مشکلات و خرابی های PS4/PS4 Pro

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یه نکته ی عجیب اینکه بازی مترو در کنسول های پرو و اسلیم باعث کرش کنسول و خاموشی خود به خودی اون میشه ، منم امروز که بازی رو برای اولین بار اجرا کردم به این مشکل برخوردم اوایل بازی کنسول خود به خود خاموش شد ، چند بار دیگه هی کنسول رو روشن کرده به خیال اینکه ایراد از برق یا چیز دیگه ای بوده متاسفانه باز کنسول خود به خود خاموش شد ، در بازی های دیگه هیچ مشکلی وجود نداره ، جستجو که کردم دیدم کلی ادم دیگه مشکل منو دارن ، اگر کسی راه حلی برای این مشکل دیده جایی بگه بد نیست .

اطلاع ندارم ولی شاید با دریافت و نصب آپدیت بازی مشکل حل بشه
با سلام و خسته نباشید. آقا من یه مشکل جدی برای دستگاهم (Playstation 4) پیش اومده موقعی که دیسک رو میخوام وارد دستگاهم بکنم دستگاه هیچ عکس العملی نشون نمیده و دیسک رو نمیگیره هیچ ضربه ای هم به دستگام وارد نشده ممنون میشم اگه راه حلی دارید راهنماییم کنید و جواب بدید .با تشکر
من کنسولم خطای ws-37338-4 میده راهی نیست حلش کنیم؟
از طرف سونی بن شدی تماس با ساپورت سونی

با کنسول چکار کردی بنت کردن ؟
Information on Banned Accounts and Consoles

When you access and use the PlayStation®Network (PSN) you agree to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. Users who violate the Terms of Service and User Agreement may have their PlayStation Network access restricted by having their PlayStation accounts and/or consoles (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, PSP, PSPGo) suspended or banned.

If you receive an error code with one the following error messages, your account or console has been suspended or banned:

8002A227: You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.

8002A231: Your PlayStation®Network account has been suspended.

WS-37337-3: This PSN account has been temporarily suspended

WS-37368-7: This PSN account has been banned

WS-37338-4: This PS4 console has been permanently banned from the PlayStation Network.

Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.

Banning explanations

Below are some common offenses which could result in a PlayStation®Network account or system to be banned. You may be banned for other reasons not listed below.

Modified System Software

Offender has, or is using altered or unofficial system software. To make sure you have the latest system software, make sure your system is connected to the Internet and choose the "System Update" option under Settings.

Modified Hardware

Offender's system has been modified either physically or via software.

Reversal of Charges

A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or "chargeback" resulting in debt. A chargeback can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.

Share/Hijack Account

Sharing personal Sony Entertainment Network account information in order to obtain access to another person's PlayStation Network account. Changing another person's email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.

Offensive Images or Audio

Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.

Exploiting a Game Glitch

Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.

Verbal/Text Abuse

Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.

Hate Speech

Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Your Personal Information

Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.

Another Person's Personal Information

Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.

Abuse of Grief Reporting Function

Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.

Impersonating Another User

Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.


Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.


Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in-game or the real world.

Sexual Harassment

Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.

Account Scamming

Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.

Impersonating an SIEA Representative

Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were an SIEA representative or have similar authority.

Child Protection

Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.

Inappropriate Online ID

Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.

Team Killing

Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.

Cheat Codes

Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in gameplay or shared codes that give an advantage in gameplay.

Voice Communication Blocking

Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.

Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image

Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).

Community Standards Abuse

An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.


Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal gameplay.

False Registration Information

Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc).


A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).

Disrupting a Game

Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.

Available services or content if system has been banned

The following is a list of features you can and can't use if your system has been banned and your SEN account terminated.

Friends List

You can: Browse, save, and delete sent or received messages from friends.

You can't: Add friends, chat, revise your blocked users list, or create messages.

PlayStation Network

You can: See what's new in the "What's New" section, browse the online manual, use the Internet browser, download new system updates, and use Remote Play using wireless LAN.

You can't: Connect to the PS Store, manage account information including wallet charges and voucher entry, browse your download list, activate or deactivate your system, browse your trophies, or use Remote Play via the Internet.


You can: Play offline games that don't require any connection to the PlayStation Network.

You can't: Play games that use the PlayStation Network, purchase new DLC, or sync trophies.


You can: View manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned.

You can't: Upload videos or access services that require PlayStation Network sign-in, such as MLB.TV, HULU, Netflix, VUDU, etc.


You can: Listen to manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned. You can also retrieve music CD information.

You can't: Use PlayStation Music, or purchase new music.


You can: View photos that were on your console previous to the ban.

You can't: Upload photos to services that use the PlayStation Network.

Additional Restrictions

PSone classics save data can be exchanged between PS3/PSP systems but the PSone classic game data itself cannot be moved.

Videos and games bought on PlayStation Store cannot be moved to other devices.
آخرین ویرایش:
معمولا برای استفاده از اکانت های هکی هست این نوع بن کردن.

کنسول هم ممکنه دائم بن بشه ؟ یعنی کلا کنسول PS4 بن بشه و اجازه اجرای هیچ بازی رو حتی با داشتن دیسک نده...حتی حالت آفلاین !

کسی تا حالا شده اینجوری ؟
امروز تازه كنسول رسيد دستم، اسليم، داشتم كار ميكردم يهو خطاي رنگي موازي اومد رو صفحه و خاموش شد، روشن نميشد تا چن دقه اي، بعد داره درست كار ميكنه الان، مشكل از چي بوده؟
سلام من ps4 pro دارم یک ماه اول موب بود بعد فنش دیگه روشن نشد تنظیماتش رو ریست کردم حالا روشن میشه ولی سرعتش بالا نمیره تحت هیچ شرایطی بالا نمیره مشکل از کجاست میشه راهنمایی کنید
سلام خدمت دوستان، من يك دستگاه سرى ١١ دارم، كه موقع بازى فيفا ١٧ مخصوصا هنگ ميكنه ( كاملا كند ميشه، فيريز ميشه گاهى چند ثانيه گاهى حتى يكى دو دقيقه!) و بعضى اوقات خود به خود حل ميشه و بعضى اوقات ارور ميده و كلا از بازى مياد بيرون اين مشكل بصورت كمتر در بازى gta هم ديدم. هارد رو هم عوض كردم فايل ٨٥٠ مگ هم با هارد قديم ( هارد فابريك دستگاه) و هم هارد خودم نصب كردم ولي بازهم اين مشكل پيش اومده، بازى ها هم با ديسك نصب ميكنم، لطفا راهنمايي كنيد ببينم ميشه درستش كنم يا بزارمش سينه ديوار تيربارونش كنم :/ ممنونم.
سلام به همگي. كنسولم مدل فت هستش (سري جديد). امروز موقع بازي Battlefield 1 يهو از بازي پريد بيرون و ارور 0-34878 داد. الان رفتم سرچ كردم ديدم نوشته بايد PS4 رو يكبار Initializition كنيد در صورتي كه اگه اين كارو بكنم تمام ديتاهاي بازي ها و سيو ها از بين ميره. كنسولم هكي نيست و اورجينال بازي ميكنم. اين ارور به چي مربوط ميشه؟ مرسي.
امروز دستگاه رو روشن کردم دسته با دستگاه مچ نمیشه
و دستگاه تو حالت دسته رو وصل کنید اون اول صفحه میمونه
welcome back to playstation میمونه
هر دو دسته .با سیم هم مچ نمیشه

حتی به سیف مود هم نمیتونم دستگاه رو ببرم

مشکل از چی میتونه باشه
امروز دستگاه رو روشن کردم دسته با دستگاه مچ نمیشه
و دستگاه تو حالت دسته رو وصل کنید اون اول صفحه میمونه
welcome back to playstation میمونه
هر دو دسته .با سیم هم مچ نمیشه

حتی به سیف مود هم نمیتونم دستگاه رو ببرم

مشکل از چی میتونه باشه
منم اول همین مشکل رو داشتم سیمش رو عوض کردم و با یک سیم قویتر وصل شدم درست شد

فرستاده شده از HUAWEI G750-U10ِ من با Tapatalk
از طرف سونی بن شدی تماس با ساپورت سونی

با کنسول چکار کردی بنت کردن ؟
Information on Banned Accounts and Consoles

When you access and use the PlayStation®Network (PSN) you agree to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. Users who violate the Terms of Service and User Agreement may have their PlayStation Network access restricted by having their PlayStation accounts and/or consoles (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, PSP, PSPGo) suspended or banned.

If you receive an error code with one the following error messages, your account or console has been suspended or banned:

8002A227: You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.

8002A231: Your PlayStation®Network account has been suspended.

WS-37337-3: This PSN account has been temporarily suspended

WS-37368-7: This PSN account has been banned

WS-37338-4: This PS4 console has been permanently banned from the PlayStation Network.

Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.

Banning explanations

Below are some common offenses which could result in a PlayStation®Network account or system to be banned. You may be banned for other reasons not listed below.

Modified System Software

Offender has, or is using altered or unofficial system software. To make sure you have the latest system software, make sure your system is connected to the Internet and choose the "System Update" option under Settings.

Modified Hardware

Offender's system has been modified either physically or via software.

Reversal of Charges

A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or "chargeback" resulting in debt. A chargeback can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.

Share/Hijack Account

Sharing personal Sony Entertainment Network account information in order to obtain access to another person's PlayStation Network account. Changing another person's email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.

Offensive Images or Audio

Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.

Exploiting a Game Glitch

Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.

Verbal/Text Abuse

Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.

Hate Speech

Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Your Personal Information

Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.

Another Person's Personal Information

Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.

Abuse of Grief Reporting Function

Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.

Impersonating Another User

Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.


Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.


Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in-game or the real world.

Sexual Harassment

Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.

Account Scamming

Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.

Impersonating an SIEA Representative

Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were an SIEA representative or have similar authority.

Child Protection

Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.

Inappropriate Online ID

Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.

Team Killing

Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.

Cheat Codes

Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in gameplay or shared codes that give an advantage in gameplay.

Voice Communication Blocking

Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.

Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image

Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).

Community Standards Abuse

An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.


Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal gameplay.

False Registration Information

Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc).


A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).

Disrupting a Game

Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.

Available services or content if system has been banned

The following is a list of features you can and can't use if your system has been banned and your SEN account terminated.

Friends List

You can: Browse, save, and delete sent or received messages from friends.

You can't: Add friends, chat, revise your blocked users list, or create messages.

PlayStation Network

You can: See what's new in the "What's New" section, browse the online manual, use the Internet browser, download new system updates, and use Remote Play using wireless LAN.

You can't: Connect to the PS Store, manage account information including wallet charges and voucher entry, browse your download list, activate or deactivate your system, browse your trophies, or use Remote Play via the Internet.


You can: Play offline games that don't require any connection to the PlayStation Network.

You can't: Play games that use the PlayStation Network, purchase new DLC, or sync trophies.


You can: View manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned.

You can't: Upload videos or access services that require PlayStation Network sign-in, such as MLB.TV, HULU, Netflix, VUDU, etc.


You can: Listen to manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned. You can also retrieve music CD information.

You can't: Use PlayStation Music, or purchase new music.


You can: View photos that were on your console previous to the ban.

You can't: Upload photos to services that use the PlayStation Network.

Additional Restrictions

PSone classics save data can be exchanged between PS3/PSP systems but the PSone classic game data itself cannot be moved.

Videos and games bought on PlayStation Store cannot be moved to other devices.
کنسول که هک نشده در این نسل پس دیگه دلیل بن چی میتونه باشه؟ ps3بن میکرد چون کنسول هک شده بود
ولی الان سونی به چه دلیلی بن میکنه

سلام به همگي. كنسولم مدل فت هستش (سري جديد). امروز موقع بازي Battlefield 1 يهو از بازي پريد بيرون و ارور 0-34878 داد. الان رفتم سرچ كردم ديدم نوشته بايد PS4 رو يكبار Initializition كنيد در صورتي كه اگه اين كارو بكنم تمام ديتاهاي بازي ها و سيو ها از بين ميره. كنسولم هكي نيست و اورجينال بازي ميكنم. اين ارور به چي مربوط ميشه؟ مرسي.
من هم سر بازی the last of usیه بار از بازی پرید بیرون موقع پریدن از بازی دستگاهم به نت وصل بود ارور رو به سونی گزارش دادم درست شد
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کنسول که هک نشده در این نسل پس دیگه دلیل بن چی میتونه باشه؟ ps3بن میکرد چون کنسول هک شده بود
ولی الان سونی به چه دلیلی بن میکنه

دلیل بن کردن استفاده از اکانت های هک شده یا کارت اعتباری هک شده میتونه باشه
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من هم سر بازی the last of usیه بار از بازی پرید بیرون موقع پریدن از بازی دستگاهم به نت وصل بود ارور رو به سونی گزارش دادم درست شد
يعني نميتونه مشكل از هارد دستگاه باشه؟ من از وقتي كه دستگاهو خريدم حتي يك سانتيمتر هم تكونش ندادم و محاله هاردش خراب شده باشه چون معمولا هارد دستگاه زماني خراب ميشه كه مثلا موقع اجراي بازي يهو دستگاه تكون بخوره كه هاردش اسيب ببينه. من ارور رو گزارش كردم. چطوري بفهم سوني جوابي داده يا نه؟
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Reactions: bear14

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن