اخبار و حواشي مرتبط با Wii U و نينتندو

خب امروز هم Reggie در GT.TV حضور داشت و به غیر از DK:TF به نکات دیگری هم اشاره کرد,که خیلی جالب هستند.:d
- Wii U is the only console where you can get Nintendo characters alongside big hits like Call of Duty: Ghosts and Assassin's Creed IV
- Reggie says Nintendo games have long legs over time
- Reggie says Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart Wii U and Smash Bros. will be top 10 selling games across the entire generation
- Reggie says it's all about install base
- Reggie says software sells hardware. He brings up the 3DS hardware issue with selling, but Nintendo turned that around. He believes the same could happen with Wii U.
- Reggie hopes Wii U will be the #1 hardware seller in 2014
- Reggie is confident in strong software, including games in development
- the goal is to provide a good environment for third parties. Third parties are driven by large, diverse install base.
- Reggie says a lot more NFC Wii U utilization coming
- Reggie says a game is coming that utilizes NFC from Nintendo
- Reggie says buttons make a gameplay experience better, which is a main reason why Nintendo is avoiding moving to cell phones and tablets.
- Nintendo in 2014 will have a steadier pace of games on Wii U and 3DS
- there will be more marketing in 2014
- Reggie says the same marketing mistake will not be made next year and admits part of this year was quiet
- Reggie says Nintendo might be doing something special for Spike TV's VGX awards this year.
Q: You guys have spoke out in the past numerous times about the Wii U’s hardware and how capable it really is. Just how powerful would you consider the system when used correctly and why is that many 3rd party developers don’t seem to understand it’s architecture like you guys do?
ML: “Well, we can’t talk about other developers and instead of starting another heated discussion we simply try that “FAST Racing Neo”, our next Wii U game, shows how far we were able to go on Wii U. We hope people will like what they see.”HYPE
?Q: When can we expect to see the first footage or information on Fast Racing Neo? Is there any tid-bits of info you could give us right now
In 2014. We currently optimize the local multiplayer part and it seems as we can go far beyond what we have done previously​
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