اينم امتياز جالبتر از IGN AUكه امتياز 8.3داده و امتيازش به گرافيك و صداي بازي !
Considering it's an EA title, it doesn't quite have the stellar presentation levels it usually produces.
Raise this to a 10 if you've got SLI. For the rest of us, there are games out there that look better while remaining playable.
Hang on, the game has sound? At least it wasn't offensive... and a couple of the guns were kind of meaty.
The massive range of ways to clear any given situation help overcome the lack of narrative and pacing.
Lasting Appeal
Ten to fifteen hours of singleplayer, with a solid multiplayer offering that nobody will play due to extreme system requirements.
نظارتش در مورد گرافيك بازي :
This poor performance is a massive slap to the face with a reality trout, and one that we should have known was coming given the game's poor performance in the beta and demo. Our test machine is by no means a slouch - with a Core 2 Duo processor overclocked to 3.3GHz, 2GB of DDRII-800 memory, a GeForce 8800GTX and 680i SLI motherboard, this ninja cuts through every other game like a ninjato through decomposing manatee flesh. Yet in Crysis, this machine is lucky to get 25 frames a second… with all settings on medium, a resolution of 1680 x 1050 and no anti-aliasing (which, by the way, appears to be incompatible with the game's higher level shaders). A crafty motion blur effect goes some way to hide the sloth-like framerate, making turning seem much smoother than it is, but it won't fool anybody after a short while.
If you've been putting up with Vista's quirks, annoying alerts and rubbish sound support in the hopes that Crysis will make all of this pain worthwhile, I've got even worse news for you. To get a decent framerate, I had to disable all DX10 effects and revert to DX9. And even then, I had to lower the shader level to medium to get a playable framerate - which disables most of the cool DX9 effects. The end result is a game that looks like a heavily revamped Far Cry engine, with a bit more detail and longer draw distances. That is to say it's impressive… but it's nowhere near the massive leap ahead that Far Cry delivered when it was released. The engine also has some serious issues, with plenty of pop-up, stiff character animations and some of the most simplistic building designs we've seen since our recent holiday to the shanty towns of Sao Paulo.
However, if you've got SLI on your PC, thanks to the grant left to you by your oil magnate grandfather, you're in for a treat. According to those in the know, you'll be able to run everything on Very High settings, in DX10, at a high resolution - the result is a game that is better looking than anything you've seen before. The result is a totally different gaming experience than us lesser beings will see - you'll be so dazzled by the jaw-dropping vistas that you won't notice the game's problems.
I'm sorry to begin a game review with such a rant about visuals, but Crysis is all about the graphics.