همه چیز درباره Xbox One (پست اول تاپیک حتما خوانده شود)

هدست و کابل HDMI 4K دورن جعبه قرار دارند.

Xbox One to be bundled with headset, 4K HDMI cable | VG247

این استراتژی فشار از پایین - چانه زنی از بالا خوب داره جواب میده واسه گیمرا :d

تقریبا دارن هر خواسته ای که اختلاف نظر با سازنده دارن سرش حرف خودشونو به کرسی می نشونن , keep up the good work :d
Xbox one exclusives phil spencer talks assembling microsoft's biggest line up ever
تو این مقاله یکسری اطلاعات درمورد بازیای لانچ کنسول داده شده،درمورد Crackdown 3 هم phil spencer گفته:
OXM: We're holding out for Crackdown 3

Spencer: I'm going to bite my tongue

OXM: We still believe

Spencer: I do too.I do too
اطلاعات Quantum break :
The mechanic revolves around time, and people who can stop time. The technical capability that we have with the platform really starts to shine here. If I'm playing, say, Halo, and all of a sudden the letterbox comes in to restrict the screen, I can set the controller down because I get this set-piece that plays out that I don't interact with
We do that because we want you to pay attention to the story, but also because we're using all the horsepower of the platform to render what you see. We're turning off the AI, we're turning off any level of control or animation for characters that you don't see, we're purging memory. Then when we letterbox out we load the game engine back in and you play it
In Xbox One you can interact with those set-pieces directly, and play in them. This isn't just that the scenes are more graphic. In the gameplay segment, there's the huge tanker hitting the bridge, you see the little warp effect which is the players actually impacting time. And they freeze the tanker halfway through ramming through this bridge. And that bridge scene, as its going on, you're actually playing in that bridge scene. Because we have the RAM, the GPU, CPU capability, we can take
The enemy AI, the enemy pathing, all of those will actually take place while that gameplay is frozen in time. And you can freeze that at any point; right at the beginning when the tanker hits the bridge, after it's torn all the way through, so it puts you in complete control of these huge set-pieces that turn into something that you get to play with
درمورد ارتباط بازی با قسمت های اپیزودیک سریالی هم اطلاعات مختصری هست:
The soul behind creating - I hate to use 'trans-media', let's just say the live action and the game - we understand that certain people just want the live-action part. Other people might want to play. Our end-goal is that you're doing both, and those two things interact with one another

So our goal isn't that we've fully cut 14 episodes of a television show that runs while we release the game, but actually that these two paths intertwine where as a gamer I'll make decisions that will impact how the TV show plays out and vice versa. We want to add some level of interactivity to the live-action which feeds actually how we progress the game

OXM: I can see how the game would affect the show, but not the other way round

Yeah, because today, television is one-way. So ignore this game for a second, let me just talk about where I think TV is going to go. The reason we're investing in TV is that over the last ten years we've seen how games change when they're connected to the internet

It wasn't just multiplayer games - we were all playing Quake before the Xbox came out so we knew what multiplayer games looked like. Friends; we knew it was cool to play with people we know. But now I knew what my friends were doing. We added Achievements. Games now are actually services unto themselves, like League of Legends on PC. Television, even without this game, will be more interactive

Xbox one exclusives phil spencer talks assembling microsoft's biggest line up ever
تو این مقاله یکسری اطلاعات درمورد بازیای لانچ کنسول داده شده،درمورد Crackdown 3 هم phil spencer گفته:
اطلاعات Quantum break :
درمورد ارتباط بازی با قسمت های اپیزودیک سریالی هم اطلاعات مختصری هست:

:-oیعنی اون صحنه ی تخریب پل کاملا In-Game بوده؟:-o:-o
این DRM لعنتی که بود مایکروسافت اصلا نمی تونست هایپ کنه و تا یه چیزی میگفت همه DRM رو می کوبیدن تو سرش :دی ولی الان خیلی شیک و راحت داره هایپ میکنه، خوب شد اون دن ماتریک احمق رفت وگرنه الان وضعیت از قبل از E3 هم بدتر بود :دی
ولی انصافا این حرکت یعنی چی؟ :| :دی


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