جزئیات جدید از UPDATE Xbox Live | آخرین UPDATE در June-20-2012

c4eva Spoke! 2011-05-20 #fw

[2011-05-20 08:26AM UTC] #fw <kronik> interesting i see others share my interests in finding out if the new firmware flashed buy the new dash actually enables the support for the new game discs I had a thought that the support was embedded in the dash kernal I could most likly be wrong on that so dont believe it
[2011-05-20 08:27AM UTC] #fw <Kernal> http://www.youtube.com/mavidateeta
[2011-05-20 08:28AM UTC] #fw <BillyRR> do people put rental ads on craigslist?
[2011-05-20 08:28AM UTC] #fw <BillyRR> like basement suites etc?
[2011-05-20 08:31AM UTC] #fw <kronik> @kernal
[2011-05-20 08:31AM UTC] #fw <kronik> yeah but if you flash back to the previous version of firmware while on new dash wont it be flagged
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <kronik> slims realtime checks
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> Hi
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <kronik> hey nicko
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <kronik> opps no c
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> it would be nice if someone already having 13146 dashboard could do a dump for an offline update
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <Al_lee> everyone updated yet?
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> as I need it for testing
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> hi
[2011-05-20 08:32AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> any news about new dash?
[2011-05-20 08:33AM UTC] #fw <DEATHBLOW> hi greg
[2011-05-20 08:33AM UTC] #fw <_Redx508> look at th topic
[2011-05-20 08:33AM UTC] #fw <_Redx508> the*
[2011-05-20 08:33AM UTC] #fw <kronik> so whats the whole offline dump i have two boxs a phat and a slim
[2011-05-20 08:35AM UTC] #fw <kronik> the news is the new dash screws you sidways
[2011-05-20 08:35AM UTC] #fw <kronik> *sideways
[2011-05-20 08:38AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> is there any link that i can download the new dashboard?
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <kronik> i hope to be able to do a full dump after i update to the new dash so if i did decide to go back to a previous CFW and stay off line
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> so we wait to bring new fw for all phat and slim drives by c4eva team
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> correct?
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> we can kronik
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> but only with new jungleflasher that it change dump routines
[2011-05-20 08:40AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> because with new dash the ms change them.
[2011-05-20 08:41AM UTC] #fw <Zellcorp_> Great app for repairing bad nands -> http://tech-modz.net/showthread.php?t=331
[2011-05-20 08:42AM UTC] #fw <kronik> well im sure thats about to be released as this all was "anticapated’ as they say
[2011-05-20 08:42AM UTC] #fw <ivokitic> will my previously burned ap 2.5 games (scene releases, all ran in abgx) work on Lt 2.0?
[2011-05-20 08:43AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> no if you do the new dashboard update NONE game without ap25ss boot
[2011-05-20 08:43AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> ONLY the ap25ss games will boot
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <QS> no ivokitic
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <QS> they won’t
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <ivokitic> so we basically need new rips
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <QS> as the ap2.5 table has changed
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <FiB3R> no, but it’s not LT 2.0 that is the problem, it’s the dash. you will need new ap2.5 patches
[2011-05-20 08:44AM UTC] #fw <kronik> but do the older game discs carry the ap25 data
[2011-05-20 08:45AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> qs none ap25 table has change but the games until now DOESN’T hav at all ap25ss table
[2011-05-20 08:45AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> so
[2011-05-20 08:45AM UTC] #fw <gregory79> the copy games i mean not the original
[2011-05-20 08:46AM UTC] #fw <kronik> sooo ???? what does that mean do all xbox 360 games a carry ap25 data
[2011-05-20 08:46AM UTC] #fw <kronik> well i g2g
[2011-05-20 08:46AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> I only need
[2011-05-20 08:46AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> su20076000_00000000 file
[2011-05-20 08:46AM UTC] #fw <QS> most recenrlt produced do
[2011-05-20 08:47AM UTC] #fw <QS> like within what? the last 1.5 yrs?
[2011-05-20 08:47AM UTC] #fw <Niko76> from 2.0.13146.0 official dashboard[
[2011-05-20 08:47AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> new ap25 data will be available soon
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <sled73> the 3d is poor imo
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> i wonder if they’ll do a paper mario, or mario luigi for 3ds
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> I heard no games will use the 3d
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> need ****..on the 3ds..:)
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> i’d like to know how much x360usb was sold by TX… anyone who know?
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> I love all the mario RPGs they’re badass
[2011-05-20 09:13AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> derp: how many?
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> yes
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <sled73> a lot
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> i dont know, i moved atleast 3K myself.
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> 3k units or dollar?
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> 3k.
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> units
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> wtf
[2011-05-20 09:14AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> why? you ask..
[2011-05-20 09:15AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> foundmy: ur in Canada right?
[2011-05-20 09:15AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> i’m only interested
[2011-05-20 09:15AM UTC] #fw <sled73> apparantley you can reflash the 9504 drive back to lt after update, wouoldn’t that flag you tho?
[2011-05-20 09:16AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> 3k units that nuts
[2011-05-20 09:16AM UTC] #fw <cub4> can anybody help me with this question
[2011-05-20 09:16AM UTC] #fw <cub4> does the drive get flashed if the correct one isnt in,
[2011-05-20 09:16AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> it’ i very big business with 360 hacks
[2011-05-20 09:16AM UTC] #fw <cub4> i originally got a hitachi but its broken
[2011-05-20 09:17AM UTC] #fw <DerPeiler> i don’t tought this
[2011-05-20 09:17AM UTC] #fw <cub4> so i have a benq in it now
[2011-05-20 09:18AM UTC] #fw <cub4> anybody?
[2011-05-20 09:19AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Hrmm i might dump my xecuter stocks
[2011-05-20 09:19AM UTC] #fw <redeath> At cost in usa
[2011-05-20 09:21AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> if you spoofed your drive your SOL
[2011-05-20 09:21AM UTC] #fw <cub4> i didnt spoof
[2011-05-20 09:22AM UTC] #fw <cub4> im playing like this for a year oin Live
[2011-05-20 09:23AM UTC] #fw <kRoNiX> it’s spoofed
[2011-05-20 09:23AM UTC] #fw <kRoNiX> if u had a hitachi and now have a benq
[2011-05-20 09:24AM UTC] #fw <cub4> yes but i didnt spoof the benw as a hitachi
[2011-05-20 09:25AM UTC] #fw <cub4> i know its not really safe but its not about that, just curious if the dash update flashes the drive if the correct one isnt in
[2011-05-20 09:26AM UTC] #fw <cub4> if no one knows i’ll just have to wait:P
[2011-05-20 09:26AM UTC] #fw <Phantisy> was the eliet bundled with lego batman and pure jtagable?
[2011-05-20 09:26AM UTC] #fw <QS> good call
[2011-05-20 09:27AM UTC] #fw <Phantisy> elite*
[2011-05-20 09:27AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> had a supplier of 2008 holiday units at one point.. not any more.
[2011-05-20 09:29AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> so if you are going to see POTC 4 make sure you got a good seat, as in 2.5 hrs… long… and watch 8 mins of credits to see 15 sec clip….
[2011-05-20 09:30AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> Thanks found my
[2011-05-20 09:30AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> np..
[2011-05-20 09:32AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> get some sleep… big day tomorrow, more news i would suspect.. thanks for c4, jf and tx for their support to the scene, they deserve it. atleast they are doing something to support the scene (while others groups may sit on their hands).
[2011-05-20 09:32AM UTC] #fw <foundmy> sleep time.
[2011-05-20 09:33AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> someone in europe with the new dash update ?
[2011-05-20 09:33AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Foundmy
[2011-05-20 09:34AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Your ****ing wanker
[2011-05-20 09:34AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Troll
[2011-05-20 09:34AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> redeath:grow up!
[2011-05-20 09:34AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> Ha ha ha
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Pull ya head in
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> lol
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <redeath> Sick of your fan boy shit as well
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> c4 thx for your hard work !!!
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> aww everyone its ok yall need a hug or something
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <QS> nice
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> gj
[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <logan> c4eva: thanks for all the work

[2011-05-20 09:35AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> i hope you have some time for COD too

[2011-05-20 09:36AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> c4e any news on android JF?
[2011-05-20 09:36AM UTC] #fw <GaryX360> c4 hi m8 what happens with a spoofed phat drive m8
[2011-05-20 09:36AM UTC] #fw <ShagNastY> no spoofing
[2011-05-20 09:36AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> GaryX360: I told you
[2011-05-20 09:36AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> You need to get a new original drive
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <GaryX360> didn`t understand m8
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> Lol
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <QS> no wai m8
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <djnaff> ap25 dont work and will fail command responce checks
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <cub4> c4eva do you know if the drive gets flashed if the correct one isnt in?
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> translation, whatever drive your 360 cvame with thats the fw that the drive will be flashed too
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> GaryX360: what is it spoofed to?
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <GaryX360> now i understand m8
[2011-05-20 09:37AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> cub4: no the update will fail
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <GaryX360> liteon to benq
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> what update fail with changed drives ?
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <ShagNastY> fail gary
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <Flow> ok than ks pigbait
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <Sleepynko> c4e: thx!
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <djnaff> GaryX360 whats wrong with the lite-on
[2011-05-20 09:38AM UTC] #fw <QS> i can’t wait for BQ 0800 tho wanna re rip CoD BO
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> go out by a retail!
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> Yah for the update to work you need matching drives
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <GaryX360> can`t remember been that long m8
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <QS> i have it retail?
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> so wheres your prob?
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> thx @pigbait
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <djnaff> check if its board i will fix it cheap for you
[2011-05-20 09:39AM UTC] #fw <QS> i wanna see the new xbc that rips ap2.5 in action?
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> GaryX360: was it a bad flash?
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> and i want to have christmas tomorrow, i think we both have to wait .-)
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <QS> umm of course we have to wait smart guy
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <pigbait> Cuz it’s an easy fix, or is it MRA gone bad
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <QS> just saying I am excited for
[2011-05-20 09:40AM UTC] #fw <cNova> hadoken
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> GaryX360 I have seen djnaff around for years and prolly spoke to him onceor twice he is reliable peoples and very smart too you can trust him with your drive
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> ok then i understand !!! iᄡm excited for it too
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <cNova> any1 got baned yet
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> soon!
[2011-05-20 11:16PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Its pretty handy, hate sittin in bed with the macbook, burn the shit outa my legs and makes to much noise
[2011-05-20 11:16PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> yeah my laptop gets hot too…need intercooler
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Lapdesk, google it
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> doesn’t help when i got games burning now and cpu in high demand
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> i burnt my nuts earlier this week
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> i have a recliner…will it work?
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> sectional/recliner
[2011-05-20 11:17PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> The problem with the macs is they use a nvidia chipset and are prone to oberheatin chipset failures
[2011-05-20 11:18PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> dont keep ur laptop on yer lap.. it makes ur legs look like E.T. ; http://newsserve.net/i/20101005/148-Laptop-heat-can-toast-the-skin-on-your.jpg
[2011-05-20 11:18PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Its bad for ur we swimmers too
[2011-05-20 11:18PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> yea i shouldn’t either way, i have dry skin, my psoriasis dislikes heat!
[2011-05-20 11:18PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> so are cellphones and wireless net..
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> and besides, using laptop in bed surely shortens its life, as the fans get filled up with dust.
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Aye but the electrostatic a laptop produces is much worse than cell radiation aparently
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> lol see that pic, i was like "aaah!" then i close that tab…to only see kelly osbourne again….W….T….F???
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <poundme5> is safe to update after stock fw?
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> SiloCyBin: burn haha
[2011-05-20 11:19PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> double whammy
[2011-05-20 11:20PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> reveiler: compressed air sorts that right out
[2011-05-20 11:20PM UTC] #fw <MrBGA> Anyone take update and reflash to go back on live?
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> true that. Just dont use it towards ur veins. Might get bubbles in ur blood and couple of mins later ur stone cold.
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> SiloCyBin: just released a **** with that name..
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> MrBGA; some have, but not wise
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Makes a cool ripple affect on ur skin tho! Lol
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> double whammy? u?
[2011-05-20 11:21PM UTC] #fw <OGHUGO> oh shit.. did macho man die .??
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> SiloCyBin: http://www.fifialfa.com/page.php?id=8470
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> yeah, he wanted to meet his maker
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> slim jims?
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <pipoca> can m$ flash the drives using new keys?
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> i bet the undertaker had a finger in this.
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <pipoca> i mean generate new keys for the drives
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <sdboltdud> bga ap.5 games are not safe even patched
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> Thought of the day: PICK UP LINE OF THE DAY: I have a knife, let’s not turn this rape intoÿ a murder!
[2011-05-20 11:22PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> lololol
[2011-05-20 11:23PM UTC] #fw <MrBGA> hmm ok.. so waiting is best
[2011-05-20 11:23PM UTC] #fw <sdboltdud> yes wait
[2011-05-20 11:23PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> i have to remember to watch that trolololol video on youtube on my mushtrip tonite..
[2011-05-20 11:23PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Excuse me luv can i buy u drinks til ur drunk enuf to fancy me
[2011-05-20 11:23PM UTC] #fw <OGHUGO> damn
[2011-05-20 11:24PM UTC] #fw <OGHUGO> sucks.. macho was the ****ing man !
[2011-05-20 11:24PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Roses are red, violets are blue i have a ****in knife now get in the van
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> my girl loves it when i rape her
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> she’s into that shit
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <FlintTown> yea that wont last
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> turn on when she says no
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> SiloCyBin: If ur watchin anythin watch the film shrooms
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <col12> is it true that back ups wont work and the 360 key is or only hope
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> trippy? ironically i’ve never watched it since it came out 3yrs ago
[2011-05-20 11:25PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> haha
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Hey c4, the man of the hour
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <spankynut> hey c4 you’re on late
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <Log> He’s on EARLY!
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <frayed> 360key…
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <Log> lol it’s 9:25am here ni AUS
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <Log> in *
[2011-05-20 11:26PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> 12:20 Eire
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <dlukz_> what is this, c4eva on, and not at 3am?
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> he spoketh and ran off
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Eire = Ireland
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <JeeBoy> C4eva when the "addon" has been applied are we gonna use x360usb and ck3 to read and write fw ?
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <spankynut> c4eva, what’s the latest information you can give us.
[2011-05-20 11:27PM UTC] #fw <JeeBoy> Or do we need another new equipment?
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> sucks that it’s always fw talk when c4eva speaks, be nice to know his personality…no i’m not gay :/
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <OGHUGO> lol… SMASH INTO A TREE …OHHHH YEAHHHH!
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> Leave him alone u vultures, c4 hows ur day been? Are u enjoyin ur wkend
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <_wthell> are xgd3 bigger than dual layers or are they faked toc? If they are bigger will it be possible to rip/downsample content and report it as the correct size without breaking anything to get it boot/detectable?
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <frayed> no wonder he never talks… bombed with stupid questions
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> U said it frayed
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> WeeStv: i doubt hes in #fw to talk about his weekend lol
[2011-05-20 11:28PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> only sad ****s like me do that.
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> i’d have to send him some shrooms
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> that would make the next release great, dont u think?
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> lol
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> all rainbow colors n shit
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <Log> *** kiss much?? hahaha
[2011-05-20 11:29PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> reveiler: Lol ano but im sure it frustratin for the man, maybe hes on to vent, u ever think of that? Lol three cheers for c4eva – whos with me? Lol
[2011-05-20 11:30PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> what? u haven’t donated at all for all the work these guys put in?
[2011-05-20 11:30PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> "hey, i got this great idea, i decided to change the xbox bg to .. rainbows with flying pink whales n stuff, thought it’d look neat"
[2011-05-20 11:30PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> whats the diff if i send shrooms or cash?
[2011-05-20 11:30PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> U mean me Log?
[2011-05-20 11:30PM UTC] #fw <SiloCyBin> jealous cuz i won’t send u mush?
[2011-05-20 11:31PM UTC] #fw <spankynut> c4eva I will pay you to say something
[2011-05-20 11:31PM UTC] #fw <Log> is team X going to bring out a driver emulator?
[2011-05-20 11:31PM UTC] #fw <col12> c4eva will we ever get to play on live again put my mind at resk doctor plesa
[2011-05-20 11:31PM UTC] #fw <bsalvador> dont you know? c4eva is a bot!!!
[2011-05-20 11:31PM UTC] #fw <reveiler> WeeStv: ive pondered that myself, "Who is really c4eva? A skinny tall dude or a small chubby one? What DOES his days consist of? Just hightech shite or everyday tasks as well? Does he live in a house, a trailer, or a basement perhaps?"
[2011-05-20 11:32PM UTC] #fw <_Ace> hi
[2011-05-20 11:32PM UTC] #fw <NoFel> no wonder the poor guy never speaks in here
[2011-05-20 11:32PM UTC] #fw <NoFel> :P
[2011-05-20 11:32PM UTC] #fw <WeeStv> reveiler: I bet hes a dog owner!
[2011-05-20 11:32PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> the "add-on", designed by Teamjungle, will flash as normal
من فقط این قسمت رو نفهمیدم
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <freddogg> GaryX360 I have seen djnaff around for years and prolly spoke to him onceor twice he is reliable peoples and very smart too you can trust him with your drive
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <mib_cjkrv> ok then i understand !!! iᄡm excited for it too
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <cNova> any1 got baned yet
[2011-05-20 09:41AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> soon!
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منم از همینش ترسیدم
چه راحت گفته به زودی بن میشیم
ولی فکر نکنم بن شدن منظورش باشه چون اونوقت صحت کارش میاد پایین
همه فکر میکردن با LT تو لایو امنیت دارن ولی الن داره خودش میگه نه
اشخاصی کنسولشون کپی خور نیست و بازی ارجینال میکنن که نباید ناراحت باشن و با خیال راحت آپدیت کنن
اما گر میخواید کنسولتون رو هک کنید به زودی
آپدیت نکنید

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن