همه چیز درباره Xbox One (پست اول تاپیک حتما خوانده شود)

مقایسه رو در رو کنترلر XO و PS4 توسط سایت IGN:

Microsoft's IE chief to take on a new role | ZDNet

در مورد OS دستگاه و عقب بودنش از اینجا میشه خیلی چیزا رو دید. اول تابستون که کل مایکروسافت زیر و رو شد، کل تیم ویندوز رو رئیس جدید Terry Myerson عوض کرد که شامل WP و Windows و X1 و ... میشد. این جابجایی خودش باعث شد که کلا پروژه ها تاخیر بخورن ظاهرا. تیم قبلی هم که زیر نظر سینوفسکی کار میکردن جاشون عوض شد. از این میشه دید که مهمترین دلیل عقب افتادنشون تو درایور و OS و رزرو بیشتر دستگاه و .... چی بوده:

Terry Myerson, the head of Microsoft's new unified operating system division, is putting his own core team in place. The unified operating system engineering unit encompasses Windows Phone, Windows/IE, SkyDrive and the Xbox One operating system.

In Myerson's new org, David Treadwell is the new head of program management; Mike Fortin is the new head of test; and Henry Sanders is the new head of development. Treadwell was most recently on Xbox, Fortin on Windows and Sanders on Windows Phone.

Many of the Windows leaders who reported to Steven Sinofsky when he ran the Windows business up until a year ago have moved to other divisions
Review Embargo بازی Cod روی One تمام شد و چند سایتی نمره دادند.
Polygon نمره رو به خاطر فریم ریت بهتر روی One بیشتر از PS4 داده:


The Xbox One release's framerate was far more noticeable. As mentioned in the initial review, Call of Duty: Ghosts suffers from consistent framerate drops on the PS4, especially during multiplayer when action got especially hectic. The Xbox One version suffered no such drops, maintaining a steady 60 frames per second throughout.

For a multiplayer shooter, framerate consistency is paramount. Given its relative visual parity with the PS4 release, Call of Duty: Ghosts is a more playable, slightly superior (albeit disappointing) game on Xbox One.

Call of Duty: Ghosts review: for the dead | Polygon

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