امتیازات Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Safety & Peace

ارباب مطلق سوزوران
کاربر سایت

Pressfire.no: 4/6
AusGamers: 9.4
GameArena (Australian): 8.5
Golden4games: 9
Eurogamer italy: 9
Canadian Online gamers: 9.4
Eurogamer sweden: 9
IGN: 9.3/10
GiantBomb: 4/5
Gamespot: 8/10
G4: 9
Nowgamer: 7.5
CVG: 7.8
OXM: 8
Lazygamer: 8.9
VideoGamer: 8/10
Joystiq: 4/5
Game Vortex: 97/100
Kotaku: Yes
GamesBeat: 89/100
Destructoid: 8.5
Planet Xbox 360: 93/100
Cheat Code Central: 4.5/5
GameTrailers: 9.4/10
Game Informer: 85/100
GamesRadar: 90/100
Polygon: 8/10
Gamer's Temple: 92/100
GameOver.gr: 90/100
Metro Game Central: 80/100
Games.it (Italian): 9.3/10
PS3Gen (French): 17/20
InsideGames.ch (Swiss German): 8.9/10
GameReactor (Norwegian): 7/10
Looki.de [german review]: 85/100
Eurogamer.cz: 8/10
gameblog.fr: 4/5
insidegamingdaily: 9/10
Eurogamer.se (Swedish): 9/10
Digital Chumps: 90/100
Xboxlife (Danish): 9.0/10
TeknoConsolas.es (Spanish): 8.0/10
Gamers.at (german) 90/100
HardGame2 (Spanish): 9/10
آخرین ویرایش:
متا از 41 نقد ثبت شده 85



آخرین امتیازی که تا الان توی متا ثبت شده ...:d برخی سایتهای پیازی هنوز موندن :d

---------- نوشته در 12:02 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 11:01 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

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آخرین نقدهای ثبت شده ... هنوز داغ داغه :d

The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Nov 13, 2012
Black Ops 2...may very well be the preeminent first-person shooter game on the market – and it will sell well to reflect that – but it definitely suffers from that same boring sameness. There's hardly a moment of the game that doesn't drip with that old, been-there-done-that feeling

Nov 13, 2012
The best Call of Duty since the first Modern Warfare.

Nov 14, 2012
It's hard to recommend Black Ops II to fans of story-based single player campaigns. Treyarch had problems connecting a story with strong characters, with a dynamic, linear shooter. The result is chaotic, but a mediocre single player mode cannot weigh heavily on a final opinion about this game. The most important thing in Black Ops II is an incredible multiplayer - a classic, fast-paced game with many innovations. The Pick 10 system opens up a metric ton of possibilities, and really good maps and play styles create a package never before seen in a Call of Duty game. If that's the thing you want in a modern shooter, you couldn't have picked better

Nov 14, 2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops II doesn't offer a huge amount of surprises and fits rather neatly in with the rest of the series' later releases. The small changes to the formula ensure that the game is among the more interesting Call of Duty releases in a while. The robust multiplayer is among the best of the best, and will quench trigger-happy gamers' thirst for a while.
آخرین ویرایش:
فکر کنم متا دچار توهم شده .... الان توی این قسمت متا رو از 42 نقد ثبت شده زده 85 ، ولی تو صفحه ی اصلی امتیازات این بازی 41 نقد ثبت شده و متا 85 هست ...

حقه این بازی همون8 هست ، اونم به خاطره Plot بازی . اگه فقط همون سیستم شوتینگ بازی رو بزارن با 4 تا مرحله ی آشغال همه بش 7 میدن. Jason West و Vince کاری کردن تو MW که هرچقدرم یک بازی تکراری باشه بازم کیفیته Plot بازی خیلی بالا هست. البته هر سال داره افت میکنه ، مگر اینک باز تغییره عظیمی مثله MW1 ببینیم تو سری...
ملت 24 ساعته دارن mw3 بازی میکنن بعد شما میگی ارزش نداشت
سری بازی های.cod فقط 10% تک نفره هست. 90% ارزش بازیش به بخش چندنفرش.هست

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