امتیازات Bloodborne

Mehdi Cage

Valar Morghulis
کاربر سایت


پلتفرم: Playstation 4
ناشر: Sony Computer Entertainment
سازنده: From Software
تاریخ انتشار: March 24, 2015

آخرین ویرایش:
In death there is life, and in blood, there is redemption. More hyperbole, yes, but for a game this theatrical, only hyperbole will do.
Kevin vanord(منتقد GS کارش درسته! Review های سری سولز هم کاره قلم خودشه،مطمئن بودم BB هم از دست نمیده چون خودش یکی از فن های سرسخت سری و میازاکی هستش و بهترین عنوان نسل قبلشم DS بوده،همچنین ارادت خاصی هم به استاد داره :d)

You are a tourist in From Software’s mad dreamscape, and your journey through this atmospheric masterpiece leaves you unsettled and craving more. You face the impossible and the unreal, and through prowess and persistence, you overcome the nightmares with an unrivaled sense of achievement and satisfaction. Yes, the game is as challenging as a Souls title

برای اولین بار بود که در این بازه زمانی قبل از منتشر شدن impressions و نقد ها یک عنوان این میزان خونسرد بوده باشم و وقتی الان اومدم تاپیک رو دیدم تازه فهمیدم امروز زمان embargo برداشته میشه و اصلا خودم هیچ ایده ای نداشتم که میتونستم تا این میزان از بازی و هنر دست میازاکی مطمئن باشم و خلاصه سوپرایز شدم اساسی:-"

کاری به بقیه ندارم اما همین BloodBorne برای من تا مدت زمانی زیادی حکم اب شور رو داره که هرچقدر هم ازش بنوشه به عطشت افزوده میشه و میتونم برای مدت زمان طولانی تمام bull$hits های داخل مغزم رو بیرون کنم و فقط نظاره گر غرق شدن خودم در دنیای دست پرورنده ی میازاکی بشم:-"
آخرین ویرایش:
نمرات که خیلی خوبه!:دی رسماً اولین بازی AAA خفن نسل هشته.
دوستان توی نقدها نگفتن از نظر درجه سختی چطوره؟:دی قابل مقایسه هست با Dark Souls؟:دی چون DS وقت زیادی می گرفت تا توش بتونی زنده بمونی(!) و من بیخیال بازی کردنش شدم تا وقتی وقت پیدا کنم:دی
The Greenest Game of the Generation ;)

نمرات که خیلی خوبه!:دی رسماً اولین بازی AAA خفن نسل هشته.
دوستان توی نقدها نگفتن از نظر درجه سختی چطوره؟:دی قابل مقایسه هست با Dark Souls؟:دی چون DS وقت زیادی می گرفت تا توش بتونی زنده بمونی(!) و من بیخیال بازی کردنش شدم تا وقتی وقت پیدا کنم:دی
خیالت تخت میگن سختتره که راحتتر نیست :دی
خیلی خوشحالم :bighug: حتی ببشتر از زمانی که نمرات TLOU اومد!
انتظار همچین نمراتی رو داشتم و توی تاپیکش هم گفتم که اگه از لحاظ گیم پلی تو سطح کارای قبلی میازاکی باشه با اتمسفر و حال و هوای گاتیکی که داره میتونه بهترین بازی میازاکی باشه و بهترین بازی میازاکی هم نمیتونه متای زیر 90 بگیره. فعلاً که منو Fail نکرده و امیدوارم همینجوری بمونه. دوست دارم یه نمره ی کامل هم از EDGE ببینم!

اين بازي اصن نيازي به هايپ نداشت ! ميازاكي و كاراش هايپ نميخوان [MENTION=68401]Dastan Persia[/MENTION] ژوون
ما فقط منتظر نشسته بوديم واسه همچين نمراتي بدون اينكه انرژي بيخود مصرف كنيم ، كاملا مشخص بود بهترين بازي نسل 8 ميشه
نوش جوون سوني فن ها ، اين استارت Greatness بود :d
نمرات که خیلی خوبه!:دی رسماً اولین بازی AAA خفن نسل هشته.
دوستان توی نقدها نگفتن از نظر درجه سختی چطوره؟:دی قابل مقایسه هست با Dark Souls؟:دی چون DS وقت زیادی می گرفت تا توش بتونی زنده بمونی(!) و من بیخیال بازی کردنش شدم تا وقتی وقت پیدا کنم:دی

As expected, Bloodborne can be brutal--not as hard as Dark Souls or Demon's Souls, but a step above Dark Souls II in its level of difficulty.

Bloodborne carries on the Dark Souls legacy of hair-pulling difficulty

Yes, the game is as challenging as a Souls title

به پارامتر های خاصی و همینطور درجه اشنایی به سبک و سیاق عناوین قبلی بستگی داره اما منتقد GS هم ذکر کرده بود که به طبع مدت زمان به پایان رسوندن بازی کمتر از DS2 هستش اما میزان difficulty بازی به اندازه سری چالش برانگیزه و خانه خراب کنه...!
چکیده نقدها:
It is Dark Souls 3 in all but name, a natural evolution for the series. There’ll be times when you feel genuinely lost, frustrated and unsure of your next step. But you will carry on, you will beat it, and when you do, there’s no other game that can make you feel more elated about doing so.
+Combat best it’s ever been.
+Better lock-on system.
+The world is incredibly varied.
-Framerate issues.
While I don’t normally pay much mind to game length in reviews, it may be worth mentioning here. The game took me just over 22 hours to complete at a fairly leisurely pace (compare this to the 50 or so hours for something like Dark Souls). The length isn’t the most egregious part though – it’s the pacing behind it. By the time the credits rolled, I felt like I stumbled into the end sequence, rather than building up to it with appropriate boss battles and locations.
Making the combat more group focused leads to incredible moment-to-moment action, but those changes don’t seem to reflect well in one-on-one encounters. In my time with the game, I defeated most bosses on my first attempt – creating this strange inversion of difficulty, where the gauntlets leading up to them tended to be more difficult...Thankfully, the boss battles do become more difficult on New Game Plus.

Bloodborne lies somewhere between Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2, better than the latter but not quite as good as the former. The fourth time following the same template means the master strokes, however masterful they are, are anticipated. But take nothing away from this brilliant, brooding, brutal reinvention, because almost as great as the best game ever is pretty bloody great.
In 2012 Ben began his perilous journey in the games industry as a mostly competent writer, later backflipping into the hallowed halls of GamesRadar+ where his purple prose and beige prose combine to form a new type of prose he likes to call ‘brown prose’.
An invigorated spirit occupying a reassuringly recognisable body, Dark Souls’ life force flows through Bloodborne’s revitalised veins. Intelligent and intense, it's simply PS4’s best exclusive game.

There is great flexibility among the available weapons, and when I purchased a new sword from the ghoulish vendor station in Hunter's Dream, I found myself switching between the initial cleaver and the larger alternative, upgrading them both with the bloodstones I looted from certain downed enemies, and further enhancing them with blood gems, another valuable resource. In time, I disregarded firearms and relied on my sword in its two-handed form, transforming when gunmen on ledges and slithering snakes required a different approach. As expected, Bloodborne can be brutal--not as hard as Dark Souls or Demon's Souls, but a step above Dark Souls II in its level of difficulty. Mastery requires properly reacting to enemy behavior, understanding how much space you must put between you and your prey, and knowing when--and when not--to exploit health regeneration.

Bloodborne may not be a Souls game and it doesn't fall into the horror genre, but it captures everything that makes the series so satisfying, so terrifying and so magical.
If you’ve been the conductor of the hype train since ‘Project Beast,’ you absolutely won’t be disappointed. This game is what you’ve been waiting for and more. Sure certain key features are a little wonky or perform under- par, but they don’t ruin the act
The evolution of the Souls formula to the next generation, this game demands your time and attention.
But Bloodborne is more than just gameplay systems and stats. There's a real sense of accomplishment and player growth that I haven't even felt in the other Souls games. I started Bloodborne scared and unsure, quaking in my boots every time a new enemy showed its ugly face. I was horrified, timid and alone. But now, I have a confidence and strong sense of self. I am a hunter in Yharnam. I'm confident in my abilities, I know my weaknesses, and I trust my instincts. There's a real bloodlust that builds up in you once things start to click. You'll want to hunt, you'll want to kill, and you'll thirst for blood to make you more powerful. I find Bloodborne intoxicating, and I trust you'll find the same should you let it get into your system.
Bloodborne takes what made Souls amazing in the past, and infuses it with speed, risk-reward play, and a haunting atmosphere. Only a few technical hiccups hold back a masterpiece from Miyazaki and From Software. This is a must-play game for any PS4 owner with a masochistic side.

خيلى خوبه ! تبريك به طرفداراش ;)
تنها بازى اى كه از اونور واقعا جذبم كرده بود بين تمامى عناوين جديد و قديمش :bighug:
ايشالا بعدا فرصتى شد تجربش ميكنيم .
و چه سالى هست امسال توى GOTY !!! فعلا كه دو تا كانديدش مشخص شده ، بايد منتظر باقى عناوين هم موند :d

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