بحث و تبادل نظر در مورد عناوین شرکت PlatinumGames

1- Vanquish

When you talk to people about Vanquish you will often get people who rave about it, and those who seem deeply unimpressed. That is because there are two ways you can play it. You can treat it like a Gears Of War cover-based shooter, at which point it is just an okay experience, or you can play in style and slide around the stage, hop off walls, and fire mid-air, all while frequently triggering that sweet, sweet bullet time goodness.

That is Vanquish at its best. That is the Vanquish that gets your heart pumping (in slow motion). Platinum would go on to implement similar mechanics expertly in nearly every game they made, but it never felt as good as it did in Vanquish.


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