
کاربر سایت

سازنده: Sucker Punch

ناشر: Sony Computer Entertainment

سبک: Sci-Fi

درجه سنی: T

پلتفرم: PS4


متای بازی تا به این لحظه:


تمامی 65 نمره ثبت شده تا به این لحظه:

Canadian Online Gamers: 10/10
PSU: 10/10
Destructoid: 9.5/10
Cheat Code Central: 9.4/10
GamesBeat: 9.4/10
Gaming Age: 9.1/10
LaPS3: 9.0/10
TheSixthAxis: 9.0/10
Multiplayer.it: 9.0/10
Lazygamer: 9.0/10
Joystiq: 9.0/10
EGM: 9.0/10
InsideGamer.nl: 8.8/10
Merlin'in Kazanı Turkey: 8.8/10
GameTrailers: 8.8/10
Meristation: 8.7/10
IGN: 8.7/10
Play UK: 8.6/10
JeuxActu: 8.5/10
IGN Italia: 8.5/10
XGN: 8.5/10
Gamer.nl: 8.5/10
3DJuegos: 8.5/10
GameOver.gr: 8.5/10
Post Arcade (National Post): 8.5/10
Game Informer: 8.5/10
Polygon: 8.5/10
Eurogamer Spain: 8.0/10
Level7.nu: 8.0/10
Toronto Sun: 8.0/10
Eurogamer Portugal: 8.0/10
Vandal Online: 8.0/10
Eurogamer Italy: 8.0/10
Gamereactor Sweden: 8.0/10
Gamereactor Denmark: 8.0/10
SpazioGames: 8.0/10
Gameblog.fr: 8.0/10
Gamer.no: 8.0/10
Everyeye.it: 8.0/10
Giant Bomb: 8.0/10
GamingTrend: 8.0/10
NowGamer: 8.0/10
PlayStation LifeStyle: 8.0/10
Push Square: 8.0/10
USgamer: 8.0/10
Playstation Official Magazine UK: 8.0/10
Gamespot: 8.0/10
Gamefront: 7.8/10
LevelUp: 7.5/10
4Players.de: 7.4/10
GRYOnline.pl: 7.0/10
Eurogamer Germany: 7.0/10
The Globe and Mail (Toronto): 7.0/10
God is a Geek: 7.0/10
The Escapist: 7.0/10
GamesRadar: 7.0/10
Edge Magazine: 7.0/10
VideoGamer: 7.0/10
Shacknews: 7.0/10
Game Revolution: 7.0/10
games(TM): 7.0/10
Eurogamer: 7.0/10
Guardian: 6.0/10
Digital Spy: 6.0/10
Metro GameCentral: 6.0/10


*نوروز باستانی بر همه ایرانیان مبارک باد*

آخرین ویرایش:
متا از 40 نقد 80 فعلا خودم با توجه تریلرایی که ازش دیده بودم انتظارم بالاتر بود به نظر میومد بازی بهتریه نسبت به دوتای قبلی البته با همین متای 80 ام مشخصه کیفیت بازی خوبه اما فکر میکنم همه انتظار بیشتری داشتن از بازی
USGAMER خیلی از گرافیک تعریف کرده:
This was a game that was made for a specific set of next-gen hardware and it shows. It just screams in all its 1080p, anti-aliased glory, with a framerate sitting at 30 FPS. Ryse on Xbox One and Killzone: Shadow Fall on PS4 have come close to what's on display, but Infamous just feels bigger than either of those offerings. In a time where fans are lambasting companies for releasing screenshots and video that don't add up to the finished products, Infamous: Second Son delivers.
NowGamer: 8/10
- - - -
3DJuegos – 8.5/10
4Players.de – 74/100
Akihabara Blues – 88/100
A.V. Club – N/A
CVG – 7/10
Destructoid – 9.5/10
DualShockers – 9.5/10
Edge – 7/10
EGM Now – 9/10
The Escapist – 3.5/5
Eurogamer – 7/10
Gamereactor UK – 8/10
GameRevolution – 3.5/5
GamerFit Nation – 9/10
GamerGen – 8.5/10
GamersGlobal – 8/10
GameSpot – 8/10
Gamesradar – 3.5/5
Gameswelt – 8.5/10
GameTrailers – 8.8/10
Giant Bomb – 4/5
Giga.de – 80/100
IGN – 8.7/10
JeuxVideo – 16/20
Kotaku – ‘Yes’
LazyGamer – 9/10
Multiplayer.it – 9/10
PCGames.de – 89/100
Play3.de – 80/100
Polygon – 8.5/10
PSU – 10/10
PushSquare – 8/10
Rebel Gamer – 89/100
Rev3 Games – 3/5
TheSixthAxis – 9/10
USgamer – 4/5
VGNetwork.it – 9/10
VideoGamer – 7/10
VideogamesZone.de – 89/100
– 8.5/10

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