K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

Platform: Microsoft Windows ,PlayStation 4 ,Xbox One
Initial release date: November 15, 2018
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developers: EA DICE, Criterion Software​




AusGamers 90
If you’re a Battlefield fan who didn’t like the times when DICE has played it safe in the past, Battlefield V is for you. I’m one of those people, and I cannot wait to jump into epic play sessions of what could quickly become my favourite Battlefield game, more so now that the community won’t be divided with future content.

Jeuxvideo.com 85

Digital Chumps 90
Battlefield V is full of a lot more content than people might be expecting. War Stories contains meaningful experiences in short spurts, the maps in the game are huge and well designed, the modes of play raise the entertainment bar when compared to Battlefield I, and the customization/progression system will keep people occupied for a while, as well as provide motivation to keep playing. This feels like a Battlefield game, which should tame concerns of lack of launch content.

GamesRadar+ 70
Not as drastic a change up as its WW1 predecessor, nor as wild or wondrous, Battlefield 5’s deliberative design sidelines its strengths as a simulative sandbox.

Hobby Consolas 91
An impressive shooter, both in its gameplay and technical elements, which lacks of content at launch, but promises lots of new maps, modes and weapons (free for everyone) in the coming months.

PCGamesN 90
Battlefield V delivers the series' finest single-player campaign yet, painting the horror of war from rarely seen perspectives. That tension carries through to the multiplayer, which has been tuned to hammer home your vulnerability in a firefight.

JeuxActu 85
Without taking any risks, Battlefield 5 is a nice follow-up that vastly improves on BF1's recipe with more open solo War Stories, and a rejuvenated gameplay that puts the emphasis on team play through the brand new squad system.

Gameblog.fr 80
Battlefield V is a good surprise with a new teamplay system (support by intelligent heal mechanics), more destruction, customization and specialization system for weapons and vehicles. Definitively Battlefield V is a monumental shooter despite a conventional single-player (which stays interesting).

CGMagazine 80
Despite the bad press at the start, I have a lot of faith in Dice as a developer and they have delivered a fantastic shooter this year with Battlefield V after listening to their community and taking their feedback seriously.

Press Start Australia 90
Battlefield V retains heart in its single player War Stories mode and variety in its multiplayer modes. New & improved personalisation within 'Your Company' gives each of the classes a fresh, personal feel to your soldiers, while remaining authentic to the era. A solid road map of content is set to deliver new maps, modes and seasonal events to keep gamers coming back, which is a good thing as no other game does raw gun play and bullet physics quite like Battlefield. It just feels right and Battlefield V is no exception.
آخرین ویرایش:
View attachment 96580

این میشه که BOIIII بخش داستانیش رو حذف میکنه و از IGN به به و چه چه میشنوه ! BFV بخش کمپینش بهش گیر داده میشه و نمره ازش کم میکنه ! همون بهتر که بخش کمپینشون رو حذف کنن ! به قولی دندون لق رو باید کند !
اتفاقا ایرادی که گرفته خیلی به جا هست:D توی یه بازی شوتر بیشتر تمرکزت روی مخفی کاری باشه؟ فاز سازنده چی بوده دقیقا؟
حالا کاری به IGN ندارم ولی میخوام بدونم حاضری فقط به خاطر سینگل BOIII شصت دلار بدی ؟ از طرف دیگه حاضری به خاطر انلاین BOIII شصت دلار بدی ؟ به نظرت کدومش منطقی تره ؟ اون زمانی که سینگل MW2 میومد متا بالا 90 میگرفت تموم شد سینگل کاد و بتل الان حکم همون دندون خرابه رو دارن باید بکنیشون بندازیش دور وگرنه رو بقیه دندونا که هیچی رو سلامتی کلی هم تاثیر میزاره بزار یـ مثال دیگه بزنم DOOM جدیده رو که بازی کردی ؟ این همه به به و چه چه چرا متا 85 شد ؟ به خاطر مولتیش که بهش لقب یـ کلون بی کیفیت تر از Halo دادن این شد که خار شد تو چشم بازی اینجا هم همینجوره مثل یـ ترازو میمونه که باید دو کفه مساوی باشه یکی لنگ بزنه کار اون یکی رو میبره زیر سوال Halo 5 نمونه خوبیه واسه حرفم ....
پ.ن : من نه انلاین بازم نه از تکرار کردن یـ کار هزار بار تو یـ مپ ثابت لذت میبرم گفتم بگمش بابت اون لیبلی که چسبوندی

این بازی ها باید هر دو تا رو داشته باشن شما چرا می خواید صورت مسئله رو پاک کنید به جای اینکه سینگل بازی رو بیان بهبود ببخشن به جای اینکه هر سال به فکر نسخه ی جدید یا جیبشون باشن چند سال روش زمان بذارن 1 چیز حسابی دست مردم بدن
اتفاقا ایرادی که گرفته خیلی به جا هست:D توی یه بازی شوتر بیشتر تمرکزت روی مخفی کاری باشه؟ فاز سازنده چی بوده دقیقا؟

بله به جاست واقعا نسخه ی قبلی هم همین ایراد رو داشت به جای اینکه بری وسط جر بدی
SpazioGames 83
Battlefield V is a great chapter in the series, but it isn't without some problems. Attrition is the best addition to the gameplay of Battlefield in years and Tides of War can give the title new life with every update. Apart from these elements, war stories are too short, historical problems could have been avoided and some additional content could have been released at launch.

Gamersky 77
It's undeniable that Battlefield 5 is solid and the squad system is greatly improved. However, because of the absence of the Firestorm and Combined Arms, the gameplay doesn't show much difference compared with its prequels while the Grand Operations mode which is the only new mode in BF5 at this time is dull and full of flaws.

Digital Trends 60
Battlefield V fails to impress the same way Battlefield 1 did. By all means, give it a try if you’re a fan of DICE’s previous work, but know that you’ll have to put up with some pretty glaring faults.

Everyeye.it 85
After two years Battlefield is back, and we can say that this is certainly one of its best incarnations.

Multiplayer.it 90

Eurogamer Italy 80
Battlefield V is a solid experience crafted from BF1 for BF1’s fans. It’s a great start for a game that in the next months (hopefully) is going to show its true potential.
این بود میخواست بلک آپس 4 رو جربده؟:D
:-?:D بتلفیلد سال هاست کالاف رو جر داده:D این باد خزان هم نه کسی شوتینگ بتل میتونه بشه، نه اون هیجان داخل نبردش رو داره، همه اون کسایی که با بتل 3-4-1 حال کردند با اینم حال میکنند.:D
:-?:D بتلفیلد سال هاست کالاف رو جر داده:D این باد خزان هم نه کسی شوتینگ بتل میتونه بشه، نه اون هیجان داخل نبردش رو داره، همه اون کسایی که با بتل 3-4-1 حال کردند با اینم حال میکنند.:D
اینکه فنهاش با این نسخه هم حال میکنن بر منکرش لعنت:D
ولی اون گیفهایی که ساخته بودینو برید پاک کنید چون اوضاع جالب نیست:D
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