ممنون از MIKAMI و واكاشيزوما جان، من يه بار ديگه خبر رو با لينك انگليسيش ميزارم:
بازي Devil May Cry 4 براي Xbox 360 و PC هم اعلام شد. كپكام اين خبر رو در سايت رسميش اعلام كرده. عرضه اين بازي به طور هم زمان براي PS3 و X360 خواهد بود.
لينك خبر.
Capcom Co., Ltd., a world-wide leader in the gaming industry, is proud to announce the development of "Devil May Cry 4" for the PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360™ and PC platforms. "Devil May Cry" is a series of popular, stylish action games, with a cast of unforgettable characters. Since the release of the original "Devil May Cry" in 2001, the series has shipped 6,800,000 copies as of December 31st, 2006, proudly making it one of Capcom's flagship titles. The series appeal is not limited to games; an animated TV series to be broadcast on Japan's WOWOW network is slated to air Spring 2007. The latest iteration, "Devil May Cry 4" will take advantage of each platform's hardware strengths to achieve the most stunning visuals in the series to date, and the introduction of a mysterious new protagonist will keep the action fast and fresh. Even before its release, "Devil May Cry 4" has been met with tremendous anticipation, as fans patiently endured long lines at TOKYO GAME SHOW 2006 for the chance to play the demo. "Devil May Cry 4" will be released simultaneously for the PLAYSTATION®3 and Xbox 360™ platforms.
Capcom was among the first software developers in the world to make games for the next-generation consoles, and those efforts have been met with great success. In addition, Capcom's use of an integrated development environment is one of the many methods being employed to improve efficiency and help take advantage of the cutting-edge functionality in next-generation systems.
Capcom will continue to produce titles that appeal to users while pursuing a multiplatform strategy to help enhance profits.
فكر مي كنم بشه عرضه Lost Planet و Dead Rising رو هم متعاقبا به دارندگان و طرفداران PS3 تبريك گفت.
اين مسئله دور از انتظار نبود ولي فكرش رو نمي كردم كه نسخه PC هم بزنند. البته اون تاريخش معلوم نيست. حتما واسه بعد از عرضه PS4 گذاشتن
(مثه RE4).