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هر یوزرم یه اکانت psn جدا داره؟ بازم میشه؟بله Primaryش کنید همه ی یوزرها میتونن استفاده کنن
هر یوزرم یه اکانت psn جدا داره؟ بازم میشه؟بله Primaryش کنید همه ی یوزرها میتونن استفاده کنن
بله میشههر یوزرم یه اکانت psn جدا داره؟ بازم میشه؟
راهی هست که بفهمم انلاین بازی کردن چقدر از حجم اینترینتم رو مصرف میکنه؟
موافقم تخیلی بنظر میرسه اما بعید نیست بخواد جای اون همه بازی چرت که پارسال داد امسال یه دلجویی از کاربرا بکنهComing to games that rely more on story than action, it indicates that among these, "Heavy Rain," and others such as "Beyond Two Souls," could be arriving as part of the PlayStation Plus program in July. It also points out that these games are similar to "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" which was released for the PlayStation 4 and PC. As for the other games that are rumored to arrive next month, they include "The Last of US" for the PlayStation 3 while there are indications that "Persona 4" will be arriving for the PlayStation Vita.
زیادی تخیلیه ولی اگه به واقعیت بپیونده ... ترکونده
امیدوارم هیچ کودوم رو ندهComing to games that rely more on story than action, it indicates that among these, "Heavy Rain," and others such as "Beyond Two Souls," could be arriving as part of the PlayStation Plus program in July. It also points out that these games are similar to "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" which was released for the PlayStation 4 and PC. As for the other games that are rumored to arrive next month, they include "The Last of US" for the PlayStation 3 while there are indications that "Persona 4" will be arriving for the PlayStation Vita.
زیادی تخیلیه ولی اگه به واقعیت بپیونده ... ترکونده
این از تخیل گذشتهComing to games that rely more on story than action, it indicates that among these, "Heavy Rain," and others such as "Beyond Two Souls," could be arriving as part of the PlayStation Plus program in July. It also points out that these games are similar to "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" which was released for the PlayStation 4 and PC. As for the other games that are rumored to arrive next month, they include "The Last of US" for the PlayStation 3 while there are indications that "Persona 4" will be arriving for the PlayStation Vita.
زیادی تخیلیه ولی اگه به واقعیت بپیونده ... ترکونده
بله پلاس بگیرید میتونید بازی کنید...رفقا یک سوال، بازی های که برای پلاس رایگان شده وقتی پلاس تموم بشه دی اکتیو میشه بازی؟ الان nba 2k16 و گرفتم، دقیقاً فرداش پلاسم تموم شد و بازی اجرا نمیشه و میگه نمیتونه لایسنس و چک کنه، حالا دوباره پلاس بگیرم بازی اجرا میشه؟
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