امتیازات و بررسی های Xbox One


Google Search:Yanet Garcia
Loyal Member
امتیازات و بررسی های Xbox One منتشر شد:


- Much better streamlined dashboard/UI
- Great selection and variety of launch games
- The controller is a lot better (THANK THE GAMING GODS FOR THAT NEW D-PAD!)
- The Kinect 2.0's body capture technology comes vastly improved
- Multitasking is a breeze thanks to the Snap feature
- Online gaming is a much better experience with Smart Match
- The apps all perform well
- Watching TV on your Xbox One just feels right
- Following your friends feels a lot easier to navigate than before
- The addition of media achievements and challenges is awesome

- The Kinect 2.0 voice recognition technology works...most of the time
- The SmartGlass app doesn't have a lot of readily compatible games/movies...yet
- Crimson Dragon and LocoCycle are letdowns
Polygon - 8/10
The Verge - 7.8

Ars Technica
The good

  • System is nearly silent when running.
  • Relatively energy efficient.
  • Great looking lighting effects and detailed characters.
  • Redesigned analog sticks, shoulder buttons, and d-pad are incredibly comfortable.
  • Improved rumble motor and new rumbling triggers.
  • Instant-on mode goes from power button to loaded game incredibly quickly.
  • Clean, sparse menu helps you find what you need efficiently.
  • Voice can be extremely efficient for launching games and apps and searching.
  • Snapping video is the new picture-in-picture.
  • Switching between apps is fast and snappy.
  • Upload studio is a great little clip editor.
  • TV pass-through is lag-free and easy to use.

The bad

  • Case is boxy, heavy, and about as big as the original Xbox.
  • Many launch games don't pack much of a visual punch.
  • Controller still uses AA batteries and proprietary headsets.
  • Voice commands fail a good 10 to 20 percent of the time.
  • System requires incredible precision in what voice commands it will take.
  • Voice is cumbersome and annoying in many apps.
  • Most apps are nearly useless in snap mode.

The ugly

  • Kinect auto-login works inconsistently.
  • In-game recording was largely busted on my review unit.
  • Switching from game to game can delete unsaved data without warning.
  • Kinect IR remote doesn't have a learning function for unsupported hardware.

Xbox One review: This is the console of the future
- Fortune

Xbox One Is a Slice of the Future - Rolling Stone

The Xbox One is the closest thing to the future of television we’ve yet seen - Hollywood Reporter

Xbox One a great game player _ and more - AP

Xbox One review: The gaming device that goes far beyond gaming - Consumer Reports

Xbox One: A family-focused console that goes beyond gaming - Washington Post

Xbox One review: Compelling console with a strong lineup of games - NBC News


آخرین ویرایش:
ایراد اول با آپدیت های بعدی رفع میشه .

ایراد دوم هم همینطور .

ایراد سوم هم که ایراد نیست . یه نیگا به لانچ تایتل های ps4 می انداخت بد نبود .
خب تنها ایراد دسته (Dpad ) هم به لطف خدایان گیمینگ برطرف شده...بی نقص تر از همیشه:d

به نظرم اکثرا" تشخیص صدا کار میکنه بیشتر شبیه تعریفه تا نقد!
دوتا ایراد دومی هم به نظرم ایراد های منطقی تشریف دارن!:d

(پالیگان بیچاره شخصیت براش نذاشتن...)
اون 2 تا ایراد اولی که گرفته اولیش با یه آپدیت نرم افزاری و دومیش با آمدن نسخه های جدید برطرف میشن. سومی هم که اصلا ایراد نیست همه کنسولا تو لانچ ازین چیزا بازیهای ضعیف دارن. در کل ایراد مهم و بزرگی نگفته.
مهم تر از هر چیزی آمار خرابی های کنسول تو لانچه. که فکر کنم مایکروسافت خیلی تلاش کرده تا کیفیت رو بهبود ببخشه تا مشکلات لانچ 360 پیش نیاد. البته این نقدا و مقالات سایتها در نهایت هیچ اهمیتی نداره و رضایت کسانی که کنسولو میخرن مهمه.
Polygon - 8/10
The Verge - 7.8
Adam Sessler
For now, the Xbox One is a compelling platform with inventive ideas and lots of potential, but it's also a walking contradiction. It's a device built around new media, supporting video apps, live video chat, and custom gameplay videos. But one of it's primary features is also a lifeline to old media, live TV. And what value does that bring outside of news and sports? Everything else is already being delivered in a much more consumable and better designed way with apps like Hulu, Netflix, and HBO Go. Microsoft is betting big on live TV staying relevant over the next decade, and we'll have to wait and see if that pays off.
[h=3]The good[/h]
  • System is nearly silent when running.
  • Relatively energy efficient.
  • Great looking lighting effects and detailed characters.
  • Redesigned analog sticks, shoulder buttons, and d-pad are incredibly comfortable.
  • Improved rumble motor and new rumbling triggers.
  • Instant-on mode goes from power button to loaded game incredibly quickly.
  • Clean, sparse menu helps you find what you need efficiently.
  • Voice can be extremely efficient for launching games and apps and searching.
  • Snapping video is the new picture-in-picture.
  • Switching between apps is fast and snappy.
  • Upload studio is a great little clip editor.
  • TV pass-through is lag-free and easy to use.
[h=3]The bad[/h]
  • Case is boxy, heavy, and about as big as the original Xbox.
  • Many launch games don't pack much of a visual punch.
  • Controller still uses AA batteries and proprietary headsets.
  • Voice commands fail a good 10 to 20 percent of the time.
  • System requires incredible precision in what voice commands it will take.
  • Voice is cumbersome and annoying in many apps.
  • Most apps are nearly useless in snap mode.
[h=3]The ugly[/h]
  • Kinect auto-login works inconsistently.
  • In-game recording was largely busted on my review unit.
  • Switching from game to game can delete unsaved data without warning.
  • Kinect IR remote doesn't have a learning function for unsupported hardware.

Kotaku - NOT YET
آخرین ویرایش:
The Xbox One may not be exactly what Microsoft thinks it is, but it's still a strong start for a powerful game console. Its sheer speed, versatility, horsepower and its ability to turn on and off with words make it a relatively seamless entry into our already crowded media center. What determines whether it stays there is the next 12 months: Exclusives like Titanfall and Quantum Break will help, as will gaining feature parity with the competition (we're looking at you, game broadcasting!). For broader success beyond just the early adopter's living room, the NFL crowd must buy in to Microsoft's $500 box. But will they? That remains to be seen. What's there so far is a very competent game box with an expensive camera and only a few exclusive games differentiating it from the competition.
Rolling Stone
Microsoft has taken its share of criticism regarding Xbox One, including many of its policies regarding used game sales and privacy concerns. Most of those decisions have been reversed, thankfully, and what we're left with is a solid next-generation console that unifies your gaming, movie and television watching under one voice-controlled roof. Now, let's see which platform gets the best games.

With that said, it’s important to stress that one key term: “Day One”. The current state of the Xbox One — and the PS4, for that matter — is quite likely very, very different from what the same consoles will look like in just a few years. Compare the Xbox 360 on Day One to the 360 today; from the games to the interface, it’s almost unrecognizable. Both Microsoft and Sony are laying the runway for the next few years.

For now, the Xbox One is one impressive living room box machine—and it more than justifies its $500 dollar price with the inclusion of at least $100-worth of set-top boxitude—but you're going to be better off waiting for a little while to see how things shake out.

But—and this is admittedly a sizable but—if the Xbox One can straighten the few little quirks it has with some software tweaks, this thing is going to be unstoppable in a way the PS4 could never touch. It's too versatile, too feature-ridden, too future. So wait, yes. But while you do, go ahead and start clearing out plenty of space underneath your television.
The Verge - 7.8
همه چیز عالیه کنسول هم بی نظیره و هیچ ایرادی بهش وارد نیست:)

All in one Xbox one :bighug:
he good

  • System is nearly silent when running.
  • Relatively energy efficient.
  • Great looking lighting effects and detailed characters.
  • Redesigned analog sticks, shoulder buttons, and d-pad are incredibly comfortable.
  • Improved rumble motor and new rumbling triggers.
  • Instant-on mode goes from power button to loaded game incredibly quickly.
  • Clean, sparse menu helps you find what you need efficiently.
  • Voice can be extremely efficient for launching games and apps and searching.
  • Snapping video is the new picture-in-picture.
  • Switching between apps is fast and snappy.
  • Upload studio is a great little clip editor.
  • TV pass-through is lag-free and easy to use.

The bad

  • Case is boxy, heavy, and about as big as the original Xbox.
  • Many launch games don't pack much of a visual punch.
  • Controller still uses AA batteries and proprietary headsets.
  • Voice commands fail a good 10 to 20 percent of the time.
  • System requires incredible precision in what voice commands it will take.
  • Voice is cumbersome and annoying in many apps.
  • Most apps are nearly useless in snap mode.

The ugly

  • Kinect auto-login works inconsistently.
  • In-game recording was largely busted on my review unit.
  • Switching from game to game can delete unsaved data without warning.
  • Kinect IR remote doesn't have a learning function for unsupported hardware.

این همه ایراد گرفتن این چند تا سایت بعد هیچ ایرادی وارد نیست ؟؟؟؟ !!!!!
این همه ایراد گرفتن این چند تا سایت بعد هیچ ایرادی وارد نیست ؟؟؟؟ !!!!!

خیر هیچ ایراد بزرگی بهش وارد نیست.همه این ایرادها هم مزخرف هستن و من قبول ندارم! خودت یه سر ایرادها رو بخون همشون چیزهای خیلی جزئی هستن که با یه آبدیت حل میشه.

All in one Xbox one
آخرین ویرایش:
خیر هیچ ایراد بزرگی بهش وارد نیست.همه این ایرادها هم مزخرف هستن و من قبول ندارم! خودت یه سر ایرادها رو بخون همشون چیزهای خیلی جزئی هستن که با یه آبدیت حل میشه.

All in one Xbox one
باطری قلمی با اپدیت حل میشه ؟؟
polygon 8 :)) اعلام کردن نمره ی اولیه ـشون 11/10 بوده ولی دیدن گندش در میاد ، 8 دادن که به نمره PS4 هم نزدیک باشه :))

در مورد دوستای آنلاین تو 360 حرفی نزده ؟؟ :دی فککنم اون نیم نمره رو به خاطر اینکه لایو بازان دوستای آنلاینشون رو واسه 1080P ترک نکنن داده :))
این همه ایراد گرفتن این چند تا سایت بعد هیچ ایرادی وارد نیست ؟؟؟؟ !!!!!​

این همه ایراد ؟ مشکلاتو خوندص اصن ؟
اولی که شاید مشکل باشه ولی اصن به خود کنسول ربطی نداره .
دومی ـم که خودش داره میگه : بازی ـای لانچ .
سومی شاید ایراد باشه . ولی مهم نیست زیاد . 4 تا باتری شارژی میخری همه چی حل میشه .
سه تای دیگه ـم که فرمان صوتی ـه که با یه اپدیت حل میشه .

خوشم میاد هر نکته منفی که از کنسولا میگن میاین یه جوری ردش میکنین که اصلا ادم میمونه
یهنی چی این حرف ؟ الان تو بهم بگو ایرادایی که گرفتن درسته ؟ نه جدا ؟

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن