Dead Rising 3 | Xbox One

Deadrising 3 هم رسما تو کنفرانس معرفی شد ی گیم پلی عالی هم در حال نمایش هست
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یکی از اسلحه های ترکیبی


این یکی هنوز معرفی نشده ولی فکر کن سوار این بشی بری سراغ زامبی ها


ایده ها و اطلاعات اولیه خیلی عالی هستن، به نظرم بتونن موفقیت نسخه اول رو دوباره تکرار کنن
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برو باو بازي به اين وسعت و گستردگي و خفني محدوديت تايم داشته باشه كه چي بشه ؟! :d
حالا يه مُد جدا داره ديگه برو حال كن

:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:| :d

آره اگه میخوای casual و تنها برای فان بازیش کنی، که DR هیچوقت همچنین بازی ای نبوده! :d اینی که هی میبینی سازنده ها الان ویدیو میذارن و صحبت میکنن که زامبی ها رو با روش ها و اسلحه های خیلی قشنگ بکشی و فان و اینا هیچوقت پایه و اساس DR نبوده! :| زامبی ها تنها و تنها چیزی که در DR هستند اینه که بین بازیکن و آبجکتیو به عنوان مانع قرار گرفتند.

تو DR این باعث میشد مدیریت زمان داشته باشی. Replay Value رو به شدت افزایش میداد. تایم لیمیت باعث میشد که همیشه بهترین راهکار و سریعترین راه رو انتخاب کنی. بهترین ترکیب اسلحه و ... اینکه الان تایم لیمیت نداشته باشی اسکورت کردن سوایورها یعنی پشم! :| چون دیگه وقتی فشار و محدودیتی نباشه دیگه با خیال راحت میتونی کل زامبی های محیط رو صاف کنی و به آسونی و بدون هیچگونه چالشی هموشون رو ببری safe house و هزاران مورد دیگه....
:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:| :d

آره اگه میخوای casual و تنها برای فان بازیش کنی، که DR هیچوقت همچنین بازی ای نبوده! :d اینی که هی میبینی سازنده ها الان ویدیو میذارن و صحبت میکنن که زامبی ها رو با روش ها و اسلحه های خیلی قشنگ بکشی و فان و اینا هیچوقت پایه و اساس DR نبوده! :| زامبی ها تنها و تنها چیزی که در DR هستند اینه که بین بازیکن و آبجکتیو به عنوان مانع قرار گرفتند.

تو DR این باعث میشد مدیریت زمان داشته باشی. Replay Value رو به شدت افزایش میداد. تایم لیمیت باعث میشد که همیشه بهترین راهکار و سریعترین راه رو انتخاب کنی. بهترین ترکیب اسلحه و ... اینکه الان تایم لیمیت نداشته باشی اسکورت کردن سوایورها یعنی پشم! :| چون دیگه وقتی فشار و محدودیتی نباشه دیگه با خیال راحت میتونی کل زامبی های محیط رو صاف کنی و به آسونی و بدون هیچگونه چالشی هموشون رو ببری safe house و هزاران مورد دیگه....


برو بابا :d
عکس از شورتکات منوی بازی :دی


عجب چیز جالبی ـه :دی همه گزینه هارو با کینکت می تونی انتخاب کنی


خوب بود، خدا کنه تو Previewـشون ازش تعریف کنن :دی
آخرین ویرایش:

ویدیو، پیش نمایش و عکس های جدید که هیچ کدوم رو خودم هنوز ندیدم! :| :d


New Footage

Part 1:
Dead Rising 3 Xbox One Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Chapter 2 [HD] - YouTube

Part 2:
Dead Rising 3 Psychopaths Xbox One Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 - Wrath [HD] - YouTube

Part 3:
Dead Rising 3 Xbox One Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 - Chapter 2 [HD] - YouTube

Dead Rising 3 Hands-On Preview - IGN

Dead Rising 3 and the stuttering car conundrum | Joystiq

در مورد Res:

Dead Rising 3: 720p/30fps

Josh Bridge, executive producer, Capcom Vancouver
Dead Rising 3 has suffered high-profile performance issues since E3. How have you improved the game in the months since?

Josh Bridge: Well, first I'm really proud to say we were running on hardware at E3. We had the kits there and we were running it behind closed doors for press. I was really proud, and I had no shame in saying this is where we're at - this is preview code. Ever since then, and it was happening during that time, content needs to be completed, and then optimisation is the focus. And that's what happened - you've seen it through E3, through Gamescom, through now - the frame-rate's been going up and up. And now we're at locked 30 - and that's just been purely the effort of all aspects of the team, the engineering team and our team all trying to optimise. And that's always what happens as the last step of the development of a product

How much has changed with the Xbox One hardware during development?

Josh Bridge: Apart from the clockspeed boost that was announced was after E3 - no the hardware hasn't really changed. The evolution has been on the software, and the core drivers that drive that hardware, and that's where a lot of the communication goes back and forth on iterating and improving to make our game more efficient on new tools they give us, or areas we see maybe we can have some help where they can do certain things on their software level.

What native resolution is Dead Rising 3?

Josh Bridge: 720p. And I'm really happy with that, with the sheer amount of stuff we have in an open world game locked at 30fps, that's just brilliant. Of course our UI (user interface) runs at 1080 native on top, but no, we're a 720p game locked at 30fps.

Did you ever want 1080p native?

Josh Bridge: It was not really something we actually set as a mantra. When we first started there was no platform, it was PC and we were just targeting next-gen, and 1080, even before then we thought it'd be prohibitive to even consider that, because essentially you have to do everything twice, which is just massive when you think of it. It's more important that the end image looks awesome - look at how much stuff is on screen, that's always been a Dead Rising sort of brand. That still looks really good, and that's been our goal. I hope it shows - just look at how much insane stuff is going on screen.

How hard has it been getting to 720/30 on Xbox One?

Josh Bridge: It's been... Outside of infancy - every new platform launch, I've now learnt - it's always infancy on tools, and that's the back and forth with tools improving. It's very similar to a PC development environment, so that's been really cool. Happy to not be cross-platform, to be honest - it's a huge challenge for a game like ours. We have to do very specific things with memory allocation and drivers to get our stuff running, and in the past it was like wow, it made our teams quite a bit larger having multiple leads.

I feel sorry for the cross-gen devs!

Josh Bridge: Oh yeah. We couldn't have done this on last-gen. Absolutely not. We tried, believe me we tried to figure out not to have load screens, but we couldn't. There's no way we could stream the amount of content fast enough. It hit a load screen every time.

So where else is that next-gen difference? What else is there you couldn't have done last time out?

Josh Bridge: Well, it's scale. The load screens isn't a bullet point that any gamers are going to be like 'sweet! No load screens!' It's the scale, and the world size - Dead Rising 1 and 2 fit into 3 several times. It's also the depth - where before we'd tell artists not to go there because we don't have the memory or resources, now we're like please go there. Go into that detail. For the designers, it's like can you make the weapon system more interesting and deep. It's the depth and breadth that we've been able to blow out that's just been huge for us.

"The Xbox One hardware hasn't really changed. The evolution has been on the software, and the core drivers that drive that hardware."
Josh Bridge, executive producer, Capcom Vancouver

- - -ویرایش - - -

آخرین ویرایش:
سازنده DR3 گفته:

We have graphics envy!" he began, when I broached the comparison. "We go home and cry ourselves to sleep that we don't have rendering as pretty as Ryse and Forza. We sit there and look at it all day, right, all the reflective surfaces and the other nice stuff.
میریم خونه و گریه میکنیم تا بخوابیم که نتونستیم بازی به قشنگی Ryse و Forza رندر کنیم...

News: "We have graphics envy" about Forza and Ryse, quips Dead Rising 3 producer - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine
دلم براشون سوخت =((
اقا لینک بدین جای وب:دی

از همین جا راحت می تونی ببینی . . .:d

اقا یه اپسیلون امکان نداره این بازی بعدا روی 360 بیاد؟:biggrin1: اگه خبرش رو بشنونم خیلی خیلی خوشحال میشم:biggrin1:

قبلا شایعه شده بود ولی رد شد !!

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