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pandora tomorrow

True Blue
مدیر انجمن
Sep 23, 2005
دوست عزیز کاری نداره شما به همون سایتی که بالا معرفی کردم برید بعدش brows روبزنین و بعد فایل مورد نظرت رو انتخاب کن بعد رو دکمه ی upload file کلیک کن تا اپلود بشه. بعدع اپلود یه لینک بهت میده اون لینک رو بزار اینجا.


کاربر سایت
Oct 4, 2005
آرمان جان
دمت گرم،خیلی حال سنگین دادی.
منم یه حال سنگین دارم واست.مرحله عروسک ها رو رد کردم.
عروسکها به ترتیب باید به این شکل باشن:
از چپ به راست:
sad........>very happy.......>normal......>happy.....>ery sad.....>very happy
فکر کنم توضیح دیگه ای نخواد.سعی کن خیلی شاد ها رو زیاد به سمت بالا بدی.

درضمن اسم اون بنده خدا پاندورا نیست.اسمشو توی امضا آورده:

:cheesygri :cheesygri :cheesygri
ولی به دور از شوخی اسمش امین هستش،یکی از بروبچ باحال و بامرام سایت هستش.


کاربر سایت
Mar 24, 2006
دستت درد نکنه وحید جون

وحید من اونجا رو رد کردم ولی بعدش که 3 تا گل میگیری رو نمیدونم چی کار کنم
تو نقشه اصلا مشخص نمیکنه باید کجا برم
ببینم تو رد کردی؟


کاربر سایت
Oct 4, 2005
وحید من اونجا رو رد کردم ولی بعدش که 3 تا گل میگیری رو نمیدونم چی کار کنم
تو نقشه اصلا مشخص نمیکنه باید کجا برم
ببینم تو رد کردی؟
از هتل بیا بیرون،طرف راست جاده یه دکه مانند می بینی.توش گلا رو گذاشته.انگار باید گل ها رو عوض کنی.فعلا اینو داشته باش تا بعد(خودم هنوز رد نکردمش)


کاربر سایت
Oct 4, 2005
وحيد جان تونستي اونجا رو رد كني؟
اگر تونستي به ما هم بگو
من تونستم ردش کنم.خدا رو شکر از يوکوهاما اومديم بيرون الآن توي کشتي هستم.
من نمي تونم بهت بگم چه جوري بايد ردش کني.ولي به صحبت هام توجه کن:(:exclaim: )
بايد سه تا گل بامبو و آيريس و...تري رو به دست بياري.
بايد با گل فروش ها عوض کنيش.از هتل بيا بيرون مستقيم برو .يه مسير سمت چپت هست ميري توش.یه جا هست یه گل فروش تکی هستش.جلوتر که بری 3تا گل فروش بغل هم هستن
فقط اینو توجه داشته باش که گل فروش ها نمی تونن گل تکراری داشته باشن.
بعش هم اینکه تو هم نمی تونی گل تکراری داشته باشی.
من آخر سر همه گل ها رو به یک گل فروش دادم بعد اونایی که می خواستم رو از اون گرفتم.
امید وارم بتونی ردش کنی.


کاربر سایت
Mar 24, 2006
دست درد نکنه وحید جان

من اونجا رو رد کردم
الان هم سن فرانسیسکو هستم
منتهی همون اوایل بازی گیر کردم
که باید ترتیب دارت ها رو درست کنی
کسی مب تونه کمک کنه؟


کاربر سایت
Oct 4, 2005
الان هم سن فرانسیسکو هستم
منتهی همون اوایل بازی گیر کردم
که باید ترتیب دارت ها رو درست کنی
کسی مب تونه کمک کنه؟
من توی کشتی گیر کردم
اونجا که باید به برو بچ نوشیدنی بدی!!
اگه تونستی به من بگو.


کاربر سایت
Mar 24, 2006
وحید جان نا امیدم کردی که

من تازه از تو می خواستم بپرسم که اونجایی که تو سن فرانسیسکو هستم چطوری رد کنم
ببین یه 2 تا شراب اون وسط هست
تو اون شراب سمت چپی رو اصل قرار بده و با هر کروم از نوشیدنی های دیگه قاطیشون کن
نمیتونم بگم به چه چیزهایی ولی دستت میاد
تو باید اون مشروب رو فقط با یکی نه دو تا قاطی کنی
ضمنا یادت باشه که هر مشتری یه نوع دوست داری
بعضی وقتها پیش میاد که مجبور بشه دو بار از اون مشروب استفاده کنی


کاربر سایت
Nov 15, 2005
سلام ...
من تو مرحله قطار که باید اون استوانه رو از زیر چرخ قطار خارج کرد گیر کردم... استوانه رو با اون میله در میارم ولی وقتی میخوام از راه پله به قطار برگردم قبول نمیکنه.... چه کار دیگه ای باید انجام بدم که رد بشه ؟؟؟؟


کاربر سایت
Dec 27, 2008
سلام دوستان
من تو مرحله بسیار مسخره یوکوهاما گیر کردم و هر کاری میکنم رد نمیشه که نمیشه . این save هایی رو که بالا دوستمون زحمتش رو کشیده هم هر کار میکنم چیزی رو که بشه download کرد باز نمیکنه . خواهش میکنم هر کی میتونه راهنمایی کنه .

Ashkan Pirate

کاربر سایت
Nov 20, 2008
سلام دوستان
من تو مرحله بسیار مسخره یوکوهاما گیر کردم و هر کاری میکنم رد نمیشه که نمیشه . این save هایی رو که بالا دوستمون زحمتش رو کشیده هم هر کار میکنم چیزی رو که بشه download کرد باز نمیکنه . خواهش میکنم هر کی میتونه راهنمایی کنه .

سلام من توضیح مرحله یوکوهاما رو تا اخرین مرحله رو واست میزارم،البته به انگلیسی هست اما اگه یکم زبان بلد باشی راحت می تونی مراحل رو رد کنی.و معمولا کسایی که بازی های ادونچر بازی میکنن زبانشون خوبه
You are in a boat. Save point Yokohama 1
Go to hotel: Get off the boat and turn left. Climb the steps-bridge to get across the rail tracks. Go right and follow the minimap to your 2 story red & white hotel with big red door. Pay for a night stay. Take the message. Use the machine on the left to listen to Matthew's message. You are to find San Saruto to get the 1866 agreement between Matthew and San Saruto granting him rights to his invention of a hydraulic stilt - stand used to cushion earth against earthquake.
Go to San Saruto: Exit the hotel, left and follow the minimap to bridge on the right. On the arch, note Fix Spy Agency advertisement. Forward, turn left and go forward to San Saruto's closed ornate dragon gate. Talk to Yoko, the old lady that called you. Learn that Lord Saruto was arrested for treason and slated to be beheaded. Some plans are given. One is to sneak into the Shogun's palace and find out when San Saruto's house will be open. Save point Yokohama 2
Find a way to enter San Saruto's house:
Find when the authorities will search Saruto's house: Go to the Shogun's palace by turning around, forward over the bridge, left and see that the Shogun's palace is guarded by 2 soldiers. Go forward to the far side wall and see a small enclosure with an opening to the ground below. Take the iron bar to the left by the pile of wood in front of the opening in the ground. Climb up the opening and down to underground path. At the end of the path is a jammed wheel that control's the cover on the opening above. Use iron bar on wheel. Click to turn the wheel. Climb ladder and be at the Shogun's grounds.
Be careful! The guards mustn't locate you stay hidden: Crouch using the X key. Wait for the guard pacing in front of the palace to go the other way and then crouch fast to the 2 boulders by the wall. Go behind the small house. Carefully, look out the corner to see if the guard pacing this path is close by. Go to the next corner of the house and check again for the guard. When he moves away from you, crouch forward behind the palace. At the far corner by the palace, carefully check to see if the guard pacing here is moving away. Note that there's a bridge above that connects the palace to the brightly lit open building on the left. Carefully, crouch enter this side building. Climb up the stairs and cross the bridge. Enter the open room on the right. Take the necklace-money on one end of the room. Pick up the Japanese letter by the altar. Bonus point - 40.
Go back and see Yoko: Go back across the bridge to the side building. It will be impossible to leave the way you came in. There's a guard at the door. See a window above the landing of the 2 stairs. Climb (spacebar + W) and push the window and exit through the roof. Go to Yoko to have her read the Japanese letter. Save point - Yokohama 3. Yoko translates the letter - San Saruto's house will be open tomorrow. Bonus points - 30. You need a disguise to get in the house.
Hang lanterns on 10 houses that converted to GPAK cause: Hear a GPAK member, Mac Sushi call you. A message from Glasgow was received. Oliver is asked to hang 10 lanterns on houses that help the GPAK cause. Follow the mini map to the different locations and hang the lanterns on the holders. Watch for houses that has lamp holders on the post by the door. One place is across the bridge, one is at the hotel and one you have to climb on a box to get to the holder. One is on the inner wall of the arch by the bridge. On the 9th lantern, Fix arrives with guards and Oliver is placed in prison. Save point Yokohama 4.
Find a way to escape: Talk to Takeshi, your jail mate and a turtle painter. See an active spot on the bricked arched on the wall.
While facing the stairs, stand a step away from the overhead beam. Jump (spacebar) on to the beam. Walk the beam to the window. Place the last Japanese lantern on the window. Here comes Mac Sushi. He gives a knife to Oliver. Jump down and use the knife on the bricked opening. Takeshi will do his - Tokui 2 on the bricks. Crouch (X key) out through the hole. Turn right to the grill and pick up money. Bonus point - 30. Turn around, forward and go left to next hall. Go left, climb the ladder and exit. Takeshi follows you to Hotel. Save point Yokohama 5. Talk to Mac Sushi and learn how Fix got the Shogun to imprison Oliver.
Find a tailor: Go outside and meet Yoko. Ride the motorized rickshaw or walk to the tailor. Use the minimap to get the location of the tailor. Enter the tailor shop and come out looking like a samurai.
Find your uncle's agreement:
Go to San Saruto's house: Fix is standing by the gate of San Saruto's house. Talk to Fix. Konichiwa! He mistakes you for the translator he asked for. He is also looking for the agreement. Bonus points - 20. Enter the house. Turn right to room and take money from wood desk. Go to other room across the hall and take money from behind the table. Go to the room right of the stairs and then go down to the basement. See a mural of 7 Buddhas. Oliver states it's a clue.
Money: (Thanks, Ana!)Enter the wheel room in the boat you arrived in across the step - bridge and take the money on the crate. There is money on top of the left mound left of the road before entering the Gold Buddha enclosure. The raised building on the left of the path towards the Island Buddha has money in front of the door. You have to climb a steep stairs to get to the door. The building where the Bronze Buddha is located has money by the door.
Find the seven Buddhas:
Garden Buddha - Go outside the house, turn right to go to back of the house. The first Buddha is in the garden. Climb the ramp and press the block on the wall. Now follow the direction shown by this Buddha.
Giant Buddha - The next Buddha is by a red bridge and the active arrow on the minimap is higher than the Buddha.
Go to the red bridge and drop the big wood attached to the rope over the bridge. Go to the rope and jump up to get hold of the rope. Move down to the top of the Buddha's backdrop. Drop down after the circle. Step on the circle and the Big Buddha turns. Follow the direction of the Buddha.
Gold Buddha - Enter an enclosure and see a standing stone with a symbol. Note the symbol. See the Golden Buddha. Climb to the hill across it.
You have to lower the bridge to get to the Buddha. On the ground is a set of symbols and have lines on 2 sides. There are granites strewn around the ground with the same lines as those etched on the ground. Locate the symbol seen on the standing stone. Mark the lines that intersect to the symbol. Pick up the granite blocks that have those lines and place them on the columns that flanked the bridge. If correctly done, the bridge is lowered. Go to the Buddha and press the circle on the right post. Save point Yokohama 6.
Island Buddha - Go to the next Buddha. The Buddha is on an island. Is that a shark in the lake?
Turn around and take a 2 meter plank from the ground. Turn the wheel of the ferry twice to place ferry between the 2 boulders flanking the ferry rope. Place the 2 meter plank on boulder in water. Walk across. Take 2 meter plank, turn around and place it on boulders. Walk across. Take the 2 meter plank. Now that the ferry is here, place the 2 meter plank on boulder and ferry. Walk to ferry. Take 2 meter plank. Place it on ferry to the boulder on the other side. Walk across. Take 2 meter plank and place on the next 2 boulders. Pick up the 4 meter plank from the water.
Go back to the ferry wheel on the shore. Now turn the left ferry wheel 3 more times to move it to the farther area between the 2 boulders on both sides of the ferry rope. Now do the same steps to get back across the boulders except this time use the 4 meter plank to cross the 2 boulders that plank the ferry rope. Continue to the Buddha.
At the Buddha, move the small branch of the tree to turn the Buddha. Go back to shore using the same moves with the 2 and 4 meter planks. On to the next Buddha.
Bronze Buddha - Enter the gate and see the Bronze Buddha. Press the knob at stand. On to the next Buddha.
Buried Buddha - See that the Buddha is buried in the sand.
To remove the sand, click the 2 ornate plunger-gates that are on 2 side of the sand pit. Jump down when the sand is drained and press the big brick on the wall. See the Buddha turn. Exit the pit by climbing up on the 2 stones close to the wall. Locate the last Buddha.
Last Buddha - The last Buddha is the Buddha in the basement of San Saruto's house. Meet Fix and he thinks that there's nothing in the house. Bonus points - 50. Save point Yokohama 7. Go down to the basement. Stand close to the middle back wall facing the fan with the 7 Buddha. Look down and step on the activated tile at the center of the floor. A secret room opens up.
Open San Saruto's safe: See a metal safe at one corner of the room. Beside it are 6 levers below 6 faces. With the lever system, move the mask, orientate it following the indications of expressions.
Play with levers to see what happens to the faces. There are 5 settings of the levers. Look around for clues on what expressions are needed. Turn around and look at the wood on the wall that has curved lines. It shows curved lines like the expression of the mouth.
Click on lever to set them to (from left to right):
Sad - one setting below the middle or second from bottom.
Very happy - 2 settings above the middle or top.
Normal - no change or middle or third from bottom or top.
Happy - one setting above the middle or second from top.
Very sad - 2 settings below the middle or the bottom.
Very happy - 2 settings above the middle or top.
The safe opens. Bonus points - 30. Take the Japanese letter that needs to be translated.
Go to hotel: Save point Yokohama 8. Takeshi translates the letter. It states a plot to overthrow the Emperor and asking an alliance with Britain. Yoko forms a plan to get the letter to the Emperor. The Emperor cannot refuse an ikebana. You have to make an ikebana. The Emperor's ikebana is made of bamboo, irises and cherry blossom.
Divulge the plot to overthrow the emperor:
Form your imperial ikebana: Exit the hotel to locate the flowers. In inventory are lotus, wisteria and azalea.
Exchange flowers - You have to exchange flowers for what you want. You cannot exchange for a flower that they or you already have.
Turn left from hotel, forward and see a stall that exchanges flowers on right of road. He has all of your 3 flowers but has bamboo. Let's look for more floral traders.
Go forward pass the zeppelin and see stalls on the far left of the grass area.
The left trader has azalea, wisteria and cherry tree branch. Exchange your lotus for his cherry tree branch.
Go back to floral trader by road. Exchange your cherry tree branch for his bamboo.
Go back to the other traders. The middle trader has lotus, azalea and cherry tree branch. Exchange your wisteria for his cherry tree branch.
The right trader has wisteria, lotus and iris. Exchange your azalea for his iris. Bonus point - 20.
Automatically, an Imperial ikebana is made and is in inventory.
Go back to Yoko: After the discussion about costume change, see a 'gorgeous' Geisha in shocking pink. That flower on top of the head is cute. This Oliver Geisha does not run.
Emperor: Give the Imperial ikebana to one of the guards. He will deliver it. San Saruto comes out and talks to Oliver. Bonus points - 40 points. Automatically get the little trinket number 3 - Yokohama.
Go and take a ticket to your next destination: Go to step bridge at end of the road to the left. Climb the steps and before you cross, turn left. Go down to customs office and buy ticket. Get a WTO transport ticket.
Zeppelin - Leviathan
Try to avoid the delay of your transportation: Save point - Zeppelin 1
See the Commodore: Hear the Commodore say that there will be delay of 3 days due to avoidance of flocks of birds. Exit cabin 408, turn right and go forward until the front part. Press the green button to open the metal door. Go down and move the lever to slide forward the slider carrier to the bridge of the zeppelin. Climb up to the bridge. Listen to the discussion of bird watching. The 3-dimensional radar is broken. Mister Bunsby is enamored with Rose, the Irish young lady.
Repair the 3-dimensional radar: Go down the steps and go to the left side of the stairs. See the radar. Click on the active part and realized that it is made by Uncle Matthew and it is missing parts.
Ask for instructions from Uncle Matthew: Go down the steps. Move lever to go back to passenger compartments. Exit and go forward until the stairs. Note that the levels of the deck are written on the base of the walls of the stairs landing. Go down 2 flights to level 2, go forward and down one more set of stairs. Go forward to front part to message booth. Pay for a message. The message arrives with only the last part readable. Turn around and listen to the message using the machine - respect an angle 0 and the components of the radar are fragile and usually kept at a safe room.
You need and find the missing parts to repair the airship's radar: Go back to the bridge area via the slider carrier. Go up the stairs and talk to Mister Bunsby. He states that the parts are in one of the sailor's cabin and he gives the key. Go back via the slider carrier. Enter the middle room on the left by using the key. Open the chest on the floor and take the radar piece and radar dial.
Go back to the radar. Click on radar to take off the broken radar piece from the top bar. Place the radar dial on round central stand. Change the setting to zero. Bonus points - 20. Save point - Zeppelin 2.
Flock of birds:
Block the commodore on upper bridge: Mr. Bunsby wants Rose to see the birds by blocking the commodore on upper bridge and steer the airship to the flock of birds. See the commodore go up the lift on far wall. Go to lift and place the broken piece of radar on the gear.
Go and open the sluices in the engine room: Go back to passenger area using the slider carrier. Go forward to stairs, down 3 levels of stairs to level 1 and enter the metal door to engine room. Turn the 2 big wheels on the engine room. 'Open'! Go down one more level and turn the 2 wheels on either side of the engines.
Take the control of the Leviathan: Go back to bridge and climb up to the bridge. Click on steering wheel-rudder. Save point Zeppelin 3. Move the airship out of the way of the birds using the right, left and forward keys or arrow keys, until the game stop. Bonus points - 30 points.
Unblock the rudder: Go to the lift and take the broken piece of radar from the gear of the lift. Save point Zeppelin 4.
Help the GPAK members to disguise the airship as giant kilts:
Go see the GPAK members: Hear the knock. Open door to be told that GPAK member wants you at room 103. You can tip the sailor if you want. Go to room 103. Talk to Mac Fly. The Commodore is upset and Mac Fly wants the plans of the airship. The plans are in the Commodore's room 504. Mac Fashion caused the Commodore's upset.
Bring the airship plan to the GPAK member: Go to room 504 to find it closed.
Find the passkey to open door: Go to the sailor's room where you got the radar's parts on the fourth floor middle room. Use the key given by Bunsby. Take the master key from under the manly magazines.
Go back to Commodore's room and use the master key to open door: Take money from couch. Take plan of airship from desk. Save point - Zeppelin 5. Exit the room and talk to Bunsby.
Prevent Bunsby to do a silly act: Try to enter Bunsby's room and stop him from committing suicide. Knock on door.
Find another way to get in Bunsby's cabin: Go down 2 levels to level 2 and exit through right side door with fan etched on it. Turn left to open the wall to a room with a big fan and the airshaft. Climb up and enter the airshaft. See a ladder. Climb down metal steps. Go forward through shaft facing you when you climbed down ladder and see another ladder - do not climb. Go forward to another shaft. Climb this ladder and enter the passage. Turn right and see a grill to a room. It should be Bunsby's room. Click on grill. Bonus point 20. Save point - Zeppelin 6.
Go back to Mac Fly at room 103: Give the plan to Mac Fly. Bonus point 20.
Go on the roof and install the Scot's flag: Take the tartan - Scottish clothing from bunk bed. Exit the room and go to Captain's bridge. Use the lift to upper bridge. Enter through metal door. Place the Scottish clothing on the big tube on right side of the stairs railing. Climb up to the very top and see 6 levers. Find the correct levers to get the Scottish clothing completely around the Zeppelin. Use the A-D keys or the side arrow keys to move Oliver to other levers. From left to right: pull 1, 4 and 6. Bonus point - 30. Kilt is cool!
Save the zeron:
Reach Bunsby in upper bridge: Hear a knock on your door again. Save point - Zeppelin 7. Open door to get the message that Bunsby wants you. You can tip the sailor if you want. Use the lift to get to upper bridge. Talk to Bunsby. Watch Rose and the Commodore.
Help John bring back the zeron for Rose: Go back to passenger area 4th level stairs. Take the door on the right while facing the stairs and go forward to end of the left wing. Push lever to activate the button on the door to outside. Push button and Oh Gee! The door opens to nothing. Help!
Go outside. Turn right and try over and over and over to jump to the ledge. I now have acrophobia! Walk the ledge until you see a ladder. Climb the ladder. Move forwards to the center of the airship. Crouch down (X key) to get through the overhang. After the overhang, see a post that has 3 ropes coming out of it. Jump up the right rope that goes to the zeron. Move towards the zeron and automatically place it in inventory. Use the S and W key to back up or move forward. Once back on a partly stable floor, jump down. Go back and automatically meet Bunsby and Rose.
Rose takes the message attached to the zeron. It is from Cyrus Smith to Uncle Matthew. Matthew will turn 23 before the 80 days are over. He definitely should not be married before his 23rd year. Bonus points - 30.
Transfer calciphedre from one airship to another: Save point- Zeppelin 8.
Go see the commodore: The airship has slowed down again. Go to the bridge and talk to the Commodore and Bunsby. Listen to their plan.
Connect the hoses between the 2 airships and open the floods to transfer the calciphedre to the Behemoth: Go back to passenger area 4th level stairs. Take the door on the right while facing the stairs and go forward to end of the left wing. Pull the lever on the Leviathan and then pull the lever of the Behemoths and see the pipes connected. Connected!
Repair the Behemoth's radar: Go to the similar sailor's room at the middle of the 4th level of Behemoth. Use the master key to enter. Take the radar piece and radar dial from the chest on the floor. Go to radar at Captain's bridge. Place the radar piece and dial on radar. Change the setting to zero. Bonus points - 20.
Go back to Leviathan:
Disconnect the fuel connection: Go back to Leviathan after repairing the radar. On the way, overhear that the sailors will reverse the pumps to steal the calciphedre that is suppose to be given to Leviathan. Go back to the wing. Pull the lever to separate the pumps.
Go back to Leviathan: Turn around to the walkway and push the button of the elevator on the right. Automatically be in a small airship. Drive the airship to the left side of the Leviathan. Slowly dock the small airship on the empty space at left of the pad. Save point - Zeppelin 9.
See the Commodore: Talk to the commodore at 2nd level at the library meeting area. Listen to Rose's plan to steal an airship for her and John's honeymoon. Learn about Cyrus Smith. Bonus points - 40.
San Francisco
Go to your hotel: Save point - San Francisco 1. The transport ticket booth is on the right and the rent a car transport is on the left. Go to your hotel by following the minimap. Go forward and pass by Big Billy Bob Burgers booths or stands where you can buy food to supplement your energy. Note the funny placards around. Turn left after the Indian Worlds Theme Park placard on the corner.
Go to the hotel. The hotel with the uniformed man states that it is only for artist and smart people. Go left and enter the Royal Palace DeLuxe. Pay money to the receptionist. Note Sherlock Holmes on the wall. Get Uncle Matthew's message. Turn around and play the message on the machine. He wants you to get the government 1876 authorization to install his invention, the alternated circulation.
Money: Monies can be possibly found at the end of the cable car track beside a clothing store. 2 places at the Amusement park have monies, one by the door of the Scotch Shop and one by the draped rug at the teepee area. There is possibly monies at the table at Fix' office later. (Thanks, Ana!)
Find a kind engineer to help you find your uncle's document: Exit the hotel and meet a GPAK member, Mac Donald. He wants you to distribute-sell 5 Nouvelle Vague kilts to 5 clothing stores in the city. He will help you find the Abel, engineer and a real estate entrepreneur. Use the minimap to find the clothing stores. Click a kilt from inventory on the ladies standing outside and see if she will buy it. If she does, you get 10 pounds - money. Note Fix spy agency posters and placards all over the city.
Bring cash made from kilt sales back to Mac Donald: Go back to the hotel area and talk to Mac Donald. He takes the kilt monies. Abel is in one of his sky scratcher.
Find Abel's working site: Follow the minimap. Enter the green fenced in B. Abel Tower Inc. construction area. Climb up the double level observation tower and talk to Abel. His construction project is running behind. The workers are complaining about the heights already - 6 floors. There's an Indian tribe nearby that can work. Bonus points - 30.
Hire workers for Abel: Go to Western Theme Park by following the minimap. The gate will open after completing the puzzle on the left or you can jump in using a rented car and the ramp.
Teepee puzzle - The object of the puzzle is to make the inverted triangle to an upright in 3 moves
See the inverted triangle on the left and the upright triangle.
Move bottom point to top point.
Move top corners to bottom corners.
Bonus point - 30.
Save point - San Francisco 2. The gate opens. Enter and veer right to Potatoes City Shooting Range. Talk to Indian Chief. Before you can talk to Chief, you have to undergo trial by fire.
Trial by fire: Buy some potatoes for ammunition. Then click on potato machine gun. Win 3 consecutive matches by hitting 6 bad targets per match. Do not hit Indians, dancing girls or pink bunnies. You get 25 20 caliber spuds to get 18 baddies. Use shift and space bar to shoot. Aim the machine gun using the mouse.
Talk to Chief Giraffe, Oxford graduate. Bonus point - 20. Save point - San Francisco 3.
Return to Abel: Go back to Abel at the green fenced in construction area.
Restore energy to Abel's deactivated working site: Talk to locked in Abel at the hut left of wall. Note: While going around, find money at back of the building being constructed.
Wiring puzzle - Connect the right line to all the boxes. The colors of the cables will help you.
Take note of the colors of the cable on the panel and the colors of the cable that goes underground.
Connect all the cables starting from a hot cable colored black to end on a grounded black
One solution to this puzzle is:
Location of fuse box Far corner of the yard behind the building under construction Right of gate Far left corner from Abel's hut By observation building Left of Abel's hut Color of panel cable black blue blue red red Color of underground cable red red green green black | / / \ \
Abel says that Matthew's document is at City Archives. You need authorization to get in the archives. Bonus points - 30. Save point - San Francisco 4.
Go to town archives to find your uncle's files: Go to City Library. They are open during daylight hours only. Go to sleep at the hotel if it is nighttime on your gameplay. Enter the archives and be told that access is for journalist and authorized people only.
Steal a press card to enter archives: Exit the library turn left and enter through the side door. Creep down (X key) forward and turn right. Turn right again and take money from bench. Turn right twice and turn left to last cubicle. Take the press card from floor. Exit and then enter the library and archives. No need to show your card.
Archives: Talk to the Mrs. Mac Ewing, the Big Billy Bob Burgers owner. She recommends to search for your uncle's files under 1870-1880.
Look in the files from 1870-1880 for the files about your uncle: Take the elevator to go up to the top bookshelves. Note that there are only 3 labels: 1730, 1740 and 1900. Count off the decade from 1900 and see a book that is highlighted. It is a file from 1884. Now, do some library rearranging. Count off the bookshelves to get to 1880 - the bookcase on the right of this one. Take the highlighted book and automatically replace it with the 1884 file. This is 1803 file. Go to the book shelf that is left of the elevator when you're facing the wall. The replaced book is file of 1687.
Take the elevator down and go to the 1680's shelves that are left of the Mrs. Mac Ewing. Note that there are 2 decades in each book shelf - below and above the thick shelf. Press the lever to call the central lift. Climb up and press button. Place the 1687 book. Get a file without date 16--
Find the proper place to put the file without date 16--: Go to the book shelves left of the elevator. Press lever to call lift. Climb up and press button. Place the no date file and get file of 1523. Go to lever at right of entrance and pull it. Climb the lift and place 1523 file. Get Uncle's File - it's empty.
Recover stolen certificate:
Find who has stolen the file's contents: Exit the archives and learn that your uncle's file is popular today. On the way out overhear a man on the phone say 'he didn't find..." Save point - San Francisco 5.
Outside meet Fix. Automatically, meet Chief Giraffe. Oliver is changed to an Indian brave. Chief will get his Haglala Braves to get info about Fix. Look for them during your travels or use the minimap. The Braves have weird names - Mole, Mislaid Contents... Call Giraffe, Gigi.
Go and search Fix' Office: Meet an Indian Brave at the corner. Ah, eh I think you're Jumping Scarf. Fix is tailed by Tired Koala. Find Depressed Stallion. Depressed Stallion at the corner tells you where bad white man Fix's office is located. Fix's office is at 7th floor. Bonus point - 20. Save point - San Francisco 6.
Go forward and enter the alley just before Fix's office building. Automatically change clothes back to your normal adventurer outfit. Climb the crates. On the second crate, move back to the edge and jump to climb to the fire escape. Since Fix is at 7th floor, click on the lever to release the fire escape ladder. Climb up and do another ladder.
At third floor, enter the building through the door. Climb to the fourth floor using the stairs inside the building. Enter the service door close to the fire escape door on the left at the end of the corridor. Click on the maid's uniform. Hahahahahahaha! See Oliver in his new outfit. This lady doesn't run either. Exit through the fire escape door and use the fire escape ladders to get to the top - 7th floor. Enter door to 7th floor.
Enter Fix office at the end of the corridor guarded by a cowboy. Take stethoscope from desk. Save point - San Francisco 7. Go to safe.
Open this safe: Click stethoscope on safe and Oliver states that the good cog makes a different noise.
Turn right (bottom arrow) to 1 and Oliver will say you got the first number. Turn left (top arrow) to 11 and then right (bottom arrow) to 21. Open! Hmmm.
Another puzzle is seen. Use the reverse of the safe number 1211. Hurrah! Take the Little trinket #4 - San Francisco and the personal record of Fix roll.
Listen to Fix's record roll. He states that Matthew is a con. Well done. Bonus points - 40 points.
Go back to the 4th floor service room via the fire escape. Change clothes automatically. Go down one floor using the inside stairs and then go to the fire escape. Go down to the ground level.
And now leave town:
Go left from crates and forward to the station further down at right of road. The place is crawling with Fix's cowboys. Talk to Mac Maniac by the Burger stand behind the rental cars. Save point - San Francisco 8.
Find 6 GPAK members: Use the minimap to locate the 6 GPAK members.
Go and take ticket for your next destination: Automatically be in front of station. Go to the booth left of the cowboys. Walk the far wall and around to the booth while the GPAK members distract the cowboys. Buy a ticket for train transport. Get a WTO ticket. Bonus points - 30. Save point - San Francisco 9.
Find another place to board your transport: Go to Indian Amusement Park. Veer left and climb the building - Stepmother Killer on the left. Jump in first rail car. Click on money bags when the railcar is active. This will start the train.
Take your train: When you get close to the wall - jump.
Watch the San Francisco production number. Watch Oliver jump to the real train.
Train - Part 2
Try to avoid delay of your transportation: Save point - train combo start.
Go see the Commodore: Talk to Mac Maniac and Aouda. Aouda was offered a part in a big budget production by Mr. Steven Steelburg. The Commodore saw a herd of Bison and wants to get a hunting party going. Mac Mania wants to stop it.
Try to prevent hunting party: Listen to the Commodore at the dining car. Go forward to the engineer car and enter the door on the left. Go through another door. Press the button by the door to lower the lift to the roof. Enter and press button to get to the roof. Go forward to the smoke stack at forward right. Click on smoke stack. Oliver wants to divert the smoke to the coach train so that no one sees the bison herd.
Go back inside and forward to the kitchen. Take the kitchen hood from the corner. Go up and forward to the back of the train. Pick up the loudspeaker from the floor. I wonder where he kept those big items. Go back to front of the train and smoke stack up on the roof. Place the kitchen hood over the smoke stack and then place the loudspeaker on the kitchen hood. See that the smoke is diverted down to the train. Bonus point - 30. Save point - train combo 1.
Go back and see the Commodore: Go back down and see that it is very smoky inside the train. Talk to the Commodore at the dining car. Was that a dare? Bison hugger.
Speed up the train: Talk to Aouda and Mac Maniac. Mac Maniac will go with you and Aouda will distract the Commodore. Mac Maniac tries to speed up the OOOPS! The Commodore comes in and states that the train cannot stop. There's problem ahead, the train will crash and decides that you have to separate the passenger car from the locomotive. Save point - train combo 2.
Be a hero and unhook the locomotive: Go to top of train again. Go to the back of the train. Climb down and see big cables between the cars. You have to break the cables. Look down and open the metal hatch on the floor. Climb down and get the axe attached to the wall. Climb back up. Use the axe on the 3 metal connectors of the big cables. Go down the hatch again. Click on both levers to separate the train cars. Bonus point - 50.
Zeppelin - Leviathan Part 2
Watch as Rose and John Bunsby in their small airship rescue Oliver. Save point - Zeppelin 10.
Oliver is delivered to the Leviathan while the small airship refuels. A storm is coming and the Captain decides to land.
Avoid the crash of the airship:
Go to the Commodore. On the way to the Commodore, talk to a GPAK member. He tells of a Cloud Killer or Storm Stopper machine that can stop the storm so that they can get going again.
Find 4 of GPAK members: Find one member at the 4th level meeting area. One is outside at the right wing. The other is at the library at end of level 2. Another one is up on the roof of the airship. Get to him using the carrier to the bridge, use elevator and climb to the end of the ship. Go back to the engine room. Watch the cloud killer in action as well as the pedaling power of the kilt brothers. Bonus points - 30.
Go see the Commodore: Go to the bridge. Save point - Zeppelin 11. Fix has sabotage your plans. You are now imprisoned.
Find a way to escape: You are in your room. Jump on the bed (forward and then spacebar). Click on air vent. Go forward to the shaft. Go down one level and enter the shaft. You should be at 2nd level. Go to 4th level and outside to left wing. Use the far elevator to get to the small airship of Rose and John. They sighted a cruise ship and will drop Oliver down. Bonus points 40.
Cruise Ship Part 2
Watch Oliver get dropped on the cruise ship. Save point - boat combo 1.
Play the stowaway as best as you can:
Find out the destination of the ship: Talk to Scheherazade aka Sher and Pookie Poo aka Otto, the archeologist. Find out that the ship is going to London. It seems that Pookie Poo is not happy with his circumstance. Give a kidney, pleasant stroke... Hehehehe!
Find a place to sleep: Check if your old cabin is available. Go to second level at rear decks. Enter through any side door and go down to second level. Enter the room. Bonus point - 20. Save point - boat combo 2.
Go to London as fast as you can:
Go and see the Commodore: Hear the Commodore say that there's an accident and will divert. Exit room, turn right and go up to the main deck. Go to the Captain's bridge at front decks. Just below the bridge, Mac Clean calls you. It seems Sher's reputation is the cause of the ship's quarantine. Mac Clean wants you to take one of the ship's sloops to get to London.
Take down the steamer's sloop: Go to the top outer deck of the rear decks. Look down the balcony to the stern of the ship and see a nice sloop. There are 2 control panels on either side of this deck that holds the sloop.
Reactivate the control device:
Right Control panel - Star and Balls puzzle: Enter the right one while facing the rear. See a star and balls puzzle.
The object of the game is to place all 8 balls on the slots. The balls have to be placed in order.
The ball is held in the slot if 2 actions are done: place the ball in the slot ahead of where you want it to be and then click on the slot you want it to go. So think ahead where you want a ball to go. If the second action is not done, the ball goes back on the side.
The balls must be permanently placed adjacent to the previous balls.
One possible solution:




Place ball at 10 o'clock position.
Move it to 5 o'clock.
Place ball at 2 o'clock.
Move it to 10 o'clock.
Place ball at 7 o'clock.
Move it to 2 o'clock.
Place ball at 11o'clock.
Move it to 7 o'clock.




Place ball at 4 o'clock.
Move it to 11 o'clock.
Place ball at 8 o'clock.
Move it to 4 o'clock.
Place ball at 1 o'clock.
Move it to 8 o'clock.
Place ball at 1 o'clock.

Save point - boat combo 3.
Left Control Panel - Reproduce the right keyboard puzzle: Go to the other control panel at left corner of the deck.
This is a random puzzle. You can move out and go back to the puzzle to get an easier one.
You have to reproduce the left keyboard on the right keyboard.
Actions of the keys:
Center pad affects itself and the 4 pads: top, bottom, right and left pads surrounding it.
Corner pads affect the 3 pads that surround it.
Middle side pads affect all the pads on that side.
Good luck!
Unstuck the sloop: The sloop is lowered down. The right side crane is stuck. Go down to main deck and click on axe on the floor at the corner. It's not enough. Talk to Scheherazade at other end of the railing. Uh Oh! Scheherazade caught a cold and lost her voice.
Find a way to heal Scheherazade: Go to front decks and down to the bar. Talk to Baltimore. Get an Atomic Baltimore. Go to the boiler room at door left of the stairs at middle deck. Best way to get here is to use the ramp from front decks to middle decks area.
At the engine room, go down one level and forward to the 3 big tubes filled with liquid. Look at the right connecting pipe of the middle big tube. Click Atomic Baltimore on pipe to get Armageddon cocktail.
Go back to Scheherazade. Give her the Armageddon cocktail. Bonus point - 40. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Watch the sloop get unstuck.
Sail back to England on steamer sloop: Save point - boat combo 4. Timed puzzle coming! Left click to skip the dialogs. Open the furnace and note that fuel is down. Immediately go to the back and take the axe between the drum and crates. Use axe on anything highlighted to get planks. Immediately place them in furnace. Best to get the close active wood first and place them in the furnace. Then you have more time to get the farther ones. Do this 5-6 times and see Motherland. Bonus points - 80.
Oliver is placed in jail. Uncle Matthew arrives to give (after some prodding) an explanation. Bundelkund... Let us all bow.

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