امروز review که Paul Thurrot از PS3 کرده روی سایتش بیرون اومد.
Paul Thurrot رو اگه نمیشناسین باید گفت که یکی از نزدیکترین و reliable ترین سورس ها به مایکروسافت حساب میشه و از Bach تا Jim Alchin همرو میشناسه و به قول معروف سلامو علیک داره با همشون:biggrin1:
این بابا همچنین یکی از reliable ترین review کننده ها حساب میشه و هرچی مایکروسافت محصول داره از software تا hardware این بابا تقریبا review کرده. خلاصه نمونه یک geek کامل!
سایت های زیر هم مال اون حساب میشن :
همچنین با Leo Laporte هم پادکست Windows Weekly رو اجرا میکنه.
برای خوندن این review برین
اینم خلاصه چند جمله اخر اینReview
Finally, while
I have my concerns about the reliability of the Xbox 360, the jury is out on the PS3. It appears to be a well made, high quality device. Its virtual silence, compared to the sound deluge of the Xbox 360, is a huge advantage for anyone that wishes to stick the console next to the HDTV and home theater. Microsoft may eventually solve the sound issues with a quieter rev-2 version of their console, but that won't help existing 360 users.
In short, the PlayStation 3 is an
absolutely fantastic video game console that, I feel, will ultimately beat the Xbox 360 in the market. If you're a PS2 and/or PSP devotee, the PS3 is a no-brainer, and if you think you're going to want to watch Blu-Ray movies, this is actually a pretty inexpensive way to do so right now (which says a lot about the sorry state of the Blu-Ray market, but whatever).
-کیفیت ساخت PS3 بهتر از X360 هست
-PS3 کاملا ساکته ولیX360 پر سروصداست
- PS3 کنسول فوق العاده ایی هست که در نهایت X360 رو شکست میده
اینم نتیجه گیری اخر
If you have to pick between the Xbox 360 and the PS3--and at these prices, I can't imagine many people getting both--you've got a difficult decision to make.
I'll be sticking with the Xbox 360 for various reasons, most related to the device's connections with Windows and other Microsoft products, but that's not going to be as a big an issue for most people. Either console will give you a high-quality, next-generation video game experience. I think the key to deciding between them is to look at the system's other capabilities and act accordingly. U
nlike many such choices, you can't really go wrong either way.
-خودش X360 رو ترجیح میده به خاطر compatibility عالی که با windows داره و میتونه یک Media Extender کامل باشه. اما این رو عامل خیلی مهمی برای افراد دیگه نمیدونه. در جمله اخر هم میگه اگر PS3 بگیرین هیچ اشتباهی نکردین و انتخاب خوبی کردین
البته توی این review نکات مثبت از X360 هم زیاد گفته. حتما برین و بخونین
یادتون باشه Paul Thurrot یک hardcore gamer حساب نمیشه و بیشتر یک geek icon هست. برای همین نظراش از دیدگاه یک یوزر advanced هست نه hardcore/pro gamer
Devil May Cry 4 Coming to PC and Xbox360
این خبر قدیمیه یا نه ولی همین الان تویPS3 Fanboy خوندم که capcom تصمیم گرفته DMC4 رو یک بازی multiplatform کنه و قراره روی X360 و PC هم بیاد!
نسخه X360 هم همزمان با PS3 میاد!
این دروغ اپریل نیست؟
"Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible, and has been building its technology base to meet that goal," said Mark Beaumont , executive vice president, officer and head of Capcom
consumer software publishing in the Americas and Europe said in the latest press release
UPDATE: مثله اینکه خبر واقعیه! سونی یه exclusive دیگه هم از دست داد!
خبر درسته. 1UP هم این خبرو داده :
In a press announcement from Japan today, Microsoft revealed that Devil May Cry 4 -- formerly only announced for PlayStation 3 --
is headed to Xbox 360 and PC as well, following games like Virtua Fighter 5 and Assassin's Creed by being announced for PS3 first, then moving towards Microsoft's machine later.
According to Capcom's Japanese website, the PS3 and 360 versions of the game will ship simultaneously, unlike Virtua Fighter 5 which is available now on PS3 and coming soon to 360.
Major Nelson هم خبرو
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