امتیازات بازی Assassin’s Creed: Unity

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این بازی اولین امتیازش رو گرفت. The Games Cabin به بازی امتیاز 8.8 داده. یوبی سافت به این سایت نسخه Review رو نداده ولی خودشون تونستن بازی رو گیر بیارن و نقد کنن.

Story - 8.0/10
Gameplay - 9.5/10
Graphics - 9.0/10
Replay Value - 8.5/10
Sound - 9.0/10
PlayStation LifeStyle 10
GamesBeat 9.1
Power Unlimited 8.8
Cheat Code Central 8.8
MondoXbox 8.8
Post Arcade 8.0
The Digital Fix 8.0
GameInformer 8.0
Game Revolution 8.0
Gaming Nexus 8.0
God is a Geek 8.0
Eurogamer.de 8.0
Eurogamer.es 8.0
IGN 7.8
Destructoid 7.0
GameSpot 7.0
GameReactor.de 7.0
GameReactor.se 7.0
Eurogamer 7.0
Polygon 6.5
PureXbox 6.0
Gaming Age 5.0
Joystiq 5.0
آخرین ویرایش:
متا 77-82 پیشبینی میشه:D
پ.ن : اوه مث این که خیلی بد تره اوضاعش:D
به خاطر پاریس هم که شده باید این رو رفت به نظرم :(
خیلی خوبه پاریسش:X
کاشکی یوبی وقت بیشتری روی بازی میزاشت ! و بازی پخته تری تحویل میداد! انتظار نداشتم ! نه دیگه در این حد!
تا حدودی باور داشتم ولی دیگه الان باور دارم و یقین شده برام که نمره های Rogue از این بیشتر میشه ! چون اون نه هایپ الکی پشت سرش هست و نه توقع زیادی ازش میره .
خدا رو شکر که حداقل 200 هزار تومنی که میخواستم بدم ذخیره شد برای بازی های بهتر .
6 تا GameReactor همگی 7.0 دادن که دو تاش ثبت میشن :دی

PureXbox 6.0/10
MondoXbox 8.8/10
ثبت میشن.
متا از 10 نقد ==> 74

واقعا انتظارش رو نداشتم، دیگه در بدترین حالت انتظار 80 به بالا رو داشتم. حیف شد :دی
خوب به قول بچه ها 200 تومن رفت تو جیبمون! ببینیم چه گندی به farcry 4 میزنه یوبی :bighug:

دوستان راست میگن هنیشه خود سازنده پیش بینیش میکنه از بازخورد منتقد و بر اساس اون embargo میزاره ، یوبی محدودیت نقد این بازی قشنگ گذاشت روز عرضه و مشخص بود نمراتش جالب نیست ولی بازی هایی که معمولا embargo رو 3-4 روز یا 2 روز میزارن نتیجشون بهتر شده
میشه به farcry 4 امید داشت.
چکیده از نتیجه گیری نقد ها و منتقدها:
Eurogamer - 7/10

As the seventh major instalment in the series, though, not to mention the first designed for new console hardware, Assassin's Creed Unity feels like a missed opportunity. Going back to basics at this point may have resulted in a less substantial game than recent years have led us to expect, but it might have delivered a more satisfying one. As it is, mild improvements in traversal and combat are quickly overwhelmed by the creaking systems onto which they have been grafted. Revolutionary Paris is one of the most beautifully realised environments in a series that has had its fair share of them, but the game you play doesn't really do it justice.

Joystiq - 2.5/5

Assassin's Creed Unity is the best and worst of Assassin's Creed. It's hard not to appreciate everything that it gets right, and you'll have a good time if you can wrangle some friends for co-op, but it's impossible to ignore where Unity falls tragically short.
Gamespot - 7/10

But is it the next-gen Assassin's Creed game we've all been waiting for? Not quite. It's very good, maybe even great in places, but the story's smaller focus has come at the expense of its exquisitely rendered backdrop. The grandness and spectacle that so often graces the finest Assassin's Creeds is sadly sorely lacking here.

Videogamer - 8/10

It's a good time to be an Assassin's Creed fan. I just wish my console could run it properly.

IGN - 7.8

Assassin’s Creed Unity leverages the new-generation consoles to add spectacular new sights and successful co-op multiplayer, but in doing so, it’s created some substantial new problems instead of solving the series’ most persistent ones. The scope is stunning, the customization is satisfying, and the multiplayer touches upon some really ambitious ideas. But the lack of a strong main character or interesting take on the Assassin’s Creed universe costs it momentum and excitement, and the persistent control problems are still a thorn in its side. The first truly new-gen Assassin’s Creed game is a gorgeous, entertaining, and successful proof of concept for what lies ahead for the series, though it isn’t what I’d call revolutionary.

Kotaku: NO
That isn't the game Ubisoft made. They made what amounts to a showpiece for a new graphics engine, a game that will initially turn heads but which quickly reveals itself to be frustrating, repetitive, and dull.

I've been happy with Assassin's Creed for a long time. Any series can have an off year, and hopefully Ubisoft will do better the next time around. But this year, for the first time ever, I'm telling you to skip the year's biggest Assassin's Creed.

Game Informer - 8/10

Inordinately long load times, repeated onscreen notifications, and a couple of hard freezes prove that Unity is a complex game that hasn’t yet had all of its bugs smashed. However, Unity’s frequent missteps are balanced against an astonishing array of engaging content set in a stunning world. Even as I tallied problems, I marveled at the game’s breadth of gameplay and richly realized world. I encourage fans to give Unity a try, and leave your expectations at the door. For both better and worse, Assassin’s Creed is moving in a new direction.

Polygon - 6.5

The ingredients are all here for a spectacular new standard for the series on Sony and Microsoft's new machines. But in the quest to build something that looked and sounded "next generation," Ubisoft Montreal failed to fix the problems that have accumulated over so many annual release. Combined with an uninspiring story, and a long list of considerable technical problems, Unity falls short of the fresh start Assassin's Creed needs.

Destructoid - 7/10

If Ubisoft fixes the glitches, Assassin's Creed: Unity will be a much stronger game, even if the ceiling is a bit lower in general. Unity's potential is not as strong as some of the better entries in the series, but it's good enough for existing fans to continue to journey.

درست زمانی که بازی در E3 معرفی شد و کارگردان بازی یعنی Alexandre Amancio گذاشته شد تصمیم گرفتم دیگه هرگز اخبار این بازی رو دنبال نکنم چون میدونستم چیزی بیشتر از این نمیشه ! کارگردانی که AS:RE رو بسازه نمیتونه بعدش یک بازی فوق العاده بسازه. هرچند اون موقع که اون حرف هارو میزدم یک سری از دوستان یا شوخی یا ترول میکردن که البته حق هم داشتند. تریلر هایی که یوبی از بازیهاش منتشر میکنه باعث میشه فکت تا 2.5 متر زمین بیوفته و اکثرا هم تصمیماتشون رو از تریلر ها میگیرن. و به نظرم چیزی که به این بازی ضربه زد گیم پلیش بود. برعکس همه به نظرم سری AS به یک گیمپلی تند و سیستم مبارزه نرم و سریع نیاز داره درست مثله AS:BF اما چیزی که من از گیمپلی این بازی دیدم یک گیم پلی خشک و بدون هیچ گونه هیجان بود.

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