Climb up the ladder and pull the power cord to interrupt the robot who is hard
at work. You will fall to the ground, so quickly pull the red cable before the
repair robot restores power to his tool. Now move slightly to the left and
stand next to the pole with the robot bird. Click on the base of the pole to
open a small compartment, then try to shuffle the tiles around until one of
them falls to the ground. The bird will snatch it, so move a little further to
the left and the bird will rest on the wires. Now what you do is extend and
shrink yourself continuously at a steady pace, so that the bird will mimic you
and cause stress to the wire. The wire will break soon after, and the bird
will plummet to the ground. You can collect the tile which it took from you,
and attempt the power puzzle again. But before doing that, you should grab the
end of the wire and tie it to the bridge.
What you need to do here is to form a line from the bottom half of the puzzle,
which continues all the way until it reaches the red wire at the top.
The solution to the puzzle should look something like this:
x x | x x
x x ^ / ---x------- x
x x || | x | x
x x \ ---x--- | x
x x | x | | x
x | | x | x | | x
x | | x -----x--- | x
x --- ---x----- x | x
x | x \---x------- x
x | x x x
x | x x x
x | x x x
x ------x----- ^ x x
x x | | x x
x x | x x
Once you've rearranged the puzzle to look like the diagram above, simply place
the missing tile at the top left part of the screen and the bridge will be
electrified continuously. Close the compartment, walk right and climb up the
ladder. Grab the cat's tail and it will run towards the bridge, only to be
electrocuted by the power coming from the wire. Open the compartment again and
disable the connection by removing a tile or sliding one out of place. Close
the compartment and grab the cat. Head back to the lower area of the city.
City (Lower Area)
Walk towards the musician with the big pipe. Put the cat inside the pipe to
clear the rat hiding inside. The pipe player can now play his instrument. Once
the cutscene is over, head into the doorway just behind the three musicians.
You will arrive in a familiar location.