باید بگم اینو از خود هکر ندیدم یکی از کاربران که فکر کنم مدیر سایت gen بود کامنت قرار داده بود ISO و ... اجرا نمی شه!
ولی خود هکر تا به حال چیزی ازش ندیدم!
با اجازه داش حمید
این متن ها رو نگاه کنید.زیاد هم نا امید نباشید.
I chatted a bit with Total_Noob a few hours ago, who confirmed to me that the first public release of his Hen is ready and has been sent to pspgen yesterday. I assume the staff at pspgen will now be testing the Hen for a little bit, making sure there is no last minute bug, before they make the public release.
I can see that there’s electricity in the air, just by looking at the spike in visits yesterday, seems I’m not the only one waiting for this release
اینم یه اطلاعاتی از henجدید و که آیا isoا جرا میشه یا نه؟
This is a short FAQ about Total_Noob’s upcoming Hen for the PSP 6.20. I’ll try to update it as I get more info.
What is a HEN?
“HEn” stands for “Homebrew Enabler”. It is a piece of software that allows to run unsigned software (homebrews) directly from the XMB on a PSP OFW. TN Hen relies on a kernel exploit in order to achieve this.
How do I install/Run the Hen
We can’t be 100% sure until the Hen is released, but most likely
HBL will be required to run the Hen on 6.20, through the Patapon2 exploit.
Does TN Hen run isos/cso?
Not directly. The Hen only allows to run unsigned Eboots. But it gives access to kernel mode, so it is possible to create an iso loader that will run on a Hen’ed PSP.
If that doesn’t run isos, what’s the difference between TN Hen and a homebrew loader such as Half Byte Loader?
a Hen uses a kernel exploit, and gives users full control of the PSP. This means more homebrew compatibility than with HBL. For example homebrews that require kernel access will most likely work with the HEN. This also means that the Hen opens the door to iso loading, plugins support, etc… through a LCFW (Live/Light Custom FirmWare)
So, you’re saying it doesn’t run isos, but then you say it gives Kernel access. I thought Kernel access meant isos, I’m confused?
Hen will enable programmers to somewhat easily enable all these features (iso, plugins…) through a LCFW. But this requires extra work that is not part of the Hen. For example, Davee’s chickHen (for firmware 5.03) did not have any iso support. Iso support was added by external tools (LCFW) such as Gen for Hen (by team Gen) or CFWe (by Becus25 and Xenogears)
So, what’s the difference between a Hen and a CFW?
That’s a complex question, because the definition of CFW is vague. Because of that, I decided to create the term “LCFW” for “Live Custom Firmware” (in reference to the Linux “Live CD” distributions) or “Light Custom Firmware”, per opposition to the historical “CFW” from the psp1000/psp2000 era
Well, ok, so what are the differences between a Hen, a CFW, and a LCFW ?
I’ll try to make this short:
- a CFW (custom firmware) is a bunch of hacks that enable iso loading, plugin support, recovery menu, etc… on old models of PSPs. The most famous work on CFW was performed by Dark_Alex. a CFW gets installed in the flash of the PSP, and overrides the Official firmware at startup. Technically, for the end user, it means that if you turn off your psp, then turn it on again, you still have the CFW. Custom Firmwares are not possible anymore on modern PSPs, as Sony patched a critical hardware bug that made CFW possible. The first motherboards to have this patch are the infamous “ta88v3″ released in summer 2008. Basically no PSP bought new after this period can get a CFW.
- a LCFW (Live/Light Custom firmware) is the same thing as a CFW (actually, the LCFW we currently know about are mostly made of reverse engineered files from earlier CFWs), except it patches the Ram after the PSP is turned on (LCFW are usually kernel mode homebrews, so they require a kernel hack, which is what the Hen provides, see below). While the CFW patches the PSP firmware at boot time, for LCFW you need to patch the Ram after the Firmware is booted. From the end user’s point of view, this means that if you turn your PSP off, you will need to run the LCFW again (and, of course, the Hen before that) in order to activate it. Keep in mind that putting your PSP in “sleep” mode is not equivalent to turning it off. If you put your psp in sleep mode, the LCFW stays in Ram
- a Hen, as we said earlier, is a kernel exploit + a few patches that allows to run unsigned software, including ones that have access to kernel. It is a necessary tool to install and run a LCFW.
So Summary: CFW can not exist anymore in the current state of our knowledge, and is replaced by Hen+LCFW, which are a combination of a kernel exploit and some patches in the Ram to allow a “CFW-like” experience.
Can the Hen brick my PSP?
The Hen itself, AFAIK, works only in the Ram, and will not brick your PSP. However, it completely unlocks the machine and gives you access to everything on the machine, which gives you the possibility to do everything you want, including bricking it. Most bricks come from people who think they can install a CFW on modern PSPs. If you read this FAQ, you know this will not work. If you brick a PSP that has a nonhackable motherboard, your PSP is dead.
If you read the “README” files of the tools you use, you should be safe.
When will the TN Hen be released ?
Total_Noob said he would release it “Before Christmas [2010]”
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