راستش را بخواهی تاپیک را اشتباه آمدی ولی اشکالی نداره
فکر نکنم ربطی به داشتن یا نداشتن دیسک داشته باشه
این مشکل را من ۲ روزه که دارم
از وقتی که بازی INFAMOOS انجام دادم یک روز بعدش مشکل sync پیش آمد و ارور
Np-32157-8 میده همه روشها را امتحان کردم باز مشکل داره
This is a simple way to fix your trophy sync error and you don't have to lose any trophies. I've done this myself, and I've talked to other people who have done this and it worked for all of them.
1.) First thing you must do is play any game and earn a trophy that you have not unlocked yet.
2.) The second you earn the trophy, hit the PlayStation button, and go back up into Notifications. You should see a notification entry for the trophy you just earned. Click it and just wait. You may just a see blue screen, but give it a minute or two and this will fully sync that game and all other trophies that have not been synced.
Basically, there is one game blocking you, and you need to earn an additional trophy in that game and sync it manually through the notifications screen, and it fixes everything -- all your old un-synced trophies will sync after you get that one game synced. Since you don't know what game is blocking you, you just try each one that you know isn't synced, and eventually one of those will fix everything.
Now if the above doesn't work for you, then these next steps are going to hurt.
1. Turn off the system.
2. Hold your finger over the power button until you hear it beep twice, takes about 7 seconds.
3. Plug in the DS4 and hit the PS button. This will take you to Safe Mode.
4. Select "Rebuild Database".
5. Wait for it to finish then check on your trophies.
1. Backup your save files to PS+ cloud.
2. Create a new user, choose guest and don't link a PSN account, he will be called User1 by default.
3. With User1 go to Settings -> Initialize and choose to delete your main profile. It will delete the save data and any bugged and un-synced trophies but will leave the downloaded games.
4. Create your main profile once again.
5. Earn the bugged trophies once more and it should sync.