تست بازی های هک شده ps4

رلیز Call of Duty Vanguard PS4-DUPLEX نیم ساعت پیش منتشر شد.

Release Notes:


Make sure to install the 11 pkgs that come with this release. All 9 "DLCs"
are mandatory if you want to access all modes, which include the single
player campaign, multiplayer and zombies (yep, we made sure you could even
play it in LAN and/or against bots)

Don't worry if the game seems stuck at "Connecting to Online Services"
either wait for it to time out or cancel with circle and then select
"offline mode"

Oh! Did we mention we also made sure that the game on-demand texture
streaming tech works? (obviously, your PS4 needs an internet connection
to download the HD textures but PSN is not needed)

The included v1.08 update is also mandatory

Special Notes:

We are proud to introduce you another special release we know the scene
was waiting for!

We dedicated our precious free time to do more than just dumping discs and
we thought this game was worth the extra time cracking the mandatory online

Historically, and in our philosophy, the scene was always about bringing a
little something extra. A little something you can't get anywhere else
Hmmm, does it sound like deja vu to you? It sures does to us!​
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