Multi Platform Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft Montreal
تاریخ انتشار
December 2015
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S

نام بازی: Rainbow 6 Siege
سازنده و ناشر: Ubisoft

سبک: FPS, Tactical Shooter
پلتفرم: PC, PS4, Xbox One
تاریخ عرضه: 1 دسامبر 2015 ( 10 آذر 1394 )

Rainbow 6 Siege یا به طور مختصر R6S، یک اثر اول‌شخص تاکتیکی تمام آنلاین است که در آن، بازیکنان به رقابت سر اهداف مختلف (همچون Secure-bomb-hostage) می‌پردازند. در حالت کلی، سه مد که برابر با Casual, Ranked, Terrorist Hunt است، در این عنوان وجود دارد. در حالت «کژوال» بازیکنان به سادگی بدون دغدغه جا به جا شدن رنک خود به تجربه حالت‌های مختلف می‌انجامند اما تجربه اصلی بازی، مربوط به بخش Ranked Match می‌شود که پس از انجام 10 مچ رنک خود را دریافت کرده و قابلیت تغییر آن به واسطه بازی کردن به دست می‌آورید.
سیستم پشتیبانی از «سیج» به صورت سالانه بوده و هر سال شامل چهار فصلِ سه ماهه می‌شود. در آغار هر فصل به طور معمول 2 اپراتور و یک نقشه جدید، به همراه تعداد زیادی تغییرات به بازی وارد می‌شود. لاذم به ذکر است که برای خرید اپراتورها نیاز به خرید «سیزن پس» یا پرداخت پول واقعی ندارید و می‌توانید از طریق بازی کردن آن‌ها را به دست بیاورید.



game modes.jpg


وضعیت فعلی بازی: سال 5 فصل 1



سوال: سیستم آپدیت در سیج چطوریه؟
پاسخ: پشتیبانی از سیج به صورت سالانه است. هر سال 4 فصل دارد که در هر فصل به طور میانگین 3 آپدیت عرضه می‌شود تا تغییرات وعده داده شده اعمال شود. این تغییرات ممکن است شامل اُپریتور و نقشه و باف و نرف های جدید باشد و یا حل کردن مشکلات تکنیکی و سرورهای بازی که خود یوبیسافت درصورت تغییر روند برنامه عادیش اون ها رو به طور رسمی اعلام میکنه.
سوال: آیا بازی Pay 2 Win ـه؟
پاسخ: خیر :D
سوال: آیا مپ های حذف شده هرگز برنمی گردن؟
پاسخ: بعضی از مپ ها فقط توی حالت Custom Match قابل بازی خواهند بود اما به مرور زمان به کژوال و رنک بر میگردند.

سوال: اگه این بازی رو نسخه معمولیش رو بخریم به تجربمون از بازی اسیب میزنه یا خیر؟ و اینکه محتوای اضافه مثل اپراتور ها رو با حدود چند ساعت بازی میشه به دست اورد؟

پاسخ: خیر نسخه عادی هیچ آسیبی به بازی نمیرسونه چون بازی تحت هیچ عنوان P2W نیست و اخیرا هم ویژگی به بازی اضافه شده که حتی اگه نسخه عادی رو تهیه کنید و به اصطلاح تازه وارد باشید، تمامی اپراتور های پایه بازی ( که از روز اول در بازی وجود داشتن ) به همراه اتچمنت هاشون براتون به صورت مجانی باز هستند.
هر اپراتور مربوط به فصل ها هم حدود 20 الی 25 ساعت طول میکشه تا باز بشه.

سوال: به علت وجود تعداد زیاد نقشه در بازی جایگاه هَچ ها و راه های ورودی و ... را نمی شناسم، راه حلی برای یادگیری سریع نقاط مختلف هر نقشه وجود دارد؟

پاسخ: با مراجعه به وبسایت ذیل می توانید اطلاعات مربوط به هرنقشه را مطالعه کرده و یادبگیرید.

با تشکر از کاربر @Soroush_shz بابت معرفی این وبسایت کاربردی.

سوال: روشی برای بازی کردن با همه اپراتورا قبل از این که بخریمشون وجود داره؟
پاسخ: دوستان یه روش هست که تو پی سی جواب میده واسه تست کردن اپراتور های 25k ای قبل از اینکه بخرینش.
تو پی سی که میتونی یوپلی رو ببری رو حالت آفلاین مود و بازی رو اجرا کنی! همه اپراتورا تو حالت آفلاین بازه! میتونید واسه هر اپراتوری که میخواید اتچمنت بذارید و برید کاستوم رو در و دیوار تست کنید ببینید خوشتون میاد یا نه! رو دوستان نسخه استیمم جواب داده این روش! فقط تنها مودی که میشه رفت کاستومه! تو حالت آفلاین تروریست هانتم نمیتونید برید! ولی بازم واسه تست کردن گان ها و قابلیت هاشون خیلی خوبه و باعث میشه الکی 25 هزار تا واسه اپراتوری که شاید خوشتون نیاد هزینه نکنید!
دوستان کنسولیم سر در نمیارم ببینن میتونن تو حالت آفلاین بازی رو اجرا کنن؟ مثلا اینترنتو قطع کنن بازی اجرا میشه؟ یا روش های دیگه ... خلاصه تو حالت آفلاین همه اپراتورا بازه و میتونید قبل خرید تستش کنین!
با تشکر از @Soroush_shz

با تشکر از اسماعیل عزیز بابت همکاری در ساخت پست اول
آخرین ویرایش:
4-5 رفته بودیم چون بیشتر8 تو پارتی جا نمیشه
منتها بدیش اینه که همه سبک بازی همو بلدن میدونن کی راش میده کی کجاست و....
دیشب من NERO7 عملآ تو تیم گند بازی کردیم من که فوق نابود بازی کردم

خوب صداتونو ببرید داخل بازی دیگه.
id تو بده اددت کنم که تبادل فرند کنیم.
البته اون رضا آبادانیه جز فرندای منم هست.
The community recently discovered some ways to get out of their assigned zones during preparation phase, and Ubisoft is testing an insta-kill configuration affecting any who manage this feat on Xbox One. If it works out, the measure will be permanently activated on all platforms.
چه عجب يادشون افتاد.
اونروز طرف اومد بيرون جايي كه spawn ميشيم C4 انداخت تا اومديم جلومون تركيد
قضیه اینکه طرف قبل از بازی میتونه راش بده به بیس اتکر ها یه بار پیش اومد فکر کردم باگ شده فقط ولی دیشب داشتم رنک میزدم با درون رفتم محل defend دیدم در رو باز کرد چندبار دراز نشست رفت بعد از دیوار قرمز رد شد اومد پشت سرمون

روشش هم اینه که باید دراز بکشید بعد sprint رو بزنید و همزمان مربع رو بزنید تا بشه این کار رو کرد...چندبار این کار رو کنید میشه فقط امیدوارم رفعش کنن واقعا بازی بهم میریزه
مطمئنی ؟ من اینارو دیده بودم ولی مطمئن نیستم

فعلا که این کانادایی ها BLACK ICE تاخییر خورده

تو Ranked پی سی میرسی رنک گلد ..
پره چیتر .. اونم مزخرف چیت میزنند

سیستم FairFight هم یه سیستم آنتی چیت مزخرف بر حسب Stat بن می کنه ...

5 نفره میری .. یکیشون وال هک داره دیگه هیچی

هک هاشم ارزون ...

متاسفانه انگار توي PC هك بيداد مي كنه :|
خودشون مي گن بيايد توي فلان تاپيك گزارش هكر هارو بديد

تاخير خورده ولي نه زياد ! احتمالا 9 فوريه بايد براي همه خريدشون ازاد بشه
اپديت 1.2 و اون چه كه درست شده

In-Depth Patch Notes - Update 1.2 - January 7th (PC) & January 14th (Consoles)

Hello everyone!

Today we are sharing our second title update. Keep in mind that we will be improving with every update. The changes described below will take effect on January 7th 2016 for PC and on January 14th 2016 for Consoles. This patch will be released on PC first because of the faster deployment process, in order to test the impact the fixes have and adjust if needed.

Please refer to our post about our January 2016 Priority – Fixing Top Issues to see our current plans and steps we are taking to improve the game. Note that this patch, Update 1.2, will not fix all of our current top issues and that we are actively working on fixing them as soon as possible.

General Tweaks and Improvements

Hit Registration Improvements
Updated the server tick rate for all PC users, coming soon to consoles
With the goal of improving positioning and shooting replication, we had deployed a first update on PC in which the player position update rate is set to 60 times per second (vs. the previous 30). This change however has been done in an intermittent fashion and in certain regions only, as we were testing various configurations. We are now satisfied with its state so we are now deploying this update to all PC users. As soon as this feature has been validated with this more massive test on PC, we will be deploying this update on consoles as soon as possible.

Data center selection is now possible (PC users only, for now)
PC users can change their default data centers in the Rainbow Six game settings file (gamesettings.ini), which is usually located in the ‘My Documents\My Games\your Uplay ID’ folder. Change the DataCenterHint value from ‘default’ to the region’s short name that you wish to have as your default data center. The available region short names can be found just above the DataCenterHint line.

Note that we are planning to eventually expose this in the in-game UI for all platforms and this PC-exclusive feature is only a first step.

Matchmaking Improvements

  • Refining the quality of PVP matches with more evenly matched opponents
  • Added a criteria that increases the odds of pre-made parties being matched against a squad with an equal number of pre-made parties within them.
  • Skill criterion originating from the player’s region is now more precise.

Improved connectivity to PVP and PVE matches

  • Increased match quality by ensuring players using the same data center get matched together, leading to better ping.
  • Improved accuracy of the estimated waiting time while in lobby.

Top Community-Raised Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised community bugs.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Ranked matches HUD synch with Casual update has been applied (read: playlist changes from this post).
  • Did some fixes on an issue in which players would get stuck when walking, running or at the end of a rappel. The player could do other actions and rotate but couldn’t move.
    • Some situations still cause this bug. It is a work in progress.

Level Design Fixes

  • Kanal: fixed a bug in which the red blocker wall was not present on a window in the holding room for Defenders and allowed them to exit their zone during the preparation phase.
  • Some lighting issues on maps have been fixed.
  • Some minor collision issues have been fixed on House, Clubhouse, Kanal and Russian Café.

Online Flow Fixes

  • Fixed Error [3-0x0001000B].
  • Partial fix of Error [2-0x00000041]. Refer to Top Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Partial fix of the loading screen freeze (smoke background). Refer to Top Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.

UI Fixes

  • Player skill rank display has been re-activated.
  • Authentication pop-up title had inconsistent spacing.

Audio Fixes

  • XB1: Fixed a bug in which if a player constrained the game, snapped an app, then unconstrained the game, he or she would lose the voice chat.
  • XB1: Fixed a bug in which the game did not exhibit any audio whilst the player had any app snapped.

Other Fixes

  • The Season Passes temporary activation for everyone for issue identification purposes has now ended, see this post for more details.
  • Fixed a bug in which the Tier 5 faded skin for the FBI’s 5.7 USG pistol didn’t unlock even after purchasing it.

اپديت 1.3 و اون چه كه درست شده

In-Depth Patch Notes - Update 1.3 - January 13th (PC) & January 20th (Consoles)

Today we are sharing our third update. This one is smaller because we felt we needed to quickly fix some issues. The changes described below will take effect on January 13[SUP]th[/SUP] for PC and on January 20[SUP]th[/SUP] for consoles, except the server tick rate improvement, the anti-cheating and banning policy improvements as well as the out-of-zone insta-kill option which is effective for all immediately (read below for details). This patch will be released on PC first because of the faster deployment process, in order to test the impact the fixes have and adjust if needed. Note that tomorrow, January 13[SUP]th[/SUP], Patch 1.2 takes effect on consoles. A much bigger patch, Patch 2.0, will be released at the same time as Season 1, on February 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]. This update will be made available on PC and consoles at the same time.

Please refer to our post about our top priorities and known issues to see our current plans and steps we are taking to improve the game as we move forwards. Note that this update, Patch 1.3, will not fix all of our current top issues and that we are actively working on fixing them as soon as possible.

(Live for PC and consoles, as of Jan. 13[SUP]th[/SUP])


  • Updated the server tick rate for console users
  • With the goal of improving positioning and shooting replication, we had deployed a first update on PC in which the player position update rate is set to 60 times per second (vs. the previous 30). After testing, we are satisfied with its state so we are now deploying this update to all consoles as well.


  • Cheating countermeasures have been improved further.
  • Banning policy update: all cheaters detected by the system will be banned permanently. No more three day ban for first offense.


  • Added a configuration that allows us to turn ON an insta-kill configuration for Defenders that go outside their zone during the preparation phase (this behavior should not be possible, but if exploits are found, the guilty shall be punished by a swift death!)
  • We will be able to activate this functionality at any time. We will first be testing it on XB1 during the afternoon of January 13[SUP]th[/SUP] (Montreal time). If it proves effective, we will be deploying this on all platforms later that day.

(Live for PC on Jan. 13[SUP]th[/SUP], live for consoles on Jan. 20[SUP]th[/SUP])
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised community bugs.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to exit their zone during the preparation phase (red wall). When transitioning from proning to standing position combined with putting up a barricade, players were able to go through walls. We believe this exploit is now solved. Please share your experience in this forum thread if you still encounter it after the patch (information we are looking for listed in opening post).


  • Partial fix of Error [2-0x00000041]. Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for more information.
  • Potential full fix of the loading screen freeze (smoke background). Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Potential full fix of the failed data synchronization issue. Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Session authentication operation requests are now using the per data center proxy instead of the Dev one.
  • Improved error tracking, for easier issue identification from our side.
  • Ranked match reconnection fixes for PC:
    • If game was closed by pressing [x] or ALT+F4, the players will not be leaving all sessions anymore.
    • Players leaving a Ranked match by pressing F10 will now be receiving reconnect & abandon messages.
    • Players leaving a Ranked match by quitting with ALT+F4 will now be receiving reconnect & abandon messages.
  • Various smaller connectivity and crash fixes.

ديگه خفه شديم با اين همه اپديت :|

4-5 رفته بودیم چون بیشتر8 تو پارتی جا نمیشه
منتها بدیش اینه که همه سبک بازی همو بلدن میدونن کی راش میده کی کجاست و....
دیشب من NERO7 عملآ تو تیم گند بازی کردیم من که فوق نابود بازی کردم

همه با هم بازي كنيم احتمال اين كه اخرش دعوامون بشه زياده :|
بعدش هم رفيقمون درست مي گه راهكارهاي همديگه رو بلديم :d

اون هم مشكل ما نبود :| اين تيمي كه ما بوديم همش ميرفتن بمب كه سخت تر از بقيه است بعدش هماهنگ هم بازي نمي كردن :|

چه عجب يادشون افتاد.
اونروز طرف اومد بيرون جايي كه spawn ميشيم C4 انداخت تا اومديم جلومون تركيد

صادق تو كه استاد بيرون رفتن بودي و طرفدار اين روش ؟!:|:d البته تو بعد prep phase مي رفتي بيرون :d

البته الان يه سيستم گذاشتن هر كي رفت بيرون insta-kill بشه :d
اپديت 1.2 و اون چه كه درست شده

In-Depth Patch Notes - Update 1.2 - January 7th (PC) & January 14th (Consoles)

Hello everyone!

Today we are sharing our second title update. Keep in mind that we will be improving with every update. The changes described below will take effect on January 7th 2016 for PC and on January 14th 2016 for Consoles. This patch will be released on PC first because of the faster deployment process, in order to test the impact the fixes have and adjust if needed.

Please refer to our post about our January 2016 Priority – Fixing Top Issues to see our current plans and steps we are taking to improve the game. Note that this patch, Update 1.2, will not fix all of our current top issues and that we are actively working on fixing them as soon as possible.

General Tweaks and Improvements

Hit Registration Improvements
Updated the server tick rate for all PC users, coming soon to consoles
With the goal of improving positioning and shooting replication, we had deployed a first update on PC in which the player position update rate is set to 60 times per second (vs. the previous 30). This change however has been done in an intermittent fashion and in certain regions only, as we were testing various configurations. We are now satisfied with its state so we are now deploying this update to all PC users. As soon as this feature has been validated with this more massive test on PC, we will be deploying this update on consoles as soon as possible.

Data center selection is now possible (PC users only, for now)
PC users can change their default data centers in the Rainbow Six game settings file (gamesettings.ini), which is usually located in the ‘My Documents\My Games\your Uplay ID’ folder. Change the DataCenterHint value from ‘default’ to the region’s short name that you wish to have as your default data center. The available region short names can be found just above the DataCenterHint line.

Note that we are planning to eventually expose this in the in-game UI for all platforms and this PC-exclusive feature is only a first step.

Matchmaking Improvements

  • Refining the quality of PVP matches with more evenly matched opponents
  • Added a criteria that increases the odds of pre-made parties being matched against a squad with an equal number of pre-made parties within them.
  • Skill criterion originating from the player’s region is now more precise.

Improved connectivity to PVP and PVE matches

  • Increased match quality by ensuring players using the same data center get matched together, leading to better ping.
  • Improved accuracy of the estimated waiting time while in lobby.

Top Community-Raised Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised community bugs.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Ranked matches HUD synch with Casual update has been applied (read: playlist changes from this post).
  • Did some fixes on an issue in which players would get stuck when walking, running or at the end of a rappel. The player could do other actions and rotate but couldn’t move.
    • Some situations still cause this bug. It is a work in progress.

Level Design Fixes

  • Kanal: fixed a bug in which the red blocker wall was not present on a window in the holding room for Defenders and allowed them to exit their zone during the preparation phase.
  • Some lighting issues on maps have been fixed.
  • Some minor collision issues have been fixed on House, Clubhouse, Kanal and Russian Café.

Online Flow Fixes

  • Fixed Error [3-0x0001000B].
  • Partial fix of Error [2-0x00000041]. Refer to Top Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Partial fix of the loading screen freeze (smoke background). Refer to Top Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.

UI Fixes

  • Player skill rank display has been re-activated.
  • Authentication pop-up title had inconsistent spacing.

Audio Fixes

  • XB1: Fixed a bug in which if a player constrained the game, snapped an app, then unconstrained the game, he or she would lose the voice chat.
  • XB1: Fixed a bug in which the game did not exhibit any audio whilst the player had any app snapped.

Other Fixes

  • The Season Passes temporary activation for everyone for issue identification purposes has now ended, see this post for more details.
  • Fixed a bug in which the Tier 5 faded skin for the FBI’s 5.7 USG pistol didn’t unlock even after purchasing it.

اپديت 1.3 و اون چه كه درست شده

In-Depth Patch Notes - Update 1.3 - January 13th (PC) & January 20th (Consoles)

Today we are sharing our third update. This one is smaller because we felt we needed to quickly fix some issues. The changes described below will take effect on January 13[SUP]th[/SUP] for PC and on January 20[SUP]th[/SUP] for consoles, except the server tick rate improvement, the anti-cheating and banning policy improvements as well as the out-of-zone insta-kill option which is effective for all immediately (read below for details). This patch will be released on PC first because of the faster deployment process, in order to test the impact the fixes have and adjust if needed. Note that tomorrow, January 13[SUP]th[/SUP], Patch 1.2 takes effect on consoles. A much bigger patch, Patch 2.0, will be released at the same time as Season 1, on February 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]. This update will be made available on PC and consoles at the same time.

Please refer to our post about our top priorities and known issues to see our current plans and steps we are taking to improve the game as we move forwards. Note that this update, Patch 1.3, will not fix all of our current top issues and that we are actively working on fixing them as soon as possible.

(Live for PC and consoles, as of Jan. 13[SUP]th[/SUP])


  • Updated the server tick rate for console users
  • With the goal of improving positioning and shooting replication, we had deployed a first update on PC in which the player position update rate is set to 60 times per second (vs. the previous 30). After testing, we are satisfied with its state so we are now deploying this update to all consoles as well.


  • Cheating countermeasures have been improved further.
  • Banning policy update: all cheaters detected by the system will be banned permanently. No more three day ban for first offense.


  • Added a configuration that allows us to turn ON an insta-kill configuration for Defenders that go outside their zone during the preparation phase (this behavior should not be possible, but if exploits are found, the guilty shall be punished by a swift death!)
  • We will be able to activate this functionality at any time. We will first be testing it on XB1 during the afternoon of January 13[SUP]th[/SUP] (Montreal time). If it proves effective, we will be deploying this on all platforms later that day.

(Live for PC on Jan. 13[SUP]th[/SUP], live for consoles on Jan. 20[SUP]th[/SUP])
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised community bugs.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to exit their zone during the preparation phase (red wall). When transitioning from proning to standing position combined with putting up a barricade, players were able to go through walls. We believe this exploit is now solved. Please share your experience in this forum thread if you still encounter it after the patch (information we are looking for listed in opening post).


  • Partial fix of Error [2-0x00000041]. Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for more information.
  • Potential full fix of the loading screen freeze (smoke background). Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Potential full fix of the failed data synchronization issue. Refer to the High Priority Issues in the Known Issues post for full information.
  • Session authentication operation requests are now using the per data center proxy instead of the Dev one.
  • Improved error tracking, for easier issue identification from our side.
  • Ranked match reconnection fixes for PC:
    • If game was closed by pressing [x] or ALT+F4, the players will not be leaving all sessions anymore.
    • Players leaving a Ranked match by pressing F10 will now be receiving reconnect & abandon messages.
    • Players leaving a Ranked match by quitting with ALT+F4 will now be receiving reconnect & abandon messages.
  • Various smaller connectivity and crash fixes.

ديگه خفه شديم با اين همه اپديت :|

همه با هم بازي كنيم احتمال اين كه اخرش دعوامون بشه زياده :|
بعدش هم رفيقمون درست مي گه راهكارهاي همديگه رو بلديم :d

اون هم مشكل ما نبود :| اين تيمي كه ما بوديم همش ميرفتن بمب كه سخت تر از بقيه است بعدش هماهنگ هم بازي نمي كردن :|

صادق تو كه استاد بيرون رفتن بودي و طرفدار اين روش ؟!:|:d البته تو بعد prep phase مي رفتي بيرون :d

البته الان يه سيستم گذاشتن هر كي رفت بيرون insta-kill بشه :d

اتفاقا الان بیرون رفتن به لطف یه باگ خفن خیلی راحتر شده.حتی قبل از اینکه اتکرها حمله کنن.
هرچقدرم دوس داشته باشی میتونی بیرون وایسی.من چندین بار امتحان کردم.
اتفاقا الان بیرون رفتن به لطف یه باگ خفن خیلی راحتر شده.حتی قبل از اینکه اتکرها حمله کنن.
هرچقدرم دوس داشته باشی میتونی بیرون وایسی.من چندین بار امتحان کردم.

من اين جريان بيرون رفتن توي prep phase رو تازه فهميدم :|

البته توي اپديت 1.3 درست ميشه كه براي كنسول 20 ژانويه يا همون هفته ديگه مياد
يكي ديگه هم داره مياد :|:d
اين بعديه يه جورايي مهم تره

يكي ديگه هم دوم فوريه مياد كه اون ديگه پچ 2.0 حساب ميشه و DLCو اپراتورهاي بعدي رو داره

قضیه کلن و اینارو نمیخوان راه بندازن؟

......این پرسونال رنک ها توی ranked چیه اصولش؟ الان مثل سیلور 1 بالاتره یا سیلور3؟
قضیه کلن و اینارو نمیخوان راه بندازن؟

......این پرسونال رنک ها توی ranked چیه اصولش؟ الان مثل سیلور 1 بالاتره یا سیلور3؟

خيلي درخواست دادن ولي هيچ جواب واضحي نمي دن

تا جايي كه يادمه و ميدونم هر چي عددش بالاتر باشه يعني رنك شما بالاتره ! هر چي فلز اش گران بها تر باشه بهتره :d
اگر به كساني ببازيد كه ازتون پايين تر باشن امكان داره كه از رنك تون كم بشه اگر هم از بهتر از خودتون ببريد رنك تون بهتر ميشه :d

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن