امتیازات The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

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این دفعه کسی پایین نمره نداد شهیدش کنیم 8-|
فقط تنها حالتی که کسی توش ممکنه شهید شه، خودمم وقتی متای بازی بالای 90 شد:-h
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این دفعه کسی پایین نمره نداد شهیدش کنیم 8-|
فقط تنها حالتی که کسی توش ممکنه شهید شه، خودمم وقتی متای بازی بالای 90 شد:-h
نگران نباش بالای ۹۰ هست ردخور نداره زلدا
مشکل فریم ریت داره مدام افت میکنه صفحه لودینگم زیادی طولانی هست..اگر از اینا امتیاز کم نکنن خود بازی فوقالعادس..امیدوارم فردا یه پچ برای رفع این مشکلات بده
مشکل فریم ریت داره مدام افت میکنه صفحه لودینگم زیادی طولانی هست..اگر از اینا امتیاز کم نکنن خود بازی فوقالعادس..امیدوارم فردا یه پچ برای رفع این مشکلات بده

آره اینو تو پیش نمایش هاش هم گفته بودن
می گفت تو لود کردن محیط ها همیشه افت فریم داره بازی...
البته بازم به نظرم بهتر شده... اونایی که دموی E3 بازی رو زده بودن می گفتن خیلی افت فریم های بازی بهتر شده و ثابت تر شده... منم امیدم اینه همین باشه... فکر کنم با پچ بازم بهترش کنن
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is the quintessential 2D Zelda experience. The gameplay never feels repetitive, and solving each dungeon or beating each mini-boss is equally as satisfying as the first. The audio is crisp and matches perfectly to the gorgeous visuals that players will be treated to throughout their time on Koholint Island. It pays homage to the original in the greatest of ways, by introducing an entirely new generation of players to one of the best Zelda experiences out there. It is a must-have for any Zelda fan, and so should take its place as a console seller for the Nintendo Switch.
Daily Star 100

PLAY! Zine 95
GamesBeat 95
XGN 93
Post Arcade (National Post) 90
Switch Player 90
TrueGaming 90

ink's Awakening, all these years later, is still an amazing Zelda title, it's a flood of nostalgia for those who have played it before, and if you haven't it's not one of those "old games" that people say were good, but they're just clouded by nostalgia. The slowdowns in the framerate is a little blemish, as that's the kinda thing that doesn't hold up over time. But with the limitations of the Game Boy removed, modern graphics and art, all new music — Link's Awakening continues to the littlest Zelda title with the biggest heart.
Vooks 90

Slight gripes with the new engine and the old source aside, this is still Link's Awakening: one of the best Zelda games to date.
Destructoid 90

Eurogamer Italy 90
GamesRadar+ 90
God is a Geek 90

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening was a technical marvel when it first released back in 1993. Easily one of the great Game Boy releases, it was a first bash at a handheld Zelda that took the formula as perfected by A Link to the Past, jammed it all onto a tiny portable console and, somehow, managed to make it all work while adding a host of new features and concepts to the mix. This beautiful Switch remake rebuilds all of this from the ground up in fine style. It adds modern conveniences, a dungeon creator, amiibo support and lots of little quality of life improvements whilst infusing every single square inch of Koholint – every secret passage, Piranha, Pokey and Pig Warrior – with a level of detail and depth that totally reinvigorates both its timeless story and classic Zelda gameplay for a whole new generation of gamers.
Nintendo Life 90

Multiplayer.it 88
Stevivor 85
COGconnected 85
Critical Hit 85

Link's Awakening still is one of the most interesting Zelda games, even with all its limitations and simplifications.
IGN Italia 85

Video Chums 81
Screen Rant 80
TheSixthAxis 80
Twinfinite 80
VGC 80
EGM 80
FNintendo 80

If you haven't touched a classic Zelda game in a while, Link's Awakening will almost instantly transport you back to the '90s. It's simple, in many ways, but the orchestrated journey still conveys a sense of adventure, and this new version is without question the best way to experience it. And more than anything else, it will put a smile on your face. Remakes are a dime a dozen nowadays and often easy to overlook. Don't make that mistake with Link's Awakening
GameSpot 80

Metro GameCentral 80
CGMagazine 80
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با تمامی این اوصاف دیگه خودت لحاظ کن، بازی ای که اصل اش مال 26 سال پیش بوده تونسته متای 87 بیاره
یه "چیزی" بوده این رو گیم بوی لعنتی :دی
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