امتیازات Devil May Cry 5

پیش بینی شما از میانگین نمرات بازی

  • +95

  • 90-94

  • 85-89

  • 80-84

  • 75-79

  • 70-74

  • 70 به پایین

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100% Pure RattleSnake
کاربر سایت

Publisher: CapCom
Developer: CapCom
hack and slash
Release Date: March 8, 2019
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC
Famitsu 9/10/9/9 = 37/40
Bazicenter : 8/10
Gamereactor UK 9/10
Gamereactor Germany 9/10
Gamereactor Denmark 8/10
Gamereactor Finland 9/10
Gamereactor France 8/10
Gamereactor Norway 8/10
Gamereactor Sweden 8/10
Gamereactor Nederlands 9/10
Gamereactor Portugal 9/10
Gamereactor Italy 9/10
Gamereactor Spain 9/10
Hardcore Gamer: 4/5
Dualshockers: 9.0
EZA: 9/10
Destructoid 10
The Outerhaven Productions - 4/5
Gameblog.fr : 8/10
JeuxActu : 17/20
cgmagonline 6/10
emuglx 10
Sixth Axis 9
Videogamer: 9/10
cogconnected 9.4
Easy Allies: 9/10
nextgenbase 8.5
Nerd Mag 9.2
Gamespot: 9.0
Press Start 9 / 10
IGN 9.5
Gameinformer 8.5
Eurogamer: Recommended
DigitalChumps. 8/10
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) 87
PCGamesN 80
Softpedia 90
PC Invasion 80
Metro GameCentral 90
Shacknews 90
3DJuegos 95
Variety 60
Telegraph 80
CGMagazine 60
TrueGaming 70
IGN Spain 91
God is a Geek 100
GamesBeat 70
App Trigger 90
Guardian 10
Game Rant 10
Fandom 10
Saudi Gamer 10
Leadergamer 10
Rely On Horror 10
Nerd Much? 9.7
PowerUp! 9.6
Heavy 9.5
Hobby Consolas 93
Generación Xbox 93
Xbox Achievements 91
GamesRadar+ 4.5
Windows Central 4.5
TrueAchievements 4.5
TrustedReviews 4.5
Atomix 90
Critical Hit 9
PlayStation LifeStyle 8
PCWorld 4.5

GameOver.gr 90
Cultured Vultures 90
Washington Post 70
Digitally Downloaded 80
AusGamers 7.8/10
Gamers Heroes 8/10
GRYOnline.pl 8/10
Walmart Tips & Ideas 8.6/10
Oyungezer Online 8.9/10
Nexus 8.7/10
God is a Geek 10/10
Daily Mirror 10/10
Rice Digital 10/10
Daily Star 10/10
Remote Play 10/10
GamingTrend 95/100
JVL 19/20
PSX Brasil 95/100
The Escapist 9/10
آخرین ویرایش:
Capcom has quietly entered a new golden age | PC Gamer
کپکام واقعا کامبک بزرگی زده، 2 تا بازی بزرگ تو کمتر از 2 ماه که هرکدوم به نحوی از شانس های گرفتن جوایز بهترین بازی سال هستن.
به نظرم فروش عالی این بازی ها (رزیدنت اویل 2 رو پی سی در کمتر از 1 ماه دور و بر 1.5 میلیون نسخه فروخته) خیلی به کپکام کمک میکنه که بفهمن ملت بازی های خود کپکام رو دوست دارن، نه نسخه های غربی و آنلاین شده و مبتنی بر بازاری که تا چند وقت پیش داشتن عرضه میکردن. امیدوارم و انتظار میدم که این ترند ادامه پیدا کنه. :D

البته ما آنلایناش که Monster Hunter باشه رو هم دوست داریم :دی
مهم اینه که خوب بسازن و بدونن طرفدارا چی میخوان... دیگه مهم نیست آنلاین باشه یا آفلاین و تک نفره... اگه بدونی چی رو کجا استفاده کنی و مخاطبت رو بشناسی بردی... کپکام فعلی دقیقاً رو همین ریل داره میره جلو. جدا از ارزش هنری فوق العاده مطلوب بازی هاشون از حیث تجاری هم به شدت به خط مش مخاطب هاش همخونی داره.
Washington Post 70
It’s not very nourishing but it may satisfy a special craving.

Cultured Vultures 90
Multiplayer and loading screens aside, Devil May Cry 5 is exactly what it was meant to be and more. With a great plot, beautiful visuals, and near perfect gameplay, Capcom delivers possibly the best Devil May Cry to date.

یکی کشید پایین متا رو نمره Washington Post :|

GameOver.gr 90
A triumphant return to its roots. Devil May Cry 5 proves that there's no real need for "reboots" in the industry, just respect for the original vision, love for the project and, of course, skilled hands that can deliver great results. It's a finely crafted game with a well-written story, three discreet fighting styles and gorgeous graphics that will draw you into a fantastic world for more that 12 hours of pure gaming bliss.
4Players.de 84
After taking the franchise back into their own hands, Capcom delivers the goods. Great action, cool characters and mostly fantastic visuals wipe out the few shortcomings.

Everyeye.it 88
Exalted, rocking, technical, pleasantly excessive, the action of the game conquers and wins from the beginning to the end, almost always without reserve: apart from a slight imbalance of the old protagonist, Capcom has assembled a combat system that sits effortlessly at the top of the action game, in terms of diversity and depth.

Games.cz 90
Devil May Cry is back in all its glory, but it isn’t stuck in its own past. There are new features galore and everything works together like a well-oiled clockwork.

Forbes 73
DMC 5 is beautifully rendered and the action is fun. However, the weak story and less-than-compelling character development and audio presentation remove the game's heart. Instead of being a masterful and complete action game, it's instead far more shallow than it could have been.

SomosXbox 92
Devil May Cry 5 brings us back everything we wanted: the purest of hack and slash, action and style. One of the most complete games in the franchise and one that is perfect for newcomers. Despite some issues that prevent Devil May Cry 5 from being a perfect game, Capcom has done an impeccable job with the franchise. Long live the sons of Sparda.

GameSpew 80
It speaks volumes that despite Devil May Cry 5‘s obvious issues, it still impresses so much. It’s a game that looks better than anything else available at the moment, and yet somehow runs at a solid 60 frames per second. And its combat is undoubtedly the deepest of any action game, making its linear structure actually not that much of an issue. Devil May Cry 5 isn’t perfect, but it’s a damn good Devil May Cry game. Honestly, I think Ninja Theory’s DmC was better, but in 2019 I’ll accept Devil May Cry 5 with open arms.


Gameplanet 90
Devil May Cry 5 keeps what made the franchise so popular while refining its systems to near-perfection. With some of the most impressive animation and combat out there right now and the addition of Bloody Palace arriving in a free update this April, Devil May Cry 5 is the definitive DMC experience and should be played by everyone looking for incredibly satisfying & stylish combat!

GameCritics 85
It’s not until Devil May cry 5 starts throwing tougher enemies into the mix and the main characters have most of their skills unlocked that the game really comes to life. Those who want the most out of it should be prepared for a second run at least. It may not be the best Devil May Cry — 2013’s DmC still holds that honor — but it’s a cracking action romp.

The Digital Fix 90
This game is proof that single player not only isn't dead but it can still be enthralling, enticing, and innovative.

EGM 90
The world has long waited for a proper new chapter of the groundbreaking Devil May Cry series, and in Devil May Cry 5, Capcom has given us an experience that was very much worth that wait. While the game requires players to really invest in its concepts before its depth truly shines through, that investment will definitely pay off for those who put in the time and energy to master DMC5’s three diverse heroes.

Gamersky 95
Devil May Cry 5 is one of the greatest masterpieces of the action game genre. I can barely imagine any other games would be qualified enough to compare before Bayonetta 3.


Ragequit.gr 92
Devil May Cry 5 is yet another exquisite game from Capcom. True to its roots, but also with attractive innovations, surprisingly gorgeous and fun, it is probably the ideal sequel to a classic action series.
آخرین ویرایش:
یه ایراداتی از بازی میگیرید آدم متعجب میشه واقعا.
قدرت شاتگان دانته زیاده و به بالانس بازی آسیب زده. :|
خوب از شاتگان استفاده نکن!
حالا اگر قدرت شاتگان پایین بود. حتما می گفت: تاثیر شاتگان اونطور که باید نیست.
یه ایراداتی از بازی میگیرید آدم متعجب میشه واقعا.
قدرت شاتگان دانته زیاده و به بالانس بازی آسیب زده. :|
خوب از شاتگان استفاده نکن!
حالا اگر قدرت شاتگان پایین بود. حتما می گفت: تاثیر شاتگان اونطور که باید نیست.

خب این اشکال درستیه کاملاً و اگه یکی از سلاح های بازی بالانس بازی رو به هم بزنه، این که بگی میتونی برش نداری احمقانه ترین توجیه ـه... مثل همون قضیه باگ بودن یه سری فایتر ها تو بازی های مبارزه ایه که میگن خب برشون ندارید...باو خب یعنی چی؟
البته یه مبحث هم هست...(چون من هنوز بازی نکردمش) اونم اینه که بازی بهت شاتگان OP میده تلاشی هم می کنه تا تو مجبور شی دست از شاتگان ات برداری یا نه؟ چون اگه این جور نباشه گیمر کژوال می چسبه به شاتگان و تا ته بازی رو میره و هیچی از عظمت بقیه سلاح های بازی نمی فهمه.
یه ایراداتی از بازی میگیرید آدم متعجب میشه واقعا.
قدرت شاتگان دانته زیاده و به بالانس بازی آسیب زده. :|
خوب از شاتگان استفاده نکن!
حالا اگر قدرت شاتگان پایین بود. حتما می گفت: تاثیر شاتگان اونطور که باید نیست.
بله دقیقا اگه قدرت سلاح های گرم کمتر از حد بود بازم ایراد حساب میشد. این استفاده نکن هم خیلی جالبه lol تو بازی گذاشتن که استفاده بشه و کاربرد خاص خودش رو هم داره.
بله دقیقا اگه قدرت سلاح های گرم کمتر از حد بود بازم ایراد حساب میشد. این استفاده نکن هم خیلی جالبه lol تو بازی گذاشتن که استفاده بشه و کاربرد خاص خودش رو هم داره.
آقا چرا lol؟
من بارها شده در بازیها به دلایل مختلف ، از یک تا چند اسلحه رو تا آخر بازی اصلا استفاده نکردم. این خیلی چیز نرمالیه. و کاملا سلیقه یه.
دو حالت که بیشتر نداره. یا قدرت این شاتگان باعث شده از بازی لذت کافی رو نبرید که خب منطقی اینه که عوضش کنید. یا اینکه ناخودآگاه دارید از این قدرت زیاد لذت می برید که به نظر همین بوده. نتیجه میگیریم سازنده به هدفش که همون سرگرم کردن شما بوده رسیده.
بازی چندین سلاح مختلف داره و گیمر هم حق انتخاب. پس نمیشه به خاطر قدرت بالاتر یکیشون بگیم بازی در بعضی اوقات بالانس نیست.
آقا چرا lol؟
من بارها شده در بازیها به دلایل مختلف ، از یک تا چند اسلحه رو تا آخر بازی اصلا استفاده نکردم. این خیلی چیز نرمالیه. و کاملا سلیقه یه.
دو حالت که بیشتر نداره. یا قدرت این شاتگان باعث شده از بازی لذت کافی رو نبرید که خب منطقی اینه که عوضش کنید. یا اینکه ناخودآگاه دارید از این قدرت زیاد لذت می برید که به نظر همین بوده. نتیجه میگیریم سازنده به هدفش که همون سرگرم کردن شما بوده رسیده.
بازی چندین سلاح مختلف داره و گیمر هم حق انتخاب. پس نمیشه به خاطر قدرت بالاتر یکیشون بگیم بازی در بعضی اوقات بالانس نیست.
مثال شما بیشتر برای بازی های شوتر کاربرد داره. چهار تا سلاح گرم داریم که دو تاش به شدت OP هستن، یعنی از شاتگان قوی تر هم داریم. استفاده از سلاح گرم و خصوصا شاتگان تو این سری (خصوصا نسخه سوم) هم حداقل برای من جذابیت زیادی داشته. ولی اینجا یا کلا نباید ازش استفاده کنم یا با قدرت بیش از حد و به هم خوردن توازن مبارزات کنار بیام، الان این ایراد نیست؟ بعد از اون علاوه بر نظر شخصی خودم، باید به صورت کلی هم در نظر بگیرم ببینم استفاده مداوم از شاتگان چه تاثیری روی مبارزات میزاره که خب اینجا هم با تجربه مداوم، به نتیجه خوبی نرسیدم! :D
TheXboxHub 100
Devil May Cry 5 gracefully inherits the very best narrative aspects from Devil May Cry 3 and even surpasses it in some regards. It features some of the best music and characters in the whole series, along with a multitude of new weapons and abilities, and it sets a new bar of quality and content for upcoming entries, which, I hope, will act as a template for what we can expect from the series in the future.

LevelUp 90
Devil May Cry 5 is an excellent return to the basics and pure gameplay, but taken to a new level thanks to current technology. With a proposal full of action, fun and motivated, Capcom has succeeded in a new account and has been one of the best games of 2019.


Gaming Age 100
Dropping the puzzles in favor of a more streamlined, combat focused experience is another good change, and really helps the game have more of a laser focus. With plenty of content to keep you busy, as well as both free and paid DLC in the works, Devil May Cry 5 is well worth your time, and hard earned dollars.
Gamers' Temple 90
Devil May Cry 5 doesn't just carry the torch of the series after DMC4, it devil triggers and flies away with that torch.


InsideGamer.nl 88
It took a while, but Devil May Cry is back and better than ever before. The balance between Nero and Dante is perfect and the introduction of the new character V is very intriguing.

New Game Network 78
Devil May Cry 5 is an action title worth playing, filled with bombastic action, over-the-top character moments, and fun mechanics. It’s a game that forgoes any sense of nuance and relies on simply overloading your senses, and often succeeds at doing just that.

Gaming Nexus 95
With a reliance on unique and diverse flow of action gameplay and writing that endears players to the characters’ and their story, Devil May Cry 5 is more a blessing. It’s fun, and it brought a smile to my face more than once. That may sound like a one-off comment, but it’s something I find significant when a game can elicit an emotional reaction from me, because it shows that it made me care in more ways than one. Devil May Cry 5 is frigging great. I think I’ll leave it at that.

DarkStation 80
Devil May Cry 5 has its best moments when it lets its new and unheard voice roar free and wild but I think that too much time is spent on treading familiar ground of the series. Of course, the game looks more amazing than anything before it, but the tried-and-tested gameplay is only elevated by its pompous overdoses. However, the ending was a saving grace as it wasn’t entirely something I had expected. It left me in high spirits, all invigorated and happy that I saw the story through, although the journey to the conciliatory climax lacked excitement when it needed it most.

PlayStation Country 90
Capcom continue their winning pace with Devil May Cry 5. The game is everything a fan would want it to be and there is plenty of style, character and consideration made for newcomers also. Make no mistake, beyond nostalgic feelings from the past, this is the best Devil May Cry experience out there and one that should be enjoyed by as many devil hunters as possible.
Vgames 95
This is exactly how a video game should be made: Fun, exciting combat coupled with a good story and a great soundtrack to create one of the best games of the year.

Cubed3 90
While it is annoying that Bloody Palace mode is not available day one, it is coming as a free update on April 1st. Capcom has proved this gen that they are truly the best at 3D action games. They took some bold risks with the style and realistic flavour, and it pays off by taking on this new look that has never been seen before in any videogame. Even spectators are going to be extremely entertained by the spectacle that it Devil May Cry 5. Everything feels so fresh, and the advancements in the controls and fluidity in animation makes playing this refined masterpiece so hard to put down.

Impulsegamer 88
The game looks impeccable on the RE engine too, crisp, clean, bloody and gorified to the maximum.


Game World Navigator Magazine 85
DMC 5 takes the best from previous titles, like over the top action and nuanced battle system, adds a great new character and makes the best use of modern technologies.

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