امتیازات Forza Motorsport 4

Ezio da Firenze

کاربر سایت

10/Eurogamer Italy:10
10/MSXbox World: 9.5
10/Strategy Informer:9.5
10/IGN AU:9.5
10/Game Informer:9.3
10/Metro GameCentral:9
10/Games Radar :9
10/Metro UK: 9
Gamereactor Denmark: 9/10
10/GameSpot : 8.5

آخرین ویرایش:
نمرات فراتر از اتظارمه.فقط نمره gs برام عجیبه.حتما از اون نکته منفیهایی که واسه geow3 گرفته بود و خیلیم مسخره بود واسه اینم کرفته.
مثل اینکه برای منتقد Gamespot بازی خیلی جدید نیومده و هر قسمتی از نقدش صحبت از Forza 3 کرده ! :دی میدونستم Forza 3 میتونه حتی Forza 4 رو هم بترکونه ! :> ولی کو گوش شنوا ؟

Like even the very best new cars, Forza 4 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but rather it refines and improves upon what came before it. That's no small achievement given how truly special Forza 3 was, and if you're still playing that game, there's a good chance you'll still be enjoying this one two years from now.

البته سخت گیری هم کرده ولی خب قبولش داریم همچنان ! :دی 9.5/10 بازیی مثل Forza 3 رو هم همین آدم داده ! :-b

---------- نوشته در 12:51 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 12:37 PM ارسال شده بود ----------

IGN - 9.5 'With Forza 4 Turn 10 has crafted a driving game like no other; it's hands-down this generation's premier racing simulator.'
VideoGamesZones - 9.3 'Best racer on any console this generation'
Strategy Informer - 9.5 'Forza 4 succeeds because it distils automotive passion into a form that anyone- not just petrolheads- will find enthralling.'
Eurogamer - 9.0 'Forza has always been a series to admire, but now it's a little easier to fall in love with it too.'
Destructoid - 10 'They've also managed to add something else that you'll never see as a bulletpoint on a box: personality.'
Incsgamer - 9.0 'Despite that, Forza 4 is the finest racing simulator of this generation. And, yes, I have played Gran Turismo.'
Joystiq - 9.0 'The very metal of your driving mettle will be tried, tested and forced to endure grueling and demanding challenges, and you'll love every minute of it.'
Digital Spy - 10 ' Forza Motorsport 4 is authentic yet accessible, educating, entertaining, occasionally silly, always spectacular, but most importantly, faster and more thrilling than riding a V12-powered rollercoaster with no restraints.'
Mondobox - 9.4
Xboxer360 - 9.5 'If there is one racing game you buy this year make it Forza Motorsport 4, now I’m off to thrash the family car around the Top Gear race track one last time!'
Gameblog.FR - 10 'Impossible to miss it if you're a fan of racing games.'
GamesRadar - 9.0 'This is the new standard for racing sims'
Metro - 9.0 'Achingly beautiful, tyre-shredding action and enough new features to keep the faithful on board. Occasional frustrations, but is easily the most complete racing experience available today'
VideoGamer - 9.0 'Forza Motorsport 4 is fiery, passionate and thrilling - much like the 458 Italia on the front cover'
GameInformer - 9.3 'It's re-invigorated, and every turn is infectious and alluring'
CVG - 8.7 'A fabulously rewarding drive and the finest Forza yet, but one that comes with an Advisory Notice: more single-player focus and diversity will be needed next time out to prevent the franchise from suffering a potential misfire.'
BlisteredThumbs - 9.0 'Forza Motorsport 4 is an entirely new car experience.'
NZGamer - 9.6 'Jaw-droppingly beautiful...'
Gamespot - 8.5 '
MSXboxWorld - 9.5 ' It's a well crafted behemoth piece of software from the true masters, and one that will be incredibly difficult to improve upon in the future.'
GameReactor.DK - 9.0 '
Multiplayer.IT - 9.1 'Forza Motorsport 4 may be an evolution from its third installment, but Turn 10 managed to make almost everything better from its previous efforts.'
Eurogamer Spain - 10 '
Xbox Live Addicts - 9.6 'Graphically and gameplay wise it is a masterpiece which Turn 10 should be proud of.'
HardGame2 - 10 '
Eurogamer Italy - 10 '
NowGamer - 9.5 '
Capsual Computers - 9.5 '
3DJuegos - 9.3 '
X360A - 9.1 '​
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انصافا انتظار نداشتم بازم بترکونه اونم با این شدت :دی واقعا باید به Turn 10 تبریک گفت، کار هر شرکتی نیست که 4 تا بازی بسازه هر 4 تاش هم بالای 90 بشه امتیازاتش. الان متوسطش تو متا از 25 نقد 93 هست. یه دور دیگه جا داره از این شکلک استفاده کنم :o:o :دی
این گیم اسپات یا واقعا یه چیزیش میشه یا میخواد اظهار وجود کنه اخه بازیی که این همه سایت بالای 9 دادن چرا باید بده 8.5..این سایت کلا بگیر ونگیر داره بستگی داره اون نفری یا نفراتی که نقد میکنن اون روز سر کیف باشن یانه وگرنه دلیل دیگه ایی نداره...

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