امتیازات Ghost Recon Breakpoint


کاربر سایت
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Initial Release Date: October 4, 2019
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Jeuxvideo.com: 8.5/10
The authenticity and the survival, central to the experience, accentuate the urgency of the situations and this oppressive feeling of being the prey, and no longer the hunter, on Auroa.

Push Square: 6/10
For the most part, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is an enjoyable open world excursion, provided you know what to expect -- and let's face it, you probably know exactly what to expect. Its loot and gear score systems seem more than a little tacked on, but much like many of Ubisoft's other open worlders, there's a moreish quality to Breakpoint that's difficult to deny. In co-op there's potential for a lot of fun, and the freedom that you're given in both building Nomad and tackling missions is the game's greatest strength. However, an eye-watering number of microtransactions leave a sour taste, and a parade of annoying bugs give the release a disappointingly rough feel. Robust but bloated, Breakpoint is a mishmash that has its fun moments, but its identity is MIA.

Gameblog.fr: 6/10
Ubisoft clearly wanted to make Breakpoint a mix between The Division and Destiny, but it doesn't really work if you look at the work as a whole. Dusty community hub breaking immersion, idiot AI, bugs of all kinds despite the beta, microtransaction system a little bit abusive, terrible driving vehicles system,tactics non-existent in solo.... However, the game also has some good aspects, especially with its brilliant main actor, its fun multiplayer Ghost War mode and many cooperative possibilities due to the realistic and complete equipment. Definitely Ghost Recon Breakpoint is not a bad game, but it is not what you would call a good game either.

IGN Italy: 7.8/10
The new chapter of the Ghost Recon series is a good shooter that combines solid gameplay with a poorly integrate RPG structure.

Millenium: 6.5/10
Ubisoft clearly wanted to make Breakpoint a mix between The Division and Destiny, but it doesn't really work if you look at the work as a whole. Dusty community hub breaking immersion, idiot AI, bugs of all kinds despite the beta, microtransaction system a little bit abusive, terrible driving vehicles system,tactics non-existent in solo.... However, the game also has some good aspects, especially with its brilliant main actor, its fun multiplayer Ghost War mode and many cooperative possibilities due to the realistic and complete equipment. Definitely Ghost Recon Breakpoint is not a bad game, but it is not what you would call a good game either.

Gamespot: 4/10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a confused hodgepodge of disparate ideas that rarely come together in an enjoyable way.

VG247: 2/10
Ubisoft has failed in two areas where it usually excels here – sequels and open worlds – but there’s still a small glimmer of hope in another area: reinvention. Perhaps this concept will get scrapped entirely for the next one and we’ll go back to the good old days where Ghost Recon was an excellent shooter with its own identity. Right now it’s out of focus, confused, and frustrating. A ghost of its former self.

آخرین ویرایش:
خیلی هم خوب، همینطور ادامه پیدا کنه این روند یکسان سازی همه بازی‌ها رو شاید بیخیال بشه یوبی! هرچیزی رو که OW کرده، حالا همه رو هم داره RPG می‌کنه!
بابا بیش از 15 هزار نفر، چقدر کارهای متفاوت می‌تونین ارائه بدین!
من سر F76 میگفتم ای جان که بازی داره نمرات پایین میاد بعد دوستان میگفتن نه بازی حقش دیگه این نیست الان فک کنم جفتمن رو این مورد به اتفاق نظر داشته باشیم بلکه اینا (ناشرا) آدم بشن :|
آخرین ویرایش:
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Reactions: mohsenebrahimi
من سر F76 میگفتم ای جان که بازی داره نمرات پایین میاد بعد دوستان میگفتن نه بازی حقش دیگه این نیست الان فک کنم جفتمن رو این مورد به اتفاق نظر داشته باشیم بلکه اینا آدم بشن :|
تازه F76 به داد هاوارد مزه داده منتظر یک مولتی پلیر پر و پیمان در starcraft باش
جدا کسی هم بود که منتظر این بازی باشه؟:))
از همون معرفی اولیه و معلوم بود فاجعس
نسخه قبلش هم فاجعه بوددد
نسخه قبل اتفاقا بد نبود. حداقل هویت خودش رو داشت. محیطش هم جالب بود به نظرم. اینا فقط تنها کاری که لازم بود بکنن یکم اونو پالیش کنن و یه سر هم به استدیو مسیو میزدن تا اوپن ورلد دیزاین دیویژن 2 رو یاد میگرفتن:D گند زدن دنباله یه بازی با بیس سفت و محمکی مثل وایلد لندز فقط از دست یوبی بر میومد8-|
کاش یه قانونی صنفی چیزی وجود داشت نمیگذاشت این شرکتا با این همه پول و نیرو و بریز و بپاش، اینقدر بی در و پیکر باشن و هر چیزی رو در قالب بازی بدن دست ملت. دیگه رسما ملت رو خر فرض کردن و هر گهی رو که سر هم میکنن، عرضه میکنن تو بازار و انگار نه انگار مشتری حقوقی داره و بازی ساز وظیفه ای. متاسفم برای یوبی سافت و EA و بتزدا که اینقدر غرق در گه شدن که حتی آوردن اسمشون باعث بیزاری میشه. کاش ملت اینا رو بایکوت میکردن که اینقدر وقاحت به خرج نمیدادن. افسوس که ملت هم دو دستی پول بی زبون رو میدن به اینا. ناتی داگ و راکستار و فرام سافتور بازی میسازن و اینا هم بازی میسازن. والا به مولا!
کاش یه قانونی صنفی چیزی وجود داشت نمیگذاشت این شرکتا با این همه پول و نیرو و بریز و بپاش، اینقدر بی در و پیکر باشن و هر چیزی رو در قالب بازی بدن دست ملت. دیگه رسما ملت رو خر فرض کردن و هر گهی رو که سر هم میکنن، عرضه میکنن تو بازار و انگار نه انگار مشتری حقوقی داره و بازی ساز وظیفه ای. متاسفم برای یوبی سافت و EA و بتزدا که اینقدر غرق در گه شدن که حتی آوردن اسمشون باعث بیزاری میشه. کاش ملت اینا رو بایکوت میکردن که اینقدر وقاحت به خرج نمیدادن. افسوس که ملت هم دو دستی پول بی زبون رو میدن به اینا. ناتی داگ و راکستار و فرام سافتور بازی میسازن و اینا هم بازی میسازن. والا به مولا!
فکر نمیکردم روزی برسه که علی بیاد به یوبی بتوپه!
ببینید چقدر گوه زدن تو ip ها و...
برخلاف خیلیا با نسخه ی قبلی خیلی خوب ارتباط برقرار کردم چه افلاین چه مولتی
خیلی هم داستان رو دوست داشتم
واقعا حیف شد
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Reactions: Safety & Peace
یوبی سافت بازی های سرویس محور جز برنامه های اصلیشه ولی واقعا دارن زیاده روی میکنم چیز بیشتری ندارم که بخوام تو Ghost recon عرضه کننده اتفاقا اگه ملت بایکوت کنن مثل کاری که با satarwars battlefront2 کردن و فروشش آنقدر فاجعه شد که حتی صدای شریک ea دراومد و این نسخه یک starwars کاملا داستانی با انجین خوب و یک تیم کار بلد ساختن که نتیجه هم احتمال زیاد بازی خوبی میشه
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Reactions: blak and moxA.J
Game Information

Game Title: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint

  • PlayStation 4 (Oct 4, 2019)
  • Xbox One (Oct 4, 2019)
  • PC (Oct 4, 2019)
Publisher: Ubisoft

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 59 average - 14% recommended

Critic Reviews

Gameplanet - 7 / 10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint doesn't do anything new but still provides a lot of fun, if you're willing to slow down and play tactically. The game falls short in many areas and doesn't quite keep up with it's competition but shooter and stealth fans will have a blast. Performance issues do hinder the experience and some questionable design choices left me baffled. If you're a huge third-person shooter fan and love open-world games, you wont regret giving it a shot, provided you check your expectations at the door.

Screen Rant - 2.5 / 5 stars
Breakpoint feels less like a tactical infiltrator and more like all of Ubisoft's other sandboxes.

TrueGaming - Arabic - 5 / 10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint could have been a great experience, but it feels lost amidst the many ideas introduces to the formula and the plethora of technical issues that plague the experience.

Windows Central - 4 / 5 stars
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a great shooter that gets repetitive after a while.

GameSpot - 4 / 10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a confused hodgepodge of disparate ideas that rarely come together in an enjoyable way.

Gamersky - Chinese - 6.5 / 10
Ghost recon: Breakpoint is an ambitious sequel with so much innovation, and it actually does a great job in terms of narrative and main quest missions. But most of those changes are nothing but disasters. Meanwhile, I suffered a huge number of bugs all the time during the playthrough. Ubisoft should do better next time.

Bazimag - Persian - 6.6 / 10
Breakpoint, in its nature has an interesting and enjoyable gameplay that unfortunately hasn't been well integrated in the world of the game. Tiresome side quests, depthless and cliche story, forgettable characters and various technical issues doesn't let the game offer a refreshing experience for the players. However, lack of competitive and strong titles in tactical shooter genre is the reason for this series to become the only option for the fans of this genre. Abundance of shameless microtransactions is another reason to reduce the experience for the players to the lowest amount possible.

COGconnected - 81 / 100
After many hours with Breakpoint, I can safely say I’m looking forward to what’s coming next.

Digitally Downloaded - 3 / 5 stars
The big question is: what, exactly, is the target audience for Breakpoint? I can find things that I personally like, as well as moments I can identify as hat-tips to devoted genre fans. I just think that, in its attempt to be a tactical-action-open-world-sandbox-looter-shooter-online-squad-based-co-op, it collapses under the weight of all the hyphens.

EGM - 4 / 10
Looting for better gear is a trend that's taken over gaming, but it's never seemed as unnecessary and as cynical as it does in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Turning the game into an amalgamation of Wildlands and The Division, Breakpoint's gear system ruins any immersion you may have felt in pretending to be an elite spec ops soldier. If that was the game's only issue, it might have still been salvageable, but its predictable story, graphical infidelity, and obnoxious open world make this a failed experiment at marrying two or three different properties from the same publisher.

Heavy - 5.8 / 10
You’ll experience moments within this military shooter that inspire a little bit of confidence. But those fleeting moments of fun quickly dissipate as the game’s unfinished feel and lack of polish spring up far too often.

Hobby Consolas - Spanish - Unscored
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is no longer a sandbox. It adds lots of RPG elements that make the game closer to an MMO like The Division. Sometimes it is confusing due to the huge density of the map and it´s many options, but the great military action is still there. Some technical issues.

IGN Italy - Italian - 7.8 / 10
The new chapter of the Ghost Recon series is a good shooter that combines solid gameplay with a poorly integrate RPG structure.

MSPoweruser - 3 / 10
There is no saving Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It’s a disgustingly predatory experience wrapped around an expansive world with the soul of a corporate PowerPoint. It’s got all the features modern open world games have, but with none of the heart. If Ubisoft were aiming to make the dullest experience possible, well done, they’ve achieved their goal with flying colours.

Metro GameCentral - 6 / 10
Something of a greatest hits collection of ideas from Ubisoft's other open world games but it also has some fun new ideas of its own… as well as a mountain of glitches and microtransactions.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored
In 2019, a massive and meticulously-crafted open world just doesn’t cut it. Any life breathed into Ghost Recon Breakpoint will have to be pumped into it by you and your friends, and you’d do better to save your breath for other games.

Star News - 3.5 / 5
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint proves adding more isn’t always better, with the addition of half-baked loot and survival mechanics that don’t really provide anything of note to the game.

Tech Advisor - 3.5 / 5 stars
If you've got friends, you'll probably enjoy playing this with them, but it's a shame that despite the many areas Ghost Recon Breakpoint has improved in, it's still making so many infuriating choices.

VG247 - 1 / 5 stars
Ubisoft has failed in two areas where it usually excels here – sequels and open worlds – but there’s still a small glimmer of hope in another area: reinvention. Perhaps this concept will get scrapped entirely for the next one and we’ll go back to the good old days where Ghost Recon was an excellent shooter with its own identity. Right now it’s out of focus, confused, and frustrating. A ghost of its former self.

ACG - Rent
Video Review - Quote not available

Cerealkillerz - German - 8.3 / 10
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is a well made successor to Wildlands that doesn't really manage to iron out every flaw of its predecessor. Countless bugs and lifeless NPCs reduce the otherwise great realistic shooter experience. If you are looking for a good tactical shooter at the moment you should still definitely get this game, no matter if you want to play it in Singleplayer or in Co-Op online with friends.

Gameblog - French - 6 / 10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a half-hearted title.

Push Square - 6 / 10
Robust but bloated, Breakpoint is a mishmash that has its fun moments, but its identity is MIA.
یوبی سافت در یک بیانیه جدید فرمودند که این micro-transaction ها اشتباهی وارد بازی شده و یک اتفاق و حادثه بوده :D نمیدونم چی باید گفت مثلا انگشتشون خورده رو یک دکمه از لول دیزان بازی که برای این قضیه طراحی شده و ... یهو عوض شده. جالبه فن های 2 روزه بازی که داشتن خودشون برای بازی میکشتن هیچکدومشون پیداشون نیست:))

یوبی سافت در یک بیانیه جدید فرمودند که این micro-transaction ها اشتباهی وارد بازی شده و یک اتفاق و حادثه بوده :D نمیدونم چی باید گفت مثلا انگشتشون خورده رو یک دکمه از لول دیزان بازی که برای این قضیه طراحی شده و ... یهو عوض شده. جالبه فن های 2 روزه بازی که داشتن خودشون برای بازی میکشتن هیچکدومشون پیداشون نیست:))
خیلی راحت میتونستن این موارد رو نگه دارن بعد از عرضه‌ی بازی و انتشار نقدها با آپدیت اضافه کنن...الان دیگه همه از همین حقه‌ی کثیف استفاده میکنن! >:)
یا مثل قضیه Borderlands 3 نسخه‌های نقد رو اول به سایتایی بدن که میدونن معمولا امتیاز خوبی میدن تا اوایل عرضه بازی چهره‌ی مثبتی داشته باشه و اونایی که منتظر نقدا بودن، بازیو بخرن.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
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