بهترين بازي هاي سال 2007 از نظر سايتها و مجلات .


کاربر سایت
تاپيكي در مورد انتخاب ها بود .
ولي اينو باز كردم تا هر خبري از انتخاب بهترين بازي ها بود در اينجا قرار بگيره .
يا مديرها زحمت بكشن كه انتقال بدن بهتر ميشه .
بالاخره به نظرم نام تاپيك مناسبتر هست .

ولي بهترين ها از نظر سايت time هم مشخص شد . 10 بازي برتر سال كه halo3 بهترين بازي سال انتخاب شده به ترتيب گذاشتم :


10. God of War 2

9. Ace Combat 6: Fires of

8. Mass Effect

7. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

6. Call of Duty 4

5. BioShock

4. Super Mario Galaxy

3. Rock Band

2. The Orange Box

1. Halo 3

در مورد halo3 :
Like a pebble that has been rounded over the centuries by the gentle splashing of the ocean waves, Halo 3 has become the perfect hardcore first-person combat simulator. By dint of painstaking labor on the part of its developer, Bungie, it has been refined over three installments to the point where it delivers only pure, unadulterated gaming bliss. Every combat is even-sided and complex and can be waged in multiple ways, using an arsenal of long- and short-range weapons, plus grenades and hand-to-hand moves. Every level is perfectly paced and balanced and graced with soaring architectural compositions. Plus it's graphically gorgeous. The epic storyline and the stirring score don't hurt either. In one of the greatest years video gaming has ever seen,
Halo 3 is the very best of the bunch
آخرین ویرایش:
بازی های برتر سال 2007 از نظر IGN.COM

First Place: Super Mario Galaxy IGN AU's Rating: 9.7

Equal Second Place: Bioshock IGN AU's Rating: 9.5

Equal Second Place: The Orange Box IGN AU's Rating: 9.5

Equal Third Place: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare IGN AU's Rating: 9.4

Equal Third Place: World in Conflict IGN AU's Rating: 9.4

Equal Fourth Place: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass IGN AU's Rating: 9.3

Equal Fifth Place: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption IGN AU's Rating: 9.2

Equal Fifth Place: Forza Motorsport 2 IGN AU's Rating: 9.2

Equal Fifth Place: Unreal Tournament III IGN AU's Rating: 9.2

Equal Fifth Place: Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction IGN AU's Rating: 9.2

اینا هم در رده های بعدی جای گرفتن

Honourable mentions:

Mass Effect
Reviewed: November 19, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 9.0

Buggy and chuggy but brilliantly written and sprawling, Mass Effect was worth the wait for Bioware RPG fans.

The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar
Reviewed: May 21, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 9.0

Believe it or not, there is another awesome and satisfying high-fantasy MMORPG that isn't based around the Warcraft licence!

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Reviewed: January 29, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 9.0

Like crack to a drug fiend, this WoW expansion delivers another ten levels of the good stuff for those passionately addicted to the lands of Azeroth.

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
Reviewed: March 29, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 9.0

The veteran series gets a major update, bringing it back into the multiplayer spotlight; not quite as revolutionary as it once was, it's still rock-solid RTS fun.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Reviewed: December 3, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9

It's the best adventure-platformer game to come out in quite a while, giving the kiss of life to a whole genre and the PS3 itself in the process.

Guitar Hero III
Reviewed: November 6, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9

C'mon, it's Guitar Hero - only more of it, prettier and with a slick new guitar – and we're still in love.

Halo 3
Reviewed: September 24, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9

Overhyped story and underwhelming singleplayer still can't take the shine off Bungie's climactic Halo entry; plus, the multiplayer totally rocks.

Reviewed: March 22, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9

One of the most enjoyable racing games of the year, MotorStorm was for many a key reason to buy a PS3 – and it remains that way.

Super Paper Mario
Reviewed: Sep 18, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9

Take Paper Mario, increase the platformiosity, crank up the wackiness, add Wii remote functionality and the result is pure gold.

Picross DS
Reviewed: Jun 6, 2007
IGN AU's Rating: 8.9
یعنی GOW2 حقش نبود که توی 10 تای اول باشه؟؟؟:confused:
الان همه میان میگن که با وجود Halo 3 و Crysis و BioShock و COD4 و The Orange Box و ... دیگه جایی واسه GOW2 نمیمونه ولی اگه همین GOW2 با یه گرافیک خوفناک برای PS3 میومد در راس همه اینا قرار میگرفت ولی چون واسه PS2 اومد (حالا کاریم نداریم که گرافیکش تو PS2 تک بود!) باید بره جلو بوق بزنه!:biggrin1:
مشکل گرافیک این GOW2 بود که در مقابل گرافیک این بازی های نسل جدید واقعا باید برو جلو بوق بزنه!!!:eek:
سايت معتبر pcworld البته مال كانادا بهترين بازي هاي سال را انتخاب كرد كه در پايين ميبينيد :

10. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Naughty Dog Software


9. Rock Band (PS3, Xbox 360)
Publisher: MTV Games
Developer: Harmonix


8. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Bungie Studios


7. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Red Storm/Ubisoft Pari


6. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo


5. Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: BioWare


4. Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo


3. Guitar Hero II (Xbox 360, PS2)
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Harmonix


2. BioShock (Xbox 360, PC)
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Irrational Games


1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Infinity Ward

سايت معتبر pcworld البته مال كانادا بهترين بازي هاي سال را انتخاب كرد كه در پايين ميبينيد :

10. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Naughty Dog Software


9. Rock Band (PS3, Xbox 360)
Publisher: MTV Games
Developer: Harmonix


8. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Bungie Studios


7. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Red Storm/Ubisoft Pari


6. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo


5. Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: BioWare


4. Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo


3. Guitar Hero II (Xbox 360, PS2)
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Harmonix


2. BioShock (Xbox 360, PC)
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Irrational Games


1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Infinity Ward


منطقی تر از اين ممکن نيست ، خيلی عالی رتبه بندی کرده با عقايد من که کاملاً سازگار هست و میشه گفت دقيقاً همونچيزی که تو نظر من بود تو نظر pcworld هم بود
منطقی تر از اين ممکن نيست ، خيلی عالی رتبه بندی کرده با عقايد من که کاملاً سازگار هست و میشه گفت دقيقاً همونچيزی که تو نظر من بود تو نظر pcworld هم بود
خیلی خوب دسته بندی کرده واقعا:laughing: COD 4 از zelda باید پایین تر وایمیستاد یا bioshock باید می شد 9 چقدر عادلانه منکه خوشم امد:laughing: (همش یه شوخی بود):laughing:
خیلی خوب دسته بندی کرده واقعا:laughing: COD 4 از zelda باید پایین تر وایمیستاد یا bioshock باید می شد 9 چقدر عادلانه منکه خوشم امد:laughing:
دوست من اگه يكم دقت مي‌كردي بهتر بود!
اين سايت بهترين بازي رو CoD4 انتخاب كرده و بايوشاك هم 2م شده نه 9م!!!!
شما ظاهرآ جدول رو برعكس ديدي!!

ضمنآ اينم اضافه كنم كه Zelda بازي خوب و پرطرفداريه و تا رتبه هاي بهتر از ششم هم ميتونست بالا بياد و عنوان كمي نيست!

10 بازي برتر PC سال 2007 از ديد GameSpy :

PC Winners Recap

PC Game of the Year :
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

PC Top 10 Games of the Year :
1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

2. The Orange Box

3. BioShock

4. Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar

5. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

6. The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

7. World in Conflict

8. Crysis

9. Sam & Max: Season 1

10. The Witcher

PC Action Game of the Year :
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

PC Adventure of the Year :
Sam & Max: Season 1

PC Best Strategy Game of the Year :
World in Conflict

PC Expansion of the Year :
Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar

PC MMO Game of the Year :
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

PC Multiplayer Game of the Year :
The Orange Box

PC RPG Game of the Year :
The Witcher​
سايت wired بهترين بازي را انتخاب كرد :

10. Crackdown - Best Game We Can't Stop Playing
9. Desktop Tower Defense - Best Flash Game
8. Crysis - Best Possibilities
7. Call of Duty 4 - Best Sequel to a Popular Shooter
6. Mass Effect - Best Role-Playing Game
5. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Best Reinvention of the Wheel
4. The Orange Box - Best Value and Best Cake
3. BioShock - Best Game About Ayn Rand
2. Super Mario Galaxy - Best Universe in a Box
1. Rock Band - Game of the Yea

و سايت g4tv هم بهترين بازي را bioshock انتخاب كرد :

• Game of the Year - BioShock
• Most Original Game - Portal
• Best Gameplay Innovation - Assassin's Creed
• Best Multiplayer Game - Rock Band
• Best Action/Adventure Game - Super Mario Galaxy
• Best Sports Game - Forza Motorsport 2
• Best Shooter - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
• Best Role Playing Game - Mass Effect
• Best New Character - GLaDOS from Portal
• Best Art Direction - BioShock
• Best Animation - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
• Best Writing/Story - BioShock
• Best Original Soundtrack - BioShock
• Best Sound Design - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
• Best Downloadable Content - Pac-Man: Championship Edition
• Best Strategy Game - Supreme Commander


و اين سايت هم بهترين بازي را bioshock انتخاب كرد :

10 بازي برتر PC سال 2007 از ديد GameSpy :

PC Winners Recap​

PC Game of the Year :
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare​

PC Top 10 Games of the Year :
1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

2. The Orange Box

3. BioShock

4. Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar

5. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

6. The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

7. World in Conflict

8. Crysis

9. Sam & Max: Season 1

10. The Witcher

PC Action Game of the Year :
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare​

PC Adventure of the Year :
Sam & Max: Season 1​

PC Best Strategy Game of the Year :
World in Conflict​

PC Expansion of the Year :
Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar​

PC MMO Game of the Year :
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar​

PC Multiplayer Game of the Year :
The Orange Box​

PC RPG Game of the Year :

The Witcher​
ولی به نظر من باید bioshock دوم باشه و سوم The Orange Box باشه اگه بین این بازها بود;)

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