هنوز جایی نوشته نشده که اسم کوجیما رو از پایان بازی حذف کردن یا نه ؟
Multiplayer.it: 8.8/10
"That was smooth,Boss.Real smooth.I'd expect nothing less"
همونطور که انتظار می رفت ترکوند /\ :bighug:
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Characters move and speak with a natural grace, and even though it's jarring to hear the recognizable Kiefer Sutherland voice Big Boss in place of fan-favorite David Hayter, his delivery is far more realistic and believable.
What do I think, at this stage, as vaguely lunatic fan? It's incredible. For me MGS5 is the densest, most considered, open-world stealth game ever, with a sense of physical space to rival Red Dead Redemption, but precise, deep controls that only the greatest Japanese action games seem to understand. It doesn't really feel like any MGS game before it, but is the culmination of everything the series has been building toward. The MGS series has always been defined by its contradictions: its double and triple agents, its characters of multiple aliases and grey area morality. If Metal Gear Solid is an anti-war series that makes war feels heroic, MGS5 is its purest expression yet. At the same time, though, it’s the least 'Metal Gear' Metal Gear game ever, liberated from its traditional, relatively-linear structure and yawing cut-scenes. That's my non-review review and, until I receive and finish the game, this confounding duality is as fitting a conclusion as the brilliant, challenging and idiosyncratic MGS5 deserves.
You would struggle to be disappointed by Metal Gear Solid V. Almost everything is close to perfect, and visually this is one of the most realistic games I have ever seen (especially the environments). The gameplay never gets old and there is so much choice that no two playthroughs will ever be the same. It isn’t only Metal Gear fans who should be interested in this, everyone should be interested in this whether you have played anything like it before or not. Quite simply, this isn’t just the best Metal Gear game, nor is it just the best stealth game, it is one of the best games ever made.
حذف کنن که کوجیما شکایت می کنه پدر کونامی در میاد، بچه بازی نیست که با یکی قهر کردی اسمی نیاری ازش دیگههنوز جایی نوشته نشده که اسم کوجیما رو از پایان بازی حذف کردن یا نه ؟
- Speaking of things that are unbelievable, I still can’t fathom the technical wizardry behind this game. It runs at a locked 60 frames-per-second (I’m playing on PS4), which is a buzzword you might be sick of in 2015, but for a game with precise movements like MGSV the framerate makes a huge difference. And no matter how many explosions go off in the field, the game has never once stuttered for me. Not a single frame drop. Combined with Snake’s great animations, this locked framerate makes every action in MGSV feel perfect. Slithering on the ground, body-slamming enemies, climbing up ladders—it all looks and sounds great, especially compared to the jankiness of something like The Witcher 3 on consoles
- The Phantom Pain looks incredible, too—anyone who’s played an open-world video game might be conditioned to expect pop-in or other weird technical glitches when peering through binoculars or down the barrel of a sniper rifle, but Metal Gear Solid V is as smooth as it gets. It’d be a serious crime if Konami prevents anyone else from using this game’s technology—a set of tools called the FOX Engine—for anything but pachinko tables.
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