Ninja Gaiden 2: 7/10
Gears of War : 9.4/10
Gears of War 2: 9.6/10
Bourne Conspiracy: 9/10
Darkness: 9.8/10
Silent Hill Homecoming: 8.1/10
Call of Duty 3: 9.2/10
Resident Evill 5: 8.8/10
Grid: 9.5/10
Dirt: 9.2/10
Midnight Club LA: 9/10
GTA IV: 9.2/10
Ninja Blade: 8.1/10
Condemned: 9.1/10
Condemned 2: 9.5/10
Fear 2: 6.8/10
Prince OF Persia Classic: 9.4/10
Call of Jurez: 9/10
Call of Jourez 2: 7.4/10
Xmen Wolverine: 6.6/10
Star wares Force Unlished: 8/10
Vikings: 5/10
Guitar Hero 3: 8.8/10
Guitar Hero 2: 8.3/10
Guitar Hero Aero Smith: 7.5/10
Ghost recon AW1: 9.5/10
Ghost Recon AW2: 9.2/10
Need for Speed Pro Street: 6/10
NFS Under Cover: 5/10
NFS Carbon: 8.5/10
COR Escape From Butcher BAy: 9.4/10
COR Dark Athina: 9/10
Far Cry 2: 8/10
Fable 2: 8.7/10
Prorotype: 5/10
Dead Rising: 8/10
Terminator Salvation: 3/10
Trine: 9.4/10
Prince of Persia: 9/10
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 4/10
The Legend of Spyro: 6/10
Devil May Cry 4: 9.4/10
BioShock: 9.8/10
Pure: 9/10
COD WAW: 9.2
COD MW: 9.5/10
LOST: 2/10
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