نمایشگاه/رویداد Microsoft's E3 2017 Press Conference

منتظر رونمایی از عنوان چه استودیویی در کنفرانس مایکروسافت هستید؟

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The Fade

Winds Howling
کاربر سایت

زمان برگزاری کنفرانس: 22 خرداد سال 1396، ساعت 1:30 بامداد
  • آنچه در پیشِ روست

درست سال پیش بود که فیل اسپنسر در پایان کنفرانس E3 2016، از پروژه‌ای رونمایی کرد که مزایایی بیشتر از توان کنسول‌های کنونی در اختیار بازیکنان و سازندگان قرار می‌دهد؛ مزایایی همچون پشتیبانی از کیفیت 4K واقعی که سخت‌افزاری قدرتمند را طلب می‌کند. رفته رفته مشخص شد که این پروژه، یعنی اسکورپیو، قرار است از خانواده‌ی Xbox One باشد و نه نسلی جدید از کنسول‌های خانگی مایکروسافت و اسپنسر چندین بار در مصاحبه‌های مختلف تأکید کرد که هر چه برای اسکورپیو عرضه شود، برای One هم عرضه خواهد شد اما سوال اینجاست؟ چگونه؟ اختلاف گرافیکی بین این دو کنسول، همین الان بر روی کاغذ بسیار فاحش است و این چالشی خواهد بود که مایکروسافت باید آن را پاسخ دهد. به‌علاوه، این کنسول چه قیمتی خواهد داشت؟ طراحی آن به چه شکل است؟ چه بازی‌هایی در هنگام عرضه قرار است از مزایای اسکورپیو استفاده کنند؟ عنوان جدیدی در راه خواهد بود؟ اصلا نام کنسول چیست؟ از آنجا که در این E3، پروژه اسکورپیو رونمایی کامل دارد، به جواب تمامشان خواهیم رسید؛ آن هم در 90 دقیقه و با متفاوت‌ترین کنفرانس مایکروسافت در این سال‌های اخیر، روبه‌رو خواهیم بود.
  • اخبار

- استودیوی 343i تایید کرده که در E3 امسال حضور خواهد داشت ولی زیاد مشتاق نباشید چون نه خبری از Halo 6 است و نه از نسخه‌ی سالگرد Halo 3! آن‌ها گفته‌اند که «یک چیز کوچک» برای E3 کنار گذاشته‌اند. تیمِ آنلاکد از IGN در این ویدیو گزارش داده که احتمالاً شاهد Halo 5.5 یا به عبارتی Halo 5: ODST خواهیم بود.


- سکوت خبری Crackdown 3 هم نگران کننده بود و انتظار می‌رفت که این بازی هم به سرنوشت Fable Legend و Scalebound دچار شود ولی با انتشار خبری در چند مدت پیش، متوجه شدیم که Crackdown 3 به عرضه شدن نزدیک است و با این اوصاف، قطعاً در E3 2017 حضور خواهد داشت.


- طبق این عکس که چند وقت پیش لیک شده بود، مایکروسافت قرار است قابلیت بازپس‌گیری پول را به ایکس‌باکس لایو اضافه کند و اگر شما عنوانی را خریداری و فقط دو ساعت از آن را تجربه کردید، می‌توانید طی 14 روز بازی را به صورت دیجیتالی برگردانید و پول خود را تحویل بگیرید. انتظار می‌رود که این قابلیت در E3 امسال، رسما تایید شود.


- مایکروسافت استفاده از نشان تجاری عنوان Scalebound را دوباره تمدید کرده‌است! البته این می‌تواند به این معنا هم باشد که شاید این کمپانی در آینده به ساخت این عنوان برگردد ولی بعضی از کاربران توییتر پا را فراتر گذاشته‌اند و ادعا کرده‌اند که بازی در دست ساخت است توسط یک شرکت نزدیک به مایکروسافت و البته خود این کمپانی هنوز واکنشی نشان نداده که شاید E3 محل خوبی برای اینکار باشد.

تاپیک در حال آپدیت ...
آخرین ویرایش:
پول سازترین استودیو و بازی مایکروسافت هست دیگه مجبورن یه جوری تبلیغش رو کنن (وقتی استودیو رو خریدن فروش بازی 50 میلیون نسخه بود، الان شده 130 میلیون!) :D البته منم دلم نمیخواد ماینکرفت تو کنفرانس باشه غیر از اینکه مثلا نسخه جدیدی یا یه چیز متفاوت ازش معرفی کنن.
كلا ماينكرفت خيلي بازي جالبي هست با اينكه بازي خيلي ساده اي هست مردم چيزا باهاش ميسازن كه ادم شاخ در مياره...
تو مدارس و اينا هم براي شكوفا كردن خلاقيت بچه ها ازش استفاده هايي ميكنن...
من خودم به شخصه خيلي ماينكرفت رو دوست دارم و با دوستانم خاطره هاي خيلي زيادي دارم با اين بازي
ولي هرچقدر هم كه پول ساز و محبوب باشه خدايي به درد ايتري نميخوره كه بخوان ٣ سال همش چيزي ازش نشون بدن
حالا سال ٢٠١٥ حق داشتن چون ماينكرفت رو هالولنز بسيار فوق العاده بود و اينده گيم روي هولوگرام رو نشون ميداد...
اميدوارم امسال چيزي ازش نبينيم:دي مگر اينكه چيز خيلي جالبي مثل ٢٠١٥ ازش نشون بدن

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
فیل اسپنسر در حساب رسمی توییتر خود به یکی از طرفداران درباره اینکه وضعیت کنفرانس E3 مایکروسافت چطور است چنین پاسخ داد:

برای من کنفرانس E3 2017 یکی از موردتوجه‌ترین کنفرانس‌های اخیرمان است. من حقیقتا از کیفیت بالا و تعداد زیاد عناوینی که نشان داده می‌شوند شگفت زده شده‌ام.
این هر سال میاد همینو میگه،چیش شگفت زده است آخه!!!!!!!
اگه قرار بود ۴۵۰ یا ۵۰۰ باشه همون پارسال کنسول میداد یکسال تاخیر داد که قیمت رو بیاره پایین مطمئن باشین بالای ۴۰۰ دلار نیست

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خودم هم خیلی کنجکاوم بدونم چطور اسکورپیو رو قیمت گذاری میکنن. منتها با اون سخت افزار و امکانات (4K Blu-ray) و صحبت هایی که کردن تا الان، خیلی بدیعه که 400 دلار باشه.

Scorpio has PS4 Pro licked. It will surely be more expensive, too. It's a higher-spec machine in every sense, down to the optical drive that plays the new UHD Blu-ray format (not that anyone buys those). Microsoft uses the word "premium", and you know what that means: $$$.

These days, Xbox One has skewed towards value, while Scorpio will be a piece of hardware with a premium price-point. My sense is that the price differential will be fairly wide and that there'll be less crossover in the audience than there is with PS4 and Pro.

PS4 Pro launched at £349/$399. Scorpio has a larger processor (the most expensive single part of any console), 4GB more memory, a faster hard drive, a UHD Blu-ray drive and a state-of-the-art cooling solution. All of these add cumulatively to the bill of materials and if I had to guess - and I'll stress that this isn't based on anything I might have heard on my visit - Project Scorpio is going to cost in the region of $499.

Scorpio is console hardware pushed to a new level

نظر خودم رو 600 دلاره.
تو بحث کاربرای NeoGAF راجع به اسکورپیو امروز یه دفعه Albert Penello هم اومده شرکت کرده تو بحث :D

I'm sure we don't have the full details yet, but we do know something about how unpatched games will see improvements based on the Eurogamer reveal.

1. "Boost Mode" like PS4 Pro except always turned on and using the full capabilities of the system whereas PS4 Pro only upclocked the CPU, upclocked half the GPU, and uses the additional memory bandwidth. The other half of the GPU is completely unused on the PS4 Pro in Boost Mode. As already mentioned, this leads to games sticking to to their target frame rate, running at much higher frame rates if frame rates are unlocked, and sticking to their maximum resolution if they are using a dynamic resolution system.

2. Faster load times. The extra 3 GB of RAM that is known to not be in use for an unpatched game is smartly used as a RAM drive. Also the faster CPU is utilized to improve this even further in addition to 50% more bandwidth from the HDD itself over the XB1's hard drive.

3. Automatic 16x AF implemented at a system level making for clearer textures.

4. Screen tearing eliminated. They are implementing a system level VSync like they do for XB1 on Xbox 360 BC games.

5. Better GameDVR. Higher quality screen captures, now at 1080P/60 instead of 720P/30. And the ability to go back frame by frame through a GameDVR clip to find the best screenshot you want from that clip. Scorpio games will record at 4K/60.

All of the above will apply to Xbox 360 BC games as well.

As far as the super sampling goes. That is done at a system level as well, but only for games that are running in a Scorpio 4k or high res (if not 4k) mode. If you're on a 1080P TV, the system will automatically do supersampling so the devs don't have to. This has actually been a problem on PS4 Pro as some devs have been lazy and decided not to implement supersampling.

To be clear, the system level supersampling is only done for games with a Scorpio high res mode or what you're calling patched. It wouldn't even make sense for it to supersample on old XB1 games that were not patched to have a Scorpio mode as there would not be a higher resolution to supersample from. The max any XB1 game targets is 1080P.
این پست Albert Penello :
This is all correct. Perhaps the biggest surprise (for me anyway) has been supersampling and how much better the game can look then native 1080. There was a good video on YouTube doing a bunch of comparisons at various resolutions.

But yes for those confused, supersampling (obviously) only works on games designed to be enhanced for Scorpio and running above 1080 get that feature.
همچنین در ادامه :
So have you changed the way this works? Because what was announced to Digital Foundry was that Scorpio will try to use its full capabilities on unpatched games. But, if there are unexpected issues due to the engine being tuned for prior Xbox Ones, Scorpio will turn off portions of the upgrade, or in the worst-case scenario turn off all upgrades, in order to restore proper function.

It was not explained whether this will be accomplished by a runtime profiler, or if there would be a global blacklist/"greylist" maintained by Microsoft via universal testing. But either way, this approach would mean that Scorpio's "boost mode" will not always be turned on or using the system's full capabilities.

So did you mistakenly say this was correct, or has the approach changed? Do you now plan to always use the full Scorpio capabilities, without analyzing whether they cause issues with legacy software?
جواب AP :
You're both right. The notion is correct - by default games can take advantage of Scorpio's additional performance, and if there is a problem we whitelist the game. I'm not aware of any games whitelisted so far.

So the approach is basically that every game will take advantage by default, and we'll intervene if there is a problem. But I felt in the spirit of his summary his post was correct.

Clearly most of you guys understand, but to be clear a game had to be built a certain way to get any advantage. Basically the games with variable Framerate or Resolution will see improvements, much like they did between Xbox One and Xbox One S.

Beyond that, we have the faster HDD + CPU to improve load times, AF, etc. which means, on the whole, games you already have on Xbox One should be better in some way on Scorpio.
Thank you very much for the clarification, makes sense.

So just to confirm, the way this is being handled is by running tests on games offline, and making "tailored performance profiles" for them on Scorpio if by chance they go wonky under full power? There's hundreds of Xbox One games that will need to be tested. How long do you currently expect this process to take? How often will you push blacklist updates out to players? Will the profiles start being bundled with all downloads or installations? Will you retest every unpatched game whenever there are performance patches to Scorpio that could change how they behave?

Sorry for the numerous questions, but this was an interesting aspect of compatibility that wasn't touched on very deeply in the initial reveal. I also suspect it won't take much time onstage prior to E3, since it's not a very sexy or photogenic topic. Just interested in how the approach will work, and thanks in advance for your time!
جواب :
This is probably not something we'll get into detail about in terms of how it works beyond what we said to DF. And I'm personally not that closely involved with the test team on how this is going to be implemented.

We have been testing continuously (even simulations) since before the chip was built. We talked a lot about how the SOC was built based on the needs of existing game code.

Xbox One S launch was a good test for SW resiliency and even that minor boost told us a lot. So our approach was to build a box where the games would run, and *if* we detect a problem we can allow the game to run without the extra power.
I believe Microsoft already confirmed as much, that the new hard drive has 50% more bandwidth available to it or something like that.
جواب :
it's personally my biggest complain about xbox one
a windows pc with ssd feels so much faster and smoother. i just want that same experience on console, too

and every step in that direction is a good one
جواب :
I'm curious - do you have an external HDD connected? If not, give it a try.

We've tested a lot of HDD configurations, but on the whole, moving your games to an external HDD, and leave the internal for system resources, provides probably the best overall load time experience - even faster than an internal SSD in many cases.
و در آخر
Are you hyped for the conference? Do you think Xbox fans will be surprised at what you guys show?
جواب :
I totally am. Been attending reviews all week and there will be some cool stuff. Of course *I* would say that. We'll see what you guys think in a week :)
آخرین ویرایش:
تو 4chan کاربر ناشناسی اطلاعاتی از کنفرانس و بازی های اینده اون داده و میگه منبع قابل اعتمادی هم داره و خواسته هم این اطلاعات تو فروم های بزرگ منتشر نشه
چون اطلاعات در مورد کنفرانس و بازی های اینده مایکرو هست میزارم تو اسپویلر که اگر کسی خواست نخونه (که 100% مطمهنم همه میخونن :D)
So lets start
this is a list of games that we can expect for Microsoft E3 Showing. Obviously some minor things can change during the next two weeks, but most of the conference is
prepared and set.

New Gameplay:
Crackdown 3 (this game will get a huge showing, combining the cloud technology with the power of the scorpio - MS aims for an GTA Online Style of Game with an ongoing support
over the next years. It looks absolutely incredible
Will be an Launch Title for Scorpio
Sea of Thieves
They will show an Cave Mission where you fight against a Kraken with your mates and another pirate crew.
Release will be March 2018
Forza 7
I didn't get a chance to see this game, but it will be there, no surprise
Release will be 20th September

State of Decay 2
i will get more informations on this game during the next week. Release is slated for Q4 2017
New Announcements:
Now this is the part where it gets juicy
Exclusive Ninja Gaiden Project:
the deal was made in 2015 - a new Ninja Gaiden is on its way, exclusive for Xbox One, funded by MS.
now that NIOh is released, the game went into full production - Release 2018 (could be pushed back to 2019)
Spencer visited Japan recently to make sure the game is doing fine. It is and it looks absolutey incredible. Will be Microsoft Answer to
Core Games like Bloodborne or Ni Oh
4K - 60 FPS pure freaking Action

Borderlands 3 (time exclusive)
due contract reasons of an ongoing deal between 2k and Microsoft (since 360 era) Borderlands will be time exclusive for one year.
The last i knew about this deal was 2014 - it could have changed (instead exclusive Content)

Announcement this E3 - Release 18/19
Fable Online
Studio Fobo is working on a Fable Game. Its basically a ressurection of the Fable Legends Project.
However they will make drastical changes, no moba game this time, more of an Online RPG inspired by Destiny.
You can go on mission with friends, meet in towns where you can eqcuip and sell your weapons. Looks and sounds promising and
is Microsoft Chance to revive this Franchise.
What i was told is basically that if Fable Online (i don't know the final name) does well, Microsoft will greenlight a full fledged mainline Fable 4 Game.
Release 2018
Capcom Vancouver
New Ip - Knight of the Aegis (fully funded by Microsoft)
so this deal is a bit complicated.
Micorosft made a 3 Games Contract/Deal with Capcom in 2011/12.
Game Nr.1 was Dead Rising (Dead Rising 4 got greenlighted after its sucess & therefore is not Game Nr.2 or planned in 2012)
Game Nr.2 was Monster Hunter (this deal doesn't mean the next MH is exclusive on XBox, but Harrisson wanted a guarantee that the popular Franchise from Japan also makes its way to
Xbox - that means, MH5 will be announced at E3 at Sonys Stage and will release on Ps4,Xbox One and PC. This Deal was made at a time, when Microsoft still wanted to get a ground
on the japanese market - today they wouldn't make this deal again.
Game nr.3 and now comes the interesting part was made for an exclusive Dino Crisis Game fully funded by Microsoft, however Capcom Vancouver didn't want to make that game & the other
Capcom Studios were busy with other Projects.
The Plan got ditched and instead they agreed to work on a new ip (which will replace Game Nr.3 for Microsoft)
The new Ip by Capcom Vancouver is called Knight of Aegis
(1974, New York City. You are recruited into the Order of Aegis, an elite brotherhood of Mystic Knights sworn to protect and keep the peace between the mortal and supernatural realms.
When a powerful evil stirs in the darkness, you must master the ancient powers of the past in order to save humanity's future.
New IP by Obsidian
has no name yet - Project Uranus
Sci-Fi FPS-RPG Game
Its like a Mix of Destiny and Borderlands (with an Comic Artstyle)
Maybe the most ambitious Microsoft Ip at this Moment - the game is set to be a GAAS (game as a Service) which will be updated with new content (classes, planets, story missions)
i don't know much about this, and it will release not before 2019 (i would guess 2020).
This is also the only game, where im not sure if we will see it at Microsoft Conference or not. They certainly planned it in Febraury, but by now their plans could have changed
Third Party Marketing
Shadow of Mordor
Borderlands 3
Assassins Creed Origins
NBA 2K18
Metal Gear Survive
من خودم هنوز نخوندم :D
ادیت : خب خوندم :D اگر این باشه شت شت شت خصوصا اون بخش نینجا گایدن انحصاری و فیبل,Knights Of Aegis هم با توجه به اطلاعاتی که داده جالب بنظر میاد
اون بازی پایینی هم خیلی خوب میشه اگر وجود داشته باشه اگر این کنفرانس باشه راضیم ولی خب احتمالش کمه خیلی هم کم :دی
آخرین ویرایش:
تو 4chan کاربر ناشناسی اطلاعاتی از کنفرانس و بازی های اینده اون داده و میگه منبع قابل اعتمادی هم داره و خواسته هم این اطلاعات تو فروم های بزرگ منتشر نشه
چون اطلاعات در مورد کنفرانس و بازی های اینده مایکرو هست میزارم تو اسپویلر که اگر کسی خواست نخونه (که 100% مطمهنم همه میخونن :D)
So lets start
this is a list of games that we can expect for Microsoft E3 Showing. Obviously some minor things can change during the next two weeks, but most of the conference is
prepared and set.

New Gameplay:
Crackdown 3 (this game will get a huge showing, combining the cloud technology with the power of the scorpio - MS aims for an GTA Online Style of Game with an ongoing support
over the next years. It looks absolutely incredible
Will be an Launch Title for Scorpio
Sea of Thieves
They will show an Cave Mission where you fight against a Kraken with your mates and another pirate crew.
Release will be March 2018
Forza 7
I didn't get a chance to see this game, but it will be there, no surprise
Release will be 20th September

State of Decay 2
i will get more informations on this game during the next week. Release is slated for Q4 2017
New Announcements:
Now this is the part where it gets juicy
Exclusive Ninja Gaiden Project:
the deal was made in 2015 - a new Ninja Gaiden is on its way, exclusive for Xbox One, funded by MS.
now that NIOh is released, the game went into full production - Release 2018 (could be pushed back to 2019)
Spencer visited Japan recently to make sure the game is doing fine. It is and it looks absolutey incredible. Will be Microsoft Answer to
Core Games like Bloodborne or Ni Oh
4K - 60 FPS pure freaking Action

Borderlands 3 (time exclusive)
due contract reasons of an ongoing deal between 2k and Microsoft (since 360 era) Borderlands will be time exclusive for one year.
The last i knew about this deal was 2014 - it could have changed (instead exclusive Content)

Announcement this E3 - Release 18/19
Fable Online
Studio Fobo is working on a Fable Game. Its basically a ressurection of the Fable Legends Project.
However they will make drastical changes, no moba game this time, more of an Online RPG inspired by Destiny.
You can go on mission with friends, meet in towns where you can eqcuip and sell your weapons. Looks and sounds promising and
is Microsoft Chance to revive this Franchise.
What i was told is basically that if Fable Online (i don't know the final name) does well, Microsoft will greenlight a full fledged mainline Fable 4 Game.
Release 2018
Capcom Vancouver
New Ip - Knight of the Aegis (fully funded by Microsoft)
so this deal is a bit complicated.
Micorosft made a 3 Games Contract/Deal with Capcom in 2011/12.
Game Nr.1 was Dead Rising (Dead Rising 4 got greenlighted after its sucess & therefore is not Game Nr.2 or planned in 2012)
Game Nr.2 was Monster Hunter (this deal doesn't mean the next MH is exclusive on XBox, but Harrisson wanted a guarantee that the popular Franchise from Japan also makes its way to
Xbox - that means, MH5 will be announced at E3 at Sonys Stage and will release on Ps4,Xbox One and PC. This Deal was made at a time, when Microsoft still wanted to get a ground
on the japanese market - today they wouldn't make this deal again.
Game nr.3 and now comes the interesting part was made for an exclusive Dino Crisis Game fully funded by Microsoft, however Capcom Vancouver didn't want to make that game & the other
Capcom Studios were busy with other Projects.
The Plan got ditched and instead they agreed to work on a new ip (which will replace Game Nr.3 for Microsoft)
The new Ip by Capcom Vancouver is called Knight of Aegis
(1974, New York City. You are recruited into the Order of Aegis, an elite brotherhood of Mystic Knights sworn to protect and keep the peace between the mortal and supernatural realms.
When a powerful evil stirs in the darkness, you must master the ancient powers of the past in order to save humanity's future.
New IP by Obsidian
has no name yet - Project Uranus
Sci-Fi FPS-RPG Game
Its like a Mix of Destiny and Borderlands (with an Comic Artstyle)
Maybe the most ambitious Microsoft Ip at this Moment - the game is set to be a GAAS (game as a Service) which will be updated with new content (classes, planets, story missions)
i don't know much about this, and it will release not before 2019 (i would guess 2020).
This is also the only game, where im not sure if we will see it at Microsoft Conference or not. They certainly planned it in Febraury, but by now their plans could have changed
Third Party Marketing
Shadow of Mordor
Borderlands 3
Assassins Creed Origins
NBA 2K18
Metal Gear Survive
من خودم هنوز نخوندم :D
ادیت : خب خوندم :D اگر این باشه شت شت شت خصوصا اون بخش نینجا گایدن انحصاری و فیبل,Knights Of Aegis هم با توجه به اطلاعاتی که داده جالب بنظر میاد
اون بازی پایینی هم خیلی خوب میشه اگر وجود داشته باشه اگر این کنفرانس باشه راضیم ولی خب احتمالش کمه خیلی هم کم :دی

هيچ حرفي از ٣٤٣ و The Coalition نزده
هيچ صحبتي از VR و AR نكرده كه ١٠٠٪‏ تو كنفرانس وجود دارن و مطمعن هستم Fallout 4 VR رو اسكورپيو نمايش داره،مطمعن هستم پشتيباني BC از XBOX Original معرفي ميشه كه اينجا هم صحبتي نكرده ازش
سوت هم قرار بود ٢٠١٧ بياد...
ولي خيلي دوست دارم اون Project Uranus واقعيت داشته باشه =((
يحتمل فيك هست

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تو 4chan کاربر ناشناسی اطلاعاتی از کنفرانس و بازی های اینده اون داده و میگه منبع قابل اعتمادی هم داره و خواسته هم این اطلاعات تو فروم های بزرگ منتشر نشه
چون اطلاعات در مورد کنفرانس و بازی های اینده مایکرو هست میزارم تو اسپویلر که اگر کسی خواست نخونه (که 100% مطمهنم همه میخونن :D)
So lets start
this is a list of games that we can expect for Microsoft E3 Showing. Obviously some minor things can change during the next two weeks, but most of the conference is
prepared and set.

New Gameplay:
Crackdown 3 (this game will get a huge showing, combining the cloud technology with the power of the scorpio - MS aims for an GTA Online Style of Game with an ongoing support
over the next years. It looks absolutely incredible
Will be an Launch Title for Scorpio
Sea of Thieves
They will show an Cave Mission where you fight against a Kraken with your mates and another pirate crew.
Release will be March 2018
Forza 7
I didn't get a chance to see this game, but it will be there, no surprise
Release will be 20th September

State of Decay 2
i will get more informations on this game during the next week. Release is slated for Q4 2017
New Announcements:
Now this is the part where it gets juicy
Exclusive Ninja Gaiden Project:
the deal was made in 2015 - a new Ninja Gaiden is on its way, exclusive for Xbox One, funded by MS.
now that NIOh is released, the game went into full production - Release 2018 (could be pushed back to 2019)
Spencer visited Japan recently to make sure the game is doing fine. It is and it looks absolutey incredible. Will be Microsoft Answer to
Core Games like Bloodborne or Ni Oh
4K - 60 FPS pure freaking Action

Borderlands 3 (time exclusive)
due contract reasons of an ongoing deal between 2k and Microsoft (since 360 era) Borderlands will be time exclusive for one year.
The last i knew about this deal was 2014 - it could have changed (instead exclusive Content)

Announcement this E3 - Release 18/19
Fable Online
Studio Fobo is working on a Fable Game. Its basically a ressurection of the Fable Legends Project.
However they will make drastical changes, no moba game this time, more of an Online RPG inspired by Destiny.
You can go on mission with friends, meet in towns where you can eqcuip and sell your weapons. Looks and sounds promising and
is Microsoft Chance to revive this Franchise.
What i was told is basically that if Fable Online (i don't know the final name) does well, Microsoft will greenlight a full fledged mainline Fable 4 Game.
Release 2018
Capcom Vancouver
New Ip - Knight of the Aegis (fully funded by Microsoft)
so this deal is a bit complicated.
Micorosft made a 3 Games Contract/Deal with Capcom in 2011/12.
Game Nr.1 was Dead Rising (Dead Rising 4 got greenlighted after its sucess & therefore is not Game Nr.2 or planned in 2012)
Game Nr.2 was Monster Hunter (this deal doesn't mean the next MH is exclusive on XBox, but Harrisson wanted a guarantee that the popular Franchise from Japan also makes its way to
Xbox - that means, MH5 will be announced at E3 at Sonys Stage and will release on Ps4,Xbox One and PC. This Deal was made at a time, when Microsoft still wanted to get a ground
on the japanese market - today they wouldn't make this deal again.
Game nr.3 and now comes the interesting part was made for an exclusive Dino Crisis Game fully funded by Microsoft, however Capcom Vancouver didn't want to make that game & the other
Capcom Studios were busy with other Projects.
The Plan got ditched and instead they agreed to work on a new ip (which will replace Game Nr.3 for Microsoft)
The new Ip by Capcom Vancouver is called Knight of Aegis
(1974, New York City. You are recruited into the Order of Aegis, an elite brotherhood of Mystic Knights sworn to protect and keep the peace between the mortal and supernatural realms.
When a powerful evil stirs in the darkness, you must master the ancient powers of the past in order to save humanity's future.
New IP by Obsidian
has no name yet - Project Uranus
Sci-Fi FPS-RPG Game
Its like a Mix of Destiny and Borderlands (with an Comic Artstyle)
Maybe the most ambitious Microsoft Ip at this Moment - the game is set to be a GAAS (game as a Service) which will be updated with new content (classes, planets, story missions)
i don't know much about this, and it will release not before 2019 (i would guess 2020).
This is also the only game, where im not sure if we will see it at Microsoft Conference or not. They certainly planned it in Febraury, but by now their plans could have changed
Third Party Marketing
Shadow of Mordor
Borderlands 3
Assassins Creed Origins
NBA 2K18
Metal Gear Survive
من خودم هنوز نخوندم :D
ادیت : خب خوندم :D اگر این باشه شت شت شت خصوصا اون بخش نینجا گایدن انحصاری و فیبل,Knights Of Aegis هم با توجه به اطلاعاتی که داده جالب بنظر میاد
اون بازی پایینی هم خیلی خوب میشه اگر وجود داشته باشه اگر این کنفرانس باشه راضیم ولی خب احتمالش کمه خیلی هم کم :D

به نظرم فیک میخوره به jez corden بیشتر اعتماده تا اینا
بین اون شایعات بالا اگر خبر نینجا گایدن جدید واقعی باشه عالیه....اولین بازیه امسال مایکرو که تحت تاثیرم قرار میده صددرصد

بچه های نینجا تئوری با ساخت nioh نشون دادن تیم خوبی هستن و میتونن نینجا گایدن قابلی بسازن

تو 4chan کاربر ناشناسی اطلاعاتی از کنفرانس و بازی های اینده اون داده و میگه منبع قابل اعتمادی هم داره و خواسته هم این اطلاعات تو فروم های بزرگ منتشر نشه
چون اطلاعات در مورد کنفرانس و بازی های اینده مایکرو هست میزارم تو اسپویلر که اگر کسی خواست نخونه (که 100% مطمهنم همه میخونن :D)
So lets start
this is a list of games that we can expect for Microsoft E3 Showing. Obviously some minor things can change during the next two weeks, but most of the conference is
prepared and set.

New Gameplay:
Crackdown 3 (this game will get a huge showing, combining the cloud technology with the power of the scorpio - MS aims for an GTA Online Style of Game with an ongoing support
over the next years. It looks absolutely incredible
Will be an Launch Title for Scorpio
Sea of Thieves
They will show an Cave Mission where you fight against a Kraken with your mates and another pirate crew.
Release will be March 2018
Forza 7
I didn't get a chance to see this game, but it will be there, no surprise
Release will be 20th September

State of Decay 2
i will get more informations on this game during the next week. Release is slated for Q4 2017
New Announcements:
Now this is the part where it gets juicy
Exclusive Ninja Gaiden Project:
the deal was made in 2015 - a new Ninja Gaiden is on its way, exclusive for Xbox One, funded by MS.
now that NIOh is released, the game went into full production - Release 2018 (could be pushed back to 2019)
Spencer visited Japan recently to make sure the game is doing fine. It is and it looks absolutey incredible. Will be Microsoft Answer to
Core Games like Bloodborne or Ni Oh
4K - 60 FPS pure freaking Action

Borderlands 3 (time exclusive)
due contract reasons of an ongoing deal between 2k and Microsoft (since 360 era) Borderlands will be time exclusive for one year.
The last i knew about this deal was 2014 - it could have changed (instead exclusive Content)

Announcement this E3 - Release 18/19
Fable Online
Studio Fobo is working on a Fable Game. Its basically a ressurection of the Fable Legends Project.
However they will make drastical changes, no moba game this time, more of an Online RPG inspired by Destiny.
You can go on mission with friends, meet in towns where you can eqcuip and sell your weapons. Looks and sounds promising and
is Microsoft Chance to revive this Franchise.
What i was told is basically that if Fable Online (i don't know the final name) does well, Microsoft will greenlight a full fledged mainline Fable 4 Game.
Release 2018
Capcom Vancouver
New Ip - Knight of the Aegis (fully funded by Microsoft)
so this deal is a bit complicated.
Micorosft made a 3 Games Contract/Deal with Capcom in 2011/12.
Game Nr.1 was Dead Rising (Dead Rising 4 got greenlighted after its sucess & therefore is not Game Nr.2 or planned in 2012)
Game Nr.2 was Monster Hunter (this deal doesn't mean the next MH is exclusive on XBox, but Harrisson wanted a guarantee that the popular Franchise from Japan also makes its way to
Xbox - that means, MH5 will be announced at E3 at Sonys Stage and will release on Ps4,Xbox One and PC. This Deal was made at a time, when Microsoft still wanted to get a ground
on the japanese market - today they wouldn't make this deal again.
Game nr.3 and now comes the interesting part was made for an exclusive Dino Crisis Game fully funded by Microsoft, however Capcom Vancouver didn't want to make that game & the other
Capcom Studios were busy with other Projects.
The Plan got ditched and instead they agreed to work on a new ip (which will replace Game Nr.3 for Microsoft)
The new Ip by Capcom Vancouver is called Knight of Aegis
(1974, New York City. You are recruited into the Order of Aegis, an elite brotherhood of Mystic Knights sworn to protect and keep the peace between the mortal and supernatural realms.
When a powerful evil stirs in the darkness, you must master the ancient powers of the past in order to save humanity's future.
New IP by Obsidian
has no name yet - Project Uranus
Sci-Fi FPS-RPG Game
Its like a Mix of Destiny and Borderlands (with an Comic Artstyle)
Maybe the most ambitious Microsoft Ip at this Moment - the game is set to be a GAAS (game as a Service) which will be updated with new content (classes, planets, story missions)
i don't know much about this, and it will release not before 2019 (i would guess 2020).
This is also the only game, where im not sure if we will see it at Microsoft Conference or not. They certainly planned it in Febraury, but by now their plans could have changed
Third Party Marketing
Shadow of Mordor
Borderlands 3
Assassins Creed Origins
NBA 2K18
Metal Gear Survive
من خودم هنوز نخوندم
ادیت : خب خوندم :D اگر این باشه شت شت شت خصوصا اون بخش نینجا گایدن انحصاری و فیبل,Knights Of Aegis هم با توجه به اطلاعاتی که داده جالب بنظر میاد
اون بازی پایینی هم خیلی خوب میشه اگر وجود داشته باشه اگر این کنفرانس باشه راضیم ولی خب احتمالش کمه خیلی هم کم :D

به نظر فیک هست گرچه حدس و گمان های خوبی استفاده کرده. مثلا محتمل ترین گزینه بین اینها انحصاری بودن اون ip مربوط به Capcom Vancouver هست. اینها قبلا هم انحصاری برای ماکروسافت ساختن بعید نیست دوباره بسازنن.بدی این لیست اینه که حتی توی شایعات هم اکثر بازی ها سرویس محور و آنلاین هستن.:D

در ضمن Ninja Gaiden را هم من بعید میدونم.Tecmo اینقدرا هم بزرگ نیست.Nioh را تازه عرضه کردن و احتمالا Dead Or Alive جدید هم در دست ساخت باشه.بعیده به بازی سوم برسن.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن