALL OF DUTY: FINEST HOUR (2004 Video Game) – Score Assistant

Silent Siren

کاربر سایت
Aug 31, 2014

Captain America

I am become Death, The Destroyer of Worlds
کاربر سایت
Aug 13, 2010
هرچند بازی تو گیمزکام نیست اما در ChinaJoy تریلرش پخش کردن و طبق گفته اسپنسر مورد استقبال عموم هم قرار گرفته بود :D



کاربر سایت
Dec 14, 2007


کاربر سایت
Dec 14, 2007
Bobby Pavlock اطلاعات صفحه شخصیش رو ادیت کرد و بازی دوباره XBOX Exclusive شد :D نکته جالب اینه بطور واضح ذکر شده بازی AAA هست پس باید منتظر یه بازی بزرگ دیگه تو لیست انحصاری های XBOX ONE باشیم، نه صرفا یک بازی کوچیک و جمع و جور!

Bobby Pavlock

Bobby Pavlock - Game Design Portfolio - Portfolio


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رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر