Grand Theft Auto V | PS3

آقا من موندم این عکسی که به تازگی تو نت پر شده از GTA V مربوط به خود بازی هست یا نه!!؟ Rock Star هم که در این باره حرفی نمی زنه بفهمیم چی به چیه!!!


اون طور که در تصویر پایین می بینید گرافیک بازی حتی از GTA IV هم کمتره،این در حالی است که چندی پیش راک استار گیمز اعلام کرده بود که با گرافیک GTA V کنسول داران این نسل رو شگف زده خواهد کرد و بهترین گرافیک رو به خصوص در نسخه PS3 شاهد خواهیم بود
حتی در تعدادی از سایتها دیدم که از این صحبت می کردند که قرار بود بازی GTA V در انحصار PS3 باشد و به همین دلیل پلتفرم اصلی بازی PS3 انتخاب شده و این در حالی بوده که ماکروسافت با پرداخت 70 میلیون دلار به راک استار مانع از این کار شده و خود اعضای سازنده هم اعلام کرده بودن که اونها از نهایت قدرت Cell در PS3 استفاده کردند و به این دلیل کیفیت بافتها در نسخه PS3 خیلی بهتر هست
با اینکه هنوز هیچ تایید و تکذیبی در مورد واقعی بودن عکس پایینی در خصوص گیم پلی بازی نشده همین باعث شده بعضی ها این دو تصویر رو با نسخه X360 , PS3 مقایسه کنند!!
میدونم طرح این بحث از الان خیلی زوده ولی با اون گندی که راک * برای بازی Rdr با اون گرافیک نسبت به ورژن اکس باکس میزد میخواستم بپرسم ایا برای این بازی هم میتونه همچین احتمالی وجود داشته باشه؟
اگه اینطوریاس تا برم تو فکر یه اکس باکس دست دوم
میدونم طرح این بحث از الان خیلی زوده ولی با اون گندی که راک * برای بازی Rdr با اون گرافیک نسبت به ورژن اکس باکس میزد میخواستم بپرسم ایا برای این بازی هم میتونه همچین احتمالی وجود داشته باشه؟
اگه اینطوریاس تا برم تو فکر یه اکس باکس دست دوم
اون قدرام گند نبود بنده خدا! رزولوشنش یه مقدار از 720 پایینتر بود. بعیده،از اون موقع فک کنم PS3 رو لیدپلتفرم کردن نوآر و مکس پین که مشکلی نداشتن اینم احتمالا نداره.
لعنتی اون قدر منو هایپ کرده که فعلاً انحصاری های سونی رو بی خیال میشم!:d
پول خرید بازی رو گذاشتم زیر بالشت و هر شب به امید خریدش می خوابم!:bighug:
با چند تا از دوستان قرار گذاشتیم که بعد از تموم کردن بخش سینگل، ماشین های قدیمی رو اسپرت کنیم و در بخش مولتی پلیر ، بریم گشت و گذار و تجارت!:d
حتی فکر کردن بهشم آدم رو قلقلک میده!
ی سری اطلاعات جدید درباره پلیس ها
پلیس ها از روش های مختلفی برای دستگیر کردن شما در هنگام رانندگی با ماشین استفاده می کنند
در نمونه ای دیگر بعضی از ان ها هنگام درگیری روی ارتفاع بلند تر در مقایسه با شما می روند تا شما را راحت تر شناسای و دستگیرکنند و این نشان می دهد که هوش مصنوعی بسیار باز ی بسیار بالاست
GTA 5 art introduces a swathe of characters

عکسهای fan-made از HUD بازی که تقریبآ براساس توصیفات پیش نمایش های اخیر از نمونه HUD اصلی طراحی شدند:

متن پنهان:

تاریخ انتشار بازی به ماه و روز و ساعت

GTA V Countdown - Counting down to Grand Theft Auto V Release: September 17, 2013

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اطلاعات جدید
اطلاعات جدید:
اگر ماشین خود را در وسط خیابان رها کنید ، توقیف خواهد شد و برای پس گرفتنش باید جریمه پرداخت کنید!
شما نمی توانید ماشینهای خود را مستقیما مسلح کنید ، اما راه های کوچک دیگری مثل : نشت بنزین و بمبهای چسبنده (sticky bombs) برای منفجر کردن ماشینها وجود دارد.
اسلحه ها در سراسر بازی همراه شما خواهند بود.
شخصی سازی اسلحه ها ، سطح گزینه های موجود برای انجام ماموریت را گسترش می دهد.
حالت تمرکز آزاد جایگزین مبارزه های ایستایی شده.می توانید به سرعت به دشمنان دیگر توجه کنید ، دیگر نیازی به قفل کردن روی هدف نیست. همچنین اگر مایلید می توانید روی اهداف خود قفل کنید.
تصادفها قابل قبول تر شده اند.
شخصیتهای بازی انیمیشنهای متفاوتی دارند .
میزان استقامت ، تاثیر بسزایی در درگیریها دارد .
انتظار تخریب ، خون ریزی وصدمه خوبی را داشته باشد.
هوش مصنوعی مبارزات با آگاهی از محیط اطراف پیشرفته تر می شود.
دشمنان شما بر اساس نوع خود رفتار متفاوتی دارند . نیروهای swat سازمان دهی شده می باشند ولی گروه های گنگستری به شیوه گنگستر ها رفتار می کنند.
شخصیتها کاملا طبیعی هستند و فقط برای توازن تعداد در بازی حضور ندارند. مثلا اگر با فرانکلین و مایکل در ماشین هستید و در حال رانندگی با مایکل می باشید اگر کنتر ل فرانکلین را در دست بگیرید مایکل به رانندگی ادامه خواهد داد.
آمار تیراندازی در ثبات نشانه گیری ، مقدار مهمات قابل حهل ، پایداری هدف گیری و... تاثیر خواهد داشت. می توانید با تمرین این مهارت را افزایش دهید. همچنین با کشتن دشمنان این مهارت افزایش می یابد .برای قتلهای بهتر مثلا زدن گلوله به سر دشمن جایزه دیافت خواهید کرد (مهارت سریع تر تقویت می شود).
بوق ماشینها قابل شخصی سازی است
معرفی کامل شخصیت های Grand Theft Auto V
خبر خبر داغ داغ .................
خوب بلاخره فایتسو اطلاعات جدید راجب بازی را منتشر کرد

#توانای های منحصر به فرد هر کس را می تونیم با استفاده از L3فعال کنیم
##برای چک کردن موجودی حساب می توانید از دستگاه های خودپرداز حساب خود را چک یا دریافت کنید
###برخلاف نسخه های قبلی دیگر درباری کافی نت وجود نداره در عوض از گوشی همراه هوشمند خود می تونید به اینترنت و .دسترسی داشته باشید
####شما حتی می توانید رو گوشی تلفن خود فیلم تماشا کنید
#####وسایل زیادی برای شخصی سازی یا همان سفارشی کردن حیوانات خود در بازی وجود دارد
######سگ شما این قابلیت را دارد که گم شود یا بمیرد و صد البته شما می توانید سگ دیگری از فروشگاه حیوانات خریدار یکنید
#######دربازی قادر خواهید بود حیوانات را شکار کنید و گوشت ان را به مغازه فست فوت بفروشید :bighug:
########دنیای زیر اب به قدری بزرگ هست که ز نظر سازنده بازی می توان به چشم ی بازی جدا و صد البته کامل به ان نگاه کرد
#########خود پرداز های در بازی برای دریافت پول وجود دارند که می توان انهارا نیز سرقت کرد
########## اسپول داستانی

خوب این هم اطلاعات کامل تمامی وسایل نقلیه GTA V

بیش از 90 ماشین سواری
بیش از 30 نوع کامیون و ماشین ون
بیش از 10 نوع مختلف موتور
بیش از 13 نوع هواپیما و هیلیکوپتر
بیش از 8 مدل قایق
بیش از 10 مدل وسیله emergency
بیش از 5 مدل مختلف دوچرخه
بیش از 8 مدل کشنده مخلتف :نفت کش .قطار و یدک کشو ...........البته این ها فقط فقط بخشی هستند که در تصاویر و تریلر های بازی منتشر شده و قطعا بیشتر از این تعداد هستند
فقط فقط تا اینجای کار بیش از 170 وسبیه نقلیه مختلف

Passenger Cars


This military-looking offroader is based on a 60's Kaiser Jeep M715, and probably named after Patrick Swayze's char-acter in the movie 'Point Break'.


The golf cart looks unchang- ed from the version we saw in TBoGT.


The Cheetah, despite appearing in GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas, was missed in GTA4. This screenshot of the Cheetah was released on August 20, 2012.


The Cognoscenti from IV might have been recast as a sportier Bentley Continental GT shooting-brake.


Classy looking cross breed of a Passat and perhaps a Honda Insight.


The Emperor first appeared as a 90s-era sedan in San Andreas. An earlier 70s version was introduced in GTA4, and is to appear a second time in GTAV.


The Feltzer's triangular rearlights are a dead give-away. First appeared in San Andreas.


Another GTA4 vehicle, the Futo is a well-balanced Japanese compact.


Returning from IV.


Looking more like a regular Range Rover, this is probably the unsporty version of the Huntley Sport we know from IV.


The Landstalker has appeared in every GTA since the third, and seems to be unchanged from its most recent design from IV.


Returning from IV.

Mesa Grande

The Mesa Grande is a Jeep Wrangler knock-off that appeared in Vice City and San Andreas, and seems to be featured here for the third time.


The Peyote makes a return from IV, most likely with an operational soft top, like Franklin's Dewbauchee in the first trailer.


This looks a lot like the Phoenix from Vice City and San Andreas - a Trans Am lookalike.


Very clearly the Premier as it appeared in GTA4, after its original incarnation in San Andreas.


A generic sedan.

Sentinel XS

This convertible shares some design traits with the BMW 3-Series, which traditionally has been the job of the Sentinel. Seems to sport a folding hardtop.


This vehicle is undoubtedly the same shape and design as the Serrano from TBoGT.


The red convertible Dewbauchee Franklin drives in the first trailer. Also available as a coupe, as seen in Michael's trailer.


This SUV is not recognisable as anything from any previous GTA, but some have pointed out its similarities to the Infiniti FX.


Introduced in San Andreas, inspired by a Chevy Bel Air, now with a bit of Cadillac thrown in. Here spotted in Trailer 2. Name confirmed by this artwork!


Returning from IV. This one seems to have gotten the full treatment at Los Santos Customs.


The large Hummer-inspired four by four is back for another one.


Similar to a Lotus Elise/Evora hybrid, this car will probably be a hoot to drive.


A fancy mix of classic and modern Mustang, this car might be named after the Hellenbach from CTW.


Returning from IV.


The Diletantte which made an apperance in GTA IV and its episodes is returning.


Some cars are just in the game to make the super cars we all love to drive feel faster. The Ingot returns from IV.


Rather similar to the one we saw in TLAD, the Regina makes a return sporting some fancy new wood paneling.


Returning from IV.

Sabre GT

Returning from IV.

Tow Truck

The curvaceous old Tow Truck is with us yet again, hopefully with the ability to actually tow shit.

BF Injection

The BF Injection makes a return, this time as a Baja Bug.


The generic minivan will be returning in GTA V.


Sporty hatchback not unlike a Honda Civic. Might be named after the sporty Honda hatchback of the previous era, the Flash? Has a Dinka badge.


A double-cab pickup truck not unlike a Dodge RAM.


The rear end resembles that of the newest Saab 9-5. Not much else to go on at this time.


Heavily inspired by a Jaguar XFR and a Quatroporte. Franklin has good taste.


Another mysterious sedan. It bears the same "vvvv" badge on the front as the 9F, of the manufacturer believed to be called 'Obey'. Seems mostly inspired by an Audi RS6.


Franklin displaying his fondness of fast cars yet again. Lots of Aston Martin V12 Zagato and Nissan GT-R R35 in this one.


Possibly the high end electric car you gain access to in GTA Online with the Collector's Edition.


A little hump in the hood is usually a good indication that a car packs a punch. Sitting low, mean front end. Beast.


Big, boxy SUV. If it's anything like our world's Mercedes G-Class, it's got power to boot.


Returning from IV.


A classic car that has an uncanny resemblance to an Aston Martin DB5/DB6.


A luxurious car that is based off of the Audi R8. Also comes in a coupe version.


An old banger, seemingly based on a '54 Dodge Power Wagon.


An off-road vehicle which is capable of being driven on sand, muddy areas and for general off-road use.


This nifty sports car first seen in TBoGT returns.


The Infernus as we know it from IV, except for those fancy new rims.


Sporting the typical color scheme of a Los Angeles taxi - yellow and blue.


Even pixelated and blurry, it does look a lot like the '63 Chevy Impala that the Savanna from SA was based on. How low does it go?


An El-camino-based car street racing in downtown LS. Has to be a Picador. First seen in SA.


It's burnt to a pulp, granted, but that front grille is very distinctive, and different from any of the other vehicles we've seen so far.

4x4 Rebel?

Says 'KARIN' on the tail gate - the GTA universe's equivalent of Toyota. The car does look an awful lot like an older Toyota Hilux.


Returning from IV.


Returning from IV. Here seen fashioning some rather distinctive, white alloys, with white writing on the tire walls.

Blista Compact

Returning from IV.


Convertible version of the black XFR/Quatroporte based car Franklin drives in the second trailer.


A flashy, yellow SUV which seems to be based off of the Toyota FJ Cruiser.

Buffalo (Facelift)

A spruced up more modern Buffalo, based off of the 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8. Also has a different rear end. Might be the result of customization?


A german-looking sedan. Seems to share some design traits with the convertible above.


A Camaro-looking car lining up for a street race in downtown LS. The name of the car is barely visible just above the rear wheel, but was deciphered by forum user sddales!


This seems to have been based off of a '65 Buick Riviera and a '64 Pontiac GTO . Gangsta.


The front grille says 'Declasse', the GTA universe's Chevrolet, which is fitting as it's based on a current gen Suburban.


This Ford F250 Crew Cab-inspired pick-up feels right at home in deserty outskirts of LS.


Heavily based on the Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG Black Series. A Feltzer is visible underneath, could this be extensive customization?


Returning from IV. The bed seems to have lengthened a few inches.


Returning from IV.


Returning from IV.


A smaller SUV primarily based on the Range Rover Evoque.


Returning from IV, sporting a new grille, new rims and darkened rear lights.


Michael protecting Lacy Jonas from all the nasty paparazzis. Name confirmed by Game Informer.


A flash yellow Bugatti Veyron Super Sport-inspired super car escaping the 5-0.


Maibatsu badge right there. Could it be the long awaited Maibatsu Thunder? Heavily based on a Mitsubishi Eclipse SE.


The Collector's Edition will set you up with one of these from the get-go.


A smaller sized four by four seen here and there throughout the Gameplay Video.

New Cavalcade?

It's difficult to tell with only a few vague glimpses of it in the Gameplay Video, and a beat up one in the Surano screenshot, but seems to be based on a current gen Escalade.


Heavily based on a Koenigsegg CCR/CCX, this orange monster is ready to tear up the streets of Los Santos.

Bullet GT

Returning from TBoGT, this one in a fancy classic Gulf-paint job, deprived from the original Ford GT40.
Trucks & Vans

Boxville (Mail Van)

Undeniably the quarter-tail of a Boxville, a van that has appeared in every GTA since Vice City.

Boxville (Taco Van)

A Boxville done up as a taco van.


A new and improved Burrito sporting new taillights, rear bumper, mirrors and probably more. Here in the BUGSTARS livery from the first trailer.


The first camper van that appeared in a GTA game was in San Andreas. A fitting suit for GTA V since it's being set in Los Santos.

Gang Burrito

Seen behind the propeller of Trevor's Cuban 800 in Trailer 2, bearing the logo of the Angles of Death, in the black and red combo they favour so much.


With all these new trailers that need towing, we've gotten some new tools to play with. This might just be a new rendition of the Linerunner.


Returning from IV.


Tractors are returning from San Andreas. I wonder how many you can tow after one another?


Returning from IV.

Cement Mixer

A cement mixer vehicle looks to be making an appearance in GTA V.


A larger tow truck suitable for more demanding tasks. Like ramming the shit out of a money truck.


Returning from IV.


Returning from IV.


Returning from IV.


A Freightliner dump truck, here seen in Trailer 2.


New buses will appear in GTA V, and in proper rotation this time around, not just sitting at the side of the street like in IV.


Spacious, and slightly wobbly. Seems to be based on an old Chevy Step Van. Might be the return of the Rumpo?


Perfect for tailgating. Looks to be based on a Freightliner Cabover.


It's not much more than a silhouette, really. But that shape at the front, and the windows... Named the Dashound as a parody of the Greyhound busses.


Returning from IV.

Burrito (IV)

It seems like they also kept the original Burrito from IV. A sliver of it spotted here in Trevor's trailer.


This appeared in Franklin's trailer one moment as the version we know from IV, and the next as a more modern rendition (depicted).


We see Trevor emerging from one of these wearing full hunter's camouflage in the Gameplay Video. Based on an old Winnebago model, but will probably be named differently.

Tour Bus

Jump on one of these for a bound to be gossip-ridden tour of Vinewood celebrites' homes.


It's not easy to see, but engulfed in dust here is an RV that looks very much like the one we had in San Andreas.


There is no footage of this one yet, but it was mentioned by Rockstar's Imran Sarwar during CVG's interview, which you can watch here.


Our first glimpse of a motorcycle in the game, this seems to be the Vader from GTA4.


This bike appears to be the Sanchez which has been seen throughout the series.


Trevor seems to like these.


Returning from IV (TBoGT).


While unconfirmed, it seems likely that this is a new rendition of the Wayfarer from SA. Based on a Harley Davidson FLHX Street Glide.


There are a few choppers in this shot, but they're not really discernable from one another at this distance. Bound to be some of the ones we saw in TLaD.


Returning from IV (TLaD).


Johnny's favourite, returning from TLaD.


Acquiring the Collector's Edition will grant you early access to this beauty.

Bati Custom

Returning from TBoGT.

Fighter Jet

A 'conventional' figher jet seemingly based on the F-16E and F/A-18.


The Hydra makes a return from SA. Based on a F-35 and a Harrier II, it is capable of vertical take off and landing.


The Cropduster has only ever appeared in San Andreas, and allowed the player to dust... crops. Perhaps an opportunity for a minigame?


First appeared in San Andreas. Here seen flying towards the sunset high above Los Santos, in the first trailer.


The Skimmer was a seaplane in Vice City and San Andreas, and its telltale pontoons in the trailer quickly gave it away.


Those creases around the nose indicates that it's a large cargo plane, capable of open- ing up front and back, much like the Antonov An-124 of our world.


The Buzzard military aircraft from GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony is returning to GTA V to wreak havoc.

Cuban 800

The Cuban 800 is a new aircraft which will appear in GTA V.


A new helicopter.


This small Cessna-based aeroplane has to be named after everyone's favourite, the Dodo.


Pre-ordering the game will grant you access to this fabulous craft. Atomic is a tyre/wheel manufacturer in the HD GTA era.

Stunt Plane

Based on an Extra EA-200. Acquiring the Special or the Collector's Edition will give you acces to additional aerial challenges.


Seems to be based on a CH-53 Super Stallion and a Chinook.


Speedophile 2000

The Speedophile looks to be the second appearance of a jetski in the series, after one was included in Vice City Stories.


The Squalo has made an appearance in previous GTA's before V. The first GTA being GTA: Vice City.


For the first time ever in a GTA game, we get to pilot a mini- sub, or submersible, if you must. It has many names, but that doesn't change the fact that it's frickin' awesome.


Returning from IV, with one very substantial kicker - some of these will now contain scuba gear, allowing you to go on deep sea adventures!


Returning from IV.


Returning from IV.


Windshield and size seems similar to the Squalo, but it has a different 'spoiler', the paint job is different, etc.


Returning from TBo
Emergency Vehicles


The Pony-based ambulance from IV has been used a second time, and looks relatively unchanged.


A generic patrol vehicle, based on a newer generation Crown Victoria.


A police patrol vehicle, here in Los Santos County Sheriff livery.


A Speedophile 2000, first seen in Trailer #1 - with coastguard livery.


3-blade helicopter in LSPD livery, seemingly based on a Eurocopter AS350. Replacing the weary old Maverick?

Granger (Sheriff)

Sporting a Sheriff livery, and lots of lights. Seems to be based on the latest generation Chevrolet Suburban. Name visible on the tailgate in the Gameplay Video.


This one is very difficult to make out, but it does look a terrible lot like a van with a LSPD livery.


A modern interceptor riddled with flashy LED lights, based on a Ford Taurus Police Interceptor.

Police Bike

Seemingly identical to the Police Bike from TBoGT. The officer seems to be wearing the typical blue helmet of the California Highway Patrol.

Police Cruiser

The police Buffalo returns from TBoGT, where it was only available in Free Mode. In LSPD livery with a fancy LED light bar.

Granger (Park Ranger)

Another Chevrolet Suburban law enforcement vehicle variation, this time sporting what seems to be a Park Ranger livery.



Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2.

Road Bike

A typical bike for the road. Here seen in Michael's trailer.


Michael's choice of wheels, but only when his wife makes off with his 9F.

Mountain Bike

The Sanchez of the bicycle world.

Beach Bike

Jimmy on a classic bicycle, arriving at the house with Michael, right after a free roam character switch, shown in the Gameplay Video.


Trains are back, and this one is looking very similar to the Freight from San Andreas.


Trailers were introduced in San Andreas along with a trucking minigame. Hopefully we'll see the return of this in GTAV.

Trailer: Car Carrier

A trailer capable of carrying vehicles here depicted during a high tense mission. Also seen in the second trailer.

Trailer: Flatbed

Spotted in the first trailer.

Trailer: Tanker

Tanker trailers like these will actually be able to leak fuel onto the ground, which can then be ignited, as opposed to just spewing fire like in GTA IV.

Trailer: Leisure

A small, two-wheeled leisure trailer is the first of its kind we've seen in GTA.

Trailer: Generator

A towable diesel generator. Whatta ya know.


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رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
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