امتیازات Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception


کاربر سایت
Gamespot 9/10

- 10/10


Playmania( Spanish Magazine) - 9.9/10

اولین امتیاز از یک مجله ی اسپانیایی
این مجله به Uncharted 2 امتیاز 9.5 داده بود.
و در آخر این بالاترین نمره ای است که تاکنون این مجله به بازیها اختصاص داده است.

(Power Unlimited (Dutch Magzine به بازی 94/100 داده .

بخشی از Review
"Uncharted 3 is Drake's most varied, compelling and overwhelming adventure ever! It is jaw-dropping... The whole game is full of highlights. One of the best games ever for the PlayStation 3 to date."

PlayStation Official Magazine Spain - 9.8/10

OPM Spain گفته تموم کردن سینگل پلیر بازی، 10 تا 12 ساعت زمان میخواد.
تعداد چپترهای بازی هم مشخص شد.(اسپویل)
البته گفته شده چند چپتر پایانی بسیار طولانیه.
Uncharted 1 , 2 به ترتیب 22 و 26 چپتر بودن.

OPM Spain :

Graphics 9.8/10

Excels in all aspects but highlights the progress made ​​in lighting, physical and emotions

Sound 9.8/10

The Castilian dub is impeccable and the campaign is full of memorable melodies

Gameplay 9.8/10

Intense firefights with improved combat and an increasing number of puzzles

Length 9.8/10

10-12 hours of remarkably broad campaign for a full-featured multiplayer section

Online 9.8/10

Cooperative and competitive split screen or online that you will enjoy for many hours
Performance 9.8/10

We really difficult for someone to be able to look further expressed the ps3 hardware

Overall 9.8/10:
A masterpiece to remember for many years and will be difficult to overcome

PS Mania (Italian Magazine) -4.5/5

ریز نمرات
گرافیک : 10/10
گیم پلی : 10/10
صداگذاری : 9/10

اسکن های مجله:

Swedish Gaming Magazine Level - 10/10

EDGE (Magazine) - 9/10

Gamersnet - 10/10

Being Nerdy - 10/10

XGN - 94/100

متای بازی با 51 نقد 93

لیست امتیازات ثبت شده در Metacritic :

Guardian - 10/10
Destructoid - 10/10
PSX Extreme - 10/10
Games.cz - 10/10
Eurogamer Italy - 10/10
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Playstation Official Magazine UK - 10/10
TheSixthAxis - 10/10
Gameblog.fr - 10/10
IncGamers - 10/10
1UP - 10/10
PlayStation LifeStyle - 10/10
Giant Bomb - 10/10
IGN - 10/10
GamePro - 10/10

PSFocus - 9.8/10
Cheat Code Central - 9.8/10

Multiplayer.it - 9.7/10
3DJuegos - 9.7/10

Vandal Online - 9.6/10

GamingXP - 9.5/10
Machinima - 9.5/10
Game Informer - 9.5/10
GameTrailers - 9.5/10
Everyeye.it - 9.5/10
Computer and Video Games - 9.5/10
BigPond GameArena - 9.5/10

XGN - 9.4/10

AusGamers - 9.3/10
SpazioGames - 9.3/10
Videogameszone.de - 9.3/10

Level7.nu - 9/10
Eurogamer Portugal - 9/10
GameSpot - 9/10
Eurogamer Spain - 9/10

Meristation - 9/10
Eurogamer Sweden - 9/10
GameOver.gr - 9/10
Metro GameCentral - 9/10
NZGamer - 9/10
Telegraph - 9/10
Gamer.no - 9/10
Edge Magazine - 9/10
games(TM) - 9/10
VideoGamer - 9/10
Games Radar (in-house) - 9/10
Joystiq - 9/10

Gamereactor Denmark - 8/10
Gamekult - 8/10
Eurogamer - 8/10

The AV Club - 5/10

آخرین ویرایش:
PSX Extreme امتیاز 10 داد.


منبع نقد


یه تیکه در مورد گرافیک بازی:
To wrap things up, I think goes without saying that Uncharted 3 will go down as the best looking game of this generation by a long, blistering, and freezing Antarctic mile. Apart from another Naughty Dog title, I don't see anything getting close. I don't have to spell it out for you, you've seen the HD footage and the high-resolution screens. You've seen the glistening screens that show off those gorgeous landscapes, the textures on the wall, ground, objects and characters, the flawless animation, the surreal lighting, the lack of a jagged edge on the screen, the solid framerate, and those stunning cinematic cutscenes
البته قبلا هم بعضی از منتقدها در مورد بازی های مثل (Crysis 2, Rage, Killzone 3, Gears of War 3) همچین حرف های مشابهی میزدند!:| نمونش هم همین سایت PSX Extreme که در مورد گرافیک Rage گفته بود:
You’re going to see some perfect 10s in the graphics department for this game. That’s because it’s just…insane. The detail and clarity is absolutely astounding and when you take into account the size of the world, it’s even more mind-boggling. Characters are meticulously designed, animations are unbelievably fluid, and the landscape, while stark and mostly barren, is still jammed with a ridiculous amount of pinpoint detail. In short, this post-apocalyptic environment is so gorgeous and effective, you just can’t stop staring. The only slight downside is that the aforementioned sharpness can take a moment or two to kick in; blurriness (and clipping) can be spotted

IGN هم در مورد گرافیک Crysis 2:
Crysis 2 on Xbox 360 has taken the crown for best graphics in a console game. It's well animated and the effects are great, but light is always the star of the show
کلا معلوم نیست کودوم بازی میخواد بهترین گرافیک 2011 بشه!!!:d
آخرین ویرایش:
به تعداد نقد ها و اینکه نمره کدوم سایت ها و مجلات ثبت میشن نگاه کن
خوب همه ی این سایتا به بتمن هم نمره دادن و تو رنکینگ ثبت شده دیگه . من گفتم فعلا جلو زد تو این لحظه ممکنه بعدا عقب بیوفته یا هم جلوتر بزنه
نباید 9 میداد!
ولی خو داد دیگه :دی

از نقد گیم اسپات:

The Good:

  • Lots of exciting tactics in combat
  • Expertly designed levels reward experimentation
  • Great pacing
  • Excellent presentation including visuals, voice acting, and music
  • Exciting competitive and cooperative play.
The Bad:

  • Slight AI flaws
  • Stiff platforming limits creativity.
آخرین ویرایش:

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