Developer: PES Productions
Publisher: Konami
Engine: Fox Engine
Platform: PC,PS4,PS3,Xbox 360,Xbox One
Release date: November 13, 2014
Famitsu Magazine: 10/9/9/10 =38/40
9/10 Eurogamer
GamesRadar 4.5/5At this point, there's only one question left to answer: is PES 2015 a better game than FIFA 15? In terms of replicating the balance of real football, the answer is an emphatic yes.
The latter's constant need for the spectacular is overpowered by a formula which rewards the subtle tweaks and tactical variation which fuels the real-life sport. PES 2015 actually benefits from arriving two months later than its adversary, which has displayed its weaknesses over extended play since release.
It's perhaps ironic that, in the year PES introduces micro-transaction monetisation, the developer has reminded everyone that football - virtual or not - is meant to honour those who conglomerate the basics into a winning formula. Whether or not the desire to farm gamers' cash stumps the series' growth remains to be seen in the long-term, but PES Productions is currently sitting on a durable and resilient blueprint of how football should be played.
FIFA and PES seem to have swapped shirts, with neither catering to the original audience they once set out to attract. Based on this year's offerings, though, it's PES that has the clearer direction of where it's headed. Perhaps most tellingly of all, PES 2015 is more satisfying in defeat than FIFA 15 is in victory.
The pitch is ours". Konami’s current marketing slogan is a bold statement, but when PES was at its best, that’s what the game was all about. The quality of the presentation and lack of licenses didn’t matter because on the pitch it delivered. That feeling of unbridled joy upon smashing home a screamer, or devastation when you lose to a last minute goal, was akin to the ups and downs of supporting your own club. So, it’s great news that (after last year’s comparative disappointment) more time with the FOX Engine, and a move to the PS4, has helped bring those PES moments back. Believe it or not, Konami’s bold statement is actually filled with plenty of truth.
Modes and presentation still need some work, but Konami has finally delivered with the gameplay. On the pitch, where it matters, PES 2015 has a clear edge over FIFA 15
PlayStation Universe - 9/10
Videogamer - 8/10
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