پیش‌بینی برندگان اسکار 2018

بهترین فیلم سال 2017 از نظر شما؟

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
بهترين فيلم:
Call Me by Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين کارگردان:

Christopher Nolan - Dunkirk
Jordan Peele - Get Out
Greta Gerwig - Lady Bird
Paul Thomas Anderson - Phantom Thread
Guillermo del Toro - The Shape of Water

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد:
Timothee Chalamet - Call Me by Your Name
Daniel Day-Lewis - Phantom Thread
Daniel Kaluuya - Get Out
Garry Oldman - Darkest Hour
Denzel Washington - Roman J. Israel, Esq

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول زن:
Sally Hawkins - The Shape of Water
Frances McDormand - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Margot Robbie - I, Tonya
Saoirse Ronan - Lady Bird
Meryl Streep - The Post

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل مرد:
Willem Dafoe - The Florida Project
Woody Harrelson - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Richard Jenkins - The Shape of Water
Christopher Plummer - All the Money in the World
Sam Rockwell - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل زن:
Mary J. Blige - Mudbound
Allison Janney - I, Tonya
Lesley Manville - Phantom Thread
Laurie Metcalf - Lady Bird
Octavia Spencer - The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمنامه اوريجينال:
The Big Sick
Get Out
Lady Bird
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين فيلمنامه اقتباسی:
Call Me by Your Name
The Disaster Artist
Molly's Game

بهترين انيميشن:
The Boss Baby
The Breadwinner
Loving Vincent

بهترين فيلم خارجی زبان:
A Fantastic Woman
The Insult
On Body and Soul
The Square

بهترين مستند:

Abacus: Small Enough to Jail
Faces Places
Last Men in Aleppo
Strong Island

بهترين مستند کوتاه:
Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
Knife Skills
Traffic Stop

بهترين فيلم کوتاه:
DeKalb Elementary

The Eleven O'Clock
My Nephew Emmett
The Silent Child
Watu Wote/All of Us

بهترين انيميشن کوتاه:
Dear Basketball
Garden Party
Negative Space
Revolting Rhymes

بهترين موسيقی متن:
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين ترانه:
Mighty River - Mudbound
Mystery of Love - Call Me by Your Name
Remember Me - Coco
Stand Up for Something - Marshall
This Is Me - The Greatest Showman

بهترين تدوين صدا:
Baby Driver
Blade Runner 2049
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

بهترين ميکس صدا:
Baby Driver
Blade Runner 2049
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

بهترين طراحی صحنه:

Beauty and the Beast
Blade Runner 2049
Darkest Hour
The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمبرداری:
Blade Runner 2049
Darkest Hour
The Shape of Water

بهترين چهره پردازی:
Darkest Hour
Victoria & Abdul

بهترين طراحی لباس:
Beauty and the Beast
Darkest Hour
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Victoria & Abdul

بهترين تدوين:
Baby Driver
I, Tonya
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين جلوه های ويژه:
Blade Runner 2049
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Kong: Skull Island
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
War for the Planet of the Apes
بهترين فيلم:

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين کارگردان:

Christopher Nolan - Dunkirk

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد:

Garry Oldman - Darkest Hour

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول زن:

Frances McDormand - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل مرد:

Sam Rockwell - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل زن:

Laurie Metcalf - Lady Bird

بهترين فيلمنامه اوريجينال:

Lady Bird

بهترين فيلمنامه اقتباسی:

Call Me by Your Name

بهترين انيميشن:


بهترين فيلم خارجی زبان:


بهترين مستند:

Faces Places

بهترين مستند کوتاه:


بهترين فيلم کوتاه:

DeKalb Elementary

بهترين انيميشن کوتاه:

Dear Basketball

بهترين موسيقی متن:


بهترين ترانه:

Remember Me - Coco

بهترين تدوين صدا:


بهترين ميکس صدا:


بهترين طراحی صحنه:

The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمبرداری:


بهترين چهره پردازی:

Darkest Hour

بهترين طراحی لباس:

Phantom Thread

بهترين تدوين:


بهترين جلوه های ويژه:

War for the Planet of the Apes
از بین 9 فیلم منتخب 7 تاش رو چون بلوری اومده بود دیدم
به نظر من بهترین فیلم:Three Billboards
کارگردان:Guillermo del Toro(برای کارگردانی بی نقصِ شکل آب)

بازیگر مرد:Garry Oldman(برای ایفای نقش وینستن چرچیل)
بازیگر خانم:Frances McDormand(اجرای نقش فوق العاده و تحسین برانگیزش در 3 بیلبورد)
اما دوست داشتن ما کجا و انتخاب های اسکار کجا!:D
بهترین فیلم : The Shape of Water
بهترین کارگردان : گیرمو دل تورو
بهترین بازیگر نقش اصلی مرد : گری اولدمن
بهترین بازیگر نقش اصلی زن : فرانسیس مک‌دورمند
بهترین بازیگر نقش مکمل مرد : سم راکول
بهترین بازیگر نقش مکمل زن : آلیسون جَنی
بهترین فیلم‌نامه‌ی اوریجینال : Three Billboards
بهترین فیلم‌نامه‌ی اقتباسی : Call Me by Your Name
بهترین انیمیشن : Coco
بهترین فیلم خارجی : A Fantastic Woman
بهترين مستند: Faces Places
بهترین مستند کوتاه : (Heroin(e
بهترین فیلم کوتاه : DeKalb Elementary
بهترین انیمیشن کوتاه : Dear Basketball
بهترین موسیقی متن : The Shape of Water
بهترین ترانه : Remember Me
بهترین میکس صدا و بهترین تدوین صدا : Dunkirk
بهترین طراحی صحنه : The Shape of Water
بهترین فیلم‌برداری : Blade Runner 2049
بهترین گریم : Darkest Hour
بهترین طراحی لباس : Phantom Thread
بهترین تدوین : Dunkirk
بهترین جلوه‌های ویژه : War for the Planet of the Apes

بهترين فيلم:

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين کارگردان:

Guillermo del Toro - The Shape of Water

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد:
Garry Oldman - Darkest Hour

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول زن:
Frances McDormand - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل مرد:
Sam Rockwell - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل زن:
Allison Janney - I, Tonya

بهترين فيلمنامه اوريجينال:
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين فيلمنامه اقتباسی:
Call Me by Your Name

بهترين انيميشن:

بهترين فيلم خارجی زبان:
A Fantastic Woman

بهترين مستند:


بهترين مستند کوتاه:

بهترين فيلم کوتاه:
DeKalb Elementary

بهترين انيميشن کوتاه:
Dear Basketball

بهترين موسيقی متن:
The Shape of Water

بهترين ترانه:
Remember Me - Coco

بهترين تدوين صدا:


بهترين ميکس صدا:

بهترين طراحی صحنه:

The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمبرداری:
Blade Runner 2049

بهترين چهره پردازی:
Darkest Hour

بهترين طراحی لباس:
Phantom Thread

بهترين تدوين:

بهترين جلوه های ويژه:
War for the Planet of the Apes
بهترين فيلم:
Call Me by Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين کارگردان:

Christopher Nolan - Dunkirk
Jordan Peele - Get Out
Greta Gerwig - Lady Bird
Paul Thomas Anderson - Phantom Thread
Guillermo del Toro - The Shape of Water

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد:
Timothee Chalamet - Call Me by Your Name
Daniel Day-Lewis - Phantom Thread
Daniel Kaluuya - Get Out
Garry Oldman - Darkest Hour
Denzel Washington - Roman J. Israel, Esq

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول زن:
Sally Hawkins - The Shape of Water
Frances McDormand - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Margot Robbie - I, Tonya
Saoirse Ronan - Lady Bird
Meryl Streep - The Post

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل مرد:
Willem Dafoe - The Florida Project
Woody Harrelson - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Richard Jenkins - The Shape of Water
Christopher Plummer - All the Money in the World
Sam Rockwell - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل زن:
Mary J. Blige - Mudbound
Allison Janney - I, Tonya
Lesley Manville - Phantom Thread
Laurie Metcalf - Lady Bird
Octavia Spencer - The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمنامه اوريجينال:
The Big Sick
Get Out
Lady Bird
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين فيلمنامه اقتباسی:
Call Me by Your Name
The Disaster Artist
Molly's Game

بهترين انيميشن:
The Boss Baby
The Breadwinner
Loving Vincent

بهترين فيلم خارجی زبان:
A Fantastic Woman
The Insult
On Body and Soul
The Square

بهترين مستند:

Abacus: Small Enough to Jail
Faces Places
Last Men in Aleppo
Strong Island

بهترين مستند کوتاه:
Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
Knife Skills
Traffic Stop

بهترين فيلم کوتاه:
DeKalb Elementary
The Eleven O'Clock
My Nephew Emmett
The Silent Child
Watu Wote/All of Us

بهترين انيميشن کوتاه:
Dear Basketball
Garden Party
Negative Space
Revolting Rhymes

بهترين موسيقی متن:
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين ترانه:
Mighty River - Mudbound
Mystery of Love - Call Me by Your Name
Remember Me - Coco
Stand Up for Something - Marshall
This Is Me - The Greatest Showman

بهترين تدوين صدا:
Baby Driver
Blade Runner 2049
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

بهترين ميکس صدا:
Baby Driver
Blade Runner 2049
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

بهترين طراحی صحنه:

Beauty and the Beast
Blade Runner 2049
Darkest Hour
The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمبرداری:
Blade Runner 2049
Darkest Hour
The Shape of Water

بهترين چهره پردازی:
Darkest Hour
Victoria & Abdul

بهترين طراحی لباس:
Beauty and the Beast
Darkest Hour
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Victoria & Abdul

بهترين تدوين:
Baby Driver
I, Tonya
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين جلوه های ويژه:
Blade Runner 2049
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Kong: Skull Island
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
War for the Planet of the Apes
بهترين فيلم:
The Shape of Water

بهترين کارگردان:

Guillermo del Toro - The Shape of Water

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد:
Garry Oldman - Darkest Hour

بهترين بازيگر نقش اول زن:
Frances McDormand - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل مرد:
Sam Rockwell - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين بازيگر نقش مکمل زن:
Allison Janney - I, Tonya

بهترين فيلمنامه اوريجينال:
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

بهترين فيلمنامه اقتباسی:
Call Me by Your Name

بهترين انيميشن:

بهترين فيلم خارجی زبان:
A Fantastic Woman

بهترين مستند:


بهترين مستند کوتاه:

بهترين فيلم کوتاه:
DeKalb Elementary

بهترين انيميشن کوتاه:
Dear Basketball

بهترين موسيقی متن:
The Shape of Water

بهترين ترانه:
This Is Me - The Greatest Showman

بهترين تدوين صدا:

بهترين ميکس صدا:

بهترين طراحی صحنه:
The Shape of Water

بهترين فيلمبرداری:
Blade Runner 2049

بهترين چهره پردازی:
Darkest Hour

بهترين طراحی لباس:
Phantom Thread

بهترين تدوين:

بهترين جلوه های ويژه:
Blade Runner 2049
Best Picture
Winner : The Shape of Water
Call Me By Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Winner : Guillermo del Toro, Shape of Water
Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk
Jordan Peele, Get Out
Greta Gerwig, Lady Bird
Paul Thomas Anderson, Phantom Thread
Guillermo del Toro, Shape of Water

Actor In A Leading Role
Winner :
Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour
Timothée Chalamet, Call Me by Your Name
Daniel Day-Lewis, Phantom Thread
Daniel Kaluuya, Get Out
Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour
Denzel Washington, Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Actress In A Leading Role
Winner : Frances McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water
Frances McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Margot Robbie, I, Tonya
Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird
Meryl Streep, The Post

Actress In A Supporting Role
Winner : Allison Janney, I, Tonya
Mary J. Blige, Mudbound
Allison Janney, I, Tonya
Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird
Lesley Manville, Phantom Thread
Octavia Spencer, The Shape of Water

Actor In A Supporting Role
Winner : Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Willem Dafoe, The Florida Project
Woody Harrelson, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Richard Jenkins, The Shape of Water
Christopher Plummer, All the Money in the World
Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Adapted Screenplay
Winner : James Ivory, Call Me by Your Name
James Ivory, Call Me by Your Name
Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, The Disaster Artist
Scott Frank, James Mangold, and Michael Green, Logan
Aaron Sorkin, Molly’s Game
Virgil Williams and Dee Rees, Mudbound

Original Screenplay
Winner : Jordan Peele, Get Out
Emily V. Gordon and Kumail Nanjiani, The Big Sick
Jordan Peele, Get Out
Greta Gerwig, Lady Bird
Guillermo del Toro and Vanessa Taylor, The Shape of Water
Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Animated Feature Film
Winner : Coco
The Boss Baby
The Breadwinner
Loving Vincent

Foreign Language Film
Winner : A Fantastic Woman (Chile)
A Fantastic Woman (Chile)
The Insult (Lebanon)
Loveless (Russia)
Body and Soul (Hungary)
The Square (Sweden)

Documentary Feature
Winner : Icarus
Abacus: Small Enough to Jail
Faces Places
Last Men in Aleppo
Strong Island

Winner : Roger A. Deakins, Blade Runner: 2049
Roger A. Deakins, Blade Runner: 2049
Bruno Delbonnel, Darkest Hour
Hoyte van Hoytema, Dunkirk
Rachel Morrison, Mudbound
Dan Laustsen, The Shape of Water
Film Editing

Winner : Lee Smith, Dunkirk
Paul Machliss and Jonathan Amos, Baby Driver
Lee Smith, Dunkirk
Tatiana S. Riegel, I, Tonya
Sidney Wolinsky, The Shape of Water
Jon Gregory, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Production Design

Winner : The Shape of Water (Production Design: Paul Denham Austerberry; Set Decoration: Shane Vieau and Jeff Melvin)
Beauty and the Beast (Production Design: Sarah Greenwood; Set Decoration: Katie Spencer)
Blade Runner: 2049 (Production Design: Dennis Gassner; Set Decoration: Alessandra Querzola)
Darkest Hour (Production Design: Sarah Greenwood; Set Decoration: Katie Spencer)
Dunkirk (Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Gary Fettis)
The Shape of Water (Production Design: Paul Denham Austerberry; Set Decoration: Shane Vieau and Jeff Melvin)
Costume Design

Winner : Mark Bridges, Phantom Thread
Jacqueline Durran, Beauty and the Beast
Jacqueline Durran, Darkest Hour
Mark Bridges, Phantom Thread
Luis Sequeira, The Shape of Water
Consolota Boyle, Victoria & Abdul

Makeup And Hairstyling
Winner : Kazuhiro Tsuji, David Malinowski, and Lucy Sibbick, Darkest Hour
Kazuhiro Tsuji, David Malinowski, and Lucy Sibbick, Darkest Hour
Daniel Phillips and Lou Sheppard, Victoria & Abdul
Arjen Tuiten, Wonder

Original Score
Winner : Alexandre Desplat, The Shape of Water
Hans Zimmer, Dunkirk
Jonny Greenwood, Phantom Thread
Alexandre Desplat, The Shape of Water
John Williams, Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Carter Burwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Original Song
Winner : “Remember Me,” Coco
“Mighty River,” Mudbound
“Mystery of Love,” Call Me by Your Name
“Remember Me,” Coco
“Stand Up for Something,” Marshall
“This Is Me,” The Greatest Showman

Sound Editing
Winner : Richard King and Alex Gibson, Dunkirk
Julian Slater, Baby Driver
Mark Mangini and Theo Green, Blade Runner 2049
Richard King and Alex Gibson, Dunkirk
Nathan Robitaille and Nelson Ferreira, The Shape of Water
Matthew Wood and Ren Klyce, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Sound Mixing
Winner : Mark Weingarten, Gregg Landarker, and Gary A. Rizzo, Dunkirk
Julian Slater, Tim Cavagin, and Mary H. Ellis,Baby Driver
Ron Bartlett, Dough Hemphill, and Mac Ruth,Blade Runner 2049
Mark Weingarten, Gregg Landarker, and Gary A. Rizzo, Dunkirk
Christian Cooke, Brad Zoern, and Glen Gauthier, The Shape of Water
David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce, and Stuart Wilson, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Visual Effects
Winner : Blade Runner 2049 (John Nelson, Gerd Nefzer, Paul Lambert, and Richard R. Hoover)
Blade Runner 2049 (John Nelson, Gerd Nefzer, Paul Lambert, and Richard R. Hoover)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Christopher Townsend, Guy Williams, Jonathan Fawkner, and Dan Sudick)
Kong: Skull Island (Stephen Rosenbaum, Jeff White, Scott Benza, and Mike Meinardus)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Ben Morris, Mike Mulholland, Neal Scanlan, and Chris Corbould)
War for the Planet of the Apes (Joe Letteri, Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon, and Joel Whist)

Animated Short Film
Winner : Dear Basketball
Dear Basketball
Garden Party
Negative Space
Revolting Rhymes

Live Action Short Film
Winner : The Silent Child
DeKalb Elementary
The Eleven O’Clock
My Nephew Emmett
The Silent Child
Watu Wote: All of Us

Documentary Short Subject
Winner : Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
Edith and Eddie
Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
Knife Skills
Traffic Stop

خسته نباشی!!!!! تاپیک رو بهم زدی رفت
به چه دلیل!
شما تا قبل از شروع مراسم وقت داشتین ليست رو ارسال کنيد
مراسم حدود8 به پایان رسید
بعد من اسامی رو قرار دادم اونم توی تگ اسپویل
متوجه منظورتون نشدم!
خب این هم از امسال! :دی هر چقدر کارگردان و بازیگرها خوب حدس زده شده بودن، جایزه اصلی رو فقط 3 نفر درست گفتن!
در نهایت هم پوریا به دوران افتخارش برگشت و بهترین نتیجه رو بدست آورد. :دی



Oceanic 6





Origami 2008

Phantom Pain V










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