سايت CVG در خبري جالب و هيجان انگيز ! گفته كه اولين نمايشهاي واقعي از بازي Kill Zone 2 كه توي E3-2005 خيلي سر و صدا كرد رو ميتونيم كمتر از 1 ماه ديگه ( درسته فقط 1 ماه ديگه ! ) ببينيم. اين سايت گفته كه در نمايشگاه GDC-2007 خبرهايي از اين بازي پخش ميشه و احتمال عرضه دموي بازي هم زياده.
ميشه گفت KZ2 يه جورايي آبروي سوني هست و بعد از نمايش اوليه بازي و همين طور چند وقت پيش كه سازنده هاي بازي گفتن به سطح خيلي بالايي در ساخت بازي رسيدن , همه منتظرن ببينن چي ميشه !
يادتونه يه بازي بدون اسم از شركت Naughty Dog براي PS3 نمايش داده شد ولي ديگه خبري ازش نشد.اين بازي كه گرافيك خيلي عالي اي داشت , تا حالا در بي خبري به سر برده ولي IGN تونسته به سرنخهايي در مورد اسم اين بازي برسه !
IGN در صفحه اينترنتي كه مربوط به مدرسه هنرهاي سينمايي USC هست , اسم يكي از كارگردانهاي استوديوهاي Naughty Dog به نام Daniel Arey رو پيدا كرده كه در بيوگرافيش اسم بازيهاي قبلي اين شركت به چشم ميخوره و آخرين عنوانش هم پروژه اي براي PS3 در سال 2007 هست به نام Uncharted : Drake`s Fortune . وقتي كه IGN با سوني در اين مورد تماس گرفته سوني گفته كه ما نميتونيم در مورد اين شايعات نظري بديم و چيزي به صورت رسمي اعلام نشده. اين يعني يه خبرايي هست !
ما كه نفهميديم بالاخره سرعت لود شدن TES : Oblivion توي PS3 كمتر از X360 هست يا بيشتر ؟! همين چند روز پيش گفته ميشد كه سرعت لود اين بازي توي PS3 كمتره و اين مشكل به خاطر Blu-Ray هست و ... حالا IGN اومده يه سري جزييات از Oblivion نسخه PS3 نوشته و در اين نوشته ها به اين نكته اشاره كرده كه سرعت لود شدن بازي در PS3 خيلي بيشتر از X360 هست. مثلآ براي ورود به خانه ها و سياهچالها چيزي حدود 3 تا 5 ثانيه زمان ميبره كه در نسخه X360 بين 7 تا 10 ثانيه هست.همچنين افت فريمهايي كه در موقع رفتن از منطقه اي به منطقه ديگه در نسخه X360 وجود داشت كمتر از قبل ميشه. جلوه هاي بازي هم به طرز قابل توجهي بهتر از نسخه X360 شده و محيطها زيباتر شدن.مثلآ به جاي كوهستانهاي X360 كه از دور صاف ديده ميشدن در PS3 با تخته سنگها و برآمدگيهاي واقعي پوشيده شدن. با وجود اينكه هنوز هم مشكلاتي در بازي وجود داره ولي مناطق دور در نسخه PS3 بهتر ديده ميشن و بافتها هم شارپتر هستن.
رييس مجله Famitsu در گفتگويي اعلام كرده كه مطمئن هست كه قيمت PS3 تا آخر امسال كاهش پيدا ميكنه و عنوانهاي جالبي براش عرضه ميشن.همچنين از Wii به عنوان جلودار و رهبر كنسولهاي اين نسل نام برده.
سوپرايز بازي PGR4
سازنده ي بازي صحبت ميكنه از طرح اينده ي خود كه ما داريم يه تكنلوژي جديد در بازي ميسازيم
ميگه كه تريلري كه در x06 نشان داده شد گيم پلي بازي نبود و فقط يه نمايش ار بازي بوده و ما برنامه هاي زيادي براي بازي داريم شما نميخوايد در بازي محيط هاي باز و بزرگي را ببينيد!!!!!!!!! ما طرح خود را از نسخه هاي قبلي جدا ميكنيم
و در اخر ميگه كه من فكر مكنم مردم شگفت زده خواهند شد از بازي pgr4
انحصاري بودن بازي alan wake براي pc و xbox360
مايكروسافت استفاده ميكنه از بيشترين قدرت يه دستگاه براي بازي
alan wake نياز داره به هر يك از دو پلتفرم ويندوز ويستا يا xbox360
گفته شده بازي هيچگاه براي كنسولهاي ديگر ساخته نخواهد شد .
معماري اين بازي به گونه ايي است كه نميتوان به پلتفرم هاي ديگر ساخت!!!
يعني اينكه اين بازي را اينگونه كه برداشت ميشه با ويندوز xp نميشه اجرا كرد !
و بايد ويندوز ويستا باشه و همين طور كنسول هم xbox360 بايد باشه.
اننها وابستگي و ارتباط ويستا و xbox360 را نشون ميده .
و جواب سوني به halo3beta
مثل اينكه قراره يه دمو قابل بازي از 2killzone قبل از شركت بازي كننده ها در halo3beta اماده بشه!!!!!
و يه خبرهايي بعد از چندين وقت مخفي كاري در مورد اين بازي
اطالاعاتي داده بشه چه شود halo3 در مقابل killzone 2
استفاده قدرت كامل سل در بازي oblivion براي ps3
طبق ه گزارش از طرف ign نسخه ps3 يه نسخه ي تغيير ياغته ساده نيست
واز خيلي از جهات فرق داره و برتر هست ديدگاه textures فراتر از xbox360 و pc هست و همچنين محيطهاش بزرگتر و
ديد خيلي بهتري داره .و همچنين در بعضي از صحنه هاي اين بازي در نسخه xbox360 مشكل رزوليشن وجود داشت كه در ps3
انها ديده نميشه .
در اخر گفته شده كه براي اجراي چنين بازي با اين ديدگاه و گرافيك نياز به يه high end PC هست !!!! مثل بازي كرايسيس
Half-Life 2: Episode Two دوباره تاخير خورد قرار بود تابستان امسال عرضه بشه كه باز با تاخير
به زمستان امسال مكول شد . هي بدبختي دارم لحظه شماري ميكنم براي اين بازي كه هر روز شركت والو يه
حالگيري از من ميكنه .
باز خبر از black 360 .
مثل اينكه مايكروسافت ميخواد ماه aprill امسال يك xbox360 جديد به رنگ سياه با داشتن 12خ گيگابايت
هارد و پورت اضافه hdmi در استراليا عرضه كنه !!!! جالبتر از همه قيمت اين مدل 749 دلار خواهد بوداينطور كه
بوش مياد و خبرها هي از فعاليت مايكرو در استرليا كه موفق هم شده مياد به طوري كه به نظر مياد اگه اين خبر راست باشه اين قيمت از طرف خود مايكرو پيشنهاد نشده و پيشنهاد از طرف خود استراليايي ها باشه چرا كه استراليايي ها همه خرپول تشريف دارن و اينگونه پولها فرقي به حالشون نميكنه .
خوب اينم دومين بازي در سطح 1080p براي xbox360 .
داره خوب پيش ميره اينم براي كساني خيلي ميگفتن xbox360 نميتونه از اين سطح برخوردار باشه .
مثل اينكه قرار شده ea بازي NBA Street خود را در February 20 در رزوليشن 1080p براي xbox360 عرضه كنه كه همين عنوان قراره در March 6 براي ps3 عرضه بشه !!!!!!!!!
Posted Feb 8th 2007 10:15AM by David Dreger
Filed under: News
A 14 year old Kiwistole an Xbox 360 but neglected to grab the power brick, as it was most likely too heavy for a clean getaway. So, the next day, he called the local tech support, and requested a new one, in the process giving the hot 360's serial number, his name, phone number, and address so that Microsoft New Zealand could mail him a new one. When the victim contacted MS, and gave his stolen console's SN, they informed him it had already been registered and they have the culprit's personal info, but couldn't reveal any information due to their privacy policy. The victim went to the police, who then contacted MS, and found that the only way they could get the information was through a court order. Only then were they able to make an arrest. Although, if we were in his shoes we probably would have just forked over the cash for another adapter.
Next-Gen Gaming - A New Scene Or An Old One Rehashed?
In the early 1980’s, much like today, a there was a console war. Consumers had to choose between the veteran Atari 2600 with its gigantic library of games and 10 million user base, the first 16-bit [COLOR=#FDA50C ! important][COLOR=#FDA50C ! important]video [COLOR=#FDA50C ! important]game [/color][COLOR=#FDA50C ! important]console[/color][/color][/color] in the Mattel Intellivision with its superior graphics and the ColecoVision with its perfect translations of [COLOR=#FDA50C ! important][COLOR=#FDA50C ! important]arcade [COLOR=#FDA50C ! important]games[/color][/color][/color]. It was 1982, games were selling like hotcakes, and it seemed like there was no end to the money that was rolling in. However, in 1983, it all came crashing down. Atari, with its aforementioned library of software titles learned that quality, not quantity, will drive your business in the long run. Claiming that you have the largest selection of games is only valid if you can also claim there is a good ratio of quality to crap. Quality had never been a part of Atari’s business plan and it sealed its fate as a result. Consequently, the North American video market confirmed that the video game craze of the late 70’s and the early 80’s was nothing more than a fad.
How has the industry changed since then? Well, for starters, when Nintendo revived the American video game industry a mere two years later, it also implemented something simple to ensure that Atari’s mistakes would never be repeated. Essentially, developers would have to have their titles filtered by Nintendo. If they met Nintendo’s strict quality standards, they would be allowed to release their game on the console and amass a fortune. If not, they would be dumped and would have to look to other console developers to release their inferior product. As a result of this, Nintendo has garnered a reputation for quality that follows them to this day. In most gamers’ minds, if Nintendo created it, it’s a classic. This is significant, because licensing is no longer optional to console developers, it is essential. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all force developers to meet standards on everything from a packaged game to a downloadable budget title.
However, some developers still manage to slip some true garbage through these quality guidelines. The result of which is that some developers can inflate the number of titles available on their console, all the while neglecting to mention that a great percentage of that number is either unplayable, uninteresting or instantly forgettable. I do not want to point the finger at any particular corporation, but all gamers have a general idea of which company this might represent. Far too often, gamers will defend their console of choice by citing how many games are available for it. One has 500 titles available, the other may have 6000. To fanboys, these sheer numbers would signify that the console with 6000 tiles available is instantly providing a greater variety to its gamers. To the more experienced, quality, not quantity, will sell the greater amount of units.
This brings me to a question: was it the quantity of titles available for the Playstation 2 that allowed it to sell 100 million units or was it the ratio of quality titles to terrible ones? If quality is what sold the consoles, what is the ratio of good games to bad ones on the platform? Whenever a company is given the epic task of selling a product, it wants to make sure that its products and anything associated with it is of the highest quality. Sony might have done that, but some opinions may differ.
Nevertheless, the Playstation 2 has cemented its place in history as one of the most successful machines of all-time. It confirmed Sony’s position as the number 1 manufacturer of video game consoles and DVD’s conquest of the home video market. With the Playstation 3 though, Sony has to try to convince the world that the Cell processor is the most capable processing architecture and that BluRay is the media of the future. If the Playstation 3 were a car and Sony a dealer, the car you would be taking a look at would have a 120 horsepower engine that has the potential to attain speeds of a 500 horsepower engine if used properly and an 8-speaker stereo system on which only the music of Michael Jackson, Madonna and Prince could play. Not only is the company selling you potential in the place of content, they are selling you something that at first glance seems to pale in comparison to other offerings. Do you want to run a 120 horsepower engine or would you prefer to have 200 horses? Would you accept to only play Jackson, Madonna and Prince on your 8-speaker stereo or would you like to possibly listen to every band in the world on all eight of those speakers? What if I told you that I can get you a car with 200 horses and a 6-speaker system for 5000$ less from this company called Microsoft?
To some gamers, the answers to these questions are fairly obvious. People who have been around games will either buy the console that has the better games at the time of purchase, or the one from the company with a better reputation. So what would you do if at the time of your purchase, one console was severely underpowered but offered a very low price and a great company reputation, one was very well powered and offered excellent games with a decent company reputation and the one that you were eyeballing for the longest time was not only much more expensive, but had no games at all, features that were entirely useless at the time of your purchase, and a reputation that in the span of a year was completely eradicated?
The year ahead will be an interesting one: the 360 will try to defend its current lead in the next-generation race with quality titles like Lost Planet and Crackdown; the Wii will try to overtake the 360 with its innovative approach to gaming and Nintendo’s solid reputation for quality titles; and Sony will try to reclaim its throne as the leader in video games, a title it has owned for two generations already. God knows which of the three will triumph in the end. However, a more detailed observation of what’s in store for owners of the three systems will give us all a clue.
Much like it’s the two previous generations, Nintendo is offering little to look forward to in retail titles and is quickly populating its Virtual Console library with classic titles of the past to try to keep its owners’ eyes solely on its underpowered, gimmick console. Sony is largely releasing its own version of titles already available on the 360 and another anticipated Final Fantasy title, all the while sending a very prized title in God of War 2 to its older console. It is also playing catch-up to the 360 with firmware releases in the hope that it will eventually offer the same quality of services as the 360. Microsoft, on its side, will try to take advantage of the predictable interest in Windows Vista by showcasing the 360 as a complement to the multimedia experience that is its operating system to defend its current lead in the next-generation race. It will show how both units work hand in hand to provide the user with unparalleled entertainment. It will also play host to a slew of anticipated releases in Blue Dragon (from the creator of Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger), Crackdown (from the creator of Grand Theft Auto) and Mass Effect (from the creators of the Knights of the Old Republic series). Call me a fanboy, but this race does not seem all too fair.
Top Overall (also known as XBox 360):
Lost Planet
Battlestations: Midway
Nintendo Wii:
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Sonic and the Secret Rings
SSX Blur
Playstation 3:
Virtua Fighter 5
Grand Theft Auto IV
Playstation 2:
God of War II
Rogue Galaxy
بازی پر طرفدار گیتار هیرو برای wii هم میاید ولی با دسته خودش البته هنوز معلوم نیست.
Greg Canessa مایکروسافت رو برای pop cop ترک کرده:confused:
Posted Feb 8th 2007 10:30AM by Richard Mitchell
Filed under: News Group manager for Xbox Live Arcade, Greg Canessa, is moving on to greener pastures. Specifically, Canessa is leaving Microsoft to join PopCap, purveyors of fine casual games (including the recently released Heavy Weapon on XBLA). Canessa notes a shift in game demographics, saying that games are becoming more culturally accepted and that more people are playing them on more devices. Casual, "broad appeal" games, according to Canessa, make up an important part of this expanding demographic. Canessa plans to help PopCap expand its audience by bringing its titles to more platforms (we'd love to see some of their games hit the DS), and of course we'll see more of them on Live Arcade. Canessa even goes so far as to say PopCap could become the "next Blizzard or EA" (does that mean Heavy Weapon 2 will sell 2.4 million copies in one day?). When asked about his departure from Microsoft, Canessa says that Live Arcade is now a well established business model and has become a success. He now looks forward to working in game development itself and enjoying the versatility that a smaller company provides.
We wish Greg Canessa nothing but the best.
برای خانواده نینتندو:
واقعا manhunt 2 برای wii یه افتضاح بوده این عکسو ببینید:
اینم یه نظر سنجی که میتونید شرکت کنید: [SIZE=-1]How did the Manhunt 2 news strike you?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I enjoyed the first game and am looking forward to this[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I need to see more on the controls before I'm sold[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Meh, I could care less, the first game sucked and this probably will too[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I never played the first game[/SIZE]
نینتندو اولین عکس از کنترل کارش برای wii رو نشون داده البته بیشتر کاراییش رو نشون میده:
Rockstar Confirmes new GTA for PS2 , X360 Gets new Upgrade , Rockstar Defends Manhunt
ُسلام ، بازم با خبرای جدید
------------------------------- درایور جدید برای Xbox 360 با صدای پایین و سرعت بهتر:
مایکروسافت درایو جدیدی برای کنسول X360 عرضه کرده که صداش کمتره و سرعتش بیشتر!
طی اخباری که در فرومهای Xbox-Scene هست این درایو جدید مال شرکت BenQ هست و اسم کاملش هم BenQ VAD6038 هست!
یک بلاگر با نام مستعار XBOXIZGOOD که کنسول با این درایو جدید رو خریده گفته: " همه می دونن و می گن که لودهای زیاد و باگهای زیادی در بازی Oblivion هست اما با این درایو جدید با اینکه تمامی مشکلات برطرف نمی شن اما لود ها سریعتر می شن و وقتی از جایی به جایی دیگر می رین بازی روونتر هست"
در ادامه گفته: " وقتی دارین یه دیسک رو لود می کنید به سرعت کمی که در لود شدنش هست پی می برین"
این یه نکته ی خوبی از طرف مایکروسافت هست برای اونایی که 360 نخریدن و اولین بار هم نیست که MS درایوش رو عوض می کنه!!!!
عکسهایی از این درایو:
Rockstar انتشار GTA : Vice City Stories را روی PS2 کانفیرم کرد:
بازی GTA : Vice City Stories که سال 2006 روی PSP منتشر شده بود بصورت پورت شده در 6 مارس در آمریکا و 9 مارس در اروپا روی کنسول PS2 منتشر خواهد شد!
Rockstar اعلام کرد که بازی Manhunt 2 رده بندی +18 خواهد گرفت:
سخنگوی Rockstar در مصاحبه با MCV گفته که این بازی رده بندی بالای 18 خواهد گرفت و شرکت ما حواسش هست که چطور بازیهاش رو رده بندی کنه !
مگه خود شرکت بازی رو رده بندی میکنه؟
این کار به عهده esrb هست حالا خودشم توی سایتش اجازه ورود به زیر 18 سال رو نمیده اما رده بندی جهانی فکر کنم به عهده esrb یا شرکت های دیگه باشه!
راستی من از اساتید یه سوال دارم ورود درایو های جدید به معنی اینه که هک 360 برای این درایو ها باید از اول شروع بشه؟
هیرو میشی تاناکا یکی از بازی سازان معروف SQUARE ENIX که به تازگی کار بر روی FF III رو برای DS به اتمام رسونده اعلام کرد که این شرکت یک نسخه از FF رو به صورت MMORPG برای X360 & WINDOWS VISTA در دست تهیه دارد.
خوب حدس من درست بود و آخر سر Activision این بازی رو برای Wii هم میسازه (حالا Port بودن یا نبودنش با خودتون البته این بازی چیزی واسه پورت کردن نداره!)
"The key difference in our strategy versus the prior cycle, is that in addition to full support on Sony and Microsoft platforms, we will aggressively target the Nintendo platforms consistent with our multi-platform strategy and Nintendo’s expected growth. In fiscal 2008, we will double our offerings on the DS and the Wii, including Spider-Man, Shrek, Transformers, and Guitar Hero."
4 عکس جدید از Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars نسخه ی xbox360 :
مصاحبه ای با سازندگان GRAW2 شده که میتونید بخونیدش:
Will the graphics in the multiplayer part of the game be as good as the single player in GRAW 2? This was not the case in the previous title.
We've devoted a huge amount of engineering resources to stepping up the graphics in GRAW 2 multiplayer. The biggest upgrade by far is a switch to more advanced lighting effects, including a dynamic lighting and shadowing system. We've also revamped the special effects so you'll see the shimmer of heat from explosions and burning buildings, wind and helicopters effecting smoke and foliage, advanced bullet impact effects, distance blur …the ‘works’.
Will it be possible to superimpose my face onto characters, like in Rainbow Six Vegas?
We won't be supporting face mapping, but we've piled on the character customization options, including female characters and more FFW gear. Fans of other Clancy games might even recognize a few new headgear choices.
How does the multiplayer experience differ from GRAW?
First off, we’ve listened to a lot of fan feedback and worked it into GRAW 2 to really streamline the multiplayer experience. We’re doing things like adding an in-action scoreboard, more detailed weapon statistics, and an entirely new spawn system. One of the coolest individual features we’ve added is the ability for players to medic fallen teammates if they take an incapacitating non-lethal wound. This makes teamwork and tactical, coordinated movement even more important in GRAW 2. Breaking off into 2-3 man squads in a team or co-op match can make sure that if you go down, one of your buddies is around to eliminate the threat and get you back in the action. That’s not to say we’ve gone soft though, don’t expect to get back in the fight after taking a .50 cal round to the chest. We’ll also be shipping with significantly more content than the original GRAW, in terms of number of maps and the addition of new game types, a slew of new weapons, and more customization options.
What kind of rank system are you building in GRAW2?
We’re building on what we offered in GRAW 1 and improving the stability of ranked games and working to address specific ways some users found to exploit the system. This time around players will not only be able to see their current rank, but keep track of their progress towards their next rank increase.
How did you integrate realism in GRAW2 ? Do you have military interlocutors for the tactics, the weapons ?
Realism & Accuracy have always been key into the Ghost Recon franchise. We're working this into different levels. The first thing is the collaboration with weapons & gear manufacturers. We work closely with them to make sure we include the latest stuff available. the Ghosts look like the US soldiers will in the next year. The second thing is the work with the Natick, an US organisation that defines what is going to be the Gear & Strategy of the Soldier of the Future.
What is the single biggest difference in game play compared to GRAW and how did community feedback factor into this?
The community was asking for more supports (heavy support, allies…), more precision in their control & more strategies available. The Cross-Com 2,0 is the direct answer to that request : allows to control everything, from planes to allies, allows to pilot directly some of the supports (UAV drone, MULE...) & gives you a more detailed understanding of the battle situation. This is what is going to make GRAW game play refined and improved for more variety and choices.
Will this be the best game on 360 ever graphically? If so how?
GRAW2 will be one of the best in the competition (and this is a tough one!). The main thing is that we are building on the very strong basis of GRAW original engine. So that most of the time is spent into optimizing, adding new effects (Ambient Occlusion, Dynamic Weather...) or creating impressive SFX (see the explosions!). The other point is that we're not using tech for tech's sake. For instance, a huge work has been done on post-processing filters that drive emotion, help in game play and increase immersion a lot.
With the success of the online Co-Op when the game first came out, have you considered to make the single player maps and objectives, into online based Co-Op games?
I would love a purely online based version of graw as I find it’s not the same when you have AI team mates. With GRAW 2 we’ve decided to keep the co-op campaign unique because it allows us to do a number of things that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. We can give players an experience that was designed for co-op game play from the ground up, which is something you can’t do if it has to work for one player just as well as it works for sixteen. Because the co-op missions are designed for a large group of players to fight through together, we’ve added in a lot of opportunities for players to use cooperative tactics to take down separate objectives simultaneously, setup diversions, and ambush enemy troops.
Where have you taken the single player? I felt that in GRAW there could have been more varied environments. Are you going back to the roots of the game and building on what made the game so popular?
GRAW2 is happening on the US/Mexican border, kilometres away from Mexico city. We feel that location is great for the variety of environments (rural zones, deserts, towns…) and the constant feeling you have to be very close & feel very differently than on the other side of the border.
What type of co-op are you adding to this game? It is the sole reason I bought GR: AW and was somewhat let down by the small maps and graphical/control differences from the single player (which looked and played brilliantly)
Beyond graphics improvements I mentioned above, we're lengthening the co-op campaign and doing some really cool things with the mission objectives themselves. We've added what we’re calling ‘conditional objectives’ which are tied to secondary objectives throughout the co-op campaign. In GRAW 1, the co-op missions had secondary objectives that were optional and gave the players a bit more choice in completing a mission. In GRAW 2, we’re expanding on this idea so that secondary objectives become key tactical choices in how a co-op mission will play out.
What new innovative weapons and gadgetry can we expect to be using or see in action in GRAW 2?
Apart from the Cross-Com 2,0, we have plenty of new stuff. The Ghost now have access to the RX4 Storm series : modelled & designed (even the smallest details like the gas valve) from an existing weapon. Seeing the MULE in action will be great too!
چه بدشانسي هستم من همش يه ماه صبر ميكردم اين مدلشو ميتونستم بخرم .
من اخر سر ندونستم اين خبري كه داده شده داراي خروجي hdmi هست يا كابلش ؟
البته ميدونم كه انالوگ را نميشه به ديجيتال تبديل كرد ولي از اين طرف هم نميشه به اون xbox360 هزارچهره اطمينان كرد . خدا كنه ما هم بتونيم از xbox360 هايي كه داريم از hdmi استفاده كنيم وگرنه براي خيلي ناراحت كننده هست . حالا hdmi به كنار چه قدر قشنگ و زيبا تشريف داره اين رنگ سياهش .
جون من يه نگاه بكنيد
A recent report on Gamers' Reports suggested that Australia is getting a black Xbox 360 replete with 120GB hard drive and HMDI port this April. The Website recently asserted it is "100% official" that a black Xbox 360 with 120GB hard drive and an HDMI port is coming this April.
Naturally, Microsoft PR representatives have a different story. "We have not made any official announcements regarding any such product at this time. Obviously, were we to announce something like this, it would have to be in a blowout press event, rather than by confirming a rumor."