راهنمایی جامع در بازی The Elder Scroll : Skyrim

چند ساعت از وقت با ارزشتونو پای این بازی با ارزش گذاشتی

  • تا 50 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 204 23.9%
  • تا 100 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 127 14.9%
  • بالای 101 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 524 61.3%

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
2سوال: 1.میشه سایتی که توش این چیت ها رو پیدا میکنی به منم بدی؟ 2. به نظر شما کدوم نژاد بهتره؟
اینا همهٔ‌console command ها هستن
Toggles god mode. You won’t be hurt, and you can carry an infinite amount of items without becoming encumbered.
Toggles immortal mode.
Toggles no-clip mode. You’ll fly through objects, doors, and outside the game world.
Toggles menus.
Unlocks any locked door or chest. Click on the locked door and chest, then type the command into the console.
All spells obtained.
Automatic level up.
Automatically completes all stages of your primary quest.
Pulls up the character customization menu, just like starting a new game. This will reset your level and skills.
Permanently modifies an attribute or skills based on the amount listed under “.” All skills are listed under their in-game titles, with no spaces or quotes. NOTE: Archery is “Marksman” and Speech is “Speechcraft”.
Player.additem ITEM “###”
Gives items depending on what Item Code is input. Type in the item name under “ITEM” and the amount of items you want under “###”. Check our Item Codes page for a list of compatible Item Codes.
player.additem 0000000f “###”
Adds gold based on the number input under “###”, any number between “001″-”999″ will work.
player.additem 0000000a “###”
Adds lockpicks baed on the number input under “###”, any number between “001″-”100″ will work.
tmm (<0 or 1>)
Toggles map markers on or off.
Toggles fly-cam on or off.
Toggles AI on or off.
Toggles combat AI on or off.
Toggles control driven, allowing you to control NPCs.
Toggles AI detection on or off — allowing unlimited stealing, killing, or general law-breaking.
player.setcrimegold ####
Set the number high and you’ll be wanted. Set the number to 0 to remove your criminal status completely.
Sets character level to whatever number you want.
player.setav speedmult
Set movement speed; 100 is default, raise the number to increase your movement speed.
player.moveto “NPCID###”
Move to the indicated NPC.
movetoqt ####
Teleports you to your quest target.
Shows the quest target IDs of your current quests, scroll with page up/down, use these IDs with the movetoqt command.
Kills a targeted enemy.
Kills all enemies in your immediate vicinity.
Lists all console commands.
Resurrects your targetted dead.
player.setav carryweight ####
Set Carry Weight stat. Set to 1000 or 2500 and you’ll never have carry weight problems. (Thanks to Mark in the comments.)
setpcfame #
Set character’s fame.
setpcinfamy #
Set character’s infamy.
player.setav Fatigue #
Sets fatigue stat.
player.setav Health #
Sets health stat.
coc “placename”
Allows you to teleport to a location, replace “placename” with the name of the place you’d like to teleport to with no quotation marks. Example: coc whiterun
coc qasmoke
Teleports you to the developer testing hall, with every item in the game. Some items, like enchanted armor or weapons, may cause the game to crash.
Changes your ***.
set timescale to ## (1-16)
Set the ratio in which time passes. 16 is default, while 1 is realtime.
modav “Stat” ###
Replace “stat” with health or stamina to change a targeted NPC’s health/stamina/magicka, with the number setting their statistic. Magicka currently unknown if it works.
setplayerrelationshiprank “actor” #Mofifies the targeted NPC’s disposition towards you, with 0 or 1 the lowest disposition, and 4 the highest.
Kills the selected NPC.
openactorcontainer 1
Gives you access to the targeted NPC’s inventory.
Revives the selected NPC.
removeallitems (player)Removes all items from the selected NPC, adding “Player” to this command removes all items from the selected NPC and adds them to the player’s inventory.
Enables control for the player during cinematics.
Sets ownership of targeted thing, allowing the player to safely take items.
Duplicates all items of the targeted thing.
setpcfame ###
Set the targeted NPC’s fame.
setpcinfamy ###
Set the targeted NPC’s infamy.
List all items and item codes in your inventory.
set decapitationchance to ##
Allows you to set your chances of decapitating enemies, from 0-100.
set killmoverandom to ##
Allows you to set your chances of setting off a Finishing Move, from 0-100.
player.placeatme. “itemID”
Spawns crafting items, with the “itemID” codes listed below.

  • Anvil – 1a2ad
  • Alchemy Lab (Floor) – bad0c
  • Alchemy Lab (Wall) – d54ff
  • Arcane Enchanter (Floor) – bad0d
  • Arcane Enchanter (Wall) – d5501
  • Forge – bf9e1
  • Forge (Outside) – bbcf1
  • Grindstone – 6e9c2
  • Smelter – 9c6ce
  • Workbench – d932f
  • Leather Crafting Parts – db5d2
خواهش میکنم کمک کنید:
تو یه مرحله گیر کردم و نمیدونم چیکار کنم. :-/
تو یه مرحله بهم میگه برو esbern رو در The Ratway Warrens پیدا کن.
وقتی پیداش میکنم انگار خودشو حبس کرده و درو برام باز نمیکنه.
بهم میگه باهاش حرف بزن ولی وقتی باهاش حرف میزنم درو می بنده و میره.
نمیدونم بهش چی بگم؟

لطفا جواب رو به ایمیلم بفرستید.
اینا همهٔ‌console command ها هستن
Toggles god mode. You won’t be hurt, and you can carry an infinite amount of items without becoming encumbered.
Toggles immortal mode.
Toggles no-clip mode. You’ll fly through objects, doors, and outside the game world.
Toggles menus.
Unlocks any locked door or chest. Click on the locked door and chest, then type the command into the console.
All spells obtained.
Automatic level up.
Automatically completes all stages of your primary quest.
Pulls up the character customization menu, just like starting a new game. This will reset your level and skills.
Permanently modifies an attribute or skills based on the amount listed under “.” All skills are listed under their in-game titles, with no spaces or quotes. NOTE: Archery is “Marksman” and Speech is “Speechcraft”.
Player.additem ITEM “###”
Gives items depending on what Item Code is input. Type in the item name under “ITEM” and the amount of items you want under “###”. Check our Item Codes page for a list of compatible Item Codes.
player.additem 0000000f “###”
Adds gold based on the number input under “###”, any number between “001″-”999″ will work.
player.additem 0000000a “###”
Adds lockpicks baed on the number input under “###”, any number between “001″-”100″ will work.
tmm (<0 or 1>)
Toggles map markers on or off.
Toggles fly-cam on or off.
Toggles AI on or off.
Toggles combat AI on or off.
Toggles control driven, allowing you to control NPCs.
Toggles AI detection on or off — allowing unlimited stealing, killing, or general law-breaking.
player.setcrimegold ####
Set the number high and you’ll be wanted. Set the number to 0 to remove your criminal status completely.
Sets character level to whatever number you want.
player.setav speedmult
Set movement speed; 100 is default, raise the number to increase your movement speed.
player.moveto “NPCID###”
Move to the indicated NPC.
movetoqt ####
Teleports you to your quest target.
Shows the quest target IDs of your current quests, scroll with page up/down, use these IDs with the movetoqt command.
Kills a targeted enemy.
Kills all enemies in your immediate vicinity.
Lists all console commands.
Resurrects your targetted dead.
player.setav carryweight ####
Set Carry Weight stat. Set to 1000 or 2500 and you’ll never have carry weight problems. (Thanks to Mark in the comments.)
setpcfame #
Set character’s fame.
setpcinfamy #
Set character’s infamy.
player.setav Fatigue #
Sets fatigue stat.
player.setav Health #
Sets health stat.
coc “placename”
Allows you to teleport to a location, replace “placename” with the name of the place you’d like to teleport to with no quotation marks. Example: coc whiterun
coc qasmoke
Teleports you to the developer testing hall, with every item in the game. Some items, like enchanted armor or weapons, may cause the game to crash.
Changes your ***.
set timescale to ## (1-16)
Set the ratio in which time passes. 16 is default, while 1 is realtime.
modav “Stat” ###
Replace “stat” with health or stamina to change a targeted NPC’s health/stamina/magicka, with the number setting their statistic. Magicka currently unknown if it works.
setplayerrelationshiprank “actor” #Mofifies the targeted NPC’s disposition towards you, with 0 or 1 the lowest disposition, and 4 the highest.
Kills the selected NPC.
openactorcontainer 1
Gives you access to the targeted NPC’s inventory.
Revives the selected NPC.
removeallitems (player)Removes all items from the selected NPC, adding “Player” to this command removes all items from the selected NPC and adds them to the player’s inventory.
Enables control for the player during cinematics.
Sets ownership of targeted thing, allowing the player to safely take items.
Duplicates all items of the targeted thing.
setpcfame ###
Set the targeted NPC’s fame.
setpcinfamy ###
Set the targeted NPC’s infamy.
List all items and item codes in your inventory.
set decapitationchance to ##
Allows you to set your chances of decapitating enemies, from 0-100.
set killmoverandom to ##
Allows you to set your chances of setting off a Finishing Move, from 0-100.
player.placeatme. “itemID”
Spawns crafting items, with the “itemID” codes listed below.

  • Anvil – 1a2ad
  • Alchemy Lab (Floor) – bad0c
  • Alchemy Lab (Wall) – d54ff
  • Arcane Enchanter (Floor) – bad0d
  • Arcane Enchanter (Wall) – d5501
  • Forge – bf9e1
  • Forge (Outside) – bbcf1
  • Grindstone – 6e9c2
  • Smelter – 9c6ce
  • Workbench – d932f
  • Leather Crafting Parts – db5d2

نمیشه شهردار شهر whiterun شد؟
Thane یاjarl ؟ jarl که نمی‌شه، ولی‌ اگه منظر همون خان هست تو داستان اصلی‌ همون مراحل اول خود به خود میشین Thane of whiterun
جون هرکی دوست دارید جواب بدین.
از مسیرC>Users>username>my documents>my games>skyrim Skyrim.ini رو Cut کنین بریزین یه جایی‌ بعد انجام اون مرحله دوباره بریزین سر جاش
ازتون خیلی ممنونم برم تستش کنم.
azize delam oony ke beri cut koni male vaghtie ke ESBERN harf nemizane too marhale haye baad ama baraye inke daro baz kone baad az inke bahash harf zadi age dar baz nashod bayad oon chand ta zendani dige ro bokoshi va baad bargardi va oonjaee ke chand nafar hastan ke mishe hamoon THIEVES GUILD boro oonja ba hamashoon harf bezan baad bargard pishe ESBERN dar baz shode OK

---------- نوشته در 08:46 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 08:37 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

khob aghayoon man ye moshkely dashtam yeki inke SHOUT haro koja mitoonam yad begiram yani oon jadid hasho man ba GREY BEARDS ham harf zadam amma roo naghshe baram moshakhas nemikone yeki dige ham inke koja mitoonam SHOUT ham ro ghavi konam mesle inke mishe ta se bar mishe SHOUT haro upgrade kard che joori mitoonam in kar ro bokonam va ye moshkele dige ham inke age migin shout ha ro mishe raft pishe GREY BEARDS ha update kard man main quest ha ro tamoom lkardam va dige GREY BEARDS tooye HIGHT HROTHGAR nistan chikar konam
azize delam oony ke beri cut koni male vaghtie ke ESBERN harf nemizane too marhale haye baad ama baraye inke daro baz kone baad az inke bahash harf zadi age dar baz nashod bayad oon chand ta zendani dige ro bokoshi va baad bargardi va oonjaee ke chand nafar hastan ke mishe hamoon THIEVES GUILD boro oonja ba hamashoon harf bezan baad bargard pishe ESBERN dar baz shode OK

---------- نوشته در 08:46 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 08:37 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

khob aghayoon man ye moshkely dashtam yeki inke SHOUT haro koja mitoonam yad begiram yani oon jadid hasho man ba GREY BEARDS ham harf zadam amma roo naghshe baram moshakhas nemikone yeki dige ham inke koja mitoonam SHOUT ham ro ghavi konam mesle inke mishe ta se bar mishe SHOUT haro upgrade kard che joori mitoonam in kar ro bokonam va ye moshkele dige ham inke age migin shout ha ro mishe raft pishe GREY BEARDS ha update kard man main quest ha ro tamoom lkardam va dige GREY BEARDS tooye HIGHT HROTHGAR nistan chikar konam
الان که رفتن هیچ راهی‌ نیست یاد گرفتن جز اینکه دونه دونه بزنی‌ تو غار‌ها و‌Ruin ها ببینی‌ تو کدومش هست :دی البته تعدادشون زیاد نیست،حدود 20 تا هست که با آپگرید‌هاشون میشن60 .

واسه آپگرید هم باید یهshout رو سه بار یاد بگیری، از هرshout سه تا هست تو محیط،باید هر سه تارو پیدا کنی‌

رفتن اونا هم باگ هست که تو داستان اصلی‌ یه کاری میکردی اینجوری میشد که من الان یادم نیست

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن